Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapter 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon

Chapter 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon

Ancien regime-p. 572

estate-p. 572

bourgeoisie-p. 573

deficit spending-p. 575

Louis XVI-p. 575

Jacques Necker-p. 575

Estates-General-p. 575

cahiers-p. 576

Tennis court oath-p. 576

faction-p. 579

Marquis de Lafayette-p. 579

Olympe de Gouges-p. 580

Marie Antoinette-p. 580

emigres-p. 582

sams-culottes-p. 583

republic-p. 583

Jacobins-p. 583

suffrage-p. 586

Robespierre-p. 587

Reign of Terror-p. 587

guillotine-p. 588

Napoleon-p. 589

Nationalism-p. 590

Marseilles-p. 590

plebiscite-p. 593

Napoleonic Code-p. 593

annexed-p. 594

Continental System-p. 594

guerrilla warfare-p. 597

scorched-earth policy-p. 597

abdicated-p. 598

Congress of Vienna-p. 599

legitimacy-p. 600

Concert of Europe-p. 600

Note Taking: Recognize Multiple causes- Create a chart to identify causes of the French Revolution. Add as many boxes as you need. pp. 572-573

Analyzing Political Cartoons: 1. how does the cartoonist portray the Third Estate? Explain why. p. 573 2. What were the differences among the social classes in pre-revolutionary France? p. 573

Thinking Critically : Identify Point of View According to the quote by Sieyes, why were the Third Estate ready to revolt? 2. Make Generalizations Why did Sieyes say the Third Estate was "nothing?" p. 574

Primary Source Why did the poor attack the noble's homes? p. 575

The Oath is Taken: What was the significance of the tennis court oath? p. 576

Check point What economic troubles did France face in 1789, and how did they lead to further unrest? p. 575

Checkpoint: What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille? p. 577

Check point: What actions did delegates of the Third Estate take when the Estates- General met in 1789? p. 577

Note Taking: Reading skill: Identify Supporting Details. As you read this section, prepare an outline like the one shown below. Remember to use numbers for supporting details. p. 578-579.

Checkpoint: What caused French peasants to revolt against nobles? p. 578-579.

Checkpoint How did the National Assembly react to peasant uprisings? p. 581.

Checkpoint What were the provisions of the Constitution of 1791? p. 582.

Checkpoint: How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution? p. 583.

French Reaction to the American Revolution: how did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution? p. 579.

Playing Dress-up Why did the French common people resent Marie Antoinette? p. 580.

Analyzing Visuals Why was Paris the revolutionary center in France? Why was Paris the revolutionary center in France? p. 581.

Analyzing Political Cartoons- 1. Why were European rulers against revolutionary ideas coming into their countries? 2. How does the cartoonist portray the "plagues?" p. 582.

Primary Source: Thinking critically-1. Summarize article Why is this article especially significant? 2. Identify Central Issues What central ideas does this Declaration share with the American Declaration of Independence? p. 584.

Note Taking Reading skill: Recognize Sequence Make a time line like the one shown here. Add dates and important events as you read this section. p. 585-586.

Comparing Viewpoints: Which of the two viewpoints makes a better case for or against the execution of King Louis XVI? Cite examples from both statements to support your argument.

Biography: How do you think Robespierre's early life might have influenced his political ideas? p. 587.

Thinking Critically 1. Identify Point of View What were the goals of the Committee of Public Safety? 2. Predict Consequences How do you think life in France changed after the Terror came to an end? p. 588-589.

Thinking Critically 1. Compare Points of View What elements in each painting express the view point of the artist? How are the elements different? 2. How do you think the ideology of the French Revolution led to the scene Goya portrays here? p. 591.

Checkpoint: What occurred after radicals took control of the Assembly? p. 586.

Checkpoint: Why did Robespierre think the Terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution? p. 588.

Checkpoint: What changes occurred after the Reign of Terror came to an end? p. 589.

Checkpoint: What changes occurred in France because of the French Revolution? p. 590.

Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas as you read the section, use a flowchart to list the important events that led from Napoleon's rise to power to his defeat. Add boxes as you need them. pp. 592-59.

The Egyptian Campaign: The battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798, painted by Luis-Francois Lejeune. How did Napoleon hide the fact that the Egyptian campaign was a disaster? p. 593.

Map skills: 1. Locate: (a) French empire, (b) Russian empire, (c) Germany 2. Region locate the Confederation of the Rhine. What is this area called today? 3. Make Comparisons Compare Europe of Napoleon's empire to Europe of today on the maps above. How has Europe changed? p. 595.

Primary Source: What were the effects of this disaster in Russia? p. 596.

Biography: Why did Metternich's policies toward France change? p. 598.

Map Skills: 1. Locate (a) German Confederation, (b) Netherlands, (c) Vienna 2. Region Name three states that were in the German Confederation. 3. Recognize Cause and Effects Why did the Congress enlarge some of the countries around France? p. 599.

Checkpoint: How did Napoleon rise to power so quickly in France? p. 593.

Checkpoint What reforms did Napoleon introduce during his rise to power? p. 594.

Checkpoint How did Napoleon come to dominate most of Europe by 1812? p. 596.

Checkpoint: What challenges threatened Napoleon's empire and what led to the disaster in Russia? p. 597.

Checkpoint: How did Napoleon impact Europe and the rest of the world? p. 599.

Checkpoint: Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna. p. 600.

Thinking Critically 1. How have landforms and climate affected where people live? Explain your answer. 2. Connections to today Research online to find information on the tsunami that occurred in South Asia in 2004. Summarize the impact of geography. p. 601.

Answer these on the "wiki" site for Extra Credit.

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