Friday, April 23, 2021

Ryan Kelly Interview Episode #132 - The Doctor of Digital, G.Mick Smith, PhD

Episode #132 Ryan Kelly Interview- The Doctor of Digital, G.Mick Smith, PhD from The Doctor of Digital, G.Mick Smith, PhD
P.S.: Please note that the transcript was generated by algorithms, so it won't be 100% accurate.
Full transcript:
00:00:00Hello. Hello. Once again is the doctor of digital podcast. This is a doctor additional at 619-389-3636 also available at Nick as in Jagger, except. He's got more money Mick. Smith at WSI It is my distinct pleasure to have Ryan Kelly. Ryan Kelly is a really impressive individual of hoping sticking around for the podcast. He's a specialist in medium and large companies. He's internationally known speaker and he makes businesses money. I've learned a great deal from them and hoping stick around that he's been a managing partner and a senior VP of marketing strategies at WSI. He's got 12 years of Highly Successful sales lead generation and experience. He's got a lot of good things to share. Also. He's been WSI tedx talks speaker. That is why he is well-known and he also may be able to have a mean Game of Poker. I'm not sure about that. But let's see what he has to say. So Ryan welcome to the program.
00:01:00Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got started in digital marketing and I appreciate the spending some time with us today.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got started in digital marketing? 

I appreciate that you can spend some time with us today. 

I appreciate the invite onto your show, and I know that you have a great presence and a good following. So I'm excited to spend some time with you. So yeah kind of where I come from I guess right with my background. So I'll tell you I am 42 years old. I was born in 1978 and just to give you an idea of kind of where I'm at in my life journey. And when you asked where I kind of came from and maybe with my background or experience was I was a nerdy Yellow Page kid right though for all those all those wonderful people younger than me. You may not know what the Yellow Pages used to be like with the Yellow Pages bought me my first two homes so that yellow page office. Eventually. I became an assistant to an account executive and then I became an executive took over the office and then working with a much larger territory of the United States if you will, so what ended up happening was I was in the Yellow Pages. I was working with small businesses. I was feeling selling advertising Nationwide and I saw this thing coming called the internet and bear in mind. I was a young guy when this started happening an old crusty dude that was saying no to the internet. I was super duper excited about it and I saw it coming and I saw how the internet was going to change the face of advertising and at that time that was many years ago. I put my notice in to the president of the company of the American brand of the company.


He refused to take my resignation. Can I put my notice in and said, you know, I see the internet coming. I want to be on the internet. I don't know if I want to be on ink on paper anymore. So he actually wouldn't let me quit. He found me a new position and tasked me with developing internet marketing products and working and end it developing an internet marketing team to create internet marketing products and we could sell nationwide. I was selling digital marketing with nationwide packages.


And what ended up happening was it only solidified my love and excitement about internet marketing so sadly, I still put my notice in later, but I gave him 6 months to notice and I trained my replacement. So that was 14 years ago that that that transition happened where I went from corporate executive to agency owner with my wife. 

