Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WH, Ch. 22 Sec. 2 The World of Cities

Chapter 22 Section 2 The World of Cities

World History, HW Review
p. 562

Ch. 22, Section 2 The World of Cities

Caption, p. 563
Graph, p. 564
Caption, p. 565
Caption, p. 566

1. Lesson Plan Focus

Advances in medicine raised life expectancy in the 1800s. The population of cities oared as people flocked to urban centers for jobs. New wealth enabled cities to provide improved living conditions and cultural opportunities. For the poor, however, life in urban slums remained harsh. Conditions for workers gradually improved as the efforts of labor unions and government leaders brought reforms.

2. In-class Assignment

Students are divided into groups. Outlining the information in Section 2, students are to imagine that they are tour guides in a city of the time. Their assignment is to plan a tour of a typical city of the late 1800s. Make the tour as realistic and interesting as possible. Note the place to visit and an accompanying script (text) telling them what to say about each place visited. The tour should visit both rich and poor areas.

3. Close
Write two paragraphs describing life in a European city of the late 1800s. One paragraph should be from the perspective of a middle-class/upper-class person, and the second paragraph from the perspective of a working-class person.

Section 2 Review
Extra Credit

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