Tuesday, October 10, 2006

WH, Ch. 20 Sections 1-3

World History, Chapter 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins, Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age

Extra Credit:
p. 499 Changes in Agriculture?
What or who is Jethro Tull?

Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750-1850)

pp. 496-497

Chapter Outline
1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
2 Britain Leads the Way
3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
4 New Ways of Thinking

Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Several factors triggered the Industrial Revolution. Improved farming methods and the enclosure movement created a revolution in agriculture. Due to increased food production and better living conditions, the population of Europe soared. The Industrial Revolution was driven by a growing labor force and by new sources of fuel and power.

Vocabulary p. 498

Caption, p. 499
Biography, p. 500

2. In-class Instruct
Three groups can be assigned one of the following topics:
1. A New Agricultural Revolution
2. The Population Explosion
3. An Energy Revolution
Each group should work together on their topic to learn about changes that took place and the effects that those changes had on European life. Each group should have one “expert” on each of these three topics.

3. Close
Students should consider the many changes that are occurring in the world today. Is the world experiencing an agricultural revolution, population explosion, or energy revolution? Is there a combination of all three?

Section 1 Review #1-5
Extra Credit #6-7

Chapter 20, Section 2 Britain Leads the Way


Read intro, p. 501

1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain where there were favorable economic, political, and social conditions, a sufficient work force, and plentiful iron and coal. Iron was used to build the machines and coal was used to fuel them. As machinery took hold in the British textile industry, the factory system replaced the putting out system.

2. In-class Instruct
A museum exhibit is planned on the early years of the Industrial Revolution. The class is divided into groups and each group will detail a plan for part of the exhibit. Each group will be assigned one of the following topics:

Why the Industrial Revolution Began in Britain
The Importance of Iron and Coal
The Textile Industry
Changes in Transportation
Outside research can supplement the information in the text.
Students should list the objects, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, maps, and/or machines, etc., that they want to exhibit in their part of the exhibit.
Write a description of each item.
They should also create visual materials such as maps, graphs, charts, and posters for their exhibit.

3. Close
Consider how modern technology is used to facilitate transportation, communication, and education programs in museums of today.

British Cotton Trade About 1850, p. 502
Impact of the Railroad, p. 503
Geography and History, p. 504

[In the former version of the text we had:
Caption, Art History
Answer to Caption. . .
Art and Literature
Possible Answer:
They seem proud of the forge’s power and their father’s work.

Caption, Technology of the British Industrial Revolution
Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Chart
All the inventions are complex machines that made human labor easier.

Background Historical Evidence
Britain’s Overseas Markets
The vast British Empire provided world-wide goods. In fact, during the 1700s, the overseas export market grew at a much faster rate than the domestic market. Between 1750 and 1770, for example, production for the export market increased by 80%, while production for the domestic market grew by only 7%. Although investing in new industries carried risks, the lucrative overseas trade made the gamble seem well worth taking.

Answers to. . .
Locations review together.
Possible answers: a) southern United States, India; b) British West Indies, Cape Colony.
Possible answer: Without this key source of cotton, development of the cotton industry might have been slowed. Britain would have had to seek other sources of raw cotton or pay more to the Indians for theirs. Britain might have even had to find a different product on which to concentrate its industry.

Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Graph
In 1750, it took about 48 hours to travel between London and Birmingham. In 1830, it took only about 12 hours. The invention of the steam-powered locomotive made this increased speed possible.]

Section 2 Assessment
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit #6-7

Chapter 20 Section 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life

Vocabulary, p. 505
labor unions

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Factory work meant long hours, backbreaking jobs, unsafe conditions, and low pay. Many women worked both at home and in the factories. Child labor was a common practice. In the cities, working class families endured filthy and overcrowded living conditions. At the same time, however, the Industrial Revolution gradually brought more jobs, higher pay, and other material benefits.

2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are living during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Each student (and a partner) should assume one of the following roles:
a miner
a factory worker
a child laborer
a working class mother
a factory owner
a government inspector
a Luddite
a middle-class woman

Students are to write a diary entry in the role of their assumed character. Record the events of a complete day and include specific details of the person’s life. In your diary, include not only their activities and observations, but also your feelings and emotions. These diary entries will be shared with the class.

3. Close
List three or four ways that life today would be different for the person whose role you assumed.

Virtual Field Trip, p. 506
You Are There. . ., p. 507
Worker Protests, p. 508
Primary Source, p. 509

[In the former textbook we had:
Parallels Through Time, p. 519]

p. 509, Section 3 Review
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit 6-7.

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