Chapter 26 Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Guide for Reading [page references are to the old textbook, p. 667]
Vocabulary, p. 667
Penal colony
Caption, p. 668
Map, p. 669
Caption, p. 671
1. Lesson Plan Focus
In response to Canadian unrest and rebellion, the British Parliament gradually granted self-rule to the Dominion of Canada. Due to popular demand and fears of foreign interference, Britain also granted independence to Australia and New Zealand. In all three places, European settlers used force to displace and dominate native peoples.
2. In-class instruct
In three groupings—Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—students should prepare a time line and a flow chart focusing on imperialism and self-rule. The students should focus their presentations and in discussion bring out the facts of similarity and difference between the different areas.
3. Students should be able to summarize the results of their discussion in an outline or essay.
HW Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Monday, December 18, 2006
WH, Ch. 26 Sec. 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Chapter 26 Section 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Guide for Reading Questions [Page references are to the old textbook, p. 664]
Caption, p. 665
Map, p. 666
Lesson Plan Focus
Imperialist rivalries in Southeast Asia resulted in the colonization of many countries. Thailand, however, remained independent by avoiding conflicts and serving as a neutral zone between British and French colonies. The U.S. acquired the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War. In 1898, it also annexed Hawaii.
In-class Instruct
Students should produce radio broadcasts reporting from different parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific during the 1800s. Each broadcast should focus on the impact of Western imperialism and includes newscasts from Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, Samoa, and Hawaii. The broadcasts should include facts about the advance of imperialism as well as interviews with national leaders (all contained in Section 2) and people on the street.
Each group should be prepared to handle questions about their area.
HW p. 667 #1-4
Extra Credit #5-6
Guide for Reading Questions [Page references are to the old textbook, p. 664]
Caption, p. 665
Map, p. 666
Lesson Plan Focus
Imperialist rivalries in Southeast Asia resulted in the colonization of many countries. Thailand, however, remained independent by avoiding conflicts and serving as a neutral zone between British and French colonies. The U.S. acquired the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War. In 1898, it also annexed Hawaii.
In-class Instruct
Students should produce radio broadcasts reporting from different parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific during the 1800s. Each broadcast should focus on the impact of Western imperialism and includes newscasts from Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, Samoa, and Hawaii. The broadcasts should include facts about the advance of imperialism as well as interviews with national leaders (all contained in Section 2) and people on the street.
Each group should be prepared to handle questions about their area.
HW p. 667 #1-4
Extra Credit #5-6
Sunday, December 17, 2006
AP Gov't, Thomas P.M. Barnett, on National Security
Thomas P.M. Barnett, who is a strategic planner, who has worked in national security affairs since the end of the Cold War and has operated his own consulting practice, New Rule Sets Project since 1998. A New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Barnett is a forecaster of global conflict and an expert on military transformation and on issues relating to international security and economic globalization. He is the author of The Pentagon's New Map and a contributing editor to Esquire magazine.
AP Gov't, Current American Military Policy
Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Andrew J. Bacevich for a discussion of the new American militarism. Bacevich discusses his career as a military officer and as a Princeton trained historian. He traces his intellectual odyssey and offers insights into the forces shaping current high expectations about the military's role in international politics. Series: "Conversations with History"
WH, Ch. 26 New Global Patterns, Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes
Chapter 26 New Global Patterns (1800-1914)
Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes
[page numbers refer to the former textbook]
Caption, p. 657
Caption, p. 659
Caption, p. 660
Caption, p. 661
Caption, p. 663
Homogeneous society
Section 1 Japan Modernizes
1. Lesson Plan Focus
To avoid domination by the West, Japan opened its doors to foreign influences and transformed itself into a modern industrial power. The change occurred rapidly due to Japan’s homogeneous society, great determination, and experience in cultural adaptation. Because it was a small island nation with few natural resources, Japan began building an empire to feed its industrial growth.
2. In-class Instruct
Construct a Cause and Effect chart on the Meiji restoration. Use the chart in the section as a model. Students should indicate the factors that led to the overthrow of the shogun and restoration of the Emperor in 1868. Then identify the major changes that occurred as a result of the restoration. Identify long-term effects as well.
3. Close
Compare the different ways that Japan and China responded to the growing power of the West. Which policy was wiser? Explain your answer.
Section 1 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit #6-7
Sec. 1 Japan Modernizes
[page numbers refer to the former textbook]
Caption, p. 657
Caption, p. 659
Caption, p. 660
Caption, p. 661
Caption, p. 663
Homogeneous society
Section 1 Japan Modernizes
1. Lesson Plan Focus
To avoid domination by the West, Japan opened its doors to foreign influences and transformed itself into a modern industrial power. The change occurred rapidly due to Japan’s homogeneous society, great determination, and experience in cultural adaptation. Because it was a small island nation with few natural resources, Japan began building an empire to feed its industrial growth.
2. In-class Instruct
Construct a Cause and Effect chart on the Meiji restoration. Use the chart in the section as a model. Students should indicate the factors that led to the overthrow of the shogun and restoration of the Emperor in 1868. Then identify the major changes that occurred as a result of the restoration. Identify long-term effects as well.
3. Close
Compare the different ways that Japan and China responded to the growing power of the West. Which policy was wiser? Explain your answer.
Section 1 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit #6-7
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
AP Gov't, Failures Form
From: Dr. Smith
To: Parents
Date: 12 December 2006
Re: Failures
I understand that my daughter/son failed the Test on Chapters 9 & 10 in AP Government.
Parent: ___________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
To: Parents
Date: 12 December 2006
Re: Failures
I understand that my daughter/son failed the Test on Chapters 9 & 10 in AP Government.
Parent: ___________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
Sunday, December 10, 2006
WH, Ch. 25 Sec. 5 China and the New Imperialism
Chapter 25 Section 5 China and the New Imperialism
trade surplus
trade deficit
Taking Notes
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, western powers used diplomacy and war to win favorable trade agreements in China. The Qing dynasty suffered from a pooor economy, a corrupt bureaucracy, and the devastating Taiping Rebellion. Reformers sought to modernize China by importing technology and ideas from the West. In 1911, China was declared a republic with Sun Yixian as its president.
2. In-class Instruct
Students will assume the role of one of the following historical characters:
a) a British diplomat in China;
b) a peasant in the Taiping Rebellion;
c) a sympathizer with the "self-strengthening movement;
d) emperor Guang Xu;
e) a participant in the Boxer rebellion;
f) a member of the imperial court of Ci Xi;
g) a member of the Righteous Harmonious Fists;
h) Sun Yixian
Students will write a speech, in the role of the assigned character, addressing the following question: What is the best course of action for China? This should be a persuasive speech. You are to convince others of your point of view.
The Opium War
Primary Source
Meeting the Emperor
Imperialism in China to 1914
trade surplus
trade deficit
Taking Notes
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, western powers used diplomacy and war to win favorable trade agreements in China. The Qing dynasty suffered from a pooor economy, a corrupt bureaucracy, and the devastating Taiping Rebellion. Reformers sought to modernize China by importing technology and ideas from the West. In 1911, China was declared a republic with Sun Yixian as its president.
2. In-class Instruct
Students will assume the role of one of the following historical characters:
a) a British diplomat in China;
b) a peasant in the Taiping Rebellion;
c) a sympathizer with the "self-strengthening movement;
d) emperor Guang Xu;
e) a participant in the Boxer rebellion;
f) a member of the imperial court of Ci Xi;
g) a member of the Righteous Harmonious Fists;
h) Sun Yixian
Students will write a speech, in the role of the assigned character, addressing the following question: What is the best course of action for China? This should be a persuasive speech. You are to convince others of your point of view.
The Opium War
Primary Source
Meeting the Emperor
Imperialism in China to 1914
WH, Ch. 25 Sec. 4 The British Take Over India
Chapter 25 Section 4 The British Take Over India
Notebook Material
Taking Notes
Global Connections
Imperialism in India to 1858
Cotton: A Valuable Cash Crop
Geography and History
1. Lesson Plan Focus
British rule and policies that were insensitive to Indian culture led to the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857. After the failed rebellion, the British government increased its control, bringing both benefits and injustice to the people of India. Indians resisted by forming the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League.
2. In-class Instruct
Write an address or a speech to Parliment
a) Assume the role of a British entrepreneur with a variety of investments in India
b) Take the role of an upper-class Indian who supports British rule
c) Assume the role of an Indian who resents British domination
Each student will address Parliament commenting on British policies in India during the 1800s. The letter should reflect the probable interests and attitudes of their assigned character.
3. Write three policies that Britain could have followed to reduce Indian resentment and opposition.
#1, 3-6
Extra Credit #7 & 8.
Notebook Material
Taking Notes
Global Connections
Imperialism in India to 1858
Cotton: A Valuable Cash Crop
Geography and History
1. Lesson Plan Focus
British rule and policies that were insensitive to Indian culture led to the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857. After the failed rebellion, the British government increased its control, bringing both benefits and injustice to the people of India. Indians resisted by forming the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League.
2. In-class Instruct
Write an address or a speech to Parliment
a) Assume the role of a British entrepreneur with a variety of investments in India
b) Take the role of an upper-class Indian who supports British rule
c) Assume the role of an Indian who resents British domination
Each student will address Parliament commenting on British policies in India during the 1800s. The letter should reflect the probable interests and attitudes of their assigned character.
3. Write three policies that Britain could have followed to reduce Indian resentment and opposition.
#1, 3-6
Extra Credit #7 & 8.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
WH, India Ad - British Airways
India - British Airways advertisement demonstrating the traditional Indian greeting of namaste. |
Friday, December 08, 2006
WH, Ch. 25 Sec. 3 European Challenges to the Muslim World
Chapter 25 Section 3 European Challenges to the Muslim World
Taking Notes
Caption, p. 628
Skills Assessment, p. 629
Connections to Today, p. 630
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the Ottoman empire was threatened by economic decline, political corruption, nationalism, and the ambitions of European powers. In Egypt, Muhammad Ali hoped to modernize his country through political and economic reforms. Russia and Britian battled for influence in Iran, especially after the discovery of oil there.
2. In-Class Instruct
As a government official of Egypt, Iran, or the Ottoman Empire of the 1800s, you are aware of the declining power of the state. You are on special assignment. Outline the problems that are causing the state to decline and describe some actions that we can take to slow or reverse this trend.
1, 3-6 Extra Credit 7 & 8.
Taking Notes
Caption, p. 628
Skills Assessment, p. 629
Connections to Today, p. 630
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the Ottoman empire was threatened by economic decline, political corruption, nationalism, and the ambitions of European powers. In Egypt, Muhammad Ali hoped to modernize his country through political and economic reforms. Russia and Britian battled for influence in Iran, especially after the discovery of oil there.
2. In-Class Instruct
As a government official of Egypt, Iran, or the Ottoman Empire of the 1800s, you are aware of the declining power of the state. You are on special assignment. Outline the problems that are causing the state to decline and describe some actions that we can take to slow or reverse this trend.
1, 3-6 Extra Credit 7 & 8.
Mock Trial
Hello from the University of Pittsburgh's Mock Trial Organization! For the 3rd year in a row, we are hosting an invitational tournament for schools from around the country. You all should have gotten a regular mailing with information a few weeks ago, but if not, here is the basic information. This year we are hoping to expand the tournament even further to make it a more statewide competition. It will be held on January 6th and 7th, mostly in the Cathedral of Learning. Teams will compete using your official case for this year, competing twice as the plaintiff and twice as the defense. We will use the high school rules and case, but will follow the college tournament procedures, meaning teams will each compete 4 times against other schools. We will again be holding some "How To" sessions with some of Pitt's most experienced members, as we started last year. The tournament will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, and closing ceremonies will end at 3:30 on Sunday. If you would like a more detailed schedule, official registration form, or any other information, please contact us ASAP at The cost is $85 per team, and each school will be limited to bringing 3 teams. Spaces are limited and filling up, so let us know if you are interested. Thanks, and we hope to see you all in January!
-Keaton Carr
Tournament Chair
Pitt Mock Trial
-Keaton Carr
Tournament Chair
Pitt Mock Trial
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
AP Gov't & WH Iraq Study Group Report
"There is no magic formula to solve the problems of Iraq."
The Iraq Study Group Report
Click this to read the Iraq Study Group Report in pdf format.
The Iraq Study Group Report
Click this to read the Iraq Study Group Report in pdf format.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
AP Gov't, Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive Party candidate for the Presidency, 1912.
Click this to hear Theodore Roosevelt in a speech running for the Presidency.
Theodore Roosevelt, Presidential Candidate, Progressive Party, "The Right Of The People To Rule", Oyster Bay, New York, c. August, 1912 - "The great fundamental issue now before our people can be stated briefly. It is, "Are the American people fit to govern themselves, to rule themselves, to control themselves?"... A historic audio document, originally recorded on an Edison Blue Amberol Cylinder and available here in .mp3 format.
Theodore Roosevelt, Presidential Candidate, Progressive Party, "The Right Of The People To Rule", Oyster Bay, New York, c. August, 1912 - "The great fundamental issue now before our people can be stated briefly. It is, "Are the American people fit to govern themselves, to rule themselves, to control themselves?"... A historic audio document, originally recorded on an Edison Blue Amberol Cylinder and available here in .mp3 format.
AP Gov't, LibriVox » The Constitution of the United States of America, 1787
This is a free site in which to hear a reading of the U.S. Constitution.
LibriVox » The Constitution of the United States of America, 1787
LibriVox » The Constitution of the United States of America, 1787
Monday, December 04, 2006
WH, Ch. 25 Sec. 2 The Partition of Africa
Ch. 25 Section 2 The Partition of Africa
Guide for Reading [page references to the old textbook, Questions, p. 635)]
Caption, p. 636 (ditto)
Map, p. 638 (ditto)
HW: Section 2 Review
#1-4, Extra Credit, #5-6.
Guide for Reading [page references to the old textbook, Questions, p. 635)]
Caption, p. 636 (ditto)
Map, p. 638 (ditto)
HW: Section 2 Review
#1-4, Extra Credit, #5-6.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
WH & AP Gov't
Supplemental listening material for the text is available:
WH, Ch. 25 The New Imperialism, Sec. 1 A Western-Dominated World
World History, Chapter 25 The New Imperialism (1800-1914)
Section 1 A Western-Dominated World
Captions, [page references to the old text p. 631, p. 633].
Vocabulary, [ditto p. 633]
sphere of influence
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Economic, political, and military interests spurred European imperialism in the 1800s. Other motivating factors included humanitarianism, religious fervor, and racism. Europeans of all classes supported imperialism. The imperialist powers of Europe established colonies, protectorates, and spheres of influence all around the world.
2. In-class Outline
You should write a three-part outline:
Reasons for Imperialism
Reasons for European Success
Forms of Imperial Control
Use the bold face headings for guidance in finding the major ideas for each part of the outline.
Each major idea should be supported by specific facts or examples.
3. Close
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:
“Western nations continue to exert some imperialistic control over some parts of the world.”
Section 1 Review
Extra Credit, #5-6.
Section 1 A Western-Dominated World
Captions, [page references to the old text p. 631, p. 633].
Vocabulary, [ditto p. 633]
sphere of influence
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Economic, political, and military interests spurred European imperialism in the 1800s. Other motivating factors included humanitarianism, religious fervor, and racism. Europeans of all classes supported imperialism. The imperialist powers of Europe established colonies, protectorates, and spheres of influence all around the world.
2. In-class Outline
You should write a three-part outline:
Reasons for Imperialism
Reasons for European Success
Forms of Imperial Control
Use the bold face headings for guidance in finding the major ideas for each part of the outline.
Each major idea should be supported by specific facts or examples.
3. Close
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:
“Western nations continue to exert some imperialistic control over some parts of the world.”
Section 1 Review
Extra Credit, #5-6.
Monday, November 27, 2006
WH, Home rule and Parnell
Home rule & Parnell
This part deals with the home rule movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s with a particular emphasis on the influence of Parnell and the land league.
This part deals with the home rule movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s with a particular emphasis on the influence of Parnell and the land league.
WH, Ch. 24 Sections 2-4
World History, Chapter 24 Section 2 A Century of Reform
Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, Britain passed laws to bolster free trade, abolish slavery, reduce capital offenses, and improve working conditions. The government improved health care and education and enacted social welfare laws. Women used both peaceful and violent protest to gain the right to vote. Meanwhile, Irish nationalists struggled for self-rule.
Write an editorial discussed in this section. One advocates the status quo and another calls for reform. The purpose of an editorial is to express an opinion and to persuade others to share that opinion. Use persuasive and emotional arguments in your editorials.
The editorials should address the current status of women in various parts of the world. To what degree have women in various parts of the world achieved political, social, and economic equality? In what ways is the role of women still limited?
Guide for Reading (Questions)
Home rule
Chart: Nineteenth Century Reforms in Great Britain
HW, Section 2 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit 6-7
World History Chapter 24 Section 3 Division and Democracy in France
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Ruling France much like a dictator, Napoleon III limited liberties, encouraged economic growth, and pursued imperialistic ventures. After his fall from power, the Third Republic arose. Its coalition governments regulated working conditions, limited the power of the Church, and gradually extended suffrage. The Dreyfus affair split France and reflected anti-Semitism in Europe. It also helped give birth to the Zionist movement.
Read intro
The Dreyfus Affair
Calls for a Jewish State
2. In-class Instruct
Divided into groups each group will be assigned one of the following topics:
a) Napoleon III;
b) The Events of 180-1871;
c) Coalition Governments and Scandals;
d) The Dreyfus Affair;
e) Reforms in France.
Work together to define the topic. Describe three or more ways in which their topic affected the people of France or other areas of the world. Each group will present their findings.
3. Close
Five or more statements can be written: How was France in the early 1900s different from France in the 1860s?
Extra Credit
World History Chapter 24 Section 4 Expansion of the U.S.
Guide for Reading
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the U.S. expanded across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. The slavery issue, economic differences between the North and South, and the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 brought about the Civil War. Though slavery ended after the war, African Americans faced difficult times ahead. Starting in the late 1800s, reformers campaigned to extend suffrage to women and to protect the rights of workers.
2. In-Class Instruct, Archaeological teams of the 23rd Century
As a member of the archaeological team centuries down the road, your task is to uncover items that can be traced to the U.S. in the 1800s. As a member of a group assigned to the following areas, you are to find objects that fit in these categories:
1) From Sea to Sea
2) Expanding Democracy
3) Civil War and After
4) Economic Successes
5) Seeking Reform
Each group should list at least two items that it might find for their assigned topic. Then, the group is to write a descriptive paragraph for each item. The paragraphs should explain how each item is important for understanding life in the U.S. during the 1800s.
3. Close
Students should be able to generalize how the U.S. of 1900 was different from the U.S. of 1800.
Section 4 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, Britain passed laws to bolster free trade, abolish slavery, reduce capital offenses, and improve working conditions. The government improved health care and education and enacted social welfare laws. Women used both peaceful and violent protest to gain the right to vote. Meanwhile, Irish nationalists struggled for self-rule.
Write an editorial discussed in this section. One advocates the status quo and another calls for reform. The purpose of an editorial is to express an opinion and to persuade others to share that opinion. Use persuasive and emotional arguments in your editorials.
The editorials should address the current status of women in various parts of the world. To what degree have women in various parts of the world achieved political, social, and economic equality? In what ways is the role of women still limited?
Guide for Reading (Questions)
Home rule
Chart: Nineteenth Century Reforms in Great Britain
HW, Section 2 Review
#1-5, Extra Credit 6-7
World History Chapter 24 Section 3 Division and Democracy in France
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Ruling France much like a dictator, Napoleon III limited liberties, encouraged economic growth, and pursued imperialistic ventures. After his fall from power, the Third Republic arose. Its coalition governments regulated working conditions, limited the power of the Church, and gradually extended suffrage. The Dreyfus affair split France and reflected anti-Semitism in Europe. It also helped give birth to the Zionist movement.
Read intro
The Dreyfus Affair
Calls for a Jewish State
2. In-class Instruct
Divided into groups each group will be assigned one of the following topics:
a) Napoleon III;
b) The Events of 180-1871;
c) Coalition Governments and Scandals;
d) The Dreyfus Affair;
e) Reforms in France.
Work together to define the topic. Describe three or more ways in which their topic affected the people of France or other areas of the world. Each group will present their findings.
3. Close
Five or more statements can be written: How was France in the early 1900s different from France in the 1860s?
Extra Credit
World History Chapter 24 Section 4 Expansion of the U.S.
Guide for Reading
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the U.S. expanded across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. The slavery issue, economic differences between the North and South, and the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 brought about the Civil War. Though slavery ended after the war, African Americans faced difficult times ahead. Starting in the late 1800s, reformers campaigned to extend suffrage to women and to protect the rights of workers.
2. In-Class Instruct, Archaeological teams of the 23rd Century
As a member of the archaeological team centuries down the road, your task is to uncover items that can be traced to the U.S. in the 1800s. As a member of a group assigned to the following areas, you are to find objects that fit in these categories:
1) From Sea to Sea
2) Expanding Democracy
3) Civil War and After
4) Economic Successes
5) Seeking Reform
Each group should list at least two items that it might find for their assigned topic. Then, the group is to write a descriptive paragraph for each item. The paragraphs should explain how each item is important for understanding life in the U.S. during the 1800s.
3. Close
Students should be able to generalize how the U.S. of 1900 was different from the U.S. of 1800.
Section 4 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Brief biography of Richard Nixon
I podcasted a brief biography of Richard Nixon which is available at my podcast homepage.
Nixon beats Senator Helen Gahagan Douglas
Nixon beats Senator Helen Gahagan Douglas
Early in his career, Nixon was seen as a "Red-bater," or one who was virulently anti-Communist. Nixon won.
Early in his career, Nixon was seen as a "Red-bater," or one who was virulently anti-Communist. Nixon won.
Nixon vs Kennedy, 1960 Presidential Election
Nixon vs Kennedy, 1960 Presidential Election
In one of the closest elections ever, Nixon ran against John Kennedy in the '60 election. He lost.
In one of the closest elections ever, Nixon ran against John Kennedy in the '60 election. He lost.
The Checker's Speech
Nixon - The Checker's Speech
Nixon ran into difficulties early on in his career. In this speech, he defends his integrity against accusations of financial wrong doing.
Nixon ran into difficulties early on in his career. In this speech, he defends his integrity against accusations of financial wrong doing.
Richard Nixon's remarkable comeback
Richard Nixon's remarkable comeback
As background on Nixon, view this video which features how Nixon came back from crushing political defeats.
As background on Nixon, view this video which features how Nixon came back from crushing political defeats.
AP Gov't, and WH classes: The U.S. vs John Lennon - Film Trailer
The U.S. vs John Lennon - Film Trailer
Thursday, November 16, 2006
WH, Ch. 24 Sec. 1 Britain Becomes More Democratic
World History, Chapter 24 Growth of Western Democracies (1815-1914), Section 1 Britain Becomes More Democratic
Define the Vocabulary words
Answer all the Caption questions
[In the old text, the caption questions included:
Caption, p. 607
Caption, p. 609
Parallels Through Time, p. 610
Read, pp. 606 ff.]
Section 1 Britain Becomes More Democratic
1. Lesson Plan Focus
As the 1800s began in Britain, wealthy landowners dominated government, and most people still could not vote. Then, political parties competed for the support of the British working class by backing democratic reforms. By the end of the century, universal male suffrage and many other democratic measures had been achieved. In Britain, political change came through gradual reform rather than violent revolution.
2. Instruct
1) Identify the undemocratic conditions that existed in Britain in the 1800s.
2) List and describe the reforms that made British government more democratic.
3) Explain how Chartism, the Victorian Age, and British political parties all contributed to peaceful, gradual change in Britain.
2.a) Activity The Big Picture
In regards to Britain, France, and the U.S., in a chart list the following conditions during the 1800s:
Political Conditions
Social Conditions
Economic Conditions
3. Close
Students will need to identify areas in which reforms were still needed in Britain at the close of the 1800s.
Section 1 Review
#1, 2-4, Extra Credit 6-7.
Define the Vocabulary words
Answer all the Caption questions
[In the old text, the caption questions included:
Caption, p. 607
Caption, p. 609
Parallels Through Time, p. 610
Read, pp. 606 ff.]
Section 1 Britain Becomes More Democratic
1. Lesson Plan Focus
As the 1800s began in Britain, wealthy landowners dominated government, and most people still could not vote. Then, political parties competed for the support of the British working class by backing democratic reforms. By the end of the century, universal male suffrage and many other democratic measures had been achieved. In Britain, political change came through gradual reform rather than violent revolution.
2. Instruct
1) Identify the undemocratic conditions that existed in Britain in the 1800s.
2) List and describe the reforms that made British government more democratic.
3) Explain how Chartism, the Victorian Age, and British political parties all contributed to peaceful, gradual change in Britain.
