Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ch. 17 Sec. 3 Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal

Ch. 17 Section 3 Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal

Section 3 Overview
To trace the events of Theodore Roosevelt’s Presidency.
To show how Roosevelt used the power of his office to regulate business.
To identify laws passed to protect citizens’ health and preserve the environment.
To summarize Roosevelt’s stand on civil rights.

Focus & Motivate
Starting With the Student
What constitutes a “square,” or fair deal in bargaining with your friends?

Objective 1 Instruct
A Rough-Riding President
Discussing Key Ideas
Theodore Roosevelt becomes president when President McKinley is assassinated in 1901.
Roosevelt rises through political offices and wins acclaim in the Battle of San Juan Hill.
Roosevelt’s belief in a strong federal government helps define the modern presidency.

More About. . .
The Rough Riders
The Rough Riders received enormous attention during the Spanish-American Cuban War. Cowboys, police officers, miners, and college athletes were among those whom Roosevelt recruited. Colonel Leonard Wood resigned his post as White House physician to command the Rough Riders; Roosevelt was second-in-command.

More About. . .
Teddy Roosevelt
“For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonable well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison,” Roosevelt once remarked. He himself had six children, making for what one staff member called “the wildest scramble in the history of the White House.” In addition to sports, the Roosevelt children played often with the their pets: dogs, rabbits, flying squirrels, a badger named Josiah, a macaw called Eli, and a small bear.

Objective 2 Instruct
Using Federal Power
Discussing Key Ideas
Roosevelt intervenes in a 1902 coal strike and sets the precedent for federal arbitration.
The president sets out to control or break up trusts and to regulate the railroads.

More About. . . .
George Baer
Baer worked as a printer’s apprentice before becoming owner of a Pennsylvania newspaper. After studying law, he rose from legal counsel to president of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. His mining and railroading interests were connected: the Philadelphia & Reading—later just called the Reading Railroad—developed mainly as a means of transporting coal from the mines of Pennsylvania, and in fact became America’s largest carrier of anthracite coal. As associate of multimillionaire financier J.P. Morgan, Baer himself left an estate of $15 million when he died.

History From Visuals
Political Cartoon
Is this a positive or negative portrayal of Roosevelt?

Objective 3 Instruct
Protecting Citizens and the Environment

A chart can illustrate Roosevelt’s administrative reforms:
Law Date Details
Meat Inspection Act 1906 strict cleanliness for meatpackers

Discussing Key Ideas
In 1906 Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Roosevelt supports conservation.

More About. . ..
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle was rejected by many publishers, and Sinclair himself finally paid for its publication. When it proved a bestseller, he used the proceeds to found a cooperative living community that he was forced to abandon when it burned down. In 1934, he lost a bid to become governor of California.

History From Visuals
Meat Inspection
Reading the Art
Which details here show the attempt to make the meat safer?

More About. . .
Harvey Washington Wiley
Indiana native Wiley attended a log schoolhouse. He went on to study chemistry at Purdue University and began working for the USDA in 1883. Before his campaign, pure food and drug laws were impossible to enforce because they varied from state to state an did not clearly define what was “pure.” The 1906 law that he helped get passed was further strengthened by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938.

Now & Then
Meat Inspection
Critical Thinking:
What do students think about the new regulations?
Note that the industry largely agreed and supported the new regulations.

History From Visuals
U.S. National Parks, 1872-1947
Reading the Map
Which is the oldest national park? Yellowstone.
How many national parks are east of the Mississippi River? Six.

Why are there so many west of the Mississippi?
The East was already largely built up already, with much of the wilderness destroyed, when the nation began conservation efforts.

More About. . . .
John Muir
A Scottish native, Muir immigrated to Wisconsin as a boy. He worked as an industrial inventor until sustaining an eye injury, then turned to a career as a naturalist. Settling in California, he spent his time growing fruit trees, traveling throughout the western states and Alaska, and campaigning for government preservation of western forests. His efforts helped establish Sequoia and Yosemite national parks in 1890. Muir was founder of the Sierra Club, an environmental group still active today.

More About. . .
Yosemite National Park
Muir believed that glaciers created the formations along Yosemite Valley, a speculation with which many scientists now agree. The valley region contains such wonders as Yosemite Falls and El Capitan, the highest of several peaks.

Objective 4 Instruct
Roosevelt and Civil Rights
Discussing Key Ideas
Roosevelt does little for civil rights in general but sometimes champions the rights of individual African Americans.
W.E.B. Du Bois joins others in the Niagara Movement, which in 1909 evolves into the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Key Player
W.E.B. Du Bois
Critical Thinking:
Analyzing Motives
Why do you think Du Bois may have changed from advocating immediate change to a more gradual approach?

Defining the modern presidency, the dynamic Teddy Roosevelt enhanced the president’s leadership role and helped expand federal power to curb business excesses and to protect citizen’s health and the environment.

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