Friday, February 10, 2006

World History, Ch. 19 Sec. 4 The Age of Napoleon Begins

Ch. 19, Section 4, The Age of Napoleon Begins

Vocabulary, p. 494

Caption, p. 495
Answer to Caption
Impact of the Individual
Possible answer: In his painting, David wished to portray the strength and courage of Napoleon rather than the French army.

Cause and Effect, p. 496
Answer to Cause and Effect
Interpreting a Chart
Napoleon came to power in France more than 10 years after the French Revolution had begun.
Battle of Austerlitz, 1805, p. 497
1. Review locations
2. First, French troops tricked the Russian-Austrian off the heights by pretending to retreat; then, the French attacked the flank and pushed the Russian-Austrian troops into the swamp.
3. Control of the high ground give troops the advantage of better visibility and the chance to shoot down onto the attacking forces.

Amazing Transformation
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Napoleon's early fame was based on military victories. After overthrowing the Directory, he used clever political maneuvering to become Emperor of the French. While his new law code reflected Enlightenment principles, it also undid some revolutionary reforms. Defeating the European powers in battle, Napoleon built a vast empire by annexing lands, making alliances, and placing members of his family on the thrones of Europe.

2. In-class Instruct
Students can work in pairs to construct an outline of the contents of this section. Begin by reviewing with the class a standard outline format. Advise students to base their structure of their outlines on the

Guide for Reading questions on p. 494.
How did Napoleon gain power?
What role did Napoleon play in furthering the French Revolution?
How did Napoleon build and defend his empire?

Students should also pay attention to the boldface heads found throughout the section. When they have finished, ask students to use their outlines to answer the Section Review questions on p. 498. Students should revise their outlines to include any significant ideas or details that may be lacking.

3. Close
Ask students to list three deeds that they consider to be Napoleon's greatest achievements. Invite volunteers to share their lists with the class and to explain the reasons for their choices.

Section 4 Review
Extra Credit #6-7

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