2.a) Activity The Big Picture
In regards to Britain, France, and the U.S., in a chart list the following conditions during the 1800s:
Political Conditions
Social Conditions
Economic Conditions
3. Close
Students will need to identify areas in which reforms were still needed in Britain at the close of the 1800s.
Section 1 Review
#1, 2-4, Extra Credit 6-7.
Monday, November 13, 2006
WH, Ch. 23 Sec. 5 Russia: Reform and Reaction
World History Chapter 23 Section 5 Russia: Reform and Reaction
Ch. 23 Section 5
Russia: Reform and Reaction
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Russian czars recognized the need to reform Russia. However, they were reluctant to undermine absolutist rule, social stability, the Orthodox Church, and the dominant role of the Russian nationality. The emancipation of the serfs in 1861 and the development of industry in the 1890s failed to stem popular unrest. War with Japan, the events of Bloody Sunday, and long-term disaffection ignited a revolution in 1905. Promised reforms were abandoned soon after the revolution.
Guide for Reading
[Page numbers refer to the former text. (Questions, p. 598)]
Zemstvo, pogrom, refugee
Captions, answer in your Notebook.
2. In-class Instruct
Assign groups of students to create an annotated timeline and list the important events in Russian history from 1800-1914. Be sure to include significant events having to do with the following:
Peter and Catherine
Alexander I
Nicholas I
Alexander II
Alexander III
Nicholas II
Write a descriptive or explanatory note for each event on the time line. Fill in details from the text describing these Russian czars and their policies.
3. Close
In conclusion, students should be able to generalize about this period in Russian history.
HW, Section 5 Review
#1, 2-5
Extra Credit #6-7
Ch. 23 Section 5
Russia: Reform and Reaction
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Russian czars recognized the need to reform Russia. However, they were reluctant to undermine absolutist rule, social stability, the Orthodox Church, and the dominant role of the Russian nationality. The emancipation of the serfs in 1861 and the development of industry in the 1890s failed to stem popular unrest. War with Japan, the events of Bloody Sunday, and long-term disaffection ignited a revolution in 1905. Promised reforms were abandoned soon after the revolution.
Guide for Reading
[Page numbers refer to the former text. (Questions, p. 598)]
Zemstvo, pogrom, refugee
Captions, answer in your Notebook.
2. In-class Instruct
Assign groups of students to create an annotated timeline and list the important events in Russian history from 1800-1914. Be sure to include significant events having to do with the following:
Peter and Catherine
Alexander I
Nicholas I
Alexander II
Alexander III
Nicholas II
Write a descriptive or explanatory note for each event on the time line. Fill in details from the text describing these Russian czars and their policies.
3. Close
In conclusion, students should be able to generalize about this period in Russian history.
HW, Section 5 Review
#1, 2-5
Extra Credit #6-7
AP Government Field Trip, 17 Nov. '06
17 November 2006
Election 2006: Where Do We Go From Here?
Holy Family University
9 am - Noon
Transportation Provided
1st - 3rd Period
Nominal Cost, TBA
Election 2006: Where Do We Go From Here?
Holy Family University
9 am - Noon
Transportation Provided
1st - 3rd Period
Nominal Cost, TBA
Sunday, November 12, 2006
AP Gov't, Assignment on Alleged Police Brutality
Read the CNN story:
(Please be advised that the video has content which may make some uncomfortable. This is a video of alleged police brutality).
FBI investigates taped LAPD beating
POSTED: 0249 GMT (1049 HKT), November 10, 2006
If you can not view the CNN clip: there is an alternative.
On YouTube view three clips of the LAPD. You can search for three short clips entitled LAPD police brutality.
These are 1 of 3 short clips of footage that a local community group claims is tape of the LAPD beating up an innocent man in Hollywood, CA a few months ago. On August 11th, 2006, William Cardenas, 24, from Hollywood, California was arrested. A neighbor video-taped the incident.
William Cardenas is being charged with two counts of violating Penal Code 69, which is a felony "use of violence or threat of violence to prevent an officer from performing their duty." The District Attorney's Office is also adding a one year "gang" enhancement, alleging that his conduct was intended to benefit his alleged gang membership.
Community groups are charging that the two white cops, Patrick Farrell and Alexander Schlege, are on top of William and while Schlege held William down, and held his hands while Farell choked William with his knee and punched him several times with a full fist into the side of his face. They also claim that Cardenas is struggling to get words out of his mouth, that he was choking and couldn't breathe yet the blows from Farrell continue.
Cop Watch Los Angeles is supporting William Cardenas, who is facing criminal charges; William is being defended, pro bono, by private attorney B. Kwaku Duren.
Action against the cops Pattrick Farell and Alexander Schlege will be taken as well.
The LAPD has commented which can be accessed at the police chief's blog:
- COPWATCH Los Angeles Voice Mail - (562) 252-8501;
website -
Attorney B. Kwaku Duren (also Chair, New Black Panther Vanguard Movement) can be reached at or (323) 290-6146 [office] or (310) 780-6739 [cell phone]
COPWATCH Los Angeles Office - c/o Chuco's Justice Center 235 West Martin Luther King Blvd., L.A., CA 90037 ... (more) (less)
1) Your assignment is to evaluate whether Mr. Cardenas' civil rights have been violated. Did he violate Penal Code 69?
2) A second topic is to determine whether action should be taken against the LAPD cops. Did they use excessive force?
3) Be sure to include any relevant data you can find from the Wilson textbook. Feel free to refer to the Woll text also if germane.
Post your response on your YouthNoise blog.
Dr. G. Mick Smith
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be found on my blogsite:
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be heard on my Podcast:
Grades can always be found on:
(Please be advised that the video has content which may make some uncomfortable. This is a video of alleged police brutality).
FBI investigates taped LAPD beating
POSTED: 0249 GMT (1049 HKT), November 10, 2006
If you can not view the CNN clip: there is an alternative.
On YouTube view three clips of the LAPD. You can search for three short clips entitled LAPD police brutality.
These are 1 of 3 short clips of footage that a local community group claims is tape of the LAPD beating up an innocent man in Hollywood, CA a few months ago. On August 11th, 2006, William Cardenas, 24, from Hollywood, California was arrested. A neighbor video-taped the incident.
William Cardenas is being charged with two counts of violating Penal Code 69, which is a felony "use of violence or threat of violence to prevent an officer from performing their duty." The District Attorney's Office is also adding a one year "gang" enhancement, alleging that his conduct was intended to benefit his alleged gang membership.
Community groups are charging that the two white cops, Patrick Farrell and Alexander Schlege, are on top of William and while Schlege held William down, and held his hands while Farell choked William with his knee and punched him several times with a full fist into the side of his face. They also claim that Cardenas is struggling to get words out of his mouth, that he was choking and couldn't breathe yet the blows from Farrell continue.
Cop Watch Los Angeles is supporting William Cardenas, who is facing criminal charges; William is being defended, pro bono, by private attorney B. Kwaku Duren.
Action against the cops Pattrick Farell and Alexander Schlege will be taken as well.
The LAPD has commented which can be accessed at the police chief's blog:
- COPWATCH Los Angeles Voice Mail - (562) 252-8501;
website -
Attorney B. Kwaku Duren (also Chair, New Black Panther Vanguard Movement) can be reached at or (323) 290-6146 [office] or (310) 780-6739 [cell phone]
COPWATCH Los Angeles Office - c/o Chuco's Justice Center 235 West Martin Luther King Blvd., L.A., CA 90037 ... (more) (less)
1) Your assignment is to evaluate whether Mr. Cardenas' civil rights have been violated. Did he violate Penal Code 69?
2) A second topic is to determine whether action should be taken against the LAPD cops. Did they use excessive force?
3) Be sure to include any relevant data you can find from the Wilson textbook. Feel free to refer to the Woll text also if germane.
Post your response on your YouthNoise blog.
Dr. G. Mick Smith
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be found on my blogsite:
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be heard on my Podcast:
Grades can always be found on:
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
WH, Ch. 23, Sections 2-4
World History, Chapter 23
Section 2 Strengthening Germany
Guide for Reading (Questions)
Read intro
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The growth of German industry was based on ample resources and a highly skilled work force. To increase unity and devotion to the state, Bismarck applied the principles of Realpolitik toward socialists and Catholics. After asking Bismarck to resign, Kaiser William II limited democratic reform and increased the military power of Germany.
Answer Caption questions in your Notebook
2. Instruct, in-class
In two groups, the class is to imagine that they are newspaper editors who have been assigned to write an editorial on events in Germany between 1871 and 1890. One group will write editorials that generally support and praise German policies. The second group will write editorials that criticize those policies and express fears about the future. Both groups should include an appraisal of Bismarck’s style of leadership. Each group can discuss and then debate their points with the other group.
Section 2 Review
Extra Credit, #5-6
Chapter 23 Section 3 Unifying Italy
Answer the Caption questions, Map questions, etc. in your Notebook.
1. Lesson Plan Focus
For centuries, Italy had been a collection of separate states ruled by foreign and local princes who competed with each other for power. In the 1800s, influential leaders such as Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Count Camillo Cavour helped to create a united Italy. However, Italy still faced regional differences, disputes between the Church and state, and opposition to a conservative government.
2. In-class Instruct
In small groups, each group should create a biographical profile of one of the following:
Victor Emmanuel II
Focus on how each of these contributed to Italy’s unification. Consider how the person rose to leadership, what the person’s ideals and goals were, what methods the person used, and the reasons for the person’s success or failure.
Each person in the group should assume responsibility for a different part of the profile. Each group can take a turn sharing their profile. As a game, one aspect of the Italian leaders can be profiled. Ask the other groups to identify the person being described.
3. Close
Play a game in which you describe some aspect of one or more of the Italian leaders who are profiled in this section. Ask the other students if they can identify the portrayed character.
Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Chapter 23 Section 4 Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
Guide for Reading
Answer Captions, Map questions on your notebook.
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Desires for national independence threatened to break up the Austrian and Ottoman Empires. To appease Hungarian demands, Emperor Francis Joseph agreed to the creation of the Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary. As nationalism weakened the Ottoman Empire, the European powers competed for influence in the Balkan peninsula.
2. In-class Instruct
In two groups, one Austrian, and one Ottoman, assign each group to outline the conditions that existed in each empire during the mid-1800s. Compare the results between the two empires. Which of the two faced the greatest difficulty and why?
3. Close
Students should look for news articles about Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Section 4 Review #1-4Extra Credit, #5-6
Section 2 Strengthening Germany
Guide for Reading (Questions)
Read intro
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The growth of German industry was based on ample resources and a highly skilled work force. To increase unity and devotion to the state, Bismarck applied the principles of Realpolitik toward socialists and Catholics. After asking Bismarck to resign, Kaiser William II limited democratic reform and increased the military power of Germany.
Answer Caption questions in your Notebook
2. Instruct, in-class
In two groups, the class is to imagine that they are newspaper editors who have been assigned to write an editorial on events in Germany between 1871 and 1890. One group will write editorials that generally support and praise German policies. The second group will write editorials that criticize those policies and express fears about the future. Both groups should include an appraisal of Bismarck’s style of leadership. Each group can discuss and then debate their points with the other group.
Section 2 Review
Extra Credit, #5-6
Chapter 23 Section 3 Unifying Italy
Answer the Caption questions, Map questions, etc. in your Notebook.
1. Lesson Plan Focus
For centuries, Italy had been a collection of separate states ruled by foreign and local princes who competed with each other for power. In the 1800s, influential leaders such as Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Count Camillo Cavour helped to create a united Italy. However, Italy still faced regional differences, disputes between the Church and state, and opposition to a conservative government.
2. In-class Instruct
In small groups, each group should create a biographical profile of one of the following:
Victor Emmanuel II
Focus on how each of these contributed to Italy’s unification. Consider how the person rose to leadership, what the person’s ideals and goals were, what methods the person used, and the reasons for the person’s success or failure.
Each person in the group should assume responsibility for a different part of the profile. Each group can take a turn sharing their profile. As a game, one aspect of the Italian leaders can be profiled. Ask the other groups to identify the person being described.
3. Close
Play a game in which you describe some aspect of one or more of the Italian leaders who are profiled in this section. Ask the other students if they can identify the portrayed character.
Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Chapter 23 Section 4 Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
Guide for Reading
Answer Captions, Map questions on your notebook.
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Desires for national independence threatened to break up the Austrian and Ottoman Empires. To appease Hungarian demands, Emperor Francis Joseph agreed to the creation of the Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary. As nationalism weakened the Ottoman Empire, the European powers competed for influence in the Balkan peninsula.
2. In-class Instruct
In two groups, one Austrian, and one Ottoman, assign each group to outline the conditions that existed in each empire during the mid-1800s. Compare the results between the two empires. Which of the two faced the greatest difficulty and why?
3. Close
Students should look for news articles about Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Section 4 Review #1-4Extra Credit, #5-6
AP Gov't, Safe, Anonymous
Safe, Anonymous, User name, created for pedagogical purposes
Your user name, in order to protect your safety and anonymity, must be totally random. The way you create an arbitrary user name is for me to assign a random number that I can identify you with. I will provide a number to be included in your user name and thereafter you must be vigilant to never identify yourself in any way, e.g., you must never hint or suggest your name, address, phone number, location, school, or anything that may possibly reveal your location or identity. No one outside our class should ever be able to identify you in any way.
Your user name, in order to protect your safety and anonymity, must be totally random. The way you create an arbitrary user name is for me to assign a random number that I can identify you with. I will provide a number to be included in your user name and thereafter you must be vigilant to never identify yourself in any way, e.g., you must never hint or suggest your name, address, phone number, location, school, or anything that may possibly reveal your location or identity. No one outside our class should ever be able to identify you in any way.
Monday, November 06, 2006
WH, Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast
What do I have to do?
Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast at:
How do I do that?
Scroll down to Option 3 and enter your email address. You will be sent an alert when my Podcast is updated. Then you can
listen to relevant information based on your interests.
Podcasting 101
How do I listen and subscribe to podcasts?
There are many options. I am recommending that you first subscribe to my Podcast through email.
* Subscribe via email alerts
This is the simplest way to subscribe to a podcast. GCcast enables listeners to subscribe for email alerts and whenever
a podcast channel is updated, you'll automatically receive email with links to download the new audio file(s).
There are some other ways to subscribe though:
* Click & play on the web
If your web browser is enabled with Flash, you can listen to podcasts embedded in web pages (such as the one on the
Gcast home page). This is enabled by Gcast's embeddable player technology, which allows anybody to embed a podcast in any web
* Download MP3 files
Many podcast channels are also available as individual MP3 files which you can download to your computer and listen on
your media player of choice.
* Subscribe via iTunes for automatic downloads
If you have iTunes (version 4.9 or later), you can use it to subscribe to any podcast channel, and all past, present,
and future audio files in that channel will be automatically downloaded to your computer (and to your iPod, when you connect
it). To do this, simply select the "Subscribe to Podcast" option from the "Advanced" menu in iTunes.
* Subscribe for automatic downloads if you don't have iTunes
If you don't have iTunes, there are plenty of other software products that will work with your media player of choice.
Each of these products allows you to subscribe to podcast channels, and audio files will be automatically downloaded and
added to your media library. The most popular software seems to be iPodder. Here's a list of other podcasting software.
* Subscribe via MyYahoo or MyMSN
If you have a MyYahoo or MyMSN account, you can easily add any podcast channel to that account. The podcast channel
will simply appear as a new module, and each new "post" will appear as a new "headline" on your personalized page.
Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast at:
How do I do that?
Scroll down to Option 3 and enter your email address. You will be sent an alert when my Podcast is updated. Then you can
listen to relevant information based on your interests.
Podcasting 101
How do I listen and subscribe to podcasts?
There are many options. I am recommending that you first subscribe to my Podcast through email.
* Subscribe via email alerts
This is the simplest way to subscribe to a podcast. GCcast enables listeners to subscribe for email alerts and whenever
a podcast channel is updated, you'll automatically receive email with links to download the new audio file(s).
There are some other ways to subscribe though:
* Click & play on the web
If your web browser is enabled with Flash, you can listen to podcasts embedded in web pages (such as the one on the
Gcast home page). This is enabled by Gcast's embeddable player technology, which allows anybody to embed a podcast in any web
* Download MP3 files
Many podcast channels are also available as individual MP3 files which you can download to your computer and listen on
your media player of choice.
* Subscribe via iTunes for automatic downloads
If you have iTunes (version 4.9 or later), you can use it to subscribe to any podcast channel, and all past, present,
and future audio files in that channel will be automatically downloaded to your computer (and to your iPod, when you connect
it). To do this, simply select the "Subscribe to Podcast" option from the "Advanced" menu in iTunes.
* Subscribe for automatic downloads if you don't have iTunes
If you don't have iTunes, there are plenty of other software products that will work with your media player of choice.
Each of these products allows you to subscribe to podcast channels, and audio files will be automatically downloaded and
added to your media library. The most popular software seems to be iPodder. Here's a list of other podcasting software.
* Subscribe via MyYahoo or MyMSN
If you have a MyYahoo or MyMSN account, you can easily add any podcast channel to that account. The podcast channel
will simply appear as a new module, and each new "post" will appear as a new "headline" on your personalized page.
AP Government, Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast
What do I have to do?
Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast at:
How do I do that?
Scroll down to Option 3 and enter your email address. You will be sent an alert when my Podcast is updated. Then you can
listen to relevant information based on your interests.
Podcasting 101
How do I listen and subscribe to podcasts?
There are many options. I am recommending that you first subscribe to my Podcast through email.
* Subscribe via email alerts
This is the simplest way to subscribe to a podcast. GCcast enables listeners to subscribe for email alerts and whenever
a podcast channel is updated, you'll automatically receive email with links to download the new audio file(s).
There are some other ways to subscribe though:
* Click & play on the web
If your web browser is enabled with Flash, you can listen to podcasts embedded in web pages (such as the one on the
Gcast home page). This is enabled by Gcast's embeddable player technology, which allows anybody to embed a podcast in any web
* Download MP3 files
Many podcast channels are also available as individual MP3 files which you can download to your computer and listen on
your media player of choice.
* Subscribe via iTunes for automatic downloads
If you have iTunes (version 4.9 or later), you can use it to subscribe to any podcast channel, and all past, present,
and future audio files in that channel will be automatically downloaded to your computer (and to your iPod, when you connect
it). To do this, simply select the "Subscribe to Podcast" option from the "Advanced" menu in iTunes.
* Subscribe for automatic downloads if you don't have iTunes
If you don't have iTunes, there are plenty of other software products that will work with your media player of choice.
Each of these products allows you to subscribe to podcast channels, and audio files will be automatically downloaded and
added to your media library. The most popular software seems to be iPodder. Here's a list of other podcasting software.
* Subscribe via MyYahoo or MyMSN
If you have a MyYahoo or MyMSN account, you can easily add any podcast channel to that account. The podcast channel
will simply appear as a new module, and each new "post" will appear as a new "headline" on your personalized page.
Subscribe to Dr. Smith's Podcast at:
How do I do that?
Scroll down to Option 3 and enter your email address. You will be sent an alert when my Podcast is updated. Then you can
listen to relevant information based on your interests.
Podcasting 101
How do I listen and subscribe to podcasts?
There are many options. I am recommending that you first subscribe to my Podcast through email.
* Subscribe via email alerts
This is the simplest way to subscribe to a podcast. GCcast enables listeners to subscribe for email alerts and whenever
a podcast channel is updated, you'll automatically receive email with links to download the new audio file(s).
There are some other ways to subscribe though:
* Click & play on the web
If your web browser is enabled with Flash, you can listen to podcasts embedded in web pages (such as the one on the
Gcast home page). This is enabled by Gcast's embeddable player technology, which allows anybody to embed a podcast in any web
* Download MP3 files
Many podcast channels are also available as individual MP3 files which you can download to your computer and listen on
your media player of choice.
* Subscribe via iTunes for automatic downloads
If you have iTunes (version 4.9 or later), you can use it to subscribe to any podcast channel, and all past, present,
and future audio files in that channel will be automatically downloaded to your computer (and to your iPod, when you connect
it). To do this, simply select the "Subscribe to Podcast" option from the "Advanced" menu in iTunes.
* Subscribe for automatic downloads if you don't have iTunes
If you don't have iTunes, there are plenty of other software products that will work with your media player of choice.
Each of these products allows you to subscribe to podcast channels, and audio files will be automatically downloaded and
added to your media library. The most popular software seems to be iPodder. Here's a list of other podcasting software.
* Subscribe via MyYahoo or MyMSN
If you have a MyYahoo or MyMSN account, you can easily add any podcast channel to that account. The podcast channel
will simply appear as a new module, and each new "post" will appear as a new "headline" on your personalized page.
Public Opinion Survey, 7 Nov. '07
Public Opinion Survey, 7 November 2006
You want to elicit answers that can not be answered by just "yes," or "no."
Assignment: You are to interview voters on election day. Identify yourself as a student in the CD AP Government class and that you are conducting
a research assignment.
Briefly, you will ask if they have time for a few questions including, but not limited to:
How often do you vote?
What is the biggest issue or issues in this campaign?
Do you vote according to party? The individual candidate? Whether you think the candidate will win or not? Based on issues that you feel strong about?
What party, if any, do you identify with?
Do you consider yourself politically a green? liberal? conservative, libertarian?
Thank them for their time and for helping you with your research.
Then, post your impressions of your interviewees, how many you interviewed, their demographics, their party and/or political affiliation, frequency of voting, etc., on
your "youthnoise" blog.
You want to elicit answers that can not be answered by just "yes," or "no."
Assignment: You are to interview voters on election day. Identify yourself as a student in the CD AP Government class and that you are conducting
a research assignment.
Briefly, you will ask if they have time for a few questions including, but not limited to:
How often do you vote?
What is the biggest issue or issues in this campaign?
Do you vote according to party? The individual candidate? Whether you think the candidate will win or not? Based on issues that you feel strong about?
What party, if any, do you identify with?
Do you consider yourself politically a green? liberal? conservative, libertarian?
Thank them for their time and for helping you with your research.
Then, post your impressions of your interviewees, how many you interviewed, their demographics, their party and/or political affiliation, frequency of voting, etc., on
your "youthnoise" blog.
WH, Ch. 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe Sec. 1 Building a German Nation
World History Chapter 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Section 1 Building a German Nation
Read Chapter Outline
Read and answer Captions, Maps, etc.
(In the old textbook, these were on: Caption, p. 583Caption, p. 585Map, p. 586Caption, p. 587)
1. Lesson Plan FocusDuring the early 1800s, the rise of German nationalism fueled desires for a strong united German state. As chancellor Prussia, Otto von
Bismarck led the drive for German unity. Following his ideas of realpolitik and “blood and iron,” Bismarck used a minor dispute to create war
between France and the German states. As a result of the Franco-Prussian War, France was defeated and a powerful German state, the Second
Reich, was born.
2. In-class InstructActivityThe Big PictureWriting a SpeechSelect three influential leaders (listed below) of three different nationalities. For each leader, students will write a six-minute speech that
summarizes the person’s goals and policies. Each speech should also attempt to justify and win support for the leader’s views. Students will
then deliver the speeches.
Leaders:BismarckMazziniFrancis Joseph
3. Close
Outline and QuestionEach group should outline the information on their assigned leader, then they can ask two questions of the other groups. The other group
members must be able to answer the questions.
HWSection 1 Review#1-4Extra Credit#5-6
Section 1 Building a German Nation
Read Chapter Outline
Read and answer Captions, Maps, etc.
(In the old textbook, these were on: Caption, p. 583Caption, p. 585Map, p. 586Caption, p. 587)
1. Lesson Plan FocusDuring the early 1800s, the rise of German nationalism fueled desires for a strong united German state. As chancellor Prussia, Otto von
Bismarck led the drive for German unity. Following his ideas of realpolitik and “blood and iron,” Bismarck used a minor dispute to create war
between France and the German states. As a result of the Franco-Prussian War, France was defeated and a powerful German state, the Second
Reich, was born.
2. In-class InstructActivityThe Big PictureWriting a SpeechSelect three influential leaders (listed below) of three different nationalities. For each leader, students will write a six-minute speech that
summarizes the person’s goals and policies. Each speech should also attempt to justify and win support for the leader’s views. Students will
then deliver the speeches.
Leaders:BismarckMazziniFrancis Joseph
3. Close
Outline and QuestionEach group should outline the information on their assigned leader, then they can ask two questions of the other groups. The other group
members must be able to answer the questions.
HWSection 1 Review#1-4Extra Credit#5-6
Friday, November 03, 2006
Notes from presentation on United Streaming, 31 Oct. '06
The usefulness of United Streaming is demonstrated once you understand the "power" of using short video segments.
Using short segments:Create a video library
What reasons are there to use a video in class?survival, take up timefinish gradingprogress reports duetest in class yesterdayIt's Fridayi.e., these are the bad reasons
Why really is streaming video worthwhile?Enhances understanding and retentionEngages and motivates studentsSwitching from VHS, to digital increases the flexibility of using video clipsKey strategy for integrating video: short segments
What is Visual Literacy?According to Wikipedia:"Visual literary is the set of skills involved in the interpretation and criticism of images. The concept of visual literary is also the ability to create/use images to communicate. Visual literacy is a field of study in academia, drawing on art history, criticism, etc."
