Thursday, October 19, 2006

WH Ch. 20 Quiz on Revolution

Quiz “Revolution”
Ch. 20

Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ______

Based on both your reading of the text and the film, answer the following questions.

1. Where did the French Royalty live?
a) Simon Bolivar b) Maria Theresa c) Versailles d) London e) Paris

2. Who reigned in Austria?
a) Neckar b) George III c) Thomas Paine d) Maria Theresa e)Simon Bolivar

3. What country elected kings?
a) France b) Britain c) Poland d) England e) Brazil

4. What is the vocabulary word for giving up the throne?
a) deficit spending b) émigré c) divine right of kings d) Neckar e) abdicate

5. Who trampled on the Magna Carta?
a) Neckar b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette

6. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Thomas Paine b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette

7. In what year did the French Revolution occur?
a) 1789 b) 1848 c) 1805 d) 1815 e) 1917

8. In what battle was the French Navy destroyed?
a) Waterloo b) Trafalgar c) Battleship Potemkin d) Austerlitz e) Paris

9. In what year did the previous battle occur?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848

10. Who came to power by forcing his way to power, otherwise known as a coup d’etat?
a) Trafalgar b) Napoleon c) Marx d) Waterloo e) Simon Bolivar

11. In what year was Napoleon’s last battle?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848

12. Revolution occurred in which of the following South American countries?
a) France b) London c) Neckar d) Brazil e) Russia

13. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
a) 1917 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848

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