The presentation may contain content that is deemed objectionable to a particular viewer because of the view expressed or the conduct depicted. The views expressed are provided for learning purposes only, and do not necessarily express the views, or opinions, of Strayer University, your professor, or those participating in videos or other media.
We will have two: at 7:30 and, at 9:00 pm. I will take roll early before you are dismissed at 10:15 pm.
Ian Hunter-I'm The Teacher (Lyrics), 4:14
Week 11 To Do List
To Do List
No readings this week
Participate in the Discussion titled "After It’s All Said and Done…"
Complete the Final Exam covering Chapters 7-13
0:02 / 2:10
Septembers of Shiraz TRAILER 1 (2016) - Salma Hayek, Adrien Brody Movie HD
Week 11 Discussion
"After It’s All Said and Done…" Please respond to the following:
Explain what religion is, and give your opinion as to whether religion is different from spirituality.
Identify three surprising concepts that you learned about religion in this course, and explain why they surprised you.
Septembers of Shiraz
Trailer, 2:10
Septembers of Shiraz is a 2015 American drama film directed by Wayne Blair and written by Hanna Weg. It is based on Dalia Sofer's 2007 novel The Septembers of Shiraz. The film stars Adrien Brody, Salma Hayek, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Anthony Azizi, Bashar Rahal and Alon Aboutboul. The film was released on June 24, 2016, by Momentum Pictures.
The film is based on the novel by Dalia Sofer.
Top 10, 6:47
Top Bizarre Religions, 5:25
Scientific Revolution By and For Christianity
What religious group promoted modern science?
Science, 1:27
Dr. Mark Kalthoff addresses the false assumption that the scientific revolution, at its core, was motivated by a reaction against medieval Christianity. In fact, most of the architects of the scientific revolution were churchmen themselves, who did the majority of their work as members of a tradition, not as dissidents.
This video is an excerpt from Hillsdale’s Online Course: “Western Heritage,” featuring Mark A. Kalthoff, Henry Salvatori Chair of History and Traditional Values, and chairman and professor of history.
Religion and the Founders
Founders, 1:12
How is America a Christian country based on the Judeo-Christian ethic?
UK Islamist School and Dawkins, 6:57
Are ancient religious books reliable sources for modern science and medicine?
Accomplishments: Jews vs. Muslims, 1:27
Nonetheless, there have been attempts at updating and reforming Muslim majority culture which led to advances in education.
Iran in fact was quite advanced during the administration of Reza Shah Pahlavi until 1979 and the Islamic revolution. The most forward leader in a Muslim majority society was Ataturk of Turkey. Although he was an authoritarian ruler he did eliminate the caliphate and founded the Republic of Turkey on a Western model of governance.
Reforms of Ataturk
Reforms, of Ataturk, 2:08
JFK and Ataturk, 2:54
Ataturk was recognized by Western leaders, such as JFK, as a model of forward thinking governance.
Zionism vs. Islamism
Debate, 7:25
Debates within Islam for reform have touched off heated discussions.
Islam: Accomodation or Subjugation?
Hillary Khan, 3:04
Americans are far less aware of forces within the public sphere that are regressive. For example, in a celebrated exchange at the Democratic National Convention, a speaker was presented as an example of an outstanding American citizen.
Khizr Khan is Muslim Brotherhood jihadist, promoter of Sharia, seller of U S citizenship to Muslims
Khizr Khan is Muslim Brotherhood jihadist, promoter of Sharia Law, tax filer for Clinton Foundation,
installer for Hillary's classified email server, former employer of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, abuser of EB-5 Visa program, and seller of U S citizenship to Muslims.
Hillary Sharia, 3:42
Would you say that Americans are very aware of sharia law?
Sharia America, 5:11
Is the establishment of one religion over others consistent with the First Amendment?
Harold Koh, State Department, 5:08
Nonie Darwish talks to Fox News about The Obama Administration nominee for State Department Legal Advisor, Harold Koh, and his alleged statement that Islamic Sharia Law should apply in US Courts.
Should sharia law apply in American courts?
Sharia Court in Texas, 4:25
A religious nonprofit in the Dallas area offers Muslims the option of Sharia law to settle family and business disputes.
In England, sharia courts have been introduced and at least in the discussion stage of similar courts in the U.S.
Halāl (Arabic: حلال ḥalāl, "permissible"), also spelled hallal or halaal, is any object or action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. The term covers and designates not only food and drink but also all matters of daily life.[1] It is one of five Ahkam—fard (compulsory), mustahabb (recommended), halal (allowed), makruh (disliked), haram (forbidden)—that define the morality of human action in Islam.[2] Mubah is also used to mean "permissible" or "allowed" in Islam.
Halal Chicken, 2:27
A chicken is slaughtered halal at a market in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Partial list:
Outback Steakhouse
Whole Foods Market
Trader Joe's
Islamic (Sharia) Law in America, J. Christian Adams, Minnesota
2012, 18:31 James Lafferty, 12:56
Minnesota, Sharia Law, 4:26
Muslims in the USA want Sharia law and say they will not follow US laws.
