Sunday, December 17, 2006

WH, Ch. 26 New Global Patterns, Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes

Chapter 26 New Global Patterns (1800-1914)
Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes

[page numbers refer to the former textbook]
Caption, p. 657
Caption, p. 659
Caption, p. 660
Caption, p. 661
Caption, p. 663

Homogeneous society

Section 1 Japan Modernizes

1. Lesson Plan Focus

To avoid domination by the West, Japan opened its doors to foreign influences and transformed itself into a modern industrial power. The change occurred rapidly due to Japan’s homogeneous society, great determination, and experience in cultural adaptation. Because it was a small island nation with few natural resources, Japan began building an empire to feed its industrial growth.

2. In-class Instruct

Construct a Cause and Effect chart on the Meiji restoration. Use the chart in the section as a model. Students should indicate the factors that led to the overthrow of the shogun and restoration of the Emperor in 1868. Then identify the major changes that occurred as a result of the restoration. Identify long-term effects as well.

3. Close

Compare the different ways that Japan and China responded to the growing power of the West. Which policy was wiser? Explain your answer.

Section 1 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit #6-7

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