Sunday, January 07, 2007

WH, Ch. 26 Sec. 4 Economic Imperialism in Latin America

WH, Chapter 26 Section 4 Economic Imperialism in Latin America

Guide for Reading (Questions), [p. references to former textbook, p. 673]
Economic dependence

Caption, p. 673
Parallels, p. 675
Map, p. 676

Lesson Plan Focus

Social conflicts, economic dependence, rule by caudillos, and the legacy of colonialism posed serious problems for Latin America. The economy of the region became dependent on industrial countries for investment, technology, and manufactured goods. The U.S. used its political and military power to gain significant influence in the region.

In-class Instruct

Outline the general problems that hindered the development of Latin America. Make reference to political problems, economic problems, social problems, the effects of past colonialism, and the influence of the U.S. Use Mexico as a case study. Find specific examples in Mexican history of the general problems that are cited in outline form.


Students should be able to describe a problem that Latin American nations faced in the 1800s. Mexico is the best test case.

Section 4 Review
Extra Credit #6-7

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