Website interfaceCosmeo is a homework helper for which parents can subscribe at $9.99 a month. This helper can be used by up to 4 students. Perhaps most importantly, this can be a fundraising activity by the feeder schools. Parents can get up to 25% of their money returned.
Learning Adds Up: is the site at of the content is not created by Discovery but is purchased. The video segments are divided into clips that are analogous to chapters and paragraphs as in a book.
Some of the videos are modifiable, thus, they can be incorporated and re-used for student editing. In fact, this adding to, and editing feature is a component of what analysts are now describing as a crucial to Web 2.0 (Cf.
There is closed captioning in the streaming for challenged students.
The BI on United is that science and health are United's strengths, their major competitor, PowerMediaPlus, is strongest in Language, Social Studies, and Business.
A person using the streaming makes links and saves to: “My Content.”
Webinars are available for participants.
From the Teaching area, a student can access the writing center to take online randomly generated according to the quiz that is built.The student enters: first and last name with a space.
Using short segments:Create a video library
What reasons are there to use a video in class?survival, take up timefinish gradingprogress reports duetest in class yesterdayIt's Fridayi.e., these are the bad reasons
Why really is streaming video worthwhile?Enhances understanding and retentionEngages and motivates studentsSwitching from VHS, to digital increases the flexibility of using video clipsKey strategy for integrating video: short segments
What is Visual Literacy?According to Wikipedia:"Visual literary is the set of skills involved in the interpretation and criticism of images. The concept of visual literary is also the ability to create/use images to communicate. Visual literacy is a field of study in academia, drawing on art history, criticism, etc."
Website interfaceCosmeo is a homework helper for which parents can subscribe at $9.99 a month. This helper can be used by up to 4 students. Perhaps most importantly, this can be a fundraising activity by the feeder schools. Parents can get up to 25% of their money returned.
Learning Adds Up: is the site at of the content is not created by Discovery but is purchased. The video segments are divided into clips that are analogous to chapters and paragraphs as in a book.
Some of the videos are modifiable, thus, they can be incorporated and re-used for student editing. In fact, this adding to, and editing feature is a component of what analysts are now describing as a crucial to Web 2.0 (Cf.
There is closed captioning in the streaming for challenged students.
The BI on United is that science and health are United's strengths, their major competitor, PowerMediaPlus, is strongest in Language, Social Studies, and Business.
A person using the streaming makes links and saves to: “My Content.”
Webinars are available for participants.
From the Teaching area, a student can access the writing center to take online randomly generated according to the quiz that is built.The student enters: first and last name with a space.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Mock Trial Update
Attention!!!!! We have made the following corrections to the case materials: Stipulation, ¶ 10 (p. 17 of case materials). The stipulation has been corrected to reflect that the textbook depicted in Exhibit 8 was the Defendant's, not the Plaintiff's. This mistake of identification was repeated in the Table of Contents and Exhibit List (p. 36 of case materials). These pages have been corrected as well to identify the textbook as the Defendant’s, not Plaintiff Jamie Anderson’s. *There are no changes to Exhibit 8 (book cover scan) itself, only to how it is described in the Table of Contents and Exhibit list.
Exhibit 7: We have posted a new Exhibit 7 (school transcript) to correct an omission that occurred when we made changes to that Exhibit earlier this week. The newest version places back into Exhibit 7 the correct depiction of Jamie's class rank for sophomore and junior years. The updated version has Jamie ranked "T1/223" and "T1/224." The version posted earlier this week on October 24 omitted the "T" (indicating a tie in the rankings).
Please make sure to place these corrected pages in your case materials and dispose of the older versions. Please view the updated Case Materials at . If you have any questions please let me know.
Exhibit 7: We have posted a new Exhibit 7 (school transcript) to correct an omission that occurred when we made changes to that Exhibit earlier this week. The newest version places back into Exhibit 7 the correct depiction of Jamie's class rank for sophomore and junior years. The updated version has Jamie ranked "T1/223" and "T1/224." The version posted earlier this week on October 24 omitted the "T" (indicating a tie in the rankings).
Please make sure to place these corrected pages in your case materials and dispose of the older versions. Please view the updated Case Materials at . If you have any questions please let me know.
WH, Ch. 22 Sections 2-4
World History, Chapter 22 Section 2 The World of Cities
Home Work Review
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Advances in medicine raised life expectancy in the 1800s. The population of cities oared as people flocked to urban centers for jobs. New
wealth enabled cities to provide improved living conditions and cultural opportunities. For the poor, however, life in urban slums remained
harsh. Conditions for workers gradually improved as the efforts of labor unions and government leaders brought reforms.
2. In-class Assignment
Students are divided into groups. Outlining the information in Section 2, students are to imagine that they are tour guides in a city of the
time. Their assignment is to plan a tour of a typical city of the late 1800s. Make the tour as realistic and interesting as possible. Note the
place to visit and an accompanying script (text) telling them what to say about each place visited. The tour should visit both rich and poor
3. CloseWrite two paragraphs describing life in a European city of the late 1800s. One paragraph should be from the perspective of a
middle-class/upper-class person, and the second paragraph from the perspective of a working-class person.
HWSection 2 Review#1-5Extra Credit#5-6
Chapter 22 Section 3 Changing Attitudes and Values
Vocabulary, p. 555Did You Know? p. 556Primary Source, p. 558Public Education, p. 559Geography and History, p. 560Comfort for the Poor, p. 561
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, wealthy industrialists and the old nobility comprised the upper class. The influential middle class consisted of
professionals, shop owners, and office workers. Peasants and industrial workers made up the lower class. A strict code of behavior guided
middle-class life. Women, meanwhile, struggled to gain political and economic rights. During this era, scientific advances challenged
traditional beliefs.
2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are reporters for a newspaper or magazine of the 1800s that is devoting a special issue to the changing
attitudes and values in society. There will be four groups:a) Write advice columns telling readers how to act, dress, and speak in middle-class society;b) Write editorials defending or opposing women’s efforts at social reform;c) Write articles about the many changes taking place in education;d) Debate the issues between science and religion.
Each group may read their articles aloud to the class.
3. Close
Students should be able to discuss how the attitudes and values of the late 1800s have survived or changed in Western society.
Section 3 Review, #1, 3-5, Extra Credit, #6-7.
Chapter 22 Section 4 A New Culture
Biography, p. 562Realism in Art, p. 563Impressionism, p. 564Connections to Today, p. 565
1. Lesson Plan Focus
In the 1800s, the arts were dominated by two very different movements. Reacting against the rationalism of the Enlightenment, the romantic
movement embraced vibrant emotions, heroism, and glorification of the past. Realism, meanwhile, emerged as an attempt to show the harsh
realities of the real world. In the visual arts, impressionists and post-impressionists presented their own views of the world.
2. In-class Instruct
Today’s group activities are for the purpose of creating a festival that celebrates the arts of the 1800s.Each group will assume responsibility for one art genre.Romantic literature, art, and/or musicRealistic literature or artWomen’s literatureImpressionismPost-Impressionism
Each group should write a general introduction for the genre that they will present. Also, each item in their collection should be preceded
with an oral introduction.
3. CloseStudents should write responses:Which of the artists, writers, and musicians presented in the festival affected me most? Why?
HWSection 4 Review#1, 3-5Extra Credit, #6-7
Home Work Review
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Advances in medicine raised life expectancy in the 1800s. The population of cities oared as people flocked to urban centers for jobs. New
wealth enabled cities to provide improved living conditions and cultural opportunities. For the poor, however, life in urban slums remained
harsh. Conditions for workers gradually improved as the efforts of labor unions and government leaders brought reforms.
2. In-class Assignment
Students are divided into groups. Outlining the information in Section 2, students are to imagine that they are tour guides in a city of the
time. Their assignment is to plan a tour of a typical city of the late 1800s. Make the tour as realistic and interesting as possible. Note the
place to visit and an accompanying script (text) telling them what to say about each place visited. The tour should visit both rich and poor
3. CloseWrite two paragraphs describing life in a European city of the late 1800s. One paragraph should be from the perspective of a
middle-class/upper-class person, and the second paragraph from the perspective of a working-class person.
HWSection 2 Review#1-5Extra Credit#5-6
Chapter 22 Section 3 Changing Attitudes and Values
Vocabulary, p. 555Did You Know? p. 556Primary Source, p. 558Public Education, p. 559Geography and History, p. 560Comfort for the Poor, p. 561
1. Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, wealthy industrialists and the old nobility comprised the upper class. The influential middle class consisted of
professionals, shop owners, and office workers. Peasants and industrial workers made up the lower class. A strict code of behavior guided
middle-class life. Women, meanwhile, struggled to gain political and economic rights. During this era, scientific advances challenged
traditional beliefs.
2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are reporters for a newspaper or magazine of the 1800s that is devoting a special issue to the changing
attitudes and values in society. There will be four groups:a) Write advice columns telling readers how to act, dress, and speak in middle-class society;b) Write editorials defending or opposing women’s efforts at social reform;c) Write articles about the many changes taking place in education;d) Debate the issues between science and religion.
Each group may read their articles aloud to the class.
3. Close
Students should be able to discuss how the attitudes and values of the late 1800s have survived or changed in Western society.
Section 3 Review, #1, 3-5, Extra Credit, #6-7.
Chapter 22 Section 4 A New Culture
Biography, p. 562Realism in Art, p. 563Impressionism, p. 564Connections to Today, p. 565
1. Lesson Plan Focus
In the 1800s, the arts were dominated by two very different movements. Reacting against the rationalism of the Enlightenment, the romantic
movement embraced vibrant emotions, heroism, and glorification of the past. Realism, meanwhile, emerged as an attempt to show the harsh
realities of the real world. In the visual arts, impressionists and post-impressionists presented their own views of the world.
2. In-class Instruct
Today’s group activities are for the purpose of creating a festival that celebrates the arts of the 1800s.Each group will assume responsibility for one art genre.Romantic literature, art, and/or musicRealistic literature or artWomen’s literatureImpressionismPost-Impressionism
Each group should write a general introduction for the genre that they will present. Also, each item in their collection should be preceded
with an oral introduction.
3. CloseStudents should write responses:Which of the artists, writers, and musicians presented in the festival affected me most? Why?
HWSection 4 Review#1, 3-5Extra Credit, #6-7
Sunday, October 29, 2006
AP Gov't, Tues. Assignment, Answer Ch. 6 Civil Rights Questions
For Tuesday, review and answer Ch. 6 Civil Rights Questions, before the Mid-Term on 6 November 2006.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
WH, Ch. 22 Sec. 1 The Industrial Revolution Spreads
WH, Unit 6, Industrialism and A New Global Age, Chapter 22
Life in the Industrial Age, Section 1, The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Unit 6 Industrialism and A New Global Age
Chapter 22 Life in the Industrial Age (1800-1910)
Section 1 The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Vocabulary, p. 544
Interchangeable parts
Assembly line
Map, p. 545
Connections to Today, p. 546
Comparing Viewpoints, p. 547
Caption, p. 548
Primary Source, p. 549
Caption, p. 550
Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the US, Japan, and several European countries joined Britain in the Industrial Revolution. New machines and scientific advances helped business grow. Large companies developed new ways to get the capital that they needed. The leaders of big business created monopolies and trusts that controlled entire industries.
2. In-class Instruct
In small groups students should imagine that they are living in the 1800s and are members of a commission that will decide the contents of a time capsule. The time capsule, scheduled to be opened by people of the twenty-first century, should reveal the changes that the industrialized world experienced in the 1800s. The time capsule should include about 15 items. It may include artifacts, maps, graphs, photographs, art works, and documents. Each commission should list the contents of its time capsule. They should also write a clear description of the nature and significance of each item. Then, each group can present their list to the larger group.
3. Write potential test questions based on the information included in this section.
Section 1 Review
#1, 3-5
Extra Credit, #6-7
Life in the Industrial Age, Section 1, The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Unit 6 Industrialism and A New Global Age
Chapter 22 Life in the Industrial Age (1800-1910)
Section 1 The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Vocabulary, p. 544
Interchangeable parts
Assembly line
Map, p. 545
Connections to Today, p. 546
Comparing Viewpoints, p. 547
Caption, p. 548
Primary Source, p. 549
Caption, p. 550
Lesson Plan Focus
During the 1800s, the US, Japan, and several European countries joined Britain in the Industrial Revolution. New machines and scientific advances helped business grow. Large companies developed new ways to get the capital that they needed. The leaders of big business created monopolies and trusts that controlled entire industries.
2. In-class Instruct
In small groups students should imagine that they are living in the 1800s and are members of a commission that will decide the contents of a time capsule. The time capsule, scheduled to be opened by people of the twenty-first century, should reveal the changes that the industrialized world experienced in the 1800s. The time capsule should include about 15 items. It may include artifacts, maps, graphs, photographs, art works, and documents. Each commission should list the contents of its time capsule. They should also write a clear description of the nature and significance of each item. Then, each group can present their list to the larger group.
3. Write potential test questions based on the information included in this section.
Section 1 Review
#1, 3-5
Extra Credit, #6-7
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
WH, Wednesday assignment
Chapter 22 Section 1
Answer all caption questions and answer the Assessment questions, #1, 3-5.
Answer all caption questions and answer the Assessment questions, #1, 3-5.
AP Gov't, Wednesday assignment
2nd Period Answer “blog” questions, group work is fine. Read Ch. 5, on Civil Liberties in the textbook and to the Woll text, on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, be prepared to present and respond to the readings.
Mock Trial Sign up
Dr. Smith, Room #267
I am interested in mock trial:
Name (Please print) Grade Student #
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Dr. Smith, Room #267
I am interested in mock trial:
Name (Please print) Grade Student #
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AP Gov't, Pending Supreme Court cases
How would you decide?
Review cases pending before the Supreme Court and select one for a moot court exercise. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each set of oral arguments? What are the implications for the Court's rulings?
After "oral," there is an underscore ( _ ); and, after the singular word, argument, there is an underscore ( _ ) as well.
Access has been denied.
Access to the page:
... has been denied for the following reason:
Banned Regular Expression URL found.
Review cases pending before the Supreme Court and select one for a moot court exercise. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each set of oral arguments? What are the implications for the Court's rulings?
After "oral," there is an underscore ( _ ); and, after the singular word, argument, there is an underscore ( _ ) as well.
Access has been denied.
Access to the page:
... has been denied for the following reason:
Banned Regular Expression URL found.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Mock Trial Boot Camp, Sat. 28 Oct. '06
The 2007 Mock Trial Case Materials, Rules of Competition, and Rules of Evidence have been posted to our website
You can download the problem at. Click onto the Young Lawyers Section (left side) then click onto Mock Trial (at the top of page to the right). Go down to #1 Case Materials.
Students registered for the "Boot Camp" are to read the problem and be prepared to answer questions pertaining to it. The homework assignment will be posted on Monday by e-mail and the students will be responsible for turning it in at registration on Saturday the 28th.
Saturday, 28 October 2006, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
You can download the problem at. Click onto the Young Lawyers Section (left side) then click onto Mock Trial (at the top of page to the right). Go down to #1 Case Materials.
Students registered for the "Boot Camp" are to read the problem and be prepared to answer questions pertaining to it. The homework assignment will be posted on Monday by e-mail and the students will be responsible for turning it in at registration on Saturday the 28th.
Saturday, 28 October 2006, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Friday, October 20, 2006
WH, Ch. 20 Sec. 2 up to Ch. 21 Sec. 3
Note: p. numbers may refer to the old text; the work, however, is basically the same.
World History, Ch. 20, Sec. 2 Britain Leads the Way
Ch. 20, Section 2 Britain Leads the Way
Read intro, p. 510
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain where there were favorable economic, political, and social conditions, a sufficient work force, and plentiful iron and coal. Iron was used to build the machines and coal was used to fuel them. As machinery took hold in the British textile industry, the factory system replaced the putting out system.
2. In-class Instruct
A museum exhibit is planned on the early years of the Industrial Revolution. The class is divided into groups and each group will detail a plan for part of the exhibit. Each group will be assigned one of the following topics:
Why the Industrial Revolution Began in Britain
The Importance of Iron and Coal
The Textile Industry
Changes in Transportation
Outside research can supplement the information in the text.
Students should list the objects, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, maps, and/or machines, etc., that they want to exhibit in their part of the exhibit.
Write a description of each item.
They should also create visual materials such as maps, graphs, charts, and posters for their exhibit.
3. Close
Consider how modern technology is used to facilitate transportation, communication, and education programs in museums of today.
Caption, p. 511 Art History
Answer to Caption. . .
Art and Literature
Possible Answer:
They seem proud of the forge’s power and their father’s work.
Caption, p. 512 Technology of the British Industrial Revolution
Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Chart
All the inventions are complex machines that made human labor easier.
Background Historical Evidence
Britain’s Overseas Markets
The vast British Empire provided world-wide goods. In fact, during the 1700s, the overseas export market grew at a much faster rate than the domestic market. Between 1750 and 1770, for example, production for the export market increased by 80%, while production for the domestic market grew by only 7%. Although investing in new industries carried risks, the lucrative overseas trade made the gamble seem well worth taking.
Map, p. 514
Answers to. . .
Locations review together.
Possible answers: a) southern United States, India; b) British West Indies, Cape Colony.
Possible answer: Without this key source of cotton, development of the cotton industry might have been slowed. Britain would have had to seek other sources of raw cotton or pay more to the Indians for theirs. Britain might have even had to find a different product on which to concentrate its industry.
Graph, p. 515
Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Graph
In 1750, it took about 48 hours to travel between London and Birmingham. In 1830, it took only about 12 hours. The invention of the steam-powered locomotive made this increased speed possible.
Section 2 Review, p. 515
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit #6-7.
World History, Ch. 20 Sec. 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
World History, Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins,
Section 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
Vocabulary, p. 516
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Factory work meant long hours, backbreaking jobs, unsafe conditions, and low pay. Many women worked both at home and in the factories. Child labor was a common practice. In the cities, working class families endured filthy and overcrowded living conditions. At the same time, however, the Industrial Revolution gradually brought more jobs, higher pay, and other material benefits.
2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are living during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Each student (and a partner) should assume one of the following roles:
a miner
a factory worker
a child laborer
a working class mother
a factory owner
a government inspector
a Luddite
a middle-class woman
Students are to write a diary entry in the role of their assumed character. Record the events of a complete day and include specific details of the person’s life. In your diary, include not only their activities and observations, but also your feelings and emotions. These diary entries will be shared with the class.
3. Close
List three or four ways that life today would be different for the person whose role you assumed.
Caption, p. 517
Caption, p. 518
Parallels Through Time, p. 519
Section 3 Review
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit 6-7.
WH, Ch. 20 Sec. 4 New Ways of Thinking
World History, Ch. 20, Sec. 4, New Ways of Thinking
Ch. 20, Section 4, New Ways of Thinking
What economic ideas helped shape the industrial age?
What reforms did individual thinkers urge?
How was socialism linked to the Industrial Revolution?
Vocabulary, p. 530
Read intro, p. 520
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Industrial age gave rise to economic philosophies such as Utilitarianism, Socialism, and Communism. Individual thinkers offered a variety of opinions on what government should do to improve social and economic conditions. Socialists condemned the evils of industrial capitalism and urged radical changes in the way the economy operated.
2. In-class Instruct
Choose one of the following and write a position paper in which you explain that thinker’s point of view:
Adam Smith
Thomas Malthus
David Ricardo
Jeremy Bentham
John Stuart Mill
Robert Owen
Karl Marx
Students should use the text and library resources to set forth the philosophy of the person assigned. Be prepared to read your papers to the class and to answer any question that you or the other students might have.
3. Close
Illustrate the viewpoint of the chosen philosopher in a cartoon or a poster.
Caption, p. 521
Answer to Caption. . .
Political and Social Systems
Malthus believed in the unrestricted “laws of the free market.” He urged families to have fewer children. He also felt that war, disease, and famine would check population growth.
Caption, p. 523
Answer to Caption. . .
Global Interaction
Possible Answer: In London’s urban slums, Marx may have witnessed the poverty and hardships endured by the working class. In London’s better neighborhoods, he may have witnessed the wealth and luxuries of the bourgeoisie. The unequal conditions may have influenced his philosophy.
Cooperative Groups
In the United States today, people continue to debate the degree to which government should intervene to alleviate social and economic problems. The debate touches upon such specific issues as social security, welfare programs, environmental protection laws, affirmative action laws, school lunch programs, and the like.
One of these issues or one of your own choosing can be the focus for a debate on how much government should intervene to improve social and economic conditions. The class can be divided into two groups. One group will argue in favor of government intervention and the other group will argue against it. Time can be allotted to develop and organize arguments. Before the debate, the rules of debate will be covered.
Heterogeneous Groups
Writing a Letter
Imagine that you are an English textile worker who has just finished reading The Communist Manifesto. Write a letter to a co-worker in which you describe Marx’s ideas. In your letter, explain whether you agree or disagree with Marx’s theories.
Section 4 Review
1. a) Malthus, p. 520
b) “iron law of wages, p. 521
c) John Stuart Mill, p. 522
d) Utopians, p. 522
e) The Communist Manifesto, p. 522
3. a) Successful businesspeople of the middle and upper classes supported free market ideas; b) Since they were successful, they saw no need for government intervention in the economy.
4. Utopian socialist proposed the creation of self-sufficient communities in which all work was shared and all property was owned in common.
5. a) Marx believed that economics was the driving force in history and that history was a continuous struggle between the “haves” and the “have nots.” b) Marx underestimated the powerful influence of national loyalties on the working class. As the standard of living rose, class conflict lessened.
Extra Credit
6. Answers will vary. Student’s answers should reflect an understanding of the theory that they select.
7. Students’ work should reflect an ability to compare perspectives and to organize ideas in a concise format.
WH, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Sec. 1 An Age of Ideologies, Sec. 2 To The Barricades!
World History, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Sections 1-2
Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Caption, p. 527
Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
Universal manhood suffrage
1. Lesson Plan Focus
After 1815, conservatives called for a return to the political and social structure that existed before 1789. Liberals embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and wanted to limit the power of monarchs. Nationalists, by urging national independence, threatened the powerful empires of Europe. Conflicts emerged as conservative leaders opposed liberal and nationalist demands.
Caption, p. 528
Caption, p. 530
2. In-class Instruct
Divide the class into three groups: conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism. Assign each group to outline its political movement by listing its attitudes, goals, policies, and actions. Each group should have an expert to summarize the main points of the assigned viewpoint.
3. Close
Describe any characteristic of liberalism, conservatism, or nationalism. Then, ask volunteers to name the political philosophy that included that characteristic.
Section 1 Review
#1-4, Extra Credit #5-6.
Section 2 To the Barricades!
Guide for Reading
Why did revolts break out in France in 1830 and 1848?
How did revolutions in France affect other parts of Europe?
Why did the revolts of 1830 and 1848 generally fail to achieve their goals?
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Charles X’s attempt to restore absolutism in France resulted in the July revolution of 1830. An economic slump, coupled with discontent over social and political issues, sparked revolution again in 1848. These French uprising inspired revolts in other parts of Europe. Many of the revolutions failed because they were put down by military force and because they did not have mass support.
Caption, p. 532
Map, p. 533
Caption, p. 535
2. In-class Instruct
Construct a chart that profiles the revolutions that occurred in Europe between 1800 and 1848. There should be six columns for each:
1. Country;
2. Date;
3. Goals;
4. Opponent;
5. Outcome;
6. Reasons for Success or Failure
Use the info from Sections 1 and 2 of this chapter to fill in the chart. Students should fill in the chart under the appropriate headings.
3. Close
The students should use the chart to write generalizations about this period in Europe.
Section 2 Review
Extra Credit
WH, Ch. 21 Sec. 3 Latin American Wars of Independence
World History, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Section 3
Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 3 Latin American Wars of Independence
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in other lands, and dissatisfaction with European rule caused revolutions in Latin America. In Haiti, an army of former slaves ended French rule in a struggle that cost more lives than any other Latin American revolution. As a result of revolutions in Mexico, Central America, and South America, independent Latin American nations emerged.
Caption, p. 537
Caption, p. 538
Parallels Through Time, p. 540
Cause and Effect, p. 541
Map, p. 542
2. In-class Instruct
Students will work in groups to write a “how-to” manual for carrying out a successful revolution in Latin America. Each group’s manual should include the following information:
A profile of a successful leader;
Ways to gain followers;
The steps for carrying out a revolution;
Recommended actions for the post-revolutionary period;
The mistakes to avoid.
Students should write their manuals on their study of the revolutions that are
discussed in this section.
3. Close
A class discussion will examine how Latin American revolutions were both successful and unsuccessful.
