Thursday, September 06, 2007

WH Agenda, 7 September 2007

WH, Agenda, Background to WH II


Background reading:

You may begin as background with Chapter 16 The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800), however, this will not be on any tests but I'm assuming your WH I class surveyed this chapter.

During the 1500s and 1600s, several European monarchs became absolute rulers. In England, Parliament gained control. After the Thirty Years' War, Prussia emerged as a strong Protestant state. In Austria, the Hapsburgs expanded their territory. Peter the Great gained land and brought reforms to Russia but worsened the condition of the serfs.

Background: About the Pictures

Section 2 France Under Louis XIV

Bell Ringer
I draw your attention to the quotation from Louis XIV ('L'etat, c'est moi.) on p. 417. For Extra Credit, what kind of government do you think France had at this time? How do you feel the French people felt about such a government?

Lesson Plan Focus
Violent warfare between Catholics and Protestants divided France for a time. Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin increased royal power at the expense of nobles and Huguenots, or French Protestants. Under the absolutist rule of Louis XIV, France became the leading state of Europe. But costly wars and religious persecution undermined French power.

p. 419, You Are There. . .
Living at Versailles

Section 3 Triumph of Parliament in England, p. 421.

Lesson Plan Focus
The Stuart kings clashed with Parliament over money, foreign policy, and religion. A civil war erupted when Charles I tried to arrest the radical leaders in the House of Commons. Parliament's triumph led to the execution of the kin
g, the abolition of the monarchy, and the creation of a republic headed by Oliver Cromwell. After the monarchy was restored, the Glorious Revolution limited royal power and protected the rights of English citizens.

Synthesizing Information
The Struggle Between King and Parliament, p. 425.
The material for World History II actually begins here:

This is the material where WH II actually begins; this is where we officially start.

Unit 4

Enlightenment and Revolution (1700-1850)

Ch. 17 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800)


The Enlightenment, sometimes called the Age of Reason, sought to shine the "light" of reason on traditional ideas about government and society. Enlightenment thinkers promoted goals of material well-being, social justice, and worldly happiness. Their ideas about government and society stood in sharp contrast to the old principles of divine-right rule, a rigid social hierarchy, and the promise of a better life in heaven. Since the 1700s, Enlightenment ideas have spread, creating upheaval as they challenge established traditions around the world.

Section 1 Philosophy in the Age of Reason

Lesson Plan Focus
Enlightenment thinkers tried to apply the laws of nature to human society. Their political ideas included the concepts of natural rights, separation of power, checks and balances, and freedom of thought. Their economic ideas included the policies of laissez faire and a free market.

Define the Terms, etc.

Chapter 17


Natural law-p. 545

social contract-p. 546

natural right-p. 546

philosophe-p. 547

laissez faire-p. 548

Thomas Hobbes-p. 546

John Locke-p. 546

Montesquieu-p. 547

Voltaire-p. 547

Diderot-p. 547

Rousseau-p. 547

Adam Smith-p. 548

pg.544 Reading Skills: draw a table like the one shown here. As you read the section, summarize each thinker's work and ideas.

pg. 544 Focus Question: What effects did Enlightenment philosophers have on government and society?

pg. 545 Check point: What convinced educated Europeans to accept the powers of reason?

pg. 546 Check point: How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their views on the role of government?

pg. 547 Check point: What topics were addressed by the philosophes in their Encyclopedia articles?

pg. 548 Check point: Why did Adam Smith support laissez faire?

Thinking Critically: 1. Draw Inferences-According to Locke, how should a land be governed? Why do you think this is the case?

2. Identify Central Issues: What does Locke say can happen if a government fails to protect the rights of its people?

pg. 547 Biography:


What did Voltaire attacked in his writings?


What did Montesquieu think was necessary to protect liberty?

pg. 547 Heated Debate: Compare the Beliefs of Rousseau and Voltaire.

Homework (hereafter HW)
p. 450 1, 3-5.
EC, Writing About History

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