Friday, February 09, 2007

WH, Study Guide for "Marie Antoinette,: Due 16 Feb. '07

Study Guide for "Marie Antoinette: The Tragic Queen"
Define and/or identify the following items.

1. def•i•cit

2. consumate

3. ab•di•cate

4. man•i•fes•to

5. Ver•sailles

6. bas•tille

7. li•ber•té, é•ga•li•té, fra•ter•ni•té

8. Charles I

9. guil•lo•tine

10. Necker, Jacques

11. Marat, Jean Paul

12. coup d'é•tat

13. plac•ate

14. prop•a•gan•da

15. tri•col•or

16. che•mise

17. Dauphin

18. con•de•scen•sion

19. os•ten•si•ble

20. mus•lin

21. ex•trav•a•gance

22. in•gra•ti•ate

23. de•bauch•er•y

24. cor•tege

25. ve•to

26. trea•son

27. tact•ful

28. farce

29. des•pot•ic

30. e•mas•cu•late

31. ob•liv•i•on

32. wretch•ed

33. in•dul•gence

34. re•prieve

35. pro•pi•ti•ate

36. daunt•less

37. The Estates General and the Legislative Assembly

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