HW Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
World History, Ch. 20, Sec. 2 Britain Leads the Way
Ch. 20, Section 2 Britain Leads the Way
Read intro, p. 510
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain where there were favorable economic, political, and social conditions, a sufficient work force, and plentiful iron and coal. Iron was used to build the machines and coal was used to fuel them. As machinery took hold in the British textile industry, the factory system replaced the putting out system.
2. In-class Instruct
A museum exhibit is planned on the early years of the Industrial Revolution. The class is divided into groups and each group will detail a plan for part of the exhibit. Each group will be assigned one of the following topics:
Why the Industrial Revolution Began in Britain
The Importance of Iron and Coal
The Textile Industry
Changes in Transportation
Outside research can supplement the information in the text.
Students should list the objects, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, maps, and/or machines, etc., that they want to exhibit in their part of the exhibit.
Write a description of each item.
They should also create visual materials such as maps, graphs, charts, and posters for their exhibit.
3. Close
Consider how modern technology is used to facilitate transportation, communication, and education programs in museums of today.
Caption, p. 511 Art History
Answer to Caption. . .
Art and Literature
Possible Answer:
They seem proud of the forge’s power and their father’s work.
Caption, p. 512 Technology of the British Industrial Revolution
Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Chart
All the inventions are complex machines that made human labor easier.
Background Historical Evidence
Britain’s Overseas Markets
The vast British Empire provided world-wide goods. In fact, during the 1700s, the overseas export market grew at a much faster rate than the domestic market. Between 1750 and 1770, for example, production for the export market increased by 80%, while production for the domestic market grew by only 7%. Although investing in new industries carried risks, the lucrative overseas trade made the gamble seem well worth taking.
Map, p. 514
Answers to. . .
Locations review together.
Possible answers: a) southern United States, India; b) British West Indies, Cape Colony.
Possible answer: Without this key source of cotton, development of the cotton industry might have been slowed. Britain would have had to seek other sources of raw cotton or pay more to the Indians for theirs. Britain might have even had to find a different product on which to concentrate its industry.
Graph, p. 515
Answer to Caption. . .
Interpreting a Graph
In 1750, it took about 48 hours to travel between London and Birmingham. In 1830, it took only about 12 hours. The invention of the steam-powered locomotive made this increased speed possible.
Section 2 Review, p. 515
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit #6-7.
World History, Ch. 20 Sec. 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
World History, Ch. 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins,
Section 3 Hardships of Early Industrial Life
Vocabulary, p. 516
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Factory work meant long hours, backbreaking jobs, unsafe conditions, and low pay. Many women worked both at home and in the factories. Child labor was a common practice. In the cities, working class families endured filthy and overcrowded living conditions. At the same time, however, the Industrial Revolution gradually brought more jobs, higher pay, and other material benefits.
2. In-class Instruct
Students are to imagine that they are living during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Each student (and a partner) should assume one of the following roles:
a miner
a factory worker
a child laborer
a working class mother
a factory owner
a government inspector
a Luddite
a middle-class woman
Students are to write a diary entry in the role of their assumed character. Record the events of a complete day and include specific details of the person’s life. In your diary, include not only their activities and observations, but also your feelings and emotions. These diary entries will be shared with the class.
3. Close
List three or four ways that life today would be different for the person whose role you assumed.
Caption, p. 517
Caption, p. 518
Parallels Through Time, p. 519
Section 3 Review
#1, 3-5, Extra Credit 6-7.
WH, Ch. 20 Sec. 4 New Ways of Thinking
World History, Ch. 20, Sec. 4, New Ways of Thinking
Ch. 20, Section 4, New Ways of Thinking
What economic ideas helped shape the industrial age?
What reforms did individual thinkers urge?
How was socialism linked to the Industrial Revolution?
Vocabulary, p. 530
Read intro, p. 520
1. Lesson Plan Focus
The Industrial age gave rise to economic philosophies such as Utilitarianism, Socialism, and Communism. Individual thinkers offered a variety of opinions on what government should do to improve social and economic conditions. Socialists condemned the evils of industrial capitalism and urged radical changes in the way the economy operated.
2. In-class Instruct
Choose one of the following and write a position paper in which you explain that thinker’s point of view:
Adam Smith
Thomas Malthus
David Ricardo
Jeremy Bentham
John Stuart Mill
Robert Owen
Karl Marx
Students should use the text and library resources to set forth the philosophy of the person assigned. Be prepared to read your papers to the class and to answer any question that you or the other students might have.
3. Close
Illustrate the viewpoint of the chosen philosopher in a cartoon or a poster.
Caption, p. 521
Answer to Caption. . .
Political and Social Systems
Malthus believed in the unrestricted “laws of the free market.” He urged families to have fewer children. He also felt that war, disease, and famine would check population growth.
Caption, p. 523
Answer to Caption. . .
Global Interaction
Possible Answer: In London’s urban slums, Marx may have witnessed the poverty and hardships endured by the working class. In London’s better neighborhoods, he may have witnessed the wealth and luxuries of the bourgeoisie. The unequal conditions may have influenced his philosophy.
Cooperative Groups
In the United States today, people continue to debate the degree to which government should intervene to alleviate social and economic problems. The debate touches upon such specific issues as social security, welfare programs, environmental protection laws, affirmative action laws, school lunch programs, and the like.
One of these issues or one of your own choosing can be the focus for a debate on how much government should intervene to improve social and economic conditions. The class can be divided into two groups. One group will argue in favor of government intervention and the other group will argue against it. Time can be allotted to develop and organize arguments. Before the debate, the rules of debate will be covered.
Heterogeneous Groups
Writing a Letter
Imagine that you are an English textile worker who has just finished reading The Communist Manifesto. Write a letter to a co-worker in which you describe Marx’s ideas. In your letter, explain whether you agree or disagree with Marx’s theories.
Section 4 Review
1. a) Malthus, p. 520
b) “iron law of wages, p. 521
c) John Stuart Mill, p. 522
d) Utopians, p. 522
e) The Communist Manifesto, p. 522
3. a) Successful businesspeople of the middle and upper classes supported free market ideas; b) Since they were successful, they saw no need for government intervention in the economy.
4. Utopian socialist proposed the creation of self-sufficient communities in which all work was shared and all property was owned in common.
5. a) Marx believed that economics was the driving force in history and that history was a continuous struggle between the “haves” and the “have nots.” b) Marx underestimated the powerful influence of national loyalties on the working class. As the standard of living rose, class conflict lessened.
Extra Credit
6. Answers will vary. Student’s answers should reflect an understanding of the theory that they select.
7. Students’ work should reflect an ability to compare perspectives and to organize ideas in a concise format.
WH, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Sec. 1 An Age of Ideologies, Sec. 2 To The Barricades!
World History, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Sections 1-2
Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Caption, p. 527
Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
Universal manhood suffrage
1. Lesson Plan Focus
After 1815, conservatives called for a return to the political and social structure that existed before 1789. Liberals embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and wanted to limit the power of monarchs. Nationalists, by urging national independence, threatened the powerful empires of Europe. Conflicts emerged as conservative leaders opposed liberal and nationalist demands.
Caption, p. 528
Caption, p. 530
2. In-class Instruct
Divide the class into three groups: conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism. Assign each group to outline its political movement by listing its attitudes, goals, policies, and actions. Each group should have an expert to summarize the main points of the assigned viewpoint.
3. Close
Describe any characteristic of liberalism, conservatism, or nationalism. Then, ask volunteers to name the political philosophy that included that characteristic.
Section 1 Review
#1-4, Extra Credit #5-6.
Section 2 To the Barricades!
Guide for Reading
Why did revolts break out in France in 1830 and 1848?
How did revolutions in France affect other parts of Europe?
Why did the revolts of 1830 and 1848 generally fail to achieve their goals?
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Charles X’s attempt to restore absolutism in France resulted in the July revolution of 1830. An economic slump, coupled with discontent over social and political issues, sparked revolution again in 1848. These French uprising inspired revolts in other parts of Europe. Many of the revolutions failed because they were put down by military force and because they did not have mass support.
Caption, p. 532
Map, p. 533
Caption, p. 535
2. In-class Instruct
Construct a chart that profiles the revolutions that occurred in Europe between 1800 and 1848. There should be six columns for each:
1. Country;
2. Date;
3. Goals;
4. Opponent;
5. Outcome;
6. Reasons for Success or Failure
Use the info from Sections 1 and 2 of this chapter to fill in the chart. Students should fill in the chart under the appropriate headings.
3. Close
The students should use the chart to write generalizations about this period in Europe.
Section 2 Review
Extra Credit
WH, Ch. 21 Sec. 3 Latin American Wars of Independence
World History, Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, Section 3
Ch. 21 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 3 Latin American Wars of Independence
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in other lands, and dissatisfaction with European rule caused revolutions in Latin America. In Haiti, an army of former slaves ended French rule in a struggle that cost more lives than any other Latin American revolution. As a result of revolutions in Mexico, Central America, and South America, independent Latin American nations emerged.
Caption, p. 537
Caption, p. 538
Parallels Through Time, p. 540
Cause and Effect, p. 541
Map, p. 542
2. In-class Instruct
Students will work in groups to write a “how-to” manual for carrying out a successful revolution in Latin America. Each group’s manual should include the following information:
A profile of a successful leader;
Ways to gain followers;
The steps for carrying out a revolution;
Recommended actions for the post-revolutionary period;
The mistakes to avoid.
Students should write their manuals on their study of the revolutions that are
discussed in this section.
3. Close
A class discussion will examine how Latin American revolutions were both successful and unsuccessful.
HW Section 3 Review
Extra Credit #6-7
Thursday, October 19, 2006
WH, Answers to Quiz, Ch. 20
Based on both your reading of the text and the film, answer the following questions.
1. Where did the French Royalty live?
a) Simon Bolivar b) Maria Theresa c) Versailles d) London e) Paris
c) Versailles
2. Who reigned in Austria?
a) Neckar b) George III c) Thomas Paine d) Maria Theresa e)Simon Bolivar
d) Maria Theresa
3. What country elected kings?
a) France b) Britain c) Poland d) England e) Brazil
c) Poland
4. What is the vocabulary word for giving up the throne?
a) deficit spending b) émigré c) divine right of kings d) Neckar e) abdicate
e) abdicate
5. Who trampled on the Magna Carta?
a) Neckar b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
d) George III
6. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Thomas Paine b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
a) Thomas Paine
7. In what year did the French Revolution occur?
a) 1789 b) 1848 c) 1805 d) 1815 e) 1917
a) 1789
8. In what battle was the French Navy destroyed?
a) Waterloo b) Trafalgar c) Battleship Potemkin d) Austerlitz e) Paris
b) Trafalgar
9. In what year did the previous battle occur?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
a) 1805
10. Who came to power by forcing his way to power, otherwise known as a coup d’etat?
a) Trafalgar b) Napoleon c) Marx d) Waterloo e) Simon Bolivar
b) Napoleon
11. In what year was Napoleon’s last battle?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
b) 1815
12. Revolution occurred in which of the following South American countries?
a) France b) London c) Neckar d) Brazil e) Russia
d) Brazil
13. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
a) 1917 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
a) 1917
1. Where did the French Royalty live?
a) Simon Bolivar b) Maria Theresa c) Versailles d) London e) Paris
c) Versailles
2. Who reigned in Austria?
a) Neckar b) George III c) Thomas Paine d) Maria Theresa e)Simon Bolivar
d) Maria Theresa
3. What country elected kings?
a) France b) Britain c) Poland d) England e) Brazil
c) Poland
4. What is the vocabulary word for giving up the throne?
a) deficit spending b) émigré c) divine right of kings d) Neckar e) abdicate
e) abdicate
5. Who trampled on the Magna Carta?
a) Neckar b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
d) George III
6. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Thomas Paine b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
a) Thomas Paine
7. In what year did the French Revolution occur?
a) 1789 b) 1848 c) 1805 d) 1815 e) 1917
a) 1789
8. In what battle was the French Navy destroyed?
a) Waterloo b) Trafalgar c) Battleship Potemkin d) Austerlitz e) Paris
b) Trafalgar
9. In what year did the previous battle occur?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
a) 1805
10. Who came to power by forcing his way to power, otherwise known as a coup d’etat?
a) Trafalgar b) Napoleon c) Marx d) Waterloo e) Simon Bolivar
b) Napoleon
11. In what year was Napoleon’s last battle?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
b) 1815
12. Revolution occurred in which of the following South American countries?
a) France b) London c) Neckar d) Brazil e) Russia
d) Brazil
13. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
a) 1917 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
a) 1917
WH Ch. 20 Quiz on Revolution
Quiz “Revolution”
Ch. 20
Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ______
Based on both your reading of the text and the film, answer the following questions.
1. Where did the French Royalty live?
a) Simon Bolivar b) Maria Theresa c) Versailles d) London e) Paris
2. Who reigned in Austria?
a) Neckar b) George III c) Thomas Paine d) Maria Theresa e)Simon Bolivar
3. What country elected kings?
a) France b) Britain c) Poland d) England e) Brazil
4. What is the vocabulary word for giving up the throne?
a) deficit spending b) émigré c) divine right of kings d) Neckar e) abdicate
5. Who trampled on the Magna Carta?
a) Neckar b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
6. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Thomas Paine b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
7. In what year did the French Revolution occur?
a) 1789 b) 1848 c) 1805 d) 1815 e) 1917
8. In what battle was the French Navy destroyed?
a) Waterloo b) Trafalgar c) Battleship Potemkin d) Austerlitz e) Paris
9. In what year did the previous battle occur?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
10. Who came to power by forcing his way to power, otherwise known as a coup d’etat?
a) Trafalgar b) Napoleon c) Marx d) Waterloo e) Simon Bolivar
11. In what year was Napoleon’s last battle?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
12. Revolution occurred in which of the following South American countries?
a) France b) London c) Neckar d) Brazil e) Russia
13. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
a) 1917 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
Ch. 20
Name: __________________________________________________ Period: ______
Based on both your reading of the text and the film, answer the following questions.
1. Where did the French Royalty live?
a) Simon Bolivar b) Maria Theresa c) Versailles d) London e) Paris
2. Who reigned in Austria?
a) Neckar b) George III c) Thomas Paine d) Maria Theresa e)Simon Bolivar
3. What country elected kings?
a) France b) Britain c) Poland d) England e) Brazil
4. What is the vocabulary word for giving up the throne?
a) deficit spending b) émigré c) divine right of kings d) Neckar e) abdicate
5. Who trampled on the Magna Carta?
a) Neckar b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
6. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Thomas Paine b) Napoleon c) Maria Theresa d) George III e) Marie Antoinette
7. In what year did the French Revolution occur?
a) 1789 b) 1848 c) 1805 d) 1815 e) 1917
8. In what battle was the French Navy destroyed?
a) Waterloo b) Trafalgar c) Battleship Potemkin d) Austerlitz e) Paris
9. In what year did the previous battle occur?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
10. Who came to power by forcing his way to power, otherwise known as a coup d’etat?
a) Trafalgar b) Napoleon c) Marx d) Waterloo e) Simon Bolivar
11. In what year was Napoleon’s last battle?
a) 1805 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
12. Revolution occurred in which of the following South American countries?
a) France b) London c) Neckar d) Brazil e) Russia
13. In what year did the Russian Revolution occur?
a) 1917 b) 1815 c) 1905 d) 1789 e) 1848
Friday, October 13, 2006
WH, Ch. 20 Sec. 1, Out of order for the time the 'Net was down
Ch. 20 Sec. 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
HW Review
1a. Charles Townsend
b) Jethro Tull
c) Thomas Newcomen
d) James Watt
e) Abraham Darby
Vocab. p. 498
Caption, p. 499
Biography, p. 500
Sec. 2 Britain Leads the Way
Vocabulary p. 501
Map, p. 502
Impact of the Railroad, p. 503
Geography and History, p. 504
HW Review
1a. Charles Townsend
b) Jethro Tull
c) Thomas Newcomen
d) James Watt
e) Abraham Darby
Vocab. p. 498
Caption, p. 499
Biography, p. 500
Sec. 2 Britain Leads the Way
Vocabulary p. 501
Map, p. 502
Impact of the Railroad, p. 503
Geography and History, p. 504
AP Gov't
The central purpose of the chapter is to introduce the student to some of the complexities of federal government in the United States—that is, one where both the national and state governments have powers independent of one another. After reading and reviewing the material in this chapter, the student should be able to do each of the following:
1. Explain the difference between federal and centralized systems of government, and give examples of each.
2. Show how competing political interests at the Constitutional Convention led to the adoption of a federal system that was not clearly defined.
3. Outline the ways in which national and state powers have been interpreted by the courts.
4. State the reasons why federal grants-in-aid to the states have been politically popular, and cite what have proven to be their pitfalls. Distinguish between categorical grants and block grants.
5. Distinguish between mandates and conditions of aid with respect to federal grant programs to states and localities. Discuss whether or to what extent federal grants to the states have created uniform national policies comparable to those of centralized governments.
6. Evaluate the effect of devolution on relationships between the national and state governments. Assess its implications for citizens as taxpayers and as clients of government programs.
States participate actively both in determining national policy and in administering national programs. Moreover, they reserve to themselves or to localities within them important powers over such public services as schooling and law enforcement, and such important public decisions as land use. In a unitary system, these powers are exercised by the national government.
How one evaluates federalism depends in large part on the value one attaches to the competing criteria of equality and participation. Federalism means that citizens living in different parts of the country will be treated differently. This applies not only to spending programs (such as welfare), but also to legal systems (where civil rights may be differentially protected or criminal sentencing may vary). Yet federalism also means that there are more opportunities to participate in the decision making. It allows people to influence what is taught in the schools, and to decide where highways and other government projects will be built. Indeed, differences in public policy—that is, unequal treatment—are largely the result of wider participation in decision making. It is difficult, perhaps even impossible, to have more of one of these values without having less of the other.
From the 1930s to the present, United States politics and public policy became decidedly more nationalized, with the federal government, and especially the federal courts, imposing increasingly uniform standards on the states. These usually took the form of mandates and conditions of aid. Efforts begun in the 1960s and 1970s to reverse this trend by shifting to revenue sharing and block grants were only partially successful. In the mid-1990s, the Supreme Court began to review the doctrine of state sovereignty and the effort to devolve power from Washington to the states gained momentum. But whether these developments will effect significant and lasting changes in federalism remains to be seen.
Chapter Outline with Keyed-in Resources
I. Governmental structure
A. Introduction
1. Federalism: a political system with local government units, as well as a national government, that can make final decisions regarding some governmental activities and whose existence is protected
a) Local governments are able to make decisions on at least some matters without regard to the preferences of the national government
b) Examples of federal governments: United States, Canada, India, Germany, Switzerland, Australia
2. Unitary government:
a) All local governments are subservient to the national government
b) Local governments can be altered or abolished by the national government
c) Local governments have no final authority over any significant government activities
d) Examples of unitary governments: France, Britain, Italy, Sweden
3. Special protection of subnational governments in federal system due to:
a) Constitution of country
b) Habits, preferences, and dispositions of citizens
c) Distribution of political power in society
4. National government largely does not govern individuals directly, but gets states to do so in keeping with national policy
B. Federalism: Good or Bad?
1. Negative views: federalism blocks progress and protects powerful local interests
a) Laski: the states are “parasitic and poisonous”
b) Riker: federalism facilitated the perpetuation of racism
2. Positive view―Elazar: federalism contributes to governmental strength, political flexibility, and fosters individual liberty
3. Federalism has good and bad effects
a) Different political groups with different political purposes come to power in different places
b) Federalist No. 10: small political units are more likely to be dominated by single political faction―which allows all relevant interests to be heard, somewhere
C. Increased political activity
1. Most obvious effect of federalism: it facilitates political mobilization
2. Federalism decentralizes authority, lowering the cost of political organization at the local level
II. The Founding
A. A bold, new plan to protect personal liberty
1. Founders believed that neither national nor state government would have authority over the other since power comes from the people, who shift their support to keep the two in balance.
2. New plan had no historical precedent
3. Tenth Amendment was added as an afterthought to clarify the limits of the national government’s power
4. Tenth Amendment has had limited applicability, but has recently been used by the Supreme Court to give new life to state sovereignty
B. Elastic language in Article I: necessary and proper clause
1. Precise definitions of powers are politically impossible due to competing interests, e.g., commerce
2. Hamilton’s view: national supremacy since the Constitution was the supreme law of the land
3. Jefferson’s view: states’ rights with the people as ultimate sovereign; the national government was likely to be the principal threat to individuals’ liberties
A. The Supreme Court speaks
1. Hamiltonian position espoused by Chief Justice John Marshall
2. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) settled two questions
a) Could Congress charter a national bank? Yes, even though this power is not explicitly in the Constitution because of the “necessary and proper” (elastic) clause.
b) Could states tax such a federal bank? No, because national powers were supreme and therefore immune to state challenge.
3. Later battles related to federal taxes on state and local bond interest
B. “Nullification”: states had the right to declare null and void a federal law that they believed violated the Constitution
1. Authors: James Madison (Virginia Resolutions), Thomas Jefferson (Tennessee Resolutions), and John Calhoun
2. Question settled by the civil war: the federal union was indissoluble and states cannot nullify federal law; position was later confirmed by the Supreme Court
C. Dual federalism: both national and state governments are supreme in their own spheres, which should be kept separate
1. Example: interstate vs. intrastate commerce
a) Early product-based distinctions were unsatisfactory
b) Still, the Supreme Court does seek some distinction between what is national and what is local, though it is not entirely consistent in its support of state sovereignty
2. Doctrine of dual federalism still is argued, however―and sometimes successfully
D. State sovereignty
1. Supreme Court has strengthened states’ rights in several recent cases
a) U.S. v. Lopez (1995), guns in schools
b) U.S. v. Morrison (2000), overturned Violence Against Women Act of 1994, stating that attacks against women do not substantially affect interstate commerce
c) Printz v. U.S. (1997), background checks on gun purchasers
2. Supreme Court has also strengthened the Eleventh Amendment, protecting states from suits by citizens of other states or foreign nations
a) Alden v. Maine (1999), compliance with federal fair labor laws
b) Federal Maritime Commission v. South Carolina Ports Authority (2002), states did not agree to become mere appendages of national government
3. But not all recent decisions have supported state sovereignty
4. State can do what is not prohibited by the Constitution or preempted by federal policy, and that is consistent with its own constitution
a) Police power
b) State governments also responsible for public education, law enforcement and criminal justice, health and hospitals, roads and highways, public welfare, and use of public lands
5. States’ constitutions may provide for direct democracy
a) State constitutions more detailed about many matters, and thus view of government is more expansive
b) Initiative
c) Referendum
d) Recall
6. Protections for the states in the Constitution
a) No state can be divided without its consent.
b) Two Senators for every state
c) Every state assured of a republican form of government
d) Powers not granted to Congress are reserved to the states
7. Cities, towns, and counties have no such protections.
a) They exist at the pleasure of the state government, so there is no struggle over sovereignty (Dillon’s Rule)
b) See the Politically Speaking box, The Terms of Local Governance
A. What Washington legally may do is not the same as what politics may require
B. Grants-in-aid
1. Grants show how political realities modify legal authority
2. Began before Constitution with land and cash grants to states
3. Dramatically increased in scope in twentieth century
4. Prevailing constitutional interpretation until late 1930s was that the federal government could not spend money for purposes not authorized by the Constitution—grants were a way around this
5. Grants were attractive to state officials for various reasons.
a) Federal budget surpluses (nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)
b) Federal income tax increased revenues
c) Federal control of money supply
d) Appeared as “free” money for state officials, who did not have to be responsible for federal taxation
6. Required broad congressional coalitions with wide dispersion of funds, because every state had an incentive to seek grant money (example: post-9/11 “fair-share” security funding formulas)
C. Meeting national needs
1. 1960s shift in grants-in-aid
a) From what states demanded…
b) …To what federal officials considered important as national needs
c) Meanwhile, state and local governments had become dependent on federal funds
d) Washington’s grants to state and local governments has reached new highs since 2000
D. The intergovernmental lobby
1. Hundreds of state and local officials lobby in Washington
2. The Big 7
a) U.S. Conference of Mayors
b) National Governors Association
c) National Association of Counties
d) National League of Cities
e) Council of State Governments
f) International City/County Management Association
g) National Conference of State Legislatures
3. Purpose: to get more federal money with fewer strings
4. Since1980, their success has been more checkered
E. Categorical grants versus revenue sharing
1. Categorical grants are for specific purposes defined by federal law; they often require local matching funds
2. Block grants (sometimes called special revenue sharing or broad-based aid) were devoted to general purposes with few restrictions—states preferred block to categorical grants
3. Revenue sharing (sometimes called general revenue sharing) requires no matching funds and could be spent on almost any governmental purpose
a) Distributed by statistical formula
b) Ended in 1986, after fourteen years
4. Neither block grants nor revenue sharing achieved the goal of giving the states more freedom in spending
a) Did not grow as fast as categorical grants
b) Number of strings increased, even on these programs
5. New block grant programs were created for low-income housing, pre-school education and other programs from 2001-2003; these programs were cut or frozen by 2004 due to drops in state government revenues
6. Block grants grew more slowly than categorical grants because of the differences between the political coalitions that supported each
a) Federal officials, liberal interest groups, organized labor tend to distrust state government; categorical grants give the national government more power
b) No single interest group has a vital stake in multipurpose block grants, revenue sharing
c) Categorical grants are matters of life or death for various state agencies
d) Supervising committees in Congress favored growth of categorical grants
e) Revenue sharing was wasteful because it was so widely distributed that it did not reach those with greater need in sufficient amounts
F. Rivalry among the states
1. Intense debate regarding whether the federal government is helping some regions at the expense of others
2. Snowbelt (Frostbelt) versus Sunbelt states: debate focuses on allocation formulas written into federal laws
3. Difficulty telling where funds are actually spent and their effect, though
4. With numerous grants distributed on the basis of population, the census takes on monumental importance
V. Federal aid and federal control
A. Federal controls on state governmental activities
1. Conditions of aid: tells state governments what they must do if they wish to receive grant money; traditional control
2. Mandates: tells state governments what they must do
B. Mandates
1. Mandates: federal rules that states or localities must obey, generally have little or nothing to do with federal aid
a) Civil rights
b) Environmental protection
2. May be difficult to implement and/or be costly
3. Mandates may also make it difficult for state/local governments to raise revenues, borrow funds, and privatize public functions; some may expose them to financial liability
4. Controversial mandates may result from court decisions (example, state prisons, school desegregation plans)
C. Conditions of aid
1. Attached to grants
2. Conditions range from specific (apply to particular programs) to general (cover all or most grants)
3. Divergent views of states and federal government on costs and benefits of these conditions; each side attempts to bargain to pass on most of the cost to the other sides
4. President Reagan attempted to cut back both federal money and conditions of aid; after a bump in the early 1990s, this was continued in the mid-1990s
VI. A devolution revolution? Focus on the 104th Congress (1995–1996)
A. Devolution initiatives returned program management to the states, with some federal guidelines, but no guarantee of federal support
B. Block grants for entitlements
1. AFDC and Medicaid had operated as entitlements—federal funds a fixed proportion of state spending on these programs
2. Republicans in 104th Congress proposed making these and other programs block grants
3. AFDC did actually become a block grant
4. Devolution became part of the national political agenda
5. Some evidence that devolution in welfare programs continued from states to localities, localities to non-profit and private organizations
C. What’s driving devolution?
1. Devolution proponents harbor a deep-seated ideological mistrust of federal government and believe that state governments were more responsive to the people
2. Deficit politics encouraged devolution
a) Major cuts sought in entitlement spending
b) In return, governors were given more power and flexibility to implement program
3. Devolution supported by public opinion—though strength of support uncertain
4. See the What Would You Do? exercise, Abortion Funding.
VII. Congress and Federalism—politics remains local
1. Congress members represent conflicting constituencies—won’t always agree with governors and mayors
2. Parties once linked legislators to local groups—their erosion increases political competition.
Important Terms
*block grants
Grants of money from the national government that states can spend within broad guidelines determined by Washington.
