Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Welcome! 5 September 2006


Dr. G. Mick Smith, Cardinal Daugherty High School, World History & AP Government, 215.276.2300, http://gmicksmithsocialstudies.blogspot.com/ gmicksmith@muchomail.com

Dear Parents/Guardians, and Students:

Welcome! This information guide emphasizes that a participating student will be successful by completing assignments and positively interacting in class. Above all, I hope that students will enjoy the class but will also grow in their knowledge level and increase their life skills which apply after graduation. Listed below are expectations for the class.

Please review these and sign below.

1. Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings with pencil/pen, notebook, and textbook(s), or any other assigned materials.
2. Obtain permission by raising your hand before speaking, or leaving your seat for any reason once the bell rings.
3. Follow directions and complete all assignments on time.
4. Remain alert, awake, and on task during the entire class period.
5. Be dismissed in a timely manner by the teacher, not by the bell or clock.
6. Above all, respect yourself, your teacher, and others and their possessions.

Grading Calculation: (at least three major grades are in each quarter) a total accumulation of points per grading period based on the following.

Task & Weight
1. Tests, 2. Homework/Presentations/Projects/Worksheets, 3. Quizzes

I adhere to a policy of PDP (Positive Daily Performance) which is based on my understanding that lifetime success arises out of what you do, day in and day out. Being prepared and ready to apply yourself with your school materials everyday is crucial.

Absence on Test or Quiz Day
If you are absent for a test/quiz it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to take it. This is scheduled the day after you return to school. Points will be deducted each day you fail to do make up work. No make ups are given during class time. The only exceptions are for school related absences, i.e., sports, plays, etc.
Signing this form acknowledges receipt of the information. I ask that this form is signed and returned by the following school day. Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns regarding your child. I will return the email or call ASAP. Thank you for your assistance in making the class a positive learning experience.

Parent/Guardian (Please print name): ______________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date: ____________________
Student: (Please print) ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________

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