Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bismarck Video Vocabulary: Due 24 October 2007, the printer has been down since last Thursday, you will need to print a copy yourself.

World History, Bismarck Vocabulary, due 24 October 2007
Bismarck Video Vocabulary


1. kaiser
2. Fatherland
3. imperial
4. balance of power
5. Iron & Blood
6. Hessians
7. Prussia
8. parliamentarian
9. statesman
10. chaos
11. economic
12. abdication
13. Queen Victoria
14. prime minister
15. order
16. profitable
17. unification
18. Germanic
19. Schleswig-Holstein
20. Denmark
21. embarked
22. Habsburgs
23. squandering
24. mobilizing
25. lurch
26. indissoluably
27. protector
28. exploit
29. rearguard
30. excellency
31. majesty
32. permeating
33. nationalism
34. Franz Joseph
35. Hohenzolleren
36. expediencies
37. reparations
38. relinquish
39. anarchy
40. insurrection
41. consent
42. yearned
43. unassailable
44. unfaltering
45. despotism
46. Sieg Heil

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