*conditions of aid
Terms set by the national government that states must meet if they are to receive certain federal funds.
The effort to transfer responsibility for many public programs and services from the federal government to the states.
*dual federalism
A constitutional theory that the national government and the state government each have defined areas of authority.
Money given by the national government to the states.
Process that permits voters to put legislative measures directly on the ballot.
Terms set by the national government that states must meet whether or not they accept federal grants.
*necessary and proper clause
Section of the Constitution allowing Congress to pass all laws “necessary and proper” to its duties, and which has permitted Congress to exercise powers not specifically given to it (enumerated) by the Constitution.
The doctrine that a state can declare null and void a federal law that, in the state’s opinion, violates the Constitution.
*police power
The power of a government to effect laws that promote citizens’ health, safety, and morals.
Procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office.
Procedure enabling voters to reject a measure passed by the legislature.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
Instructor Resources
John Calhoun, A Disquisition on Government. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2003.
Frederick D. Drake and Lynn R. Nelson, eds., States’ Rights and American Federalism: A Documentary History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.
Kermit L. Hall, A Nation of States: Federalism at the Bar of the Supreme Court. New York: Garland Publishers, 2000.
John P. Kaminski and Richard Leffler, Federalists and Antifederalists: The Debate Over the Ratification of the Constitution, Madison, WI: Madison House Publishers, 1989.
Forrest McDonald, States’ Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio, 1776–1876. Lawrence, KS: The University Press of Kansas, 2000.
Michael E. Solimine and James L. Walker, Respecting State Courts: The Inevitability of Judicial Federalism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.
Carl E. Van Horn, The State of the States, 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1996.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
The Founders disagreed over the exact division of powers in a federal system. Hamilton argued for national supremacy, Jefferson for states’ rights. The Tenth Amendment spelled out what was assumed from the outset: that the federal government would have only those powers given to it by the Constitution. On the other hand the elastic language of Article I—the “necessary and proper” clause—provided a basis for arguing that the federal government had much broader powers. “The rules” about who governs what, were not clear from the start.
The Supreme Court became the arbiter of this dispute. Chief Justice John Marshall supported the Hamiltonian position, and in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) the court held not only that the Congress had the right to set up a bank, but also that such an enterprise was immune to state taxation. After the Civil War, conflict focused on the commerce clause and the power of the federal government to regulate commerce. At first the Court distinguished between interstate commerce, which the federal government could regulate, and intrastate commerce, which it could not. Practical difficulties in distinguishing one from the other led the Court, by the 1940s, to hold that the federal government could regulate virtually any economic transaction it wanted to regulate.
The Supreme Court’s struggles with defining the scope of federal power were influenced largely by economic theory. Under the laissez-faire beliefs that dominated nineteenth-century United States politics, the government was to remain neutral toward the economy and not become involved in its management. The court infused this concept into its decisions on federalism by striking down most government efforts to intervene in the economy. The Great Depression of 1929 compelled the federal government under President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal to take steps to alleviate the people’s misery, but the justices consistently voided most such legislation as exceeding federal authority. An exasperated President Roosevelt, upon reelection in 1936, sought to increase the membership on the Supreme Court by “packing” it with justices who favored his perspective on federalism. While the court-packing plan failed, one justice altered his view and began to uphold an expanded federal role in the economy. This has been described as the “switch in time that saved nine.” Recently, however, the Supreme Court has placed some limitations on the ability of the federal government to legislate requirements for the states. In both U.S. v. Lopez (1995) and Printz v. U.S. (1997), the Supreme Court ruled that the Congress has over-extended the commerce clause in its regulations on gun ownership. In addition to these rulings on the tenth amendment, the Court has also protected state sovereignty through the eleventh amendment, protecting states against suits by citizens of other states or countries. These cases represent a significant development in the Court’s thinking about state sovereignty. However, their significance should not be over-stated: Though the states are protected by the Constitution, Congress can still legislate extensively and broadly on domestic policy.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
Discussion Questions
1. Historically, power has flowed to the central government. What reasons exist for the states to continue exercising independent power? Given the Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch, what prevents the central government from assuming legal authority over any area of public policy?
2. Why doesn’t the federal government always intervene when states defy its authority?
3. Certain areas in Nevada permit prostitution; nine states have legalized the use of marijuana for “medical purposes”; Massachusetts has legalized same-sex marriage. Could the federal government legally intervene to forbid such practices in these states? Explain why or why not.
4. It would be possible to write a constitution that specified national, state, and even local spheres of governing much more clearly than the U.S. Constitution does. What might such a document look like? What would be its advantages? What would be its disadvantages?
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
Instructor Resources
Timothy J. Conlan, From New Federalism to Devolution: Twenty-five Years of Intergovernmental Reform. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1998.
Daniel J. Elazar, American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1966.
Michael S. Greve, Defining Federalism’s Future: The Role of the Courts, Congress, and the Voters. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, 1999.
Vincent Ostrom, The Meaning of American Federalism. Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1999.
Paul E. Peterson, The Price of Federalism. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1995.
Paul L. Posner, Barry Rabe, and John Tierney, eds., The Politics of Unfunded Mandates: Whither Federalism? Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1999.
David Bradstreet Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism: Slouching Toward Washington, 2nd ed. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers, 2000.
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
The political dynamics of federalism have changed over the years. In the 20th century, the balance between state and federal power has clearly tipped in favor of the national government. As early as the 1960s, Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois warned that soon “the only people interested in state boundaries will be Rand-McNally.” This concern exaggerated the extent to which the federal government is capable of invading local prerogatives. The reason is that the constitutional structure forces members of Congress to remain focused on local issues—if only to achieve reelection.
The shift to national control began in the late nineteenth century, but it was not until the growth of grant-in-aid programs during the 1960s that the symmetry of authority—the key to federalism—became relatively one-sided. As state and local governmental budgets became increasingly dependent on federal resources, the intergovernmental lobby, in which local officials set up offices in Washington to compete for federal money, developed. The rivalry between states intensified when Congress began to loosen the strings of categorical grants and replace them with block grants based on distributional formulas.
The absence of federal strings and the greater leeway in spending federal funds did not produce a corresponding increase in the freedom of local officials. First, creeping categorization occurred as the federal government began to disapprove of the way block grants were utilized. Its response was to impose more restrictions on block grants. Second, categorical grants spawned state agencies and interest groups that relied on such grants for their survival. Since these groups were frequently successful in convincing congressional committees to preserve a particular grant from being merged into a larger block grant program, the result was to limit the overall number of block grants. And third, the ideological dimension of federalism became more prominent. Liberals, Democrats, and minority groups preferred to continue the practice of prescribing national standards as an antidote to the prejudices of local officials. Conservatives, Republicans, and business leaders preferred to transfer decision-making to the local level to avoid the inflexibility of national regulations. Thus in the 1980s and early 1990s stalemate developed as a Democratic Congress pushed in one direction while Republican administrations pushed in the other.
But slowly the pendulum has begun to swing back toward greater state authority. Two trends have catalyzed change. First, many states have become frustrated by federal meddling in local affairs. In 1993, for example, the state of Hawaii refused to fly the American flag for an entire weekend as a sign of protest, and an active movement on behalf of secession emerged. Second, local governments are not what they were. The level of professionalism has improved and states are again serving as experimental grounds for new programs. Policy innovation is no longer a federal monopoly. This was particularly evident in the welfare reform efforts of 1994 through 1996, when Congress effectively acted on the recommendations of state governors. In short, the politics of federalism has entered a new era, though it is not yet certain that devolution will result in more effective programs or a more responsive government.
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
Discussion Questions
1. Does the system of grants-in-aid upset the balance of federalism? Do grant programs enable Congress to do what it pleases by bribing states into compliance? Or do these programs merely increase the likelihood of national policy uniformity? What would be the consequence if a state refused federal grant money?
2. To what extent have interest groups produced grants-in-aid, and to what extent have grants-in-aid produced interest groups? Who constitutes the intergovernmental lobby?
3. How and why do conservatives and liberals differ over giving aid to the states without conditions?
4. Why can’t federal agencies attack complex problems by producing and implementing a coherent systematic policy? Why don’t (can’t) federal bureaucrats issue orders where necessary?
5. Does the recent push toward devolution give the states too much power?
Multiple Choice questions
Ans: E
Page: 49-50
Type: Factual
1. Woodrow Wilson held that the question of the relationship between the national and state governments
a. was complex, but relatively unimportant.
b. was to be decided, ultimately, by Congress.
c. was decided by the Framers at the Constitutional Convention.
d. could not be decided until the War Between the States.
e. could not be answered by a single generation.
Ans: D
Page: 50
Type: Factual
2. The concept of separate, sovereign national and state governments is known as
a. nationalism.
b. democracy.
c. confederation.
d. federalism.
e. unicameralism.
Ans: B
Page: 50
Type: Factual
3. Which of the following countries does not have a federal system of government?
a. the United States
b. Great Britain
c. Canada
d. Germany
e. Australia
Ans: C
Page: 50
Type: Factual
4. Which of the following allows national governments the right to alter or even abolish local government?
a. A constitutional government
b. Federalism
c. A unitary system
d. Socialism
e. A confederation
Ans: A
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
5. Ukraine, formerly one of the Soviet republics, had its own local unit of government, yet the Soviet Union was not considered a federal system. This is because, in the former Soviet Union,
a. local governments were not independent of the central government.
b. local government officials were not elected democratically.
c. the central government did not have a constitution.
d. central government officials were appointed by local governments.
e. local governments administered their own laws and ordinances.
Ans: C
Page: 50
Type: Factual
6. One of the reasons that our local governments are independent of the national government is
a. Article III of the U.S. Constitution.
b. the power of free elections.
c. the commitment of Americans to the ideal of local government.
d. the fact that the local tax structure requires local administration.
e. the Fourteenth Amendment.
Ans: C
Page: 49
Type: Factual
7. At a time when other Western nations were debating whether government ought to provide pensions or regulate business, the question in the United States was
a. how government could reduce its social commitments.
b. whether state or local government was better equipped for such tasks.
c. whether the national government had the right to do these things.
d. what tradeoffs would have to be made.
e. if government was capable of performing in an efficient manner while managing the economy.
Ans: E
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
8. In the United States, programs such as the interstate highway system and services to the unemployed are most accurately considered
a. state functions that operate without any involvement on the part of the federal government.
b. federal functions, although state governments pay some of the costs.
c. state functions which are designated under the Tenth Amendment.
d. federal functions that operate without any involvement on the part of state governments.
e. state functions, although the federal government seeks to regulate them.
Ans: D
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
9. Which of the following systems of government would be most likely to appeal to those in the United States who wish to implement liberal policies in the nation but who encounter resistance from conservative state legislatures?
a. Confederal
b. Federal
c. Republican
d. Unitary
e. Provincial
Ans: C
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
10. An interest group with a strong following in only one region of the country would have the best chance to achieve its goals under what type of system?
a. Democratic
b. Republican
c. Federal
d. Unitary
e. Provincial
Ans: A
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
11. A unitary form of government is most likely to appear preferable in the view of
a. liberal U.S. senators facing conservative state legislatures.
b. governors wishing for more control over their states’ budgets.
c. mayors seeking funding for urban problems.
d. taxpayers seeking relief from federal income taxes.
e. school officials who oppose Supreme Court rulings.
Ans: C
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
12. Under a unitary system of government, which of the following political outcomes would be highly unlikely?
a. A group of farmers staging a massive demonstration by parking their trucks at the capitol
b. Terrorists holding a city hostage with the threat of a nuclear detonation
c. Senators from a particular region of the country blocking the passage of major civil rights legislation
d. The national government sending troops into a region of the country that is threatening to secede
e. The national government raising taxes
Ans: A
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
13. The cost of political participation to the average U.S. citizen is less than that to the average French citizen because, in the United States,
a. more small, political constituencies are found than in France.
b. the media give greater coverage to political protest than in France.
c. fewer citizens become involved in political causes than in France.
d. political participation is both protected and encouraged by the U.S. Constitution.
e. political debates are given more media attention in the United States.
Ans: E
Page: 52
Type: Factual
14. Perhaps the most obvious effect of federalism in the United States has been to
a. centralize the government.
b. prevent states from blocking national interests.
c. increase conflict among elites.
d. raise the cost of organized political activity.
e. mobilize political activity.
Ans: A
Page: 52
Type: Factual
15. For the Founders, federalism was a device to
a. protect liberty.
b. provide efficient local administration.
c. encourage citizen participation.
d. guarantee equality.
e. protect against foreign invasion.
Ans: A
Page: 52
Type: Conceptual
16. The government in the South during the Civil War was called a confederacy. A true confederacy differs from the federalist system of the United States in that it
a. grants more sovereignty to the individual states.
b. permits state governments to do only what the central government allows.
c. is legally and politically independent of any other government.
d. gives local units of government a specially protected existence.
e. places states in a subservient manner in relation to matters of interstate commerce.
Ans: D
Page: 52
Type: Factual
17. Madison’s description of federalism in Federalist 46 suggests there should be little concern over conflicts between the federal and state governments because
a. the federal government would clearly be the winner in such conflicts.
b. the state government would clearly be the winner in such conflicts.
c. such conflicts would occur only on minor issues of importance.
d. they are different agents with different powers.
e. the judicial branch would settle such disputes.
Ans: C
Page: 53
Type: Conceptual
18. Which of the following statements about the federal system adopted at the Constitutional Convention is most accurate?
a. It had been tried without success in other countries.
b. It was adopted as an alternative to a confederate system, in which local governments are granted a specially protected existence.
c. It granted supreme authority to neither national nor state government.
d. It specifically reserved powers not delegated to the United States by the U.S. Constitution to the states.
e. It guaranteed the dominance of the states for several hundred years.
Ans: C
Page: 53
Type: Factual
19. The Founders did not include in the U.S. Constitution an explicit statement of state powers but added it later in the
a. Second Amendment.
b. Seventh Amendment.
c. Tenth Amendment.
d. Fourteenth Amendment.
e. None of the above.
Ans: E
Page: 53
Type: Factual
20. The reason a statement specific to state powers was not part of the original U.S. Constitution was that
a. no such consensus existed at the Constitutional Convention.
b. it was deleted under the Virginia Plan.
c. New York delegates refused to allow discussion on the matter.
d. the U.S. Constitution would not have been ratified.
e. it was assumed to be obvious.
Ans: A
Page: 53-54
Type: Factual
21. Just what sort of commerce Congress could regulate between the states was not spelled out in the U.S. Constitution because
a. no consensus existed.
b. of an oversight.
c. commerce was a new phenomenon.
d. slavery was involved.
e. New York delegates refused to allow discussion on the matter.
Ans: B
Page: 54
Type: Factual
22. In Federalist 45, Madison describes the powers of state governments as
a. broad but limited.
b. numerous and indefinite.
c. narrow but critical.
d. limited and subject to review.
e. without substance.
Ans: C
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
23. Which statement best summarizes Madison’s view of federalism?
a. He was a consistent supporter of the notion of a supreme national government.
b. He was a consistent supporter of the notion of the supremacy of state governments.
c. He was first an ardent supporter of national supremacy, then of state’s rights.
d. He was first an ardent supporter of state’s rights, then of national supremacy.
e. He assumed the national government would be supreme except in times of war.
Ans: A
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
24. Applying the principles of Thomas Jefferson to current political issues would probably dispose one to
a. favor the decentralization of government power.
b. oppose the decentralization of government power.
c. favor seven-year terms for presidents.
d. oppose seven-year terms for presidents.
e. favor a more powerful bureaucracy.
Ans: C
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
25. The Civil War settled one part of the issue of national supremacy versus states’ rights, namely, that
a. state governments are supreme over the national government.
b. the national government derives its sovereignty from the states.
c. the national government derives its sovereignty from the people.
d. the national government derives its sovereignty from both the people and the states.
e. state governments derived their power from each other.
Ans: C
Page: 55
Type: Factual
26. The early chief justice whose decisions generally gave the broadest possible sweep to federal powers was
a. Roger Taney.
b. Frederick Vinson.
c. John Marshall.
d. Alexander Hamilton.
e. John Harlan.
Ans: C
Page: 56
Type: Factual
27. The McCulloch v. Maryland decision established
a. judicial review by the Supreme Court.
b. state sovereignty in interstate commerce.
c. national government supremacy over the states.
d. the legality of the slave trade.
e. All of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 55-56
Type: Conceptual
28. In McCulloch v. Maryland, if the Supreme Court reached the opposite conclusion on the right of Congress to charter a bank, the bank would have been
a. taken over by the state of Maryland.
b. declared unconstitutional.
c. taken over by the federal government.
d. taken over by the federal judiciary.
e. established in each of the states.
Ans: B
Page: 56
Type: Conceptual
29. The basic assumption of Marshall’s opinion in the McCulloch case was that the Constitution
a. was established by the states.
b. was established by the people.
c. was established by Congress.
d. clearly established state superiority.
e. did not allow Congress to create a national bank.
Ans: E
Page: 56
Type: Conceptual
30. An important outcome of Marshall’s ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) was to
a. place limits on the constitutional powers granted to Congress by refusing McCulloch's appeal.
b. give greater power to the states in taxing agents of the federal government, including banks.
c. protect newspaper editors who publish stories critical of the federal government.
d. restrict the power of the Court in cases involving conflicts between states and the federal government.
e. confirm the supremacy of the federal government in the exercise of the constitutional powers granted to Congress.
Ans: D
Page: 56
Type: Factual
31. During the battle over slavery, the case for nullification was forcefully presented by
a. William Jennings Randolph.
b. Robert E. Lee.
c. William Graham Sumner.
d. John C. Calhoun.
e. J.E.B. Stuart.
Ans: B
Page: 56
Type: Factual
32. The doctrine of nullification refers to
a. the power of Congress to veto state laws that violate the U.S. Constitution.
b. the claimed authority of the states to declare a federal law void for violating the U.S. Constitution.
c. the power of the president to veto state laws for violating the U.S. Constitution.
d. the authority of the president to dissolve Congress and to call for new elections.
e. the power of the federal government to invalidate state laws on matters of commerce.
Ans: A
Page: 57
Type: Factual
33. The doctrine of dual federalism grew out of a protracted debate on the subject of
a. commerce.
b. banking.
c. manufacturing.
d. welfare.
e. licensing of commercial fishermen.
Ans: B
Page: 57
Type: Factual
34. Most forms of economic activity are now included under
a. First Amendment freedoms.
b. interstate commerce.
c. the doctrine of implied powers.
d. the reserved powers of the states.
e. compact theory.
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
35. According to the text, the Supreme Court has generally excluded ________ from many of the restrictions addressed in commerce clause cases.
a. baseball players
b. lawyers
c. janitors
d. window washers
e. farmers
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
36. The interstate commerce that the federal government can regulate is now interpreted to include
a. almost any kind of economic activity.
b. only the movement of goods between states.
c. almost any commerce in goods, but not labor transactions.
d. commerce between states and a handful of transactions within states.
e. shipping and handling, but not production.
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
37. The text concludes that it would be a mistake to conclude that the doctrine of dual federalism is
a. entirely dead.
b. alive and well.
c. much changed.
d. no longer a threat.
e. an empirical reality.
Ans: C
Page: 58
Type: Factual
38. By ruling that the government cannot require local police to conduct background checks on all gun purchases, the Court held that to do so would be a violation of the __________ Amendment.
a. Fifth
b. Sixth
c. Tenth
d. Fourteenth
e. None of the above.
Ans: E
Page: 59
Type: Factual
39. Under their police powers, states can enact and enforce all of the following except:
a. Criminal codes
b. Laws requiring children to attend school
c. Restrictions on the availability of pornographic materials
d. Standards for DUI convictions
e. The regulation of interstate commerce
Ans: B
Page: 59
Type: Factual
40. This is a procedure that enables voters to reject a measure adopted by the legislature.
a. Initiative
b. Referendum
c. Recall
d. Logrolling
e. Rrollback
Ans: C
Page: 59
Type: Factual
41. This procedure in effect in about one-third of the states permits voters to remove an elected official from office.
a. Initiative
b. Referendum
c. Recall
d. Logrolling
e. Rollback
Ans: C
Page: 60
Type: Factual
42. The Tidelands oil reserves case was an example of the national government’s deciding that
a. state governments were asserting too much independence.
b. local governments needed help that state governments could not provide.
c. it was better to cede to the states a power that legally belonged to Washington.
d. too many conditions had been attached to a well-meant program of aid.
e. the federal government was no longer in the business of regulating interstate commerce.
Ans: A
Page: 60
Type: Conceptual
43. According to the text, the grant-in-aid system grew rapidly because it helped state and local officials resolve what dilemma?
a. How to get federal money into state hands without violating the U.S. Constitution
b. How to limit federal taxation power without reducing aid to states
c. How to increase federal taxation power without violating the U.S. Constitution
d. How to shift financial control of state programs to the federal government without violating states’ rights
e. How to gradually bring critical state functions under federal control
Ans: B
Page: 61
Type: Factual
44. Which of the following was not one of the reasons federal grants were attractive to state officials?
a. Federal government budget surpluses
b. Passage of the Fifteenth Amendment
c. The potency of the federal income tax
d. The appearance of “free money” for the states
e. The ability of the federal government to print money
Ans: E
Page: 60
Type: Factual
45. The first form of grant-in-aid to the states made by the federal government to the state governments was that of
a. cash grants-in-aid.
b. block grants.
c. revenue sharing.
d. categorical grants.
e. land grants.
Ans: B
Page: 61
Type: Conceptual
46. When North Dakota received over one million dollars to purchase biomedical suits and other equipment to deal with weapons of mass destruction, it highlighted the fact that
a. money from Washington is rarely distributed in an intelligent fashion.
b. when Washington wants to send money to one state or congressional district, it must send money to many states and districts.
c. having key Senators on powerful committees can make a big difference when money is distributed.
d. most officials in large cities are not even aware of the financial assistance available to them.
e. very few members of Congress are active in the budget process.
