Monday, November 06, 2006

WH, Ch. 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe Sec. 1 Building a German Nation

World History Chapter 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Section 1 Building a German Nation
Read Chapter Outline
Read and answer Captions, Maps, etc.
(In the old textbook, these were on: Caption, p. 583Caption, p. 585Map, p. 586Caption, p. 587)
1. Lesson Plan FocusDuring the early 1800s, the rise of German nationalism fueled desires for a strong united German state. As chancellor Prussia, Otto von
Bismarck led the drive for German unity. Following his ideas of realpolitik and “blood and iron,” Bismarck used a minor dispute to create war
between France and the German states. As a result of the Franco-Prussian War, France was defeated and a powerful German state, the Second
Reich, was born.
2. In-class InstructActivityThe Big PictureWriting a SpeechSelect three influential leaders (listed below) of three different nationalities. For each leader, students will write a six-minute speech that
summarizes the person’s goals and policies. Each speech should also attempt to justify and win support for the leader’s views. Students will
then deliver the speeches.
Leaders:BismarckMazziniFrancis Joseph
3. Close
Outline and QuestionEach group should outline the information on their assigned leader, then they can ask two questions of the other groups. The other group
members must be able to answer the questions.
HWSection 1 Review#1-4Extra Credit#5-6

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