Sunday, November 12, 2006

AP Gov't, Assignment on Alleged Police Brutality

Read the CNN story:
(Please be advised that the video has content which may make some uncomfortable. This is a video of alleged police brutality).

FBI investigates taped LAPD beating
POSTED: 0249 GMT (1049 HKT), November 10, 2006

If you can not view the CNN clip: there is an alternative.

On YouTube view three clips of the LAPD. You can search for three short clips entitled LAPD police brutality.

These are 1 of 3 short clips of footage that a local community group claims is tape of the LAPD beating up an innocent man in Hollywood, CA a few months ago. On August 11th, 2006, William Cardenas, 24, from Hollywood, California was arrested. A neighbor video-taped the incident.

William Cardenas is being charged with two counts of violating Penal Code 69, which is a felony "use of violence or threat of violence to prevent an officer from performing their duty." The District Attorney's Office is also adding a one year "gang" enhancement, alleging that his conduct was intended to benefit his alleged gang membership.

Community groups are charging that the two white cops, Patrick Farrell and Alexander Schlege, are on top of William and while Schlege held William down, and held his hands while Farell choked William with his knee and punched him several times with a full fist into the side of his face. They also claim that Cardenas is struggling to get words out of his mouth, that he was choking and couldn't breathe yet the blows from Farrell continue.

Cop Watch Los Angeles is supporting William Cardenas, who is facing criminal charges; William is being defended, pro bono, by private attorney B. Kwaku Duren.

Action against the cops Pattrick Farell and Alexander Schlege will be taken as well.

The LAPD has commented which can be accessed at the police chief's blog:

- COPWATCH Los Angeles Voice Mail - (562) 252-8501;
website -

Attorney B. Kwaku Duren (also Chair, New Black Panther Vanguard Movement) can be reached at or (323) 290-6146 [office] or (310) 780-6739 [cell phone]

COPWATCH Los Angeles Office - c/o Chuco's Justice Center 235 West Martin Luther King Blvd., L.A., CA 90037 ... (more) (less)

1) Your assignment is to evaluate whether Mr. Cardenas' civil rights have been violated. Did he violate Penal Code 69?
2) A second topic is to determine whether action should be taken against the LAPD cops. Did they use excessive force?
3) Be sure to include any relevant data you can find from the Wilson textbook. Feel free to refer to the Woll text also if germane.

Post your response on your YouthNoise blog.

Dr. G. Mick Smith

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