Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mock Trial 2006 Schedule

Mock Trial 2006 Schedule

As most of you know, the mock trial competitions have already taken place. We will, however, be competing with each other in front of the school sometime in May. The prospective date is May 23rd, which gives us about 13 weeks. Since we were not given adequate time to prepare for the competition in February, we want to make sure we are ready for May. A lot of hard work is necessary if we want this to be a success.
In order for us to prepare for our competition, we need to begin having regular meetings with all members in attendance, so that each side can prepare their case. If you can’t make a meeting, please make sure you tell someone. During the meetings we will most likely pair up with the person(s) that we will be questioning, or are being questioned by. Opening and closing statements should work together. We will then meet with our sides, defense and prosecution, respectively, and share our ideas, questions, theories, etc., then practice. Meetings will be held every Tuesday from now on, until we perform for the school. If you feel that extra practice is needed, feel free to meet with your partner(s) or ask to call another meeting.

Meeting Dates:

· Tuesday, March 7th
· Tuesday, March 14th
· Tuesday, March 21st
· Tuesday, March 28th
· Tuesday, April 4th
· Tuesday, April 11th
· Tuesday, April 18th
· Tuesday, April 25th
· Tuesday, May 2nd
· Tuesday, May 9th
· Tuesday, May 16th

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