Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ch. 18 Section 3 Acquiring New Lands

Ch. 18 Section 3 Acquiring New Lands

To describe U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico.
To explain how the U.S. maintained political control over Cuba.
To identify causes and effects of the Philippine-American War.
To explain the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China.
To summarize opposing views regarding U.S. imperialism.

Focus & Motivate
Starting With the Student
How do students convince their parents to give them more independence?
How do students think colonial populations convinced the U.S. to grant them self-government?

Objective 1 Instruct
U.S. Involvement in Puerto Rico
Discussing Key Ideas
Puerto Ricans resent U.S. control of their government.
Congress passes the Foraker Act, which denies U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans and gives control over Puerto Rico’s government.

More About. . . .
Luis Munoz Rivera
Throughout his independence crusade, Munoz Rivera was arrested many times on various agitation charges. During one trial, the judge asked him how man times he had been arrested. “Forty-two times, Senor President!” he answered. “Forty-two times I have been prosecuted for loving my country.”

Now & Then
Puerto Rico as Commonwealth
Critical Thinking: Drawing Conclusions
A chart could be drawn listing the pros and cons of statehood for Puerto Rico. Would a referendum show whether Puerto Ricans seek statehood or not? Has such a vote ever been taken?

Objective 2 Instruct
Cuba Becomes a Protectorate
Discussing Key Ideas
· The Treaty of Paris ensures Cuban independence, but the U.S. Army steps in.
· As a result of the Platt Amendment, the United States maintains control over Cuba.

Historical Spotlight
Dr. Carlos Finlay and Yellow Fever
Several members of the team of U.S. Army surgeons in Cuba actually volunteered to be infected with deadly yellow fever virus to track the course of the disease. Fortunately, they all survived.

History From Visuals
Political Cartoon
Reading the Cartoon
What territories are listed on the bill of fare?
Cuba, Puerto Rico. The Philippines, the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii).

Objective 3 Instruct
Filipinos Rebel
Discussing Key Ideas
The Filipinos revolt against U.S. rule, and U.S. forces brutally crush the rebellion.
Under U.S. rule, the Philippines gradually achieve independence.

More About. . .
Philippine-American War
The process of Americanization of the Philippines included making English the official language and introducing basketball. However, the Moros—Muslim Filipinos on the island of Mindanao—refused to submit to American rule. They finally surrendered in 1906 after 600 of them, including many women and children, died in the Battle of Bud Dajo.

A flowchart could illustrate the events from its annexation to its gaining independence.

Objective 4 Instruct
China and the Open Door Policy
Discussing Key Ideas
European powers and Japan establish spheres of influence in China.
John Hay proposes that European nations hare their trading rights in China with the U.S.
The U.S. and other imperialist powers put down a rebellion against foreign influences in China.

More About. . . .
The Boxers
The real name of the group known as the Boxers was the Righteous and Harmonious Fists. Westeners referred to the organization as the Boxers because its members practiced Chinese exercises that resembled boxing.

On the World Stage
The Boxer Protocol
Critical Thinking: Analyzing Motives
Why did the U.S. government want the money it returned to China to be used for educating Chinese students in China and the U.S.?
Possible Answers:
To foster good will; to introduce Chinese students to Western influences; to exercise some control over Chinese use of the money.

Objective 5 Instruct
The Impact of U.S. Territorial Gains
Discussing Key Ideas
Imperialism forces Americans to expand their knowledge of the world.
Some Americans continue to oppose imperialism for economic and moral reasons.

More About. . . .
William Jennings Bryan
In one anti-imperialist speech, Bryan declared the famous words of Patrick Henry applied not only to Americans, but all peoples of the world. “When he uttered that passionate appeal, `Give me liberty or give me death,’ he expressed a sentiment which still echoes in the hearts of men.”

History From Visuals
U.S. Imperialism, 1800-1910
Reading the map. Review the date next to each flag which indicates when the U.S. gained that territory.

History From Visuals
U.S. Exports, 1880-1910
Reading the Graph
The graph shows the values of U.S. exports to each of the four countries represented by the colored lines. For example, the value of U.S. exports to the Philippines in 1895 was about $100 million.

Do U.S. trade patterns seem to justify or contradict the economic arguments in favor of imperialism?

Assess & Reteach
Section 3 Assessment
Students can work in small groups to answer Question #4, Forming Opinions.

Do you think that America was justified in its policy of overseas expansion? Why or why not?

Possible Responses: Yes—seizing control of overseas territories was essential to maintaining a favorable balance of trade and ensuring economic growth. Carnegie noted that the U.S. exported goods which strengthens the American economy.
No—keeping foreign markets open was not contingent on acquiring overseas territories; Bryan raised an important moral issue about whether the U.S. had the right to dominate people in foreign countries.

U.S. involvement in Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and China spread American political and economic influence around the world. While many in the U.S. endorsed American imperialism, many other Americans opposed it.

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