Monday, November 14, 2005

"U.S. and the World 1865-1917" Test Preparation

“U.S. and the World 1865-1917”
Test Preparation Questions
The following questions or others may be on the next Test; all such questions were covered during the film.
Anyone who answers them today (only) will receive one point of extra credit.

Who said, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian?

How many major military campaigns did the U.S. military engage in during the Indian wars?

Who was the U.S. historian (from UCLA) who discussed the Dawes Plan during the film?

What is the “Carlisle Plan?”

Why did the Senate approve the purchase of Alaska?

How much did the U.S. pay for Alaska?

Havana, Cuba is closer to Washington, D.C., than what major American city?

By 1883, how many steel-clad warships did the U.S. possess?

In 1890, who wrote “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History?”

By 1900, the U.S. had increased its Navy from 13th to _______ largest in the world.

How many U.S. soldiers died in the Philippines?

Which American President referred to the Filipinos as “our little brown brothers?”

Which clause in the Cuban constitution allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban domestic affairs?

By the 1920s, how much of Cuban sugar plantations did the U.S. possess?

How many days did it take a ship to sail around South America before the opening of the Panama Canal?

Which American President added a “corollary” to the Monroe Doctrine?

Wilson claimed his foreign policy would adhere to American democratic beliefs, however, he intervened in how many Latin American nations during his Presidency?


  1. This is a test for posting a comment.

  2. Which clause in the Cuban constitution allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuban domestic affairs?

    "An 1899 treaty made Cuba an independent republic under U.S. protection. The U.S. occupation, which ended in 1902, suppressed yellow fever and brought large American investments. The 1901 Platt Amendment allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuba's affairs, which it did four times from 1906 to 1920. Cuba terminated the amendment in 1934."

    I looked this question up on by typing "Cuba U.S. intervention;" I got an answer in 0.5 seconds.


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