Friday, March 03, 2006

WH, Ch. 22 Sec. 3 Changing Attitudes and Values

World History, Ch. 22 Section 3 Changing Attitudes and Values

Ch. 22 Section 3 Changing Attitudes and Values

Guide for Reading Questions

Women’s suffrage
Social gospel

1. Lesson Plan Focus

During the 1800s, wealthy industrialists and the old nobility comprised the upper class. The influential middle class consisted of professionals, shop owners, and office workers. Peasants and industrial workers made up the lower class. A strict code of behavior guided middle-class life. Women, meanwhile, struggled to gain political and economic rights. During this era, scientific advances challenged traditional beliefs.

Caption, p. 568
Graph, p. 571

2. In-class Instruct

Students are to imagine that they are reporters for a newspaper or magazine of the 1800s that is devoting a special issue to the changing attitudes and values in society. There will be four groups:
a) Write advice columns telling readers how to act, dress, and speak in middle-class society;
b) Write editorials defending or opposing women’s efforts at social reform;
c) Write articles about the many changes taking place in education;
d) Debate the issues between science and religion.

Each group may read their articles aloud to the class.

3. Close

Students should be able to discuss how the attitudes and values of the late 1800s have survived or changed in Western society.


Section 3 Review, #1, 3-5, Extra Credit, #6-7.

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