Friday, March 09, 2007

WH, Youth Leaders needed, Extra Credit assignment

We, the Young People of Philadelphia, in Order to form a more perfect City….


The 2007 Future Leaders’ Mayoral Candidates Forum, to be held on April 13, 2007 at the National Constitution Center, is a pro-active effort by Philadelphia's teens and young adults to ensure that their voices are heard in the upcoming mayoral election. Unique in this campaign season, the Forum will be designed, staffed and moderated by youth, ages 14-21. Organizing support is provided by the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and the Philadelphia Youth Network.

We need 50 Youth Leaders from the ages of 14 and 21 to staff the event and to carry out a survey initiative. Youth can serve as…
¨ Spokespersons
¨ Hosts
¨ Researchers

Youth-serving organizations are asked to nominate an outstanding young person in your program who:
¨ Demonstrates strong interpersonal skills
¨ Speaks well in front of audiences
¨ Can attend two Trainings on March 10th and 24th 10 am to 1pm
There will be third training convened for those youth are selected to be spokespersons.

Please e-mail his/her name and address, the program they participate(d) in, and your organization’s name and a contact person to C. Kemal Nance at

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