Monday, December 18, 2006

WH, Ch. 26 Sec. 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Chapter 26 Section 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Guide for Reading Questions [Page references are to the old textbook, p. 664]
Caption, p. 665
Map, p. 666

Lesson Plan Focus

Imperialist rivalries in Southeast Asia resulted in the colonization of many countries. Thailand, however, remained independent by avoiding conflicts and serving as a neutral zone between British and French colonies. The U.S. acquired the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War. In 1898, it also annexed Hawaii.

In-class Instruct

Students should produce radio broadcasts reporting from different parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific during the 1800s. Each broadcast should focus on the impact of Western imperialism and includes newscasts from Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, Samoa, and Hawaii. The broadcasts should include facts about the advance of imperialism as well as interviews with national leaders (all contained in Section 2) and people on the street.

Each group should be prepared to handle questions about their area.

HW p. 667 #1-4
Extra Credit #5-6

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