Thursday, February 16, 2006

World History, Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins, Sec. 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age

World History, Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins, Section 1

p. 509 Improved Farm Machinery?
What or who is Jethro Tull?

Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750-1850)

Chapter Outline
1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
2 Britain Leads the Way
3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
4 New Ways of Thinking

Caption, p. 507

Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Several factors triggered the Industrial Revolution. Improved farming methods and the enclosure movement created a revolution in agriculture. Due to increased food production and better living conditions, the population of Europe soared. The Industrial Revolution was driven by a growing labor force and by new sources of fuel and power.

Vocabulary p. 508 enclosure

Caption, p. 509

2. In-class Instruct
Three groups can be assigned one of the following topics:
1. A New Agricultural Revolution
2. The Population Explosion
3. An Energy Revolution
Each group should work together on their topic to learn about changes that took place and the effects that those changes had on European life. Each group should have one “expert” on each of these three topics.

3. Close
Students should consider the many changes that are occurring in the world today. Is the world experiencing an agricultural revolution, population explosion, or energy revolution? Is there a combination of all three?

Section 1 Review #1-5

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