Muslims in the USA want Sharia law and say they will not follow US laws, 4:26
Former Muslim immigrants to the U.S., who I know personally for example, became citizens because they were attracted to the liberties and freedom of America. It seems reasonable that Qader knew how to spell his own name: this is his signature on a portrait of Mohammed that he drew for me.

Religiosity of 9/11 Islamists
Counter terrorism expert Steven Emerson testified:
"A special Hollywood broadcast after 9/11 noted that the attack of 9/11 was simply "pure evil" and had nothing to do with religion. In fact, the 9/11 attack had everything to do with religion."
last-night-document in Arabic Released by the FBI
The document was released by the F.B.I. and translated for The New York Times by one of the most prestigious translation companies in the U.S., Capital Communications Group, a Washington-based international consulting firm and by Imad Musa, a translator for the firm.
Obama’s Historic Cairo Speech
There is only one mention of the Constitution, in regards to Jefferson, and no reference to liberty, the American Republic, or the Bill of Rights. Rights, when mentioned, are coupled with human rights, as in the international or U.N. mandated variety, or, as in when governments determine which things are allowed for people.
In a previous Democratic administration it was stated:
Obama Editorial Promotes Islam
Promote Islam
Obama on Islam
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama.....H/T BlueSky
Pat Condell, Goodbye To The First Amendment, 5:47
Condell on Sharia, 6:22
Pat Condell - Saudi Arabia sharia Islam treats women like cattle
Islamism from 9/11
George Washington Hires Islamist
Revolution Muslim, 2:50
Younus Abdullah Muhammad, NY Muslim: This is Islam! To Hell With Obama, America and Democracy!
History of the Middle East
Middle East, 3:15
Invented religions
Falun Gong
Li Hongzhi, Falun Gong founder
Falun Gong: Spiritual Practice or Evil Cult? 5:42
Followers claim Falun Gong is a spiritual practice. But China says it is an evil cult. Hear from three practitioners in the United States. Watch more videos made by the VJ Movement reporters from around the world on or subscribe to our Youtube
Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (literally, "Dharma Wheel Practice" or "Law Wheel Practice") is a Chinese spiritual practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance (Chinese: 真、善、忍).
The practice emphasizes morality and the cultivation of virtue, and identifies as a qigong practice of the Buddhist school, though its teachings also incorporate elements drawn from Taoist traditions. Through moral rectitude and the practice of meditation, practitioners of Falun Gong aspire to better health and, ultimately, spiritual enlightenment.
Falun Gong was first taught publicly in Northeast China in 1992 by Li Hongzhi.
It emerged toward the end of China's "qigong boom"—a period which saw the proliferation of similar practices of meditation, slow-moving exercises and regulated breathing. It differs from other qigong schools in its absence of fees or formal membership, lack of daily rituals of worship, its greater emphasis on morality, and the theological nature of its teachings. Western academics have described Falun Gong as a qigong discipline, a "spiritual movement", a "cultivation system" in the tradition of Chinese antiquity, or as a form of Chinese religion.
Although the practice initially enjoyed considerable support from Chinese officialdom, by the mid- to late-1990s, the Communist Party and public security organizations increasingly viewed Falun Gong as a potential threat due to its size, independence from the state, and spiritual teachings. By 1999, government estimates placed the number of Falun Gong practitioners at 70 million.[1] Tensions culminated in April 1999, when over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered peacefully near the central government compound in Beijing to request legal recognition and freedom from state interference. This demonstration is widely seen as catalyzing the persecution that followed.
On 20 July 1999, the Communist Party leadership initiated a nationwide crackdown and multifaceted propaganda campaign intended to eradicate the practice. It blocked Internet access to websites that mention Falun Gong, and in October 1999 it declared Falun Gong a "heretical organization" that threatened social stability. Human rights groups report that Falun Gong practitioners in China are subject to a wide range of human rights abuses: hundreds of thousands are estimated to have been imprisoned extrajudicially, and practitioners in detention are subject to forced labor, psychiatric abuse, torture, and other coercive methods of thought reform at the hands of Chinese authorities.[2] As of 2009 at least 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners had died as a result of abuse in custody.[3] Some observers put the number much higher, and report that tens of thousands may have been killed to supply China's organ transplant industry.[4][5] In the years since the persecution began, Falun Gong practitioners have become active in advocating for greater human rights in China.
Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi has lived in the United States since 1996, and Falun Gong has a sizable global constituency. Inside China, some sources estimate that tens of millions continue to practice Falun Gong in spite of the persecution.[6][7] Hundreds of thousands are estimated to practice Falun Gong outside China in over 70 countries worldwide.[8][9]
"New Age" Spirituality, Western movements of the 1970s and 1980s
Email us how to support Our International Center 2016.
Eagle Quetzal Condor Gathering: A Global Convergence of Wisdom Keepers and Planetary Advocates
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sedona, AZ – Indigenous Elders from North, Central, and South America will unite with Wisdom Keepers and Planetary Advocates from around the world for a historic event at the Eagle Quetzal Condor gathering in Sedona, Arizona - April 17th -19th, 2015 –– with extended presentations being planned through April 23rd. Tickets are $323, which includes all presentations, films, music and workshops. Registration check in will be held at 7 Centers Yoga, from 3-5:30