Monday, February 05, 2007

WH, Ch. 17, Sec. 3 Birth of the American Republic

WH, Chapter 17 Section 3 Birth of the American Republic

"Amazing Transformation" [This is how the Lesson Plan Focus is read by someone who accessed the blog. Print it out, bring it into class and read it.]

[Also, page references are to the former textbook. For Extra Credit, get the proper page references from the new textbook and post them to the "wiki" page listed on the "Guidelines" sheet.]

1. Lesson Plan Focus
Colonists in the 13 English colonies opposed British taxes and trade restrictions, especially since they had no representation in Parliament. Enlightenment ideas influenced the American Declaration of Independence and the framing of the United States Constitution. The successful American Revolution helped inspire future revolutions in Europe and Latin America.

Caption p. 471
Map p. 472

2. In-class assignment

The class is divided into cooperative learning groups and students will work together to plan a television documentary on the birth of the American republic. The twenty minutes-long program will consist of four segments addressing the following topics:
a) American Discontent
b) The American Revolution Begins
c) The Long Struggle to Victory
d) A New Constitution

These segments will be assigned. Use the text to plan your documentary segment.
You should produce a script outline, a list of visuals, and a list of interview subjects. This will be presented in class. Each group should produce a five-minute segment.

3. Close

Your documentary is being sold as a videotape. Descreibe the documentary in afive-sentence summary that could appear on the videotape box.

Section 4 Review
Extra Credit

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