Wednesday, November 08, 2006

WH, Ch. 23, Sections 2-4

World History, Chapter 23
Section 2 Strengthening Germany

Guide for Reading (Questions)

Read intro

1. Lesson Plan Focus

The growth of German industry was based on ample resources and a highly skilled work force. To increase unity and devotion to the state, Bismarck applied the principles of Realpolitik toward socialists and Catholics. After asking Bismarck to resign, Kaiser William II limited democratic reform and increased the military power of Germany.

Answer Caption questions in your Notebook

2. Instruct, in-class

In two groups, the class is to imagine that they are newspaper editors who have been assigned to write an editorial on events in Germany between 1871 and 1890. One group will write editorials that generally support and praise German policies. The second group will write editorials that criticize those policies and express fears about the future. Both groups should include an appraisal of Bismarck’s style of leadership. Each group can discuss and then debate their points with the other group.

Section 2 Review
Extra Credit, #5-6

Chapter 23 Section 3 Unifying Italy

Answer the Caption questions, Map questions, etc. in your Notebook.

1. Lesson Plan Focus

For centuries, Italy had been a collection of separate states ruled by foreign and local princes who competed with each other for power. In the 1800s, influential leaders such as Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Count Camillo Cavour helped to create a united Italy. However, Italy still faced regional differences, disputes between the Church and state, and opposition to a conservative government.

2. In-class Instruct
In small groups, each group should create a biographical profile of one of the following:
Victor Emmanuel II
Focus on how each of these contributed to Italy’s unification. Consider how the person rose to leadership, what the person’s ideals and goals were, what methods the person used, and the reasons for the person’s success or failure.
Each person in the group should assume responsibility for a different part of the profile. Each group can take a turn sharing their profile. As a game, one aspect of the Italian leaders can be profiled. Ask the other groups to identify the person being described.

3. Close
Play a game in which you describe some aspect of one or more of the Italian leaders who are profiled in this section. Ask the other students if they can identify the portrayed character.

Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7

Chapter 23 Section 4 Nationalism Threatens Old Empires

Guide for Reading
Answer Captions, Map questions on your notebook.

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Desires for national independence threatened to break up the Austrian and Ottoman Empires. To appease Hungarian demands, Emperor Francis Joseph agreed to the creation of the Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary. As nationalism weakened the Ottoman Empire, the European powers competed for influence in the Balkan peninsula.
2. In-class Instruct
In two groups, one Austrian, and one Ottoman, assign each group to outline the conditions that existed in each empire during the mid-1800s. Compare the results between the two empires. Which of the two faced the greatest difficulty and why?

3. Close
Students should look for news articles about Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Section 4 Review #1-4Extra Credit, #5-6

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