Monday, December 18, 2006

WH, Chapter 26 Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Chapter 26 Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Guide for Reading [page references are to the old textbook, p. 667]
Vocabulary, p. 667
Penal colony

Caption, p. 668
Map, p. 669
Caption, p. 671

1. Lesson Plan Focus

In response to Canadian unrest and rebellion, the British Parliament gradually granted self-rule to the Dominion of Canada. Due to popular demand and fears of foreign interference, Britain also granted independence to Australia and New Zealand. In all three places, European settlers used force to displace and dominate native peoples.

2. In-class instruct

In three groupings—Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—students should prepare a time line and a flow chart focusing on imperialism and self-rule. The students should focus their presentations and in discussion bring out the facts of similarity and difference between the different areas.

3. Students should be able to summarize the results of their discussion in an outline or essay.

HW Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7

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