Ans: E
Page: 61-62
Type: Factual
47. Federal officials’ perceptions of national needs came to dominate the allocation of federal grants in the
a. Reagan administration.
b. Great Depression.
c. World War II era.
d. post-Civil War era.
e. 1960s and 1970s.
Ans: A
Page: 61-62
Type: Conceptual
48. While gleefully accepting federal grants with no apparent strings, state governors were disregarding which fundamental axiom of politics?
a. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
b. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
c. Nice guys finish last.
d. Those who respect laws should avoid being present when they are made.
e. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Ans: D
Page: 61
Type: Factual
49. In the 1960s and 1970s, federal grants to states were increasingly based on
a. the demands of the individual states.
b. what state officials perceived to be important state needs.
c. the power of organized interest groups.
d. what federal officials perceived to be national needs.
e. the demands of coalitions of states.
Ans: D
Page: 62
Type: Factual
50. Between 1960 and 2001, the category of federal grant that decreased most as a percentage of all grants was
a. income authority.
b. health.
c. education and training.
d. transportation and highways.
e. social welfare.
Ans: A
Page: 62
Type: Factual
51. The term intergovernmental lobby is used in the text to refer to lobbying activities by
a. state and local officials at the national government.
b. one branch of the national government at another branch.
c. foreign governments in Washington, D.C.
d. federal agencies at statehouses and city halls.
e. governmental units with ties to interest groups.
Ans: A
Page: 62
Type: Conceptual
52. An example of an intergovernmental lobby would be a lobby comprising
a. local police chiefs.
b. local gas station owners.
c. gun enthusiasts.
d. oil company executives.
e. society of card players.
Ans: E
Page: 63
Type: Factual
53. A categorical grant is a transfer of federal funds designed for
a. the private sector.
b. discretionary use by a state.
c. the accomplishment of broad goals.
d. programs with matching grants.
e. specific purposes.
Ans: B
Page: 63-64
Type: Factual
54. A block grant is essentially a
a. grant that benefits a single, local unit (or block).
b. group of categorical or project grants.
c. reverse grant-in-aid money flows from states back to the federal government.
d. project grant with tighter restrictions.
e. a project grant with less federal support.
Ans: C
Page: 63
Type: Conceptual
55. Block grants were designed to remedy a common criticism of categorical grants, namely,
a. their lack of specificity.
b. the lack of conditions under which such grants were made.
c. the difficulty of adapting categorical grants to local needs.
d. their discriminatory nature―decisions are too often based on politics.
e. their lack of relevance to problems that were perceived to be “national” in nature.
Ans: D
Page: 64
Type: Factual
56. Federal grants over which local officials have wide discretion are called
a. categorical grants.
b. land grants.
c. matching grants.
d. revenue-sharing funds.
e. categorical choice programs.
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
57. According to the text, both revenue sharing and block grants have enjoyed only marginal success, in part because
a. the federal government steadily increased the number of strings attached to such grants.
b. money from categorical grants shrank so low as to make these other grants essential.
c. these grants were based on local priorities rather than on the needs of the nation as a whole.
d. these grants discouraged federal control over how the money was to be used.
e. these grants were not attractive to members of Congress.
Ans: E
Page: 64
Type: Factual
58. Between 1993 and 1995, the entire growth in federal grants to state and local governments was in
a. project enhancement grants.
b. expansion of old block grants.
c. revenue sharing.
d. new block grants.
e. categorical grants.
Ans: D
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
59. Political maneuvering and lobbying by local officials will probably be greatest when what type of federal money is involved?
a. Revenue sharing
b. A block grant
c. A mandated grant
d. A categorical grant
e. A project enhancement grant
Ans: C
Page: 64
Type: Factual
60. Categorical grants are supervised by
a. individual members of Congress from the relevant states.
b. the executive branch.
c. special committees of Congress.
d. state governors.
e. U.S. District Courts.
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Factual
61. What types of federal funds are most likely to be critical for an agency that depends on the federal government for its existence?
a. Categorical grants
b. Block grants
c. Fund grants
d. Revenue-sharing programs
e. Project enhancement grants
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
62. One reason why revenue sharing has proved unsuccessful as a means of distributing federal money to local governments is because it
a. lacks strong local political support.
b. is too vulnerable to political lobbying.
c. requires annual congressional approval.
d. encourages rivalry among states competing for federal money.
e. rarely build consensus among leaders in Washington.
Ans: C
Page: 65
Type: Conceptual
63. The type of locally distributed federal money that would be most affected by changes in population and distribution formulas is
a. the block grant.
b. the categorical grant.
c. revenue sharing.
d. the land grant.
e. the project enhancement grant.
Ans: B
Page: 66
Type: Factual
64. When a locality is required by federal law to do something, regardless of whether it receives federal funding for that purpose, this duty is called a
a. condition of aid.
b. mandate.
c. string-attached edict.
d. court decision.
e. pontification.
Ans: E
Page: 66
Type: Conceptual
65. The difference between a mandate and a condition of aid is that
a. with a mandate the federal government tells a state government what it must do if it wants grant money.
b. a mandate applies to a block grant; a condition of aid applies to a categorical grant.
c. a mandate applies to a categorical grant; a condition of aid applies to a block grant.
d. with a mandate the federal government allows the state to do as it pleases if its actions are in accordance with federal law.
e. with a mandate it makes no difference who is paying the costs of a program.
Ans: C
Page: 66-67
Type: Factual
66. Which of the following statements about mandates is not true?
a. They are reasonable enough, stated in general terms.
b. They are the result of court orders.
c. They are tied to specific federal grants.
d. They are open to interpretation by federal officials.
e. They create administrative and financial problems.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Factual
67. One of the problems the text mentions in connection with the administration of the Americans with Disabilities Act is
a. the number of disabled Americans.
b. the specificity of the blueprint for administration.
c. the absence of a clear-cut definition of "equal access."
d. a lack of public support.
e. opposition to mandates which assist specific groups.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Conceptual
68. Judges have ordered Massachusetts to change the way it hires firefighters, even though the state does not receive aid from the federal government for fire fighting. Such an order is referred to as a
a. condition of aid.
b. quid pro quo order.
c. mandate.
d. pro bono requirement.
e. per curiam order.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Conceptual
69. For states to qualify for certain federal highway funds, they must allow drivers to make a legal right-hand turn after stopping at a red light. This requirement by the federal government is known as a
a. mandate.
b. quid pro quo order.
c. condition of aid.
d. pro bono requirement.
e. per curiam order.
Ans: B
Page: 67-68
Type: Conceptual
70. States must pay construction workers the prevailing wage if they want to build something with federal money, even if the federal share is only part of the total building costs. When might such a requirement prevent a needed building from being constructed?
a. If it is tied to a categorical grant.
b. If it makes the total costs prohibitively high.
c. If it is tied to nondiscriminatory hiring.
d. If the prevailing wage exceeds federal guidelines.
e. If it discourages small business from making bids on contracts.
Ans: D
Page: 68
Type: Factual
71. A result of the Reagan-era block grants and budget cuts was
a. state and local governments unilaterally slashed programs.
b. higher administrative costs for state and local governments.
c. less flexibility in program design for state and local governments.
d. higher service levels than otherwise would have been the case.
e. lower service levels than otherwise would have been the case.
Ans: C
Page: 68
Type: Factual
72. The first important function that the new Republican-controlled Congress sought to shift back to the states in 1994 was ________.
a. health care
b. education
c. welfare
d. transportation
e. law enforcement
Ans: A
Page: 68
Type: Factual
73. As strong as support for reform of AFDC may have been, the complexities of the issue were somewhat highlighted by the fact that
a. President Clinton vetoed two bills that would have cut it back.
b. few members of Congress were willing to actually vote for cutbacks.
c. few members of the Senate were willing to actually vote for cutbacks.
d. most Republicans preferred to keep and maintain the program.
e. the House changed the rules for debate.
Ans: E
Page: 68
Type: Factual
74. Republicans in Congress eventually succeeded in
a. ending federal guarantees for funding of AFDC.
b. turning much of the management of AFDC over to the states.
c. demanding that women on aid begin working within two years.
d. disallowing women from AFDC for more than five years.
e. All of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 68-69
Type: Factual
75. Devolution was an old idea but it required a new vitality because ________ was/were leading the effort.
a. Congress
b. the president
c. the courts
d. state legislatures
e. state governors
Ans: A
Page: 69
Type: Factual
76. AFDC and ________ accounted for over half of all federal grant-in-aid spending.
a. Medicaid
b. food stamps
c. Medicare
d. Social Security
e. Earned Income Tax Credits
Ans: D
Page: 69
Type: Factual
77. The 104th Congress (1994-1996) block-granted the following federal aid program:
a. Medicaid.
b. food stamps.
c. Medicare.
d. Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).
e. None of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 69
Type: Factual
78. The flow of power and responsibility from the states to local governments is referred to as a _____________.
a. first-order devolution
b. second-order devolution
c. third-order devolution
d. fourth-order devolution
e. None of the above
Ans: A
Page: 68
Type: Factual
79. From 1996, when the federal welfare reform law took place, to 2002, the nation’s welfare caseload has declined by _____ percent.
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 35
e. almost 60
Ans: C
Page: 70
Type: Factual
80. Which of the following was not a reason driving devolution efforts in the mid-1990s?
a. Deep-seated mistrust of the federal government.
b. Concern about the budget deficit
c. Lack of confidence in state and local government capacity
d. Americans are in favor of devolution
e. Belief that governments closer to the people are more responsive to popular sentiment
Ans: C
Page: 72
Type: Factual
81. The text suggests relatively poor citizens are more likely to suggest _________ give(s) them more for their money.
a. local government
b. state government
c. the federal government
d. local legislatures
e. local parties
Ans: E
Page: 72
Type: Conceptual
82. Why do members of Congress who represent the interests of localities to the federal government pass laws that create so many problems for the mayors and governors of these localities?
a. Because the structure of Congress is such that the interests of localities are rarely taken into account
b. Because the power of political parties to influence the votes of party members is so great
c. Because mayors and governors frequently resent federal interference in local affairs
d. Because most members of Congress regard their role as that of representing the national government to localities
e. Because members of Congress often represent different constituencies from the same localities
True/False questions
Ans: False
Page: 50
83. T F Under a federal system, the national government may alter or even abolish local units.
Ans: True
Page: 50
84. T F The constitution of the USSR had, in theory, created a federal system.
Ans: False
Page: 50
85. T F Great Britain has a federal system much like our own.
Ans: False
Page: 50
86. T F Under a confederation, local units of government have less power than in a federal system.
Ans: True
Page: 51
87. T F The smaller the political unit, the more likely it is to be dominated by a single political faction.
Ans: False
Page: 52
88. T F Federalism discourages the average citizen from becoming involved in political activity.
Ans: False
Page: 52
89. T F Decentralization raises the cost of organized political activity.
Ans: False
Page: 52
90. T F One of the major purposes of the Founders was to frame a document that encouraged widespread political participation.
Ans: True
Page: 52
91. T F The Founders intended federalism to be a device whereby personal liberty would be protected.
Ans: True
Page: 53
92. T F The Tenth Amendment explicitly reserved broad powers to the states.
Ans: True
Page: 53
93. T F The doctrine of nullification can be inferred from Hamilton’s commentary in Federalist 28.
Ans: True
Page: 53
94. T F State governments have more power in a federation than in a unitary system.
Ans: True
Page: 54
95. T F The wording of the U.S. Constitution regarding the federal government’s right to make laws is purposely vague and elastic.
Ans: True
Page: 54
96. T F The Founders themselves had a hard time agreeing on what was meant by federalism.
Ans: False
Page: 54
97. T F James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were in general agreement on the issue of the powers of the national government.
Ans: False
Page: 54
98. T F The matter of national supremacy over the states had been settled by the 1820s.
Ans: True
Page: 54
99. T F The Civil War was fought in part over the issue of national supremacy versus states’ rights.
Ans: True
Page: 54
100. T F The Civil War led to the enlargement of the powers of the federal government.
Ans: False
Page: 55-56
101. T F McCulloch v. Maryland was the Supreme Court case that established the right of the Court to review cases from the lower courts.
Ans: True
Page: 55-56
102. T F In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court concluded that chartering a bank was within the powers of Congress.
Ans: True
Page: 57
103. T F The concept of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the issue of commerce.
Ans: True
Page: 57
104. T F The original distinction between interstate and intrastate commerce was based on the product being shipped across state lines.
Ans: True
Page: 56
105. T F John C. Calhoun’s doctrine of nullification was clearly present in the writings of Jefferson and Madison.
Ans: True
Page: 56
106. T F John C. Calhoun first raised the doctrine of nullification in response to a tariff imposed by the federal government.
Ans: False
Page: 58
107. T F Today, most commerce is regulated at the state level.
Ans: False
Page: 58
108. T F It would be accurate to conclude that the doctrine of dual federalism is entirely dead.
Ans: True
Page: 58
109. T F In U.S. v. Lopez, the Supreme Court said that Congress had exceeded its commerce clause power by creating gun free zones around schools.
Ans: False
Page: 58
110. T F In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that violence against women substantially affects interstate commerce.
Ans: True
Page: 58
111. T F The Supreme Court has ruled that the Congress cannot require local police to conduct background checks on all gun purchasers.
Ans: True
Page: 58
112. T F In recent years, the Supreme Court has given new life to the doctrine of state sovereignty in rulings regarding the 10th and 11th Amendments.
Ans: True
Page: 59
113. T F California’s lengthy state constitution includes an explicit right to “privacy.”
Ans: False
Page: 59
114. T F The existence of local governments is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Ans: True
Page: 60
115. T F Land grants, authorized even before the U.S. Constitution was adopted, were often designed to finance school construction and educational expenses.
Ans: True
Page: 61
116. T F During most of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth, the federal government was taking in more money than it was spending.
Ans: True
Page: 61
117. T F Beginning in the 1960s, the principal proponents of grant programs to combat crime and poverty were federal officials.
Ans: True
Page: 62
118. T F The purpose of the intergovernmental lobby is the same as that of the private lobby―to get more federal money with fewer strings attached.
Ans: True
Page: 62
119. T F National organizations of governors and mayors press for more federal money, but not for increased funding for any particular city or state.
Ans: True
Page: 63
120. T F In the federal highway program, Washington pays about 90 percent of the construction costs and the states pay only about 10 percent.
Ans: False
Page: 62
121. T F The areas of health, income security, and education all increased their share of federal grants from 1960 to 1997.
Ans: True
Page: 64
122. T F From 2001 to 2003, the Bush administration sought to create new block grants for low-income housing and pre-school education.
Ans: True
Page: 64
123. T F Revenue sharing provided many city agencies with comparatively modest amounts, which made building effective constituencies more difficult.
Ans: True
Page: 64
124. T F Revenue-sharing funds were available to recipient governments for a wide variety of purposes.
Ans: True
Page: 64
125. T F Revenue sharing involved grants based on local tax bases and population formulas.
Ans: False
Page: 64
126. T F Revenue sharing, unlike categorical grants, usually involved matching grants.
Ans: True
Page: 65
127. T F As federal monies have become more important to the states, the competition among them for their respective shares has intensified.
Ans: True
Page: 65
128. T F Block grants are allocated by formula.
Ans: False
Page: 66
129. T F It is unconstitutional for the federal government to try to reverse local government policy by means of federal grants.
Ans: True
Page: 66
130. T F Most mandates concern civil rights and environmental protection.
Ans: True
Page: 66
131. T F Both the Reagan and Bush administrations opposed the growth of mandates.
Ans: False
Page: 67
132. T F Mandates on local government come exclusively from Congress.
Ans: False
Page: 67
133. T F The federal courts have discouraged the growth of mandates.
Ans: False
Page: 67
134. T F Mandates are conditions attached to the receipt of a specific federal grant.
Ans: True
Page: 67
135. T F When a state accepts federal grants, it is subject to certain rules established by Washington.
Ans: True
Page: 67
136. T F Many of the more controversial mandates are the result of court decisions.
Ans: True
Page: 67
137. T F Conditions of aid are binding on local governments only when they receive federal monies for the projects in question.
Ans: False
Page: 68
138. T F The recent strengthening of party ties has tended to favor local over national interests on matters of federal funding.
Ans: False
Page: 68
139. T F In 1981, President Reagan persuaded Congress to pass legislation that more clearly separated state from national government responsibilities.
Ans: True
Page: 68
140. T F In the wake of Reagan-era cutbacks in federal money, state and local officials privatized a number of functions in an effort to realize financial savings.
Ans: False
Page: 68
141. T F In the mid-nineties, individuals seeking AFDC type benefits were limited to a period of seven years.
Ans: False
Page: 68-69
142. T F During the mid-1990s, the effort to shift many federal functions to the states (i.e., devolution) was led by the President.
Ans: True
Page: 69
143. T F Two of the largest federal grant-in-aid programs are Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Medicaid.
Ans: True
Page: 69
144. T F Republicans in the 104th Congress attempted to block grant Medicaid.
Ans: False
Page: 69
145. T F The federal welfare reforms of the 1990s did little to reduce the number of individuals receiving such assistance nationwide.
Ans: False
Page: 70
146. T F Most Americans favor cuts for environmental spending.
Ans: True
Page: 70
147. T F Most Americans oppose cuts in Medicaid and unemployment insurance.
Ans: True
Page: 70
148. T F Most Americans favor devolution, at least in principle.
Ans: True
Page: 72
149. T F The seeming disconnect between members of Congress and elected officials in their own states is, in part, attributable to the decline of political parties.
Ans: True
Page: 72
150. T F Relatively-well-to do citizens are more likely to speak favorably of local government than federal government.
short answer questions
151. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson differed over the meaning of federalism. Explain their general positions in this feature of the Constitution.
a. Hamilton: powers of the national government are to be broadly construed because the government was created by the people and because its laws are supreme.
b. Jefferson: powers of the national government are to be narrowly construed because the government is the product of an agreement between the states.
Page: 54
152. Cite the two fundamental questions that the Supreme Court answered in handing down its decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, and explain the impact this decision had on the development of the federal system.
a. Could Congress charter a national bank without specific constitutional authority? (Yes, because “necessary and proper” to the exercise of specific monetary powers of Congress.)
b. Could a state tax such a bank? (No, because the power to tax is the power to destroy, and national powers are supreme over state powers.)
c. Impact: extension of the subordination of state governments to the national government.
Pages: 55-56
153. Explain how nullification became a feature of American political debate and how the issue was eventually settled.
a. 1798 Sedition Laws
b. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
c. John C. Calhoun, tariffs and slavery
d. Civil War and the views of the Supreme Court
Page: 56
154. Outline the somewhat brief history of dual federalism and discuss its implications.
a. Origin after Civil War
b. Interstate versus intrastate commerce
c. Supreme Court used product-based distinctions for a while
d. Eventually gave up
e. Congress can regulate almost any imaginable commerce as a result
Pages: 57-58
155. What are some ways in which states have opened the door to direct democracy?
a. Initiative: legislative measures
b. Referendum: rejecting measures adopted by legislatures
c. Recall: removing elected officials
Page: 59
156. Discuss four reasons why federal money historically has seemed to be attractive to state and local officials.
a. It was there: the federal government was taking in more money than it was spending.
b. The federal income tax began.
c. Convenience: the federal government managed the currency and could print more money whenever it needed it.
d. Federal money seemed to be “free” money.
Page: 61
Essay questions
157. Identify and explain some of the reasons for continuing federalism in its current form? In other words, defend a federal system of government.
a. Federalism erects an additional barrier against government tyranny and thus protects individual liberty.
b. The American people remain committed to the idea of local self-government.
c. Federalism facilitates political flexibility.
d. Federalism helps mobilize political activity, allowing private citizens a chance to influence public policy.
e. Federalism keeps members of Congress tied to local interests.
f. Grant programs have allowed national funds to be directed toward local needs.
Page: Ch. 3
158. Explain what “devolution” refers to and identify the reasons why it is a feature of American politics today.
a. Congressional effort to shift power back to the states, pass on to the states many federal functions
b. Example: Block grants for entitlements
c. Beliefs of House Republicans and those with an ideological mistrust of the federal government
d. Deficit politics
e. Public support (at least in theory)
Pages: 68-70
The central purpose of the chapter is to introduce the student to some of the complexities of federal government in the United States—that is, one where both the national and state governments have powers independent of one another. After reading and reviewing the material in this chapter, the student should be able to do each of the following:
1. Explain the difference between federal and centralized systems of government, and give examples of each.
2. Show how competing political interests at the Constitutional Convention led to the adoption of a federal system that was not clearly defined.
3. Outline the ways in which national and state powers have been interpreted by the courts.
4. State the reasons why federal grants-in-aid to the states have been politically popular, and cite what have proven to be their pitfalls. Distinguish between categorical grants and block grants.
5. Distinguish between mandates and conditions of aid with respect to federal grant programs to states and localities. Discuss whether or to what extent federal grants to the states have created uniform national policies comparable to those of centralized governments.
6. Evaluate the effect of devolution on relationships between the national and state governments. Assess its implications for citizens as taxpayers and as clients of government programs.
States participate actively both in determining national policy and in administering national programs. Moreover, they reserve to themselves or to localities within them important powers over such public services as schooling and law enforcement, and such important public decisions as land use. In a unitary system, these powers are exercised by the national government.
How one evaluates federalism depends in large part on the value one attaches to the competing criteria of equality and participation. Federalism means that citizens living in different parts of the country will be treated differently. This applies not only to spending programs (such as welfare), but also to legal systems (where civil rights may be differentially protected or criminal sentencing may vary). Yet federalism also means that there are more opportunities to participate in the decision making. It allows people to influence what is taught in the schools, and to decide where highways and other government projects will be built. Indeed, differences in public policy—that is, unequal treatment—are largely the result of wider participation in decision making. It is difficult, perhaps even impossible, to have more of one of these values without having less of the other.
From the 1930s to the present, United States politics and public policy became decidedly more nationalized, with the federal government, and especially the federal courts, imposing increasingly uniform standards on the states. These usually took the form of mandates and conditions of aid. Efforts begun in the 1960s and 1970s to reverse this trend by shifting to revenue sharing and block grants were only partially successful. In the mid-1990s, the Supreme Court began to review the doctrine of state sovereignty and the effort to devolve power from Washington to the states gained momentum. But whether these developments will effect significant and lasting changes in federalism remains to be seen.
Chapter Outline with Keyed-in Resources
I. Governmental structure
A. Introduction
1. Federalism: a political system with local government units, as well as a national government, that can make final decisions regarding some governmental activities and whose existence is protected
a) Local governments are able to make decisions on at least some matters without regard to the preferences of the national government
b) Examples of federal governments: United States, Canada, India, Germany, Switzerland, Australia
2. Unitary government:
a) All local governments are subservient to the national government
b) Local governments can be altered or abolished by the national government
c) Local governments have no final authority over any significant government activities
d) Examples of unitary governments: France, Britain, Italy, Sweden
3. Special protection of subnational governments in federal system due to:
a) Constitution of country
b) Habits, preferences, and dispositions of citizens
c) Distribution of political power in society
4. National government largely does not govern individuals directly, but gets states to do so in keeping with national policy
B. Federalism: Good or Bad?
1. Negative views: federalism blocks progress and protects powerful local interests
a) Laski: the states are “parasitic and poisonous”
b) Riker: federalism facilitated the perpetuation of racism
2. Positive view―Elazar: federalism contributes to governmental strength, political flexibility, and fosters individual liberty
3. Federalism has good and bad effects
a) Different political groups with different political purposes come to power in different places
b) Federalist No. 10: small political units are more likely to be dominated by single political faction―which allows all relevant interests to be heard, somewhere
C. Increased political activity
1. Most obvious effect of federalism: it facilitates political mobilization
2. Federalism decentralizes authority, lowering the cost of political organization at the local level
II. The Founding
A. A bold, new plan to protect personal liberty
1. Founders believed that neither national nor state government would have authority over the other since power comes from the people, who shift their support to keep the two in balance.
2. New plan had no historical precedent
3. Tenth Amendment was added as an afterthought to clarify the limits of the national government’s power
4. Tenth Amendment has had limited applicability, but has recently been used by the Supreme Court to give new life to state sovereignty
B. Elastic language in Article I: necessary and proper clause
1. Precise definitions of powers are politically impossible due to competing interests, e.g., commerce
2. Hamilton’s view: national supremacy since the Constitution was the supreme law of the land
3. Jefferson’s view: states’ rights with the people as ultimate sovereign; the national government was likely to be the principal threat to individuals’ liberties
A. The Supreme Court speaks
1. Hamiltonian position espoused by Chief Justice John Marshall
2. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) settled two questions
a) Could Congress charter a national bank? Yes, even though this power is not explicitly in the Constitution because of the “necessary and proper” (elastic) clause.
b) Could states tax such a federal bank? No, because national powers were supreme and therefore immune to state challenge.
