Tuesday, May 15, 2007

WH, Election Assignment

Election Day, 15 May 2007

How is the turnout at the polls? (This information may be gathered from the poll workers).
a) hardly anyone voting; b) about average; c) heavy turnout; d) most people will probably vote later or, after work.

Which candidate for mayor are people voting for? (Try to ask ten people if possible to obtain a representative number).

In which party are people registered?

The information needed to answer the questions (below) is available by calling: 1.866.268.8603, or, is accessible online at: www.seventy.org/cg2007.pdf. The information is also contained in the “2007 Citizen’s Guide,” produced by the Committee of 70.

What four political parties may you register for in Pennsylvania?

What are the minimum requirements to run for mayor in Philadelphia?

What City Council do you live in?
Don't know your City Council District?
Find out by visiting www.seventy.org/map or by calling 1.866.268.8603.

Which Ward do you live in?
Don't Know which Ward you live in?
Find out by visiting www.seventy.org/map or by calling 1.866.268.8603.

Do you live in the Suburbs?
If so, your representatives will be different than those individuals in the city.
Don't know who your representatives are?
Find out by visiting www.seventy.org/map or by calling 1.866.268.8603. You may also log on to www.pavoterservices.state.pa.us/pollingplaceinfo/.

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