Wednesday, February 21, 2007

WH, Ch. 18 Sections 3 & 4

WH, Chapter 18 Section 4 The Age of Napoleon Begins (page references are to the former textbook).
p. 484, Vocab.
Fact Finder, p. 484
Caption, p. 485
Map, p. 486
Cause and Effect, p. 487
HW #1, 3-5 Extra Credit #6-7

WH, Ch. 18 Sec. 3 Radical Days

Section 3 Radical Days
Vocab. p. 478
Caption, p. 478
Analyzing Primary Sources, p. 479
Caption, p. 480
Caption, p. 481
Primary Source, p. 483
HW, p. 483, #1, 3-5, Extra Credit #6-7

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