Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chapter 20 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America

Chapter 20 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America

Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
Universal manhood suffrage

1. Lesson Plan Focus

After 1815, conservatives called for a return to the political and social structure that existed before 1789. Liberals embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and wanted to limit the power of monarchs. Nationalists, by urging national independence, threatened the powerful empires of Europe. Conflicts emerged as conservative leaders opposed liberal and nationalist demands.

Section 2 To the Barricades!

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Charles X’s attempt to restore absolutism in France resulted in the July revolution of 1830. An economic slump, coupled with discontent over social and political issues, sparked revolution again in 1848. These French uprising inspired revolts in other parts of Europe. Many of the revolutions failed because they were put down by military force and because they did not have mass support.

Section 3 Latin American Wars of Independence

1. Lesson Plan Focus

Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in other lands, and dissatisfaction with European rule caused revolutions in Latin America. In Haiti, an army of former slaves ended French rule in a struggle that cost more lives than any other Latin American revolution. As a result of revolutions in Mexico, Central America, and South America, independent Latin American nations emerged.

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