I had some experience with yellow pages and I saw that transition also a pretty interesting story, you know, you've been in the field for quite a long time and I think a lot of people would like to know over the course of time. 
What are some of the biggest changes that you've seen in your experience?
00:04:25Did the great question and I I kind of giggled a little bit because you know 14 years ago. When I started the agency with my two partners and transparently that was my mom and dad and I feel very fortunate to have ever had the opportunity to spend so much time with my folks who are now, my father can has retired from the company. Although he sits on my Advisory Board and then Judy who's my mom is making her transition into retirement as we speak but having said that when the three of us and started the business 14 years ago, you know the whole thing which websites it was all websites. We were just like everybody else a website from right what you do with those websites.
00:05:15Play it was really interesting because it says as the world and is our global economy little International economy kind of adopted internet marketing the world went very away from just having a website is is what work to now will credit me buddy has websites now, we got to figure out how to shine brighter how to be the ones found on the top of Google. How do we make sure that people are finding our digital collateral? Like it used to be I got a website. I'm good. Now, it's I've got a website but nobody can find it. What do I do about it?
00:05:50After the transition is gone from building online, you know online brand of hey, I'm a real company. Look at me. Here's what I do where I do it and how much I charge right? That's what websites used to be now websites are Dynamic fully functional marketing part of a business would be a really interesting to pursue that a little bit you know that we talked about little bit of the changes. What would you say now and 2021 what are some of the hot growth areas if not websites, what would they be?
00:06:24Yeah, it's interesting that you said that because you know going having an established agency and having established national and local portfolio and book of business. We had really a great bird eye view into looking at virtually, you know is my own agency hundreds, but as a as an international agency fwsi, you know thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of businesses were able to see what the trends look like with the seasonalities were with a pandemic was doing and I'll tell you about a year ago is probably about 11 months ago. The biggest change that we had was kind of the word that sticks out for 2020 with pivot and what ended up happening was we were able to identify really early on that the traffic on mine was going to stop which meant that there were certain products online two people had to bring it.
00:07:24Can we predict it work for sure going to stop and what we did was we proactively went out to every one of those instead. These are the parts of your campaign that we predict your going to be dramatically affected. We need to stop spending money in these places and let's allocate some of those funds over into other areas where there may be a deficiency, but then now is greater than ever for instance something like paid search where somebody where somebody is buying traffic and somebody is buying impression and somebody is buying, you know brandshare the idea behind that was it that was going to stop at traffic stop cuz you only pay when someone clicks will do you really want to have a big pot of money sitting out in the ethernet somewhere waiting for people to click and actually
00:08:16Get something out of it. So the idea was know the traffic is going to stop with the pause a kind of money and let's look at what might be more appropriate or engaging in real time right now with our businesses clients. And those were things like social media a company that didn't have an appropriate social media following I has already missed the reason to have it and it's now even more important reason why they need to start building at things like email marketing, you know, these kinds of deliverables that are real-time communication became more critical import than ever in 2020. So we were able to Pivot a lot of our clients proactively and predictably ahead of the crash and we had one client in our entire National portfolio that let us go because of the pandemic
00:09:11okay, you know for our listeners, you know now that you're saying there's a pivot and you're describing that could you say are there some things that you would generally recommend business owners to consider now since you're pivoted when they think about digital marketing
00:09:35Search engine optimization SEO on the go go to YouTube and check it out. But I talked about one of the questions actually, it's not even up yet that I've recently answered from one of my prospects was as well as I feel important and are more people now doing it more than ever and since the pandemic it was like okay at the middle and beginning of the pandemic. It was critical to Pivot away from the long-term marketing strategy growth and extraordinarily important to focus on short-term exposure and communication into these real-time communication deliverables and platforms like social media like to email marketing ways that people could do live webinars or Live Events and create time with people in real life share an engagement that was in my opinion.
00:10:28Really important at the beginning and middle of the pandemic but now it were a year later and things are still very kind of up in the air. But at least we now have a level of comfort what happened people who have realized they didn't have social media or or didn't have that following built or don't have a good email marketing lists or or weren't too aggressively pursuing search engine optimization and coming up for things like, you know, if your janitorial company covid-19
00:11:28Can you go to YouTube and check it out? It's hilarious. It's fun. It's interesting and Ryan does a great job with us though. Hope everything he does actually go to that channel. It's awesome. When we were talking about the things that you have done now, and you know, what would you say like what types of digital marketing expertise do you currently offer business owners? And how do you feel that? You can best assist them?
00:11:53Only talked about WSI Global is a brand. We are the world's largest digital marketing Network. We're in over 80 countries. There's nearly a thousand agencies within the United States. There are hundreds of agencies outside of the United States. So what all do real quick and talk to you a little bit about the offering that I offer but you need to understand that WSI Global and WSI International we virtually offer everything but there's different agencies that specialize in different thing. So if anybody listen online marketing outside of what we're talkin about, you know, make it still a great phone call to ask a can you help with this to you do that? So what I was going to say was
00:12:44We specialize and we are an internationally-known award-winning website design agency. Do we do a lot of web design a lot of functional website production and we work with companies all over the country on that. So where were really kind of known where we carved out our own footprint and and how we're known throughout the u.s. Is our online marketing side. So, you know businesses to come to us will often hear them say we have a wonderful website but no one can find it or they'll say things like we have a great website. We're getting tons of traffic but we don't think we're getting the version that we should be. That's it. That's a great referral. We have a great website. We're getting tons of traffic. We think that the website performing really well what's next that's a great way to really when we say we do things that like web production and search engine optimization making sure our clients are coming up on the top of Google for major searches. We also do
00:13:43You know paid search we help clients and companies buy their traffic and Impressions online in a way that is thoughtful with their budget but productive with their performance. We also do a ton of social media marketing social media management. We do a lot of managing our clients brand online through the social media channel and we do a lot of conversion consult today. We have an SEO company. We have a web design company. We have writers. We have everybody doing all these things, but we just don't know how to type together out of track and how to see what's working there transparently. What's not working. So they'll hire us to do their transparent reporting to try to help them figure out a life insurance policy which working so that's what we do but you know that because you do it to someone was thinking of expanding your digital marketing presents. How would they get in touch with you? I appreciate all the good tips and advice that you've provided for us today.
00:14:43Yeah, so the easiest way to find us is to just Google me Ryan Kelly WSI Ryan Ryan Kelly Kelly WSI you Google that it will be pages of ways to get a hold of us appreciate all that you've been able to share for the bells about to ring for about out of time. So if you have not subscribed the mailing list get on the mailing list smash the button wherever podcast for free behold. I'm on all the major platforms. Basically you just can't hide for me. Assoads have a quiz check that out the doctor's digital program for today like cotton candy for your ears. That's it. Take care of deus vult.