Tuesday, February 21, 2006

World History, Ch. 20 Sec. 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life

World History, Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins,
Section 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life

Vocabulary, p. 516

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Factory work meant long hours, backbreaking jobs, unsafe conditions, and low pay. Many women worked both at home and in the factories. Child labor was a common practice. In the cities, working class families endured filthy and overcrowded living conditions. At the same time, however, the Industrial Revolution gradually brought more jobs, higher pay, and other material benefits.

2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are living during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Each student (and a partner) should assume one of the following roles:
a miner
a factory worker
a child laborer
a working class mother
a factory owner
a government inspector
a Luddite
a middle-class woman

Students are to write a diary entry in the role of their assumed character. Record the events of a complete day and include specific details of the person’s life. In your diary, include not only their activities and observations, but also your feelings and emotions. These diary entries will be shared with the class.

3. Close
List three or four ways that life today would be different for the person whose role you assumed.

Caption, p. 517
Caption, p. 518
Parallels Through Time, p. 519

Section 3 Review
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit 6-7.

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