Tuesday, February 14, 2006

World History: Girondists, the Mountain, the Plain

The Girondists were still major voice but gradually lost control over next few months during the Radical phase of the Revolution to another group of Jacobins known as The Mountain (because they sat high in Convention Hall) - They were prepared to work with the Sans-Cullottes. Maximilien Robespierre one of leaders.
Political groups here were
the Girondists [or Brissotins] (name from region deputies supposed to have come from) the Mountain, (name from their seats high in the Assembly Hall) the Marais - the plain.(name from their seats low in the Assembly Hall) There were now 9 months of political struggle in the Convention.
The Mountain Takes Over
The population of Paris was still not happy - there was inflation due to war + paper money. This was made use of by the Mountain - whose main difference with the Girondists was that they would work with the mob. May/June 2 1793 New insurrection - the mob demanded the expulsion of the Girondist members. The Mountain seizes control in the Convention. They passed a new Democratic Constitution - June 22 - in cold storage until the war was over. They appointed a new Committee of Public Safety- June 1793 This body was to rule France for the next year. XIII. The Rule of the Committee for Public Safety July 1793-July 1794
A ruthless and effective government - Convention and ministers official government, but CPS had all power.
The Committee of Public Safety
- from the Mountain
Herault de Sechelles - a noble Jeanbon Saint-Andre - Protestant pastor Saint Just - wanted a Spartan state Couthon - a follower of Robespierre Prieur, of the Marne - from the Marais

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