Tuesday, March 07, 2006

WH, Ch. 23, Sec. 2 Strengthening Germany

World History, Chapter 23
Sec. 2 Strengthening Germany

Guide for Reading
p. 588

Read intro, p. 588

1. Lesson Plan Focus

The growth of German industry was based on ample resources and a highly skilled work force. To increase unity and devotion to the state, Bismarck applied the principles of Realpolitik toward socialists and Catholics. After asking Bismarck to resign, Kaiser William II limited democratic reform and increased the military power of Germany.

Caption, p. 588
Caption, p. 589

2. Instruct, in-class

In two groups, the class is to imagine that they are newspaper editors who have been assigned to write an editorial on events in Germany between 1871 and 1890. One group will write editorials that generally support and praise German policies. The second group will write editorials that criticize those policies and express fears about the future. Both groups should include an appraisal of Bismarck’s style of leadership. Each group can discuss and then debate their points with the other group.

Section 2 Review, p. 590
Extra Credit, #5-6

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