3. Later battles related to federal taxes on state and local bond interest
B. “Nullification”: states had the right to declare null and void a federal law that they believed violated the Constitution
1. Authors: James Madison (Virginia Resolutions), Thomas Jefferson (Tennessee Resolutions), and John Calhoun
2. Question settled by the civil war: the federal union was indissoluble and states cannot nullify federal law; position was later confirmed by the Supreme Court
C. Dual federalism: both national and state governments are supreme in their own spheres, which should be kept separate
1. Example: interstate vs. intrastate commerce
a) Early product-based distinctions were unsatisfactory
b) Still, the Supreme Court does seek some distinction between what is national and what is local, though it is not entirely consistent in its support of state sovereignty
2. Doctrine of dual federalism still is argued, however―and sometimes successfully
D. State sovereignty
1. Supreme Court has strengthened states’ rights in several recent cases
a) U.S. v. Lopez (1995), guns in schools
b) U.S. v. Morrison (2000), overturned Violence Against Women Act of 1994, stating that attacks against women do not substantially affect interstate commerce
c) Printz v. U.S. (1997), background checks on gun purchasers
2. Supreme Court has also strengthened the Eleventh Amendment, protecting states from suits by citizens of other states or foreign nations
a) Alden v. Maine (1999), compliance with federal fair labor laws
b) Federal Maritime Commission v. South Carolina Ports Authority (2002), states did not agree to become mere appendages of national government
3. But not all recent decisions have supported state sovereignty
4. State can do what is not prohibited by the Constitution or preempted by federal policy, and that is consistent with its own constitution
a) Police power
b) State governments also responsible for public education, law enforcement and criminal justice, health and hospitals, roads and highways, public welfare, and use of public lands
5. States’ constitutions may provide for direct democracy
a) State constitutions more detailed about many matters, and thus view of government is more expansive
b) Initiative
c) Referendum
d) Recall
6. Protections for the states in the Constitution
a) No state can be divided without its consent.
b) Two Senators for every state
c) Every state assured of a republican form of government
d) Powers not granted to Congress are reserved to the states
7. Cities, towns, and counties have no such protections.
a) They exist at the pleasure of the state government, so there is no struggle over sovereignty (Dillon’s Rule)
b) See the Politically Speaking box, The Terms of Local Governance
A. What Washington legally may do is not the same as what politics may require
B. Grants-in-aid
1. Grants show how political realities modify legal authority
2. Began before Constitution with land and cash grants to states
3. Dramatically increased in scope in twentieth century
4. Prevailing constitutional interpretation until late 1930s was that the federal government could not spend money for purposes not authorized by the Constitution—grants were a way around this
5. Grants were attractive to state officials for various reasons.
a) Federal budget surpluses (nineteenth and early twentieth centuries)
b) Federal income tax increased revenues
c) Federal control of money supply
d) Appeared as “free” money for state officials, who did not have to be responsible for federal taxation
6. Required broad congressional coalitions with wide dispersion of funds, because every state had an incentive to seek grant money (example: post-9/11 “fair-share” security funding formulas)
C. Meeting national needs
1. 1960s shift in grants-in-aid
a) From what states demanded…
b) …To what federal officials considered important as national needs
c) Meanwhile, state and local governments had become dependent on federal funds
d) Washington’s grants to state and local governments has reached new highs since 2000
D. The intergovernmental lobby
1. Hundreds of state and local officials lobby in Washington
2. The Big 7
a) U.S. Conference of Mayors
b) National Governors Association
c) National Association of Counties
d) National League of Cities
e) Council of State Governments
f) International City/County Management Association
g) National Conference of State Legislatures
3. Purpose: to get more federal money with fewer strings
4. Since1980, their success has been more checkered
E. Categorical grants versus revenue sharing
1. Categorical grants are for specific purposes defined by federal law; they often require local matching funds
2. Block grants (sometimes called special revenue sharing or broad-based aid) were devoted to general purposes with few restrictions—states preferred block to categorical grants
3. Revenue sharing (sometimes called general revenue sharing) requires no matching funds and could be spent on almost any governmental purpose
a) Distributed by statistical formula
b) Ended in 1986, after fourteen years
4. Neither block grants nor revenue sharing achieved the goal of giving the states more freedom in spending
a) Did not grow as fast as categorical grants
b) Number of strings increased, even on these programs
5. New block grant programs were created for low-income housing, pre-school education and other programs from 2001-2003; these programs were cut or frozen by 2004 due to drops in state government revenues
6. Block grants grew more slowly than categorical grants because of the differences between the political coalitions that supported each
a) Federal officials, liberal interest groups, organized labor tend to distrust state government; categorical grants give the national government more power
b) No single interest group has a vital stake in multipurpose block grants, revenue sharing
c) Categorical grants are matters of life or death for various state agencies
d) Supervising committees in Congress favored growth of categorical grants
e) Revenue sharing was wasteful because it was so widely distributed that it did not reach those with greater need in sufficient amounts
F. Rivalry among the states
1. Intense debate regarding whether the federal government is helping some regions at the expense of others
2. Snowbelt (Frostbelt) versus Sunbelt states: debate focuses on allocation formulas written into federal laws
3. Difficulty telling where funds are actually spent and their effect, though
4. With numerous grants distributed on the basis of population, the census takes on monumental importance
V. Federal aid and federal control
A. Federal controls on state governmental activities
1. Conditions of aid: tells state governments what they must do if they wish to receive grant money; traditional control
2. Mandates: tells state governments what they must do
B. Mandates
1. Mandates: federal rules that states or localities must obey, generally have little or nothing to do with federal aid
a) Civil rights
b) Environmental protection
2. May be difficult to implement and/or be costly
3. Mandates may also make it difficult for state/local governments to raise revenues, borrow funds, and privatize public functions; some may expose them to financial liability
4. Controversial mandates may result from court decisions (example, state prisons, school desegregation plans)
C. Conditions of aid
1. Attached to grants
2. Conditions range from specific (apply to particular programs) to general (cover all or most grants)
3. Divergent views of states and federal government on costs and benefits of these conditions; each side attempts to bargain to pass on most of the cost to the other sides
4. President Reagan attempted to cut back both federal money and conditions of aid; after a bump in the early 1990s, this was continued in the mid-1990s
VI. A devolution revolution? Focus on the 104th Congress (1995–1996)
A. Devolution initiatives returned program management to the states, with some federal guidelines, but no guarantee of federal support
B. Block grants for entitlements
1. AFDC and Medicaid had operated as entitlements—federal funds a fixed proportion of state spending on these programs
2. Republicans in 104th Congress proposed making these and other programs block grants
3. AFDC did actually become a block grant
4. Devolution became part of the national political agenda
5. Some evidence that devolution in welfare programs continued from states to localities, localities to non-profit and private organizations
C. What’s driving devolution?
1. Devolution proponents harbor a deep-seated ideological mistrust of federal government and believe that state governments were more responsive to the people
2. Deficit politics encouraged devolution
a) Major cuts sought in entitlement spending
b) In return, governors were given more power and flexibility to implement program
3. Devolution supported by public opinion—though strength of support uncertain
4. See the What Would You Do? exercise, Abortion Funding.
VII. Congress and Federalism—politics remains local
1. Congress members represent conflicting constituencies—won’t always agree with governors and mayors
2. Parties once linked legislators to local groups—their erosion increases political competition.
Important Terms
*block grants
Grants of money from the national government that states can spend within broad guidelines determined by Washington.
*conditions of aid
Terms set by the national government that states must meet if they are to receive certain federal funds.
The effort to transfer responsibility for many public programs and services from the federal government to the states.
*dual federalism
A constitutional theory that the national government and the state government each have defined areas of authority.
Money given by the national government to the states.
Process that permits voters to put legislative measures directly on the ballot.
Terms set by the national government that states must meet whether or not they accept federal grants.
*necessary and proper clause
Section of the Constitution allowing Congress to pass all laws “necessary and proper” to its duties, and which has permitted Congress to exercise powers not specifically given to it (enumerated) by the Constitution.
The doctrine that a state can declare null and void a federal law that, in the state’s opinion, violates the Constitution.
*police power
The power of a government to effect laws that promote citizens’ health, safety, and morals.
Procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office.
Procedure enabling voters to reject a measure passed by the legislature.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
Instructor Resources
John Calhoun, A Disquisition on Government. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2003.
Frederick D. Drake and Lynn R. Nelson, eds., States’ Rights and American Federalism: A Documentary History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.
Kermit L. Hall, A Nation of States: Federalism at the Bar of the Supreme Court. New York: Garland Publishers, 2000.
John P. Kaminski and Richard Leffler, Federalists and Antifederalists: The Debate Over the Ratification of the Constitution, Madison, WI: Madison House Publishers, 1989.
Forrest McDonald, States’ Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio, 1776–1876. Lawrence, KS: The University Press of Kansas, 2000.
Michael E. Solimine and James L. Walker, Respecting State Courts: The Inevitability of Judicial Federalism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.
Carl E. Van Horn, The State of the States, 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1996.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
The Founders disagreed over the exact division of powers in a federal system. Hamilton argued for national supremacy, Jefferson for states’ rights. The Tenth Amendment spelled out what was assumed from the outset: that the federal government would have only those powers given to it by the Constitution. On the other hand the elastic language of Article I—the “necessary and proper” clause—provided a basis for arguing that the federal government had much broader powers. “The rules” about who governs what, were not clear from the start.
The Supreme Court became the arbiter of this dispute. Chief Justice John Marshall supported the Hamiltonian position, and in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) the court held not only that the Congress had the right to set up a bank, but also that such an enterprise was immune to state taxation. After the Civil War, conflict focused on the commerce clause and the power of the federal government to regulate commerce. At first the Court distinguished between interstate commerce, which the federal government could regulate, and intrastate commerce, which it could not. Practical difficulties in distinguishing one from the other led the Court, by the 1940s, to hold that the federal government could regulate virtually any economic transaction it wanted to regulate.
The Supreme Court’s struggles with defining the scope of federal power were influenced largely by economic theory. Under the laissez-faire beliefs that dominated nineteenth-century United States politics, the government was to remain neutral toward the economy and not become involved in its management. The court infused this concept into its decisions on federalism by striking down most government efforts to intervene in the economy. The Great Depression of 1929 compelled the federal government under President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal to take steps to alleviate the people’s misery, but the justices consistently voided most such legislation as exceeding federal authority. An exasperated President Roosevelt, upon reelection in 1936, sought to increase the membership on the Supreme Court by “packing” it with justices who favored his perspective on federalism. While the court-packing plan failed, one justice altered his view and began to uphold an expanded federal role in the economy. This has been described as the “switch in time that saved nine.” Recently, however, the Supreme Court has placed some limitations on the ability of the federal government to legislate requirements for the states. In both U.S. v. Lopez (1995) and Printz v. U.S. (1997), the Supreme Court ruled that the Congress has over-extended the commerce clause in its regulations on gun ownership. In addition to these rulings on the tenth amendment, the Court has also protected state sovereignty through the eleventh amendment, protecting states against suits by citizens of other states or countries. These cases represent a significant development in the Court’s thinking about state sovereignty. However, their significance should not be over-stated: Though the states are protected by the Constitution, Congress can still legislate extensively and broadly on domestic policy.
Theme A: Who Governs what? Federalism and The Constitution
Discussion Questions
1. Historically, power has flowed to the central government. What reasons exist for the states to continue exercising independent power? Given the Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch, what prevents the central government from assuming legal authority over any area of public policy?
2. Why doesn’t the federal government always intervene when states defy its authority?
3. Certain areas in Nevada permit prostitution; nine states have legalized the use of marijuana for “medical purposes”; Massachusetts has legalized same-sex marriage. Could the federal government legally intervene to forbid such practices in these states? Explain why or why not.
4. It would be possible to write a constitution that specified national, state, and even local spheres of governing much more clearly than the U.S. Constitution does. What might such a document look like? What would be its advantages? What would be its disadvantages?
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
Instructor Resources
Timothy J. Conlan, From New Federalism to Devolution: Twenty-five Years of Intergovernmental Reform. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1998.
Daniel J. Elazar, American Federalism: A View from the States. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1966.
Michael S. Greve, Defining Federalism’s Future: The Role of the Courts, Congress, and the Voters. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, 1999.
Vincent Ostrom, The Meaning of American Federalism. Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1999.
Paul E. Peterson, The Price of Federalism. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1995.
Paul L. Posner, Barry Rabe, and John Tierney, eds., The Politics of Unfunded Mandates: Whither Federalism? Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1999.
David Bradstreet Walker, The Rebirth of Federalism: Slouching Toward Washington, 2nd ed. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers, 2000.
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
The political dynamics of federalism have changed over the years. In the 20th century, the balance between state and federal power has clearly tipped in favor of the national government. As early as the 1960s, Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois warned that soon “the only people interested in state boundaries will be Rand-McNally.” This concern exaggerated the extent to which the federal government is capable of invading local prerogatives. The reason is that the constitutional structure forces members of Congress to remain focused on local issues—if only to achieve reelection.
The shift to national control began in the late nineteenth century, but it was not until the growth of grant-in-aid programs during the 1960s that the symmetry of authority—the key to federalism—became relatively one-sided. As state and local governmental budgets became increasingly dependent on federal resources, the intergovernmental lobby, in which local officials set up offices in Washington to compete for federal money, developed. The rivalry between states intensified when Congress began to loosen the strings of categorical grants and replace them with block grants based on distributional formulas.
The absence of federal strings and the greater leeway in spending federal funds did not produce a corresponding increase in the freedom of local officials. First, creeping categorization occurred as the federal government began to disapprove of the way block grants were utilized. Its response was to impose more restrictions on block grants. Second, categorical grants spawned state agencies and interest groups that relied on such grants for their survival. Since these groups were frequently successful in convincing congressional committees to preserve a particular grant from being merged into a larger block grant program, the result was to limit the overall number of block grants. And third, the ideological dimension of federalism became more prominent. Liberals, Democrats, and minority groups preferred to continue the practice of prescribing national standards as an antidote to the prejudices of local officials. Conservatives, Republicans, and business leaders preferred to transfer decision-making to the local level to avoid the inflexibility of national regulations. Thus in the 1980s and early 1990s stalemate developed as a Democratic Congress pushed in one direction while Republican administrations pushed in the other.
But slowly the pendulum has begun to swing back toward greater state authority. Two trends have catalyzed change. First, many states have become frustrated by federal meddling in local affairs. In 1993, for example, the state of Hawaii refused to fly the American flag for an entire weekend as a sign of protest, and an active movement on behalf of secession emerged. Second, local governments are not what they were. The level of professionalism has improved and states are again serving as experimental grounds for new programs. Policy innovation is no longer a federal monopoly. This was particularly evident in the welfare reform efforts of 1994 through 1996, when Congress effectively acted on the recommendations of state governors. In short, the politics of federalism has entered a new era, though it is not yet certain that devolution will result in more effective programs or a more responsive government.
Theme B: who governs now? The contemporary Politics of Federalism
Discussion Questions
1. Does the system of grants-in-aid upset the balance of federalism? Do grant programs enable Congress to do what it pleases by bribing states into compliance? Or do these programs merely increase the likelihood of national policy uniformity? What would be the consequence if a state refused federal grant money?
2. To what extent have interest groups produced grants-in-aid, and to what extent have grants-in-aid produced interest groups? Who constitutes the intergovernmental lobby?
3. How and why do conservatives and liberals differ over giving aid to the states without conditions?
4. Why can’t federal agencies attack complex problems by producing and implementing a coherent systematic policy? Why don’t (can’t) federal bureaucrats issue orders where necessary?
5. Does the recent push toward devolution give the states too much power?
Multiple Choice questions
Ans: E
Page: 49-50
Type: Factual
1. Woodrow Wilson held that the question of the relationship between the national and state governments
a. was complex, but relatively unimportant.
b. was to be decided, ultimately, by Congress.
c. was decided by the Framers at the Constitutional Convention.
d. could not be decided until the War Between the States.
e. could not be answered by a single generation.
Ans: D
Page: 50
Type: Factual
2. The concept of separate, sovereign national and state governments is known as
a. nationalism.
b. democracy.
c. confederation.
d. federalism.
e. unicameralism.
Ans: B
Page: 50
Type: Factual
3. Which of the following countries does not have a federal system of government?
a. the United States
b. Great Britain
c. Canada
d. Germany
e. Australia
Ans: C
Page: 50
Type: Factual
4. Which of the following allows national governments the right to alter or even abolish local government?
a. A constitutional government
b. Federalism
c. A unitary system
d. Socialism
e. A confederation
Ans: A
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
5. Ukraine, formerly one of the Soviet republics, had its own local unit of government, yet the Soviet Union was not considered a federal system. This is because, in the former Soviet Union,
a. local governments were not independent of the central government.
b. local government officials were not elected democratically.
c. the central government did not have a constitution.
d. central government officials were appointed by local governments.
e. local governments administered their own laws and ordinances.
Ans: C
Page: 50
Type: Factual
6. One of the reasons that our local governments are independent of the national government is
a. Article III of the U.S. Constitution.
b. the power of free elections.
c. the commitment of Americans to the ideal of local government.
d. the fact that the local tax structure requires local administration.
e. the Fourteenth Amendment.
Ans: C
Page: 49
Type: Factual
7. At a time when other Western nations were debating whether government ought to provide pensions or regulate business, the question in the United States was
a. how government could reduce its social commitments.
b. whether state or local government was better equipped for such tasks.
c. whether the national government had the right to do these things.
d. what tradeoffs would have to be made.
e. if government was capable of performing in an efficient manner while managing the economy.
Ans: E
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
8. In the United States, programs such as the interstate highway system and services to the unemployed are most accurately considered
a. state functions that operate without any involvement on the part of the federal government.
b. federal functions, although state governments pay some of the costs.
c. state functions which are designated under the Tenth Amendment.
d. federal functions that operate without any involvement on the part of state governments.
e. state functions, although the federal government seeks to regulate them.
Ans: D
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
9. Which of the following systems of government would be most likely to appeal to those in the United States who wish to implement liberal policies in the nation but who encounter resistance from conservative state legislatures?
a. Confederal
b. Federal
c. Republican
d. Unitary
e. Provincial
Ans: C
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
10. An interest group with a strong following in only one region of the country would have the best chance to achieve its goals under what type of system?
a. Democratic
b. Republican
c. Federal
d. Unitary
e. Provincial
Ans: A
Page: 50
Type: Conceptual
11. A unitary form of government is most likely to appear preferable in the view of
a. liberal U.S. senators facing conservative state legislatures.
b. governors wishing for more control over their states’ budgets.
c. mayors seeking funding for urban problems.
d. taxpayers seeking relief from federal income taxes.
e. school officials who oppose Supreme Court rulings.
Ans: C
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
12. Under a unitary system of government, which of the following political outcomes would be highly unlikely?
a. A group of farmers staging a massive demonstration by parking their trucks at the capitol
b. Terrorists holding a city hostage with the threat of a nuclear detonation
c. Senators from a particular region of the country blocking the passage of major civil rights legislation
d. The national government sending troops into a region of the country that is threatening to secede
e. The national government raising taxes
Ans: A
Page: 51
Type: Conceptual
13. The cost of political participation to the average U.S. citizen is less than that to the average French citizen because, in the United States,
a. more small, political constituencies are found than in France.
b. the media give greater coverage to political protest than in France.
c. fewer citizens become involved in political causes than in France.
d. political participation is both protected and encouraged by the U.S. Constitution.
e. political debates are given more media attention in the United States.
Ans: E
Page: 52
Type: Factual
14. Perhaps the most obvious effect of federalism in the United States has been to
a. centralize the government.
b. prevent states from blocking national interests.
c. increase conflict among elites.
d. raise the cost of organized political activity.
e. mobilize political activity.
Ans: A
Page: 52
Type: Factual
15. For the Founders, federalism was a device to
a. protect liberty.
b. provide efficient local administration.
c. encourage citizen participation.
d. guarantee equality.
e. protect against foreign invasion.
Ans: A
Page: 52
Type: Conceptual
16. The government in the South during the Civil War was called a confederacy. A true confederacy differs from the federalist system of the United States in that it
a. grants more sovereignty to the individual states.
b. permits state governments to do only what the central government allows.
c. is legally and politically independent of any other government.
d. gives local units of government a specially protected existence.
e. places states in a subservient manner in relation to matters of interstate commerce.
Ans: D
Page: 52
Type: Factual
17. Madison’s description of federalism in Federalist 46 suggests there should be little concern over conflicts between the federal and state governments because
a. the federal government would clearly be the winner in such conflicts.
b. the state government would clearly be the winner in such conflicts.
c. such conflicts would occur only on minor issues of importance.
d. they are different agents with different powers.
e. the judicial branch would settle such disputes.
Ans: C
Page: 53
Type: Conceptual
18. Which of the following statements about the federal system adopted at the Constitutional Convention is most accurate?
a. It had been tried without success in other countries.
b. It was adopted as an alternative to a confederate system, in which local governments are granted a specially protected existence.
c. It granted supreme authority to neither national nor state government.
d. It specifically reserved powers not delegated to the United States by the U.S. Constitution to the states.
e. It guaranteed the dominance of the states for several hundred years.
Ans: C
Page: 53
Type: Factual
19. The Founders did not include in the U.S. Constitution an explicit statement of state powers but added it later in the
a. Second Amendment.
b. Seventh Amendment.
c. Tenth Amendment.
d. Fourteenth Amendment.
e. None of the above.
Ans: E
Page: 53
Type: Factual
20. The reason a statement specific to state powers was not part of the original U.S. Constitution was that
a. no such consensus existed at the Constitutional Convention.
b. it was deleted under the Virginia Plan.
c. New York delegates refused to allow discussion on the matter.
d. the U.S. Constitution would not have been ratified.
e. it was assumed to be obvious.
Ans: A
Page: 53-54
Type: Factual
21. Just what sort of commerce Congress could regulate between the states was not spelled out in the U.S. Constitution because
a. no consensus existed.
b. of an oversight.
c. commerce was a new phenomenon.
d. slavery was involved.
e. New York delegates refused to allow discussion on the matter.
Ans: B
Page: 54
Type: Factual
22. In Federalist 45, Madison describes the powers of state governments as
a. broad but limited.
b. numerous and indefinite.
c. narrow but critical.
d. limited and subject to review.
e. without substance.
Ans: C
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
23. Which statement best summarizes Madison’s view of federalism?
a. He was a consistent supporter of the notion of a supreme national government.
b. He was a consistent supporter of the notion of the supremacy of state governments.
c. He was first an ardent supporter of national supremacy, then of state’s rights.
d. He was first an ardent supporter of state’s rights, then of national supremacy.
e. He assumed the national government would be supreme except in times of war.
Ans: A
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
24. Applying the principles of Thomas Jefferson to current political issues would probably dispose one to
a. favor the decentralization of government power.
b. oppose the decentralization of government power.
c. favor seven-year terms for presidents.
d. oppose seven-year terms for presidents.
e. favor a more powerful bureaucracy.
Ans: C
Page: 54
Type: Conceptual
25. The Civil War settled one part of the issue of national supremacy versus states’ rights, namely, that
a. state governments are supreme over the national government.
b. the national government derives its sovereignty from the states.
c. the national government derives its sovereignty from the people.
d. the national government derives its sovereignty from both the people and the states.
e. state governments derived their power from each other.
Ans: C
Page: 55
Type: Factual
26. The early chief justice whose decisions generally gave the broadest possible sweep to federal powers was
a. Roger Taney.
b. Frederick Vinson.
c. John Marshall.
d. Alexander Hamilton.
e. John Harlan.
Ans: C
Page: 56
Type: Factual
27. The McCulloch v. Maryland decision established
a. judicial review by the Supreme Court.
b. state sovereignty in interstate commerce.
c. national government supremacy over the states.
d. the legality of the slave trade.
e. All of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 55-56
Type: Conceptual
28. In McCulloch v. Maryland, if the Supreme Court reached the opposite conclusion on the right of Congress to charter a bank, the bank would have been
a. taken over by the state of Maryland.
b. declared unconstitutional.
c. taken over by the federal government.
d. taken over by the federal judiciary.
e. established in each of the states.
Ans: B
Page: 56
Type: Conceptual
29. The basic assumption of Marshall’s opinion in the McCulloch case was that the Constitution
a. was established by the states.
b. was established by the people.
c. was established by Congress.
d. clearly established state superiority.
e. did not allow Congress to create a national bank.
Ans: E
Page: 56
Type: Conceptual
30. An important outcome of Marshall’s ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) was to
a. place limits on the constitutional powers granted to Congress by refusing McCulloch's appeal.
b. give greater power to the states in taxing agents of the federal government, including banks.
c. protect newspaper editors who publish stories critical of the federal government.
d. restrict the power of the Court in cases involving conflicts between states and the federal government.
e. confirm the supremacy of the federal government in the exercise of the constitutional powers granted to Congress.
