Wednesday, January 17, 2007

WH, Final Assessment Prep material, NB: this is a comprehensive test

Ch. 28 Sec. 2 From Lenin to Stalin
Lesson Plan Focus
Lenin directed the establishment of the Soviet Union under the supreme authority of the Communist Party. In economics he mixed capitalism with socialism. After Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin gained power through ruthless measures. His economic goals were industrialization and collectivization. By launching the Great Purge and other acts of terror, Stalin gained absolute power.

Ch. 30 Sec. 4 Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Lesson Plan Focus
Germany's Weimar Republic, hindered by coalition governments, opposition from both the left and right, and economic crisis, failed to achieve its goal as a functioning democracy. Many Germans blamed it for the Versailles treaty. Under Adolf Hitler, the new Nazi government used terror, repression, and one-party rule to establish a totalitarian state. Poverty, ethnic conflicts, and lack of democratic traditions helped fascism gain inroads in Eastern Europe as well.

Ch. 31 Sec. 3 The Holocaust
Lesson Plan Focus
The Axis powers treated the people they conquered as inferiors. In many cases, this meant torture, forced labor, or death. Both the Axis and Allied nations committed all their resources to the war effort. Allied victories in North Africa, Italy, and Russia, along with the successful invasion of France in 1944, were major turning points in the war.

Ch. 31 Sec. 5 From World War to Cold War
Lesson Plan Focus
The cost of World War II in both human and material losses was immense. With the old European powers exhausted, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as dominant new superpowers. Their different goals in Europe helped bring about the cold War.

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