Wednesday, February 08, 2006

World History, Ch. 19 Sec. 2 Creating a New France

Ch. 19 Section 2, Creating a New France

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Popular uprisings encouraged the National Assembly to take swift action. It ended feudal privileges, issued a declaration of rights, reorganized the Church, and established a limited monarchy. Throughout Europe, the supporters of the Enlightenment applauded the reforms, while rulers and nobles denounced them. By 1792, revolutionary France was at war with much of Europe.

Vocabulary, p. 484
emigre, sans-culotte

Caption, p. 485, Answer to Caption. . . .
Religions and Value Systems
Possible answer: It uses classical, religious, and other symbolism to underline the importance of human rights.

Caption, p. 486, Answer to Caption. . . .
Art & Literature
Possible answer: Both rooms are decorated lavishly and luxuriously at great public expense.

Caption, p. 487, Answer to Caption. . . .
Continuity & Change
Possible answer: It was untraditional for women to use force to achieve political aims.

Caption, p. 489, Answer to Caption. . . .
Political and Social Systems
It shows the sans-culotte as being well-armed.

2. In-class Instruct
Write an eyewitness account of one of the following events:
peasants attacking the home of a nobleman;
the August 4 meeting of the National Assembly;
the women of Paris marching on Versailles;
the procession of the royal family from Versailles to Paris;
the writing of the Constitution of 1791;
the unsuccessful flight of the royal family;
an emigre describing events in France to the Austrian emperor.

Students' eyewitness accounts should include a vivid description of the event and the emotions of the people involved. Research in the library or the computer center will make your report more authentic. Volunteers can read their accounts to the class.

3. Close
Students can read Edmund Burke's prediction about the French Revolution quoted on p. 488.

"Plots and assassinations will be anticipated by preventive murder and preventive confiscation. . . . When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment we have no compass to govern us."

Discuss the meaning of this primary text. Do you agree or disagree with Burke's prediction. Offer reasons for your opinion.

Activity: Learning Styles
Constructing a Propaganda Poster
The women who marched on Versailles were driven not only by hunger, but also by the impassioned speeches and inflammatory editorials of revolutionary leaders. Jean Paul Marat, for example, proclaimed that, "The heir to the throne has no right to a dinner while you want bread." Marat also offered this simple bit of advice: `Put that Austrian woman [Marie Antoinette] . . . in prison.'"
Students will create posters that revolutionary leaders might have used to incite the women of Paris to march on Versailles. The posters should demonstrate an understanding of propaganda techniques and address the issues that were of most concern to the people of Paris at the time. Displays can be posted around the room.

Reading Strategy
Check Comprehension
From Section 2, recall as many facts as possible and list them on the board. Then, check the answers by skimming back over the text. Add ideas that are not on the board the first time. Correct any inaccurate points on the list.

Catholic Protests
Many historians consider the Civil Constitution of the Clergy to be the first major blunder of the National Assembly. Less than half the French clergy and only 7 of the more than 100 French bishops took the oath to support the Civil Constitution. Though the government designated noncompliant clerics as "refractory" and removed them from office, they defiantly continued to perform the sacraments. Pope Pius VI condemned the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and declared all of its provisions void. French Catholics therefore faced a conflict between political loyalty and religious devotion. Thus, the French population was divided between those who supported the constitutional priests and those who followed the refractory clergy.

Daily Life
Revolutionary Language
As part of the French Revolution, everyday language was altered to demonstrate the abolition of social ranks and privileges. For example people stopped using the formal vous for "you," which peasants had customarily used to address nobility or merchants, and instead used the informal tu, which in the past had been used only to address good friends. The titles Monsieur and Madame were also considered too formal. The proponents of social equality change the titles--by law--to "Citizen" and "Citizeness." In these ways, the leaders of the revolution attempted to erase the differences among social classes and create bonds of equality among all French citizens.

Heterogeneous Groups
Recognizing Viewpoints
As a reinforcement activity, students can write a paragraph about one of the events discussed in the section from the viewpoint of a person who supports the French Revolution. Then, write another paragraph that describes the same event from the viewpoint of a person who opposes the Revolution.

p. 489, #1, 3-5, Extra Credit #6-7.

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