Sunday, January 07, 2007

WH Unit 7 World Wars and Revolution Ch. 27 WW I and Its Aftermath Sec. 1 The Stage Is Set

WH Unit 7 World Wars and Revolution Ch. 27 WW I and Its Aftermath Sec. 1 The Stage Is Set

Read #1-5, [p. references are to the former textbook pp. 690-691.]

Chapter 27 World War I and Its Aftermath

Caption, p. 693

Section1 The Stage Is Set

Caption, p. 695
Parallels, p. 696
Vocabulary, p. 694

Lesson Plan Focus

After a century of relative peace in Europe, many felt optimistic about the future. However, aggressive nationalism, economic and imperial rivalries, militarism, and other forces pushed Europe toward war. By forming alliances to protect themselves, countries actually made war more likely.

In-class Instruct

Use the boldface heading to construct an outline. Identify the major causes of international tension in the early 1900s. Under each major cause, leave space to fill in supporting details. Write specific examples and supporting details under the appropriate head.


Review the outline and rank the causes of international tension from the most significant to the least significant.

Section 1 Review #1-5
Extra Credit #6-7

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