Monday, November 06, 2006

Public Opinion Survey, 7 Nov. '07

Public Opinion Survey, 7 November 2006
You want to elicit answers that can not be answered by just "yes," or "no."
Assignment: You are to interview voters on election day. Identify yourself as a student in the CD AP Government class and that you are conducting
a research assignment.
Briefly, you will ask if they have time for a few questions including, but not limited to:
How often do you vote?
What is the biggest issue or issues in this campaign?
Do you vote according to party? The individual candidate? Whether you think the candidate will win or not? Based on issues that you feel strong about?
What party, if any, do you identify with?
Do you consider yourself politically a green? liberal? conservative, libertarian?
Thank them for their time and for helping you with your research.
Then, post your impressions of your interviewees, how many you interviewed, their demographics, their party and/or political affiliation, frequency of voting, etc., on
your "youthnoise" blog.

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