Ans: D
Page: 56
Type: Factual
31. During the battle over slavery, the case for nullification was forcefully presented by
a. William Jennings Randolph.
b. Robert E. Lee.
c. William Graham Sumner.
d. John C. Calhoun.
e. J.E.B. Stuart.
Ans: B
Page: 56
Type: Factual
32. The doctrine of nullification refers to
a. the power of Congress to veto state laws that violate the U.S. Constitution.
b. the claimed authority of the states to declare a federal law void for violating the U.S. Constitution.
c. the power of the president to veto state laws for violating the U.S. Constitution.
d. the authority of the president to dissolve Congress and to call for new elections.
e. the power of the federal government to invalidate state laws on matters of commerce.
Ans: A
Page: 57
Type: Factual
33. The doctrine of dual federalism grew out of a protracted debate on the subject of
a. commerce.
b. banking.
c. manufacturing.
d. welfare.
e. licensing of commercial fishermen.
Ans: B
Page: 57
Type: Factual
34. Most forms of economic activity are now included under
a. First Amendment freedoms.
b. interstate commerce.
c. the doctrine of implied powers.
d. the reserved powers of the states.
e. compact theory.
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
35. According to the text, the Supreme Court has generally excluded ________ from many of the restrictions addressed in commerce clause cases.
a. baseball players
b. lawyers
c. janitors
d. window washers
e. farmers
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
36. The interstate commerce that the federal government can regulate is now interpreted to include
a. almost any kind of economic activity.
b. only the movement of goods between states.
c. almost any commerce in goods, but not labor transactions.
d. commerce between states and a handful of transactions within states.
e. shipping and handling, but not production.
Ans: A
Page: 58
Type: Factual
37. The text concludes that it would be a mistake to conclude that the doctrine of dual federalism is
a. entirely dead.
b. alive and well.
c. much changed.
d. no longer a threat.
e. an empirical reality.
Ans: C
Page: 58
Type: Factual
38. By ruling that the government cannot require local police to conduct background checks on all gun purchases, the Court held that to do so would be a violation of the __________ Amendment.
a. Fifth
b. Sixth
c. Tenth
d. Fourteenth
e. None of the above.
Ans: E
Page: 59
Type: Factual
39. Under their police powers, states can enact and enforce all of the following except:
a. Criminal codes
b. Laws requiring children to attend school
c. Restrictions on the availability of pornographic materials
d. Standards for DUI convictions
e. The regulation of interstate commerce
Ans: B
Page: 59
Type: Factual
40. This is a procedure that enables voters to reject a measure adopted by the legislature.
a. Initiative
b. Referendum
c. Recall
d. Logrolling
e. Rrollback
Ans: C
Page: 59
Type: Factual
41. This procedure in effect in about one-third of the states permits voters to remove an elected official from office.
a. Initiative
b. Referendum
c. Recall
d. Logrolling
e. Rollback
Ans: C
Page: 60
Type: Factual
42. The Tidelands oil reserves case was an example of the national government’s deciding that
a. state governments were asserting too much independence.
b. local governments needed help that state governments could not provide.
c. it was better to cede to the states a power that legally belonged to Washington.
d. too many conditions had been attached to a well-meant program of aid.
e. the federal government was no longer in the business of regulating interstate commerce.
Ans: A
Page: 60
Type: Conceptual
43. According to the text, the grant-in-aid system grew rapidly because it helped state and local officials resolve what dilemma?
a. How to get federal money into state hands without violating the U.S. Constitution
b. How to limit federal taxation power without reducing aid to states
c. How to increase federal taxation power without violating the U.S. Constitution
d. How to shift financial control of state programs to the federal government without violating states’ rights
e. How to gradually bring critical state functions under federal control
Ans: B
Page: 61
Type: Factual
44. Which of the following was not one of the reasons federal grants were attractive to state officials?
a. Federal government budget surpluses
b. Passage of the Fifteenth Amendment
c. The potency of the federal income tax
d. The appearance of “free money” for the states
e. The ability of the federal government to print money
Ans: E
Page: 60
Type: Factual
45. The first form of grant-in-aid to the states made by the federal government to the state governments was that of
a. cash grants-in-aid.
b. block grants.
c. revenue sharing.
d. categorical grants.
e. land grants.
Ans: B
Page: 61
Type: Conceptual
46. When North Dakota received over one million dollars to purchase biomedical suits and other equipment to deal with weapons of mass destruction, it highlighted the fact that
a. money from Washington is rarely distributed in an intelligent fashion.
b. when Washington wants to send money to one state or congressional district, it must send money to many states and districts.
c. having key Senators on powerful committees can make a big difference when money is distributed.
d. most officials in large cities are not even aware of the financial assistance available to them.
e. very few members of Congress are active in the budget process.
Ans: E
Page: 61-62
Type: Factual
47. Federal officials’ perceptions of national needs came to dominate the allocation of federal grants in the
a. Reagan administration.
b. Great Depression.
c. World War II era.
d. post-Civil War era.
e. 1960s and 1970s.
Ans: A
Page: 61-62
Type: Conceptual
48. While gleefully accepting federal grants with no apparent strings, state governors were disregarding which fundamental axiom of politics?
a. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
b. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
c. Nice guys finish last.
d. Those who respect laws should avoid being present when they are made.
e. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Ans: D
Page: 61
Type: Factual
49. In the 1960s and 1970s, federal grants to states were increasingly based on
a. the demands of the individual states.
b. what state officials perceived to be important state needs.
c. the power of organized interest groups.
d. what federal officials perceived to be national needs.
e. the demands of coalitions of states.
Ans: D
Page: 62
Type: Factual
50. Between 1960 and 2001, the category of federal grant that decreased most as a percentage of all grants was
a. income authority.
b. health.
c. education and training.
d. transportation and highways.
e. social welfare.
Ans: A
Page: 62
Type: Factual
51. The term intergovernmental lobby is used in the text to refer to lobbying activities by
a. state and local officials at the national government.
b. one branch of the national government at another branch.
c. foreign governments in Washington, D.C.
d. federal agencies at statehouses and city halls.
e. governmental units with ties to interest groups.
Ans: A
Page: 62
Type: Conceptual
52. An example of an intergovernmental lobby would be a lobby comprising
a. local police chiefs.
b. local gas station owners.
c. gun enthusiasts.
d. oil company executives.
e. society of card players.
Ans: E
Page: 63
Type: Factual
53. A categorical grant is a transfer of federal funds designed for
a. the private sector.
b. discretionary use by a state.
c. the accomplishment of broad goals.
d. programs with matching grants.
e. specific purposes.
Ans: B
Page: 63-64
Type: Factual
54. A block grant is essentially a
a. grant that benefits a single, local unit (or block).
b. group of categorical or project grants.
c. reverse grant-in-aid money flows from states back to the federal government.
d. project grant with tighter restrictions.
e. a project grant with less federal support.
Ans: C
Page: 63
Type: Conceptual
55. Block grants were designed to remedy a common criticism of categorical grants, namely,
a. their lack of specificity.
b. the lack of conditions under which such grants were made.
c. the difficulty of adapting categorical grants to local needs.
d. their discriminatory nature―decisions are too often based on politics.
e. their lack of relevance to problems that were perceived to be “national” in nature.
Ans: D
Page: 64
Type: Factual
56. Federal grants over which local officials have wide discretion are called
a. categorical grants.
b. land grants.
c. matching grants.
d. revenue-sharing funds.
e. categorical choice programs.
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
57. According to the text, both revenue sharing and block grants have enjoyed only marginal success, in part because
a. the federal government steadily increased the number of strings attached to such grants.
b. money from categorical grants shrank so low as to make these other grants essential.
c. these grants were based on local priorities rather than on the needs of the nation as a whole.
d. these grants discouraged federal control over how the money was to be used.
e. these grants were not attractive to members of Congress.
Ans: E
Page: 64
Type: Factual
58. Between 1993 and 1995, the entire growth in federal grants to state and local governments was in
a. project enhancement grants.
b. expansion of old block grants.
c. revenue sharing.
d. new block grants.
e. categorical grants.
Ans: D
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
59. Political maneuvering and lobbying by local officials will probably be greatest when what type of federal money is involved?
a. Revenue sharing
b. A block grant
c. A mandated grant
d. A categorical grant
e. A project enhancement grant
Ans: C
Page: 64
Type: Factual
60. Categorical grants are supervised by
a. individual members of Congress from the relevant states.
b. the executive branch.
c. special committees of Congress.
d. state governors.
e. U.S. District Courts.
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Factual
61. What types of federal funds are most likely to be critical for an agency that depends on the federal government for its existence?
a. Categorical grants
b. Block grants
c. Fund grants
d. Revenue-sharing programs
e. Project enhancement grants
Ans: A
Page: 64
Type: Conceptual
62. One reason why revenue sharing has proved unsuccessful as a means of distributing federal money to local governments is because it
a. lacks strong local political support.
b. is too vulnerable to political lobbying.
c. requires annual congressional approval.
d. encourages rivalry among states competing for federal money.
e. rarely build consensus among leaders in Washington.
Ans: C
Page: 65
Type: Conceptual
63. The type of locally distributed federal money that would be most affected by changes in population and distribution formulas is
a. the block grant.
b. the categorical grant.
c. revenue sharing.
d. the land grant.
e. the project enhancement grant.
Ans: B
Page: 66
Type: Factual
64. When a locality is required by federal law to do something, regardless of whether it receives federal funding for that purpose, this duty is called a
a. condition of aid.
b. mandate.
c. string-attached edict.
d. court decision.
e. pontification.
Ans: E
Page: 66
Type: Conceptual
65. The difference between a mandate and a condition of aid is that
a. with a mandate the federal government tells a state government what it must do if it wants grant money.
b. a mandate applies to a block grant; a condition of aid applies to a categorical grant.
c. a mandate applies to a categorical grant; a condition of aid applies to a block grant.
d. with a mandate the federal government allows the state to do as it pleases if its actions are in accordance with federal law.
e. with a mandate it makes no difference who is paying the costs of a program.
Ans: C
Page: 66-67
Type: Factual
66. Which of the following statements about mandates is not true?
a. They are reasonable enough, stated in general terms.
b. They are the result of court orders.
c. They are tied to specific federal grants.
d. They are open to interpretation by federal officials.
e. They create administrative and financial problems.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Factual
67. One of the problems the text mentions in connection with the administration of the Americans with Disabilities Act is
a. the number of disabled Americans.
b. the specificity of the blueprint for administration.
c. the absence of a clear-cut definition of "equal access."
d. a lack of public support.
e. opposition to mandates which assist specific groups.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Conceptual
68. Judges have ordered Massachusetts to change the way it hires firefighters, even though the state does not receive aid from the federal government for fire fighting. Such an order is referred to as a
a. condition of aid.
b. quid pro quo order.
c. mandate.
d. pro bono requirement.
e. per curiam order.
Ans: C
Page: 67
Type: Conceptual
69. For states to qualify for certain federal highway funds, they must allow drivers to make a legal right-hand turn after stopping at a red light. This requirement by the federal government is known as a
a. mandate.
b. quid pro quo order.
c. condition of aid.
d. pro bono requirement.
e. per curiam order.
Ans: B
Page: 67-68
Type: Conceptual
70. States must pay construction workers the prevailing wage if they want to build something with federal money, even if the federal share is only part of the total building costs. When might such a requirement prevent a needed building from being constructed?
a. If it is tied to a categorical grant.
b. If it makes the total costs prohibitively high.
c. If it is tied to nondiscriminatory hiring.
d. If the prevailing wage exceeds federal guidelines.
e. If it discourages small business from making bids on contracts.
Ans: D
Page: 68
Type: Factual
71. A result of the Reagan-era block grants and budget cuts was
a. state and local governments unilaterally slashed programs.
b. higher administrative costs for state and local governments.
c. less flexibility in program design for state and local governments.
d. higher service levels than otherwise would have been the case.
e. lower service levels than otherwise would have been the case.
Ans: C
Page: 68
Type: Factual
72. The first important function that the new Republican-controlled Congress sought to shift back to the states in 1994 was ________.
a. health care
b. education
c. welfare
d. transportation
e. law enforcement
Ans: A
Page: 68
Type: Factual
73. As strong as support for reform of AFDC may have been, the complexities of the issue were somewhat highlighted by the fact that
a. President Clinton vetoed two bills that would have cut it back.
b. few members of Congress were willing to actually vote for cutbacks.
c. few members of the Senate were willing to actually vote for cutbacks.
d. most Republicans preferred to keep and maintain the program.
e. the House changed the rules for debate.
Ans: E
Page: 68
Type: Factual
74. Republicans in Congress eventually succeeded in
a. ending federal guarantees for funding of AFDC.
b. turning much of the management of AFDC over to the states.
c. demanding that women on aid begin working within two years.
d. disallowing women from AFDC for more than five years.
e. All of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 68-69
Type: Factual
75. Devolution was an old idea but it required a new vitality because ________ was/were leading the effort.
a. Congress
b. the president
c. the courts
d. state legislatures
e. state governors
Ans: A
Page: 69
Type: Factual
76. AFDC and ________ accounted for over half of all federal grant-in-aid spending.
a. Medicaid
b. food stamps
c. Medicare
d. Social Security
e. Earned Income Tax Credits
Ans: D
Page: 69
Type: Factual
77. The 104th Congress (1994-1996) block-granted the following federal aid program:
a. Medicaid.
b. food stamps.
c. Medicare.
d. Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).
e. None of the above.
Ans: B
Page: 69
Type: Factual
78. The flow of power and responsibility from the states to local governments is referred to as a _____________.
a. first-order devolution
b. second-order devolution
c. third-order devolution
d. fourth-order devolution
e. None of the above
Ans: A
Page: 68
Type: Factual
79. From 1996, when the federal welfare reform law took place, to 2002, the nation’s welfare caseload has declined by _____ percent.
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 35
e. almost 60
Ans: C
Page: 70
Type: Factual
80. Which of the following was not a reason driving devolution efforts in the mid-1990s?
a. Deep-seated mistrust of the federal government.
b. Concern about the budget deficit
c. Lack of confidence in state and local government capacity
d. Americans are in favor of devolution
e. Belief that governments closer to the people are more responsive to popular sentiment
Ans: C
Page: 72
Type: Factual
81. The text suggests relatively poor citizens are more likely to suggest _________ give(s) them more for their money.
a. local government
b. state government
c. the federal government
d. local legislatures
e. local parties
Ans: E
Page: 72
Type: Conceptual
82. Why do members of Congress who represent the interests of localities to the federal government pass laws that create so many problems for the mayors and governors of these localities?
a. Because the structure of Congress is such that the interests of localities are rarely taken into account
b. Because the power of political parties to influence the votes of party members is so great
c. Because mayors and governors frequently resent federal interference in local affairs
d. Because most members of Congress regard their role as that of representing the national government to localities
e. Because members of Congress often represent different constituencies from the same localities
True/False questions
Ans: False
Page: 50
83. T F Under a federal system, the national government may alter or even abolish local units.
Ans: True
Page: 50
84. T F The constitution of the USSR had, in theory, created a federal system.
Ans: False
Page: 50
85. T F Great Britain has a federal system much like our own.
Ans: False
Page: 50
86. T F Under a confederation, local units of government have less power than in a federal system.
Ans: True
Page: 51
87. T F The smaller the political unit, the more likely it is to be dominated by a single political faction.
Ans: False
Page: 52
88. T F Federalism discourages the average citizen from becoming involved in political activity.
Ans: False
Page: 52
89. T F Decentralization raises the cost of organized political activity.
Ans: False
Page: 52
90. T F One of the major purposes of the Founders was to frame a document that encouraged widespread political participation.
Ans: True
Page: 52
91. T F The Founders intended federalism to be a device whereby personal liberty would be protected.
Ans: True
Page: 53
92. T F The Tenth Amendment explicitly reserved broad powers to the states.
Ans: True
Page: 53
93. T F The doctrine of nullification can be inferred from Hamilton’s commentary in Federalist 28.
Ans: True
Page: 53
94. T F State governments have more power in a federation than in a unitary system.
Ans: True
Page: 54
95. T F The wording of the U.S. Constitution regarding the federal government’s right to make laws is purposely vague and elastic.
Ans: True
Page: 54
96. T F The Founders themselves had a hard time agreeing on what was meant by federalism.
Ans: False
Page: 54
97. T F James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were in general agreement on the issue of the powers of the national government.
Ans: False
Page: 54
98. T F The matter of national supremacy over the states had been settled by the 1820s.
Ans: True
Page: 54
99. T F The Civil War was fought in part over the issue of national supremacy versus states’ rights.
Ans: True
Page: 54
100. T F The Civil War led to the enlargement of the powers of the federal government.
Ans: False
Page: 55-56
101. T F McCulloch v. Maryland was the Supreme Court case that established the right of the Court to review cases from the lower courts.
Ans: True
Page: 55-56
102. T F In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court concluded that chartering a bank was within the powers of Congress.
Ans: True
Page: 57
103. T F The concept of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the issue of commerce.
Ans: True
Page: 57
104. T F The original distinction between interstate and intrastate commerce was based on the product being shipped across state lines.
Ans: True
Page: 56
105. T F John C. Calhoun’s doctrine of nullification was clearly present in the writings of Jefferson and Madison.
Ans: True
Page: 56
106. T F John C. Calhoun first raised the doctrine of nullification in response to a tariff imposed by the federal government.
Ans: False
Page: 58
107. T F Today, most commerce is regulated at the state level.
Ans: False
Page: 58
108. T F It would be accurate to conclude that the doctrine of dual federalism is entirely dead.
Ans: True
Page: 58
109. T F In U.S. v. Lopez, the Supreme Court said that Congress had exceeded its commerce clause power by creating gun free zones around schools.
Ans: False
Page: 58
110. T F In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that violence against women substantially affects interstate commerce.
Ans: True
Page: 58
111. T F The Supreme Court has ruled that the Congress cannot require local police to conduct background checks on all gun purchasers.
Ans: True
Page: 58
112. T F In recent years, the Supreme Court has given new life to the doctrine of state sovereignty in rulings regarding the 10th and 11th Amendments.
Ans: True
Page: 59
113. T F California’s lengthy state constitution includes an explicit right to “privacy.”
Ans: False
Page: 59
114. T F The existence of local governments is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Ans: True
Page: 60
115. T F Land grants, authorized even before the U.S. Constitution was adopted, were often designed to finance school construction and educational expenses.
Ans: True
Page: 61
116. T F During most of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth, the federal government was taking in more money than it was spending.
Ans: True
Page: 61
117. T F Beginning in the 1960s, the principal proponents of grant programs to combat crime and poverty were federal officials.
Ans: True
Page: 62
118. T F The purpose of the intergovernmental lobby is the same as that of the private lobby―to get more federal money with fewer strings attached.
Ans: True
Page: 62
119. T F National organizations of governors and mayors press for more federal money, but not for increased funding for any particular city or state.
Ans: True
Page: 63
120. T F In the federal highway program, Washington pays about 90 percent of the construction costs and the states pay only about 10 percent.
Ans: False
Page: 62
121. T F The areas of health, income security, and education all increased their share of federal grants from 1960 to 1997.
Ans: True
Page: 64
122. T F From 2001 to 2003, the Bush administration sought to create new block grants for low-income housing and pre-school education.
Ans: True
Page: 64
123. T F Revenue sharing provided many city agencies with comparatively modest amounts, which made building effective constituencies more difficult.
Ans: True
Page: 64
124. T F Revenue-sharing funds were available to recipient governments for a wide variety of purposes.
Ans: True
Page: 64
125. T F Revenue sharing involved grants based on local tax bases and population formulas.
Ans: False
Page: 64
126. T F Revenue sharing, unlike categorical grants, usually involved matching grants.
Ans: True
Page: 65
127. T F As federal monies have become more important to the states, the competition among them for their respective shares has intensified.
Ans: True
Page: 65
128. T F Block grants are allocated by formula.
Ans: False
Page: 66
129. T F It is unconstitutional for the federal government to try to reverse local government policy by means of federal grants.
Ans: True
Page: 66
130. T F Most mandates concern civil rights and environmental protection.
Ans: True
Page: 66
131. T F Both the Reagan and Bush administrations opposed the growth of mandates.
Ans: False
Page: 67
132. T F Mandates on local government come exclusively from Congress.
Ans: False
Page: 67
133. T F The federal courts have discouraged the growth of mandates.
Ans: False
Page: 67
134. T F Mandates are conditions attached to the receipt of a specific federal grant.
Ans: True
Page: 67
135. T F When a state accepts federal grants, it is subject to certain rules established by Washington.
Ans: True
Page: 67
136. T F Many of the more controversial mandates are the result of court decisions.
Ans: True
Page: 67
137. T F Conditions of aid are binding on local governments only when they receive federal monies for the projects in question.
Ans: False
Page: 68
138. T F The recent strengthening of party ties has tended to favor local over national interests on matters of federal funding.
Ans: False
Page: 68
139. T F In 1981, President Reagan persuaded Congress to pass legislation that more clearly separated state from national government responsibilities.
Ans: True
Page: 68
140. T F In the wake of Reagan-era cutbacks in federal money, state and local officials privatized a number of functions in an effort to realize financial savings.
Ans: False
Page: 68
141. T F In the mid-nineties, individuals seeking AFDC type benefits were limited to a period of seven years.
Ans: False
Page: 68-69
142. T F During the mid-1990s, the effort to shift many federal functions to the states (i.e., devolution) was led by the President.
Ans: True
Page: 69
143. T F Two of the largest federal grant-in-aid programs are Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Medicaid.
Ans: True
Page: 69
144. T F Republicans in the 104th Congress attempted to block grant Medicaid.
Ans: False
Page: 69
145. T F The federal welfare reforms of the 1990s did little to reduce the number of individuals receiving such assistance nationwide.
Ans: False
Page: 70
146. T F Most Americans favor cuts for environmental spending.
Ans: True
Page: 70
147. T F Most Americans oppose cuts in Medicaid and unemployment insurance.
Ans: True
Page: 70
148. T F Most Americans favor devolution, at least in principle.
Ans: True
Page: 72
149. T F The seeming disconnect between members of Congress and elected officials in their own states is, in part, attributable to the decline of political parties.
Ans: True
Page: 72
150. T F Relatively-well-to do citizens are more likely to speak favorably of local government than federal government.
short answer questions
151. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson differed over the meaning of federalism. Explain their general positions in this feature of the Constitution.
a. Hamilton: powers of the national government are to be broadly construed because the government was created by the people and because its laws are supreme.
b. Jefferson: powers of the national government are to be narrowly construed because the government is the product of an agreement between the states.
Page: 54
152. Cite the two fundamental questions that the Supreme Court answered in handing down its decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, and explain the impact this decision had on the development of the federal system.
a. Could Congress charter a national bank without specific constitutional authority? (Yes, because “necessary and proper” to the exercise of specific monetary powers of Congress.)
b. Could a state tax such a bank? (No, because the power to tax is the power to destroy, and national powers are supreme over state powers.)
c. Impact: extension of the subordination of state governments to the national government.
Pages: 55-56
153. Explain how nullification became a feature of American political debate and how the issue was eventually settled.
a. 1798 Sedition Laws
b. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
c. John C. Calhoun, tariffs and slavery
d. Civil War and the views of the Supreme Court
Page: 56
154. Outline the somewhat brief history of dual federalism and discuss its implications.
a. Origin after Civil War
b. Interstate versus intrastate commerce
c. Supreme Court used product-based distinctions for a while
d. Eventually gave up
e. Congress can regulate almost any imaginable commerce as a result
Pages: 57-58
155. What are some ways in which states have opened the door to direct democracy?
a. Initiative: legislative measures
b. Referendum: rejecting measures adopted by legislatures
c. Recall: removing elected officials
Page: 59
156. Discuss four reasons why federal money historically has seemed to be attractive to state and local officials.
a. It was there: the federal government was taking in more money than it was spending.
b. The federal income tax began.
c. Convenience: the federal government managed the currency and could print more money whenever it needed it.
d. Federal money seemed to be “free” money.
Page: 61
Essay questions
157. Identify and explain some of the reasons for continuing federalism in its current form? In other words, defend a federal system of government.
a. Federalism erects an additional barrier against government tyranny and thus protects individual liberty.
b. The American people remain committed to the idea of local self-government.
c. Federalism facilitates political flexibility.
d. Federalism helps mobilize political activity, allowing private citizens a chance to influence public policy.
e. Federalism keeps members of Congress tied to local interests.
f. Grant programs have allowed national funds to be directed toward local needs.
Page: Ch. 3
158. Explain what “devolution” refers to and identify the reasons why it is a feature of American politics today.
a. Congressional effort to shift power back to the states, pass on to the states many federal functions
b. Example: Block grants for entitlements
c. Beliefs of House Republicans and those with an ideological mistrust of the federal government
d. Deficit politics
e. Public support (at least in theory)
Pages: 68-70
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