Chapter 23 Growth of Western Democracies: 1815–1914
Section 1 Democratic Reform in Britain
Terms, etc.
rotten borough-p. 723
electorate-p. 723
secret ballot-p. 723
Queen Victoria-p. 724
Benjamin Disraeli-p. 725
William Gladstone-p. 725
parliamentary democracy-p. 725
How was the British Parliament reformed during the early 1800s? p. 723
What values did Queen Victoria represent and how did these values relate to economic reform? p. 724
How was Parliament reformed during the late 1800s and early 1900s? p. 725
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas As you read this section, complete an outline of the contents. p. 723
Section 2 Social and Economic Reform in Britain
free trade-p.727
repeal-p. 727
abolition movement-p. 727
capital offense-p.727
penal colony-p. 727
absentee landlord-p. 730
home rule-p. 730
Note Taking
How did abolition and criminal justice reform reflect Victorian values? p. 727
Describe several social welfare reforms during the 1800s and early 1900s. p. 728
Why do you think women disagreed about how best to gain suffrage? p. 729
How did English policies toward Ireland affect the cause of Irish Nationalism? p. 730
Thinking Critically
1. (a) What were some possible “pull” factors for Irish emigrants? (b) How do the “push” and “pull” factors for voluntary migration differ from those for involuntary migration?
2. Connections to Today Use news sources to read about an example of recent migration. Write a one paragraph summary of the migration including explanations of push and/or pull factors influencing the migration. p. 732
Section 3 Division and Democracy in France
Napoleon III-p. 734
Suez Canal-p. 734
provisional-p. 735
premier-p. 735
coalition-p. 735
Dreyfus affair-p. 736
libel-p. 736
Zionism-p. 736
Note Taking
What were some of the successes and failures of Napoleon III’s Second Empire? p. 734
What challenges did the Third Republic face during its 70 years in power? p. 735
In what ways was the Zionist movement a reaction to the Dreyfus case? p. 736
Describe two social reforms during the late 1800s and early 1900s in France. p. 737
Section 4 Expansion of the United States
expansionism-p. 740
Louisiana Purchase-p. 740
Manifest Destiny-p. 740
secede-p. 742
Note Taking
Describe the United States’ physical expansion during the 1800s. p 740
How did the abolition and women’s rights movements highlight the limits of American democracy? p. 741
What changes did the Civil War bring about for African Americans? p. 742
Describe the factors that helped the United States become an industrial and an agricultural leader. p. 743