Sunday, January 07, 2007

WH, Chapter 26 Section 5 Impact of Imperialism

WH, Chapter 26 Section 5 Impact of Imperialism

Guide for Reading (p. references are to the former textbook, Questions, p. 678)
Cause & Effect Chart, p. 679
Caption, p. 681

1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Age of Imperialism produced a global economy in which industrialized nations provided machine-made goods, investment capital, and technology, and the rest of the world provided agricultural produce, natural resources, and cheap labor. The influence of Western culture was both disruptive and beneficial to traditional cultures. Meanwhile, competition for colonies threatened to embroil the leading powers in a major war.

2. In-class Instruct: Imperialism Concept Chart:

Construct a concept chart illustrating the impact of imperialism. The chart should show the effects of imperialism on both the colonies and the Western powers that ruled them. First, draw the skeleton of the concept chart. At the center, in a circle or box, write “Impact of Imperialism.” Draw several lines leading away from the central box or circle. Label a circle or box at the end of the line with each of the following categories.

International Relations

Write out additional lines from each of the concepts or branches and write in specific effects that pertain to each category.

3. Close
Write generalizations about the impact of imperialism.

Section 5 Review
Extra Credit

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