Wednesday, February 21, 2007

WH, 2007 J8 Program Opportunity

2007 J8 Program*

Morgan Stanley and UNICEF have partnered to bring about the 2007 J8 Program, a global citizenship education program that enables young people, with guidance from a teacher, to learn more about major global issues, form their own ideas about these issues, and develop their group work skills.

As part of the J8 Program, students are encouraged to participate in a competition where groups of eight students (ages 13-17, working with a teacher) write a brief communiqué on the topics being discussed at the G8 Summit for a chance to earn a spot at the J8 Summit in Germany this June. At the Summit the students will have the opportunity to present their ideas directly to President George W. Bush and the other Heads of State from the G8 countries.

Entries must be received by March 29th 2007.

Please contact the Morgan Stanley Community Affairs Department directly: or visit the website.

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