Monday, November 27, 2006

WH, Ch. 24 Sections 2-4

World History, Chapter 24 Section 2 A Century of Reform

Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, Britain passed laws to bolster free trade, abolish slavery, reduce capital offenses, and improve working conditions. The government improved health care and education and enacted social welfare laws. Women used both peaceful and violent protest to gain the right to vote. Meanwhile, Irish nationalists struggled for self-rule.


Write an editorial discussed in this section. One advocates the status quo and another calls for reform. The purpose of an editorial is to express an opinion and to persuade others to share that opinion. Use persuasive and emotional arguments in your editorials.

The editorials should address the current status of women in various parts of the world. To what degree have women in various parts of the world achieved political, social, and economic equality? In what ways is the role of women still limited?

Guide for Reading (Questions)
Home rule
Chart: Nineteenth Century Reforms in Great Britain

HW, Section 2 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit 6-7

World History Chapter 24 Section 3 Division and Democracy in France

1. Lesson Plan Focus

Ruling France much like a dictator, Napoleon III limited liberties, encouraged economic growth, and pursued imperialistic ventures. After his fall from power, the Third Republic arose. Its coalition governments regulated working conditions, limited the power of the Church, and gradually extended suffrage. The Dreyfus affair split France and reflected anti-Semitism in Europe. It also helped give birth to the Zionist movement.

Read intro
The Dreyfus Affair
Calls for a Jewish State

2. In-class Instruct

Divided into groups each group will be assigned one of the following topics:
a) Napoleon III;
b) The Events of 180-1871;
c) Coalition Governments and Scandals;
d) The Dreyfus Affair;
e) Reforms in France.

Work together to define the topic. Describe three or more ways in which their topic affected the people of France or other areas of the world. Each group will present their findings.

3. Close
Five or more statements can be written: How was France in the early 1900s different from France in the 1860s?

Extra Credit

World History Chapter 24 Section 4 Expansion of the U.S.

Guide for Reading


1. Lesson Plan Focus

During the 1800s, the U.S. expanded across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. The slavery issue, economic differences between the North and South, and the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 brought about the Civil War. Though slavery ended after the war, African Americans faced difficult times ahead. Starting in the late 1800s, reformers campaigned to extend suffrage to women and to protect the rights of workers.

2. In-Class Instruct, Archaeological teams of the 23rd Century

As a member of the archaeological team centuries down the road, your task is to uncover items that can be traced to the U.S. in the 1800s. As a member of a group assigned to the following areas, you are to find objects that fit in these categories:
1) From Sea to Sea
2) Expanding Democracy
3) Civil War and After
4) Economic Successes
5) Seeking Reform
Each group should list at least two items that it might find for their assigned topic. Then, the group is to write a descriptive paragraph for each item. The paragraphs should explain how each item is important for understanding life in the U.S. during the 1800s.

3. Close
Students should be able to generalize how the U.S. of 1900 was different from the U.S. of 1800.

Section 4 Review
Extra Credit #6-7

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