Monday, February 05, 2007

WH, Ch. 17 Sec. 2 Enlightenment Ideas Spread

WH, Chapter 17 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution
Section 2 Enlightenment Ideas Spread

[Page references are to the former textbook; for Extra Credit, post the page references and the HW to the "wiki" page listed on the "Guidelines" form.

Vocabulary, p. 451

Lesson Plan Focus
The ideas of the Enlightenment encouraged people to challenge existing ideas and to seek reform. Some rulers adopted Enlightenment ideas to make their countries more efficient and productive. New styles of art and music included baroque and rococo. New ideas, however, brought little change to the peasants who constituted the majority of the population.

Bell Ringer: Answer questions:
Caption, p. 451
Caption, p. 453
Did you know (Question)? p. 455

p. 455
#1, 3-5.
Extra Credit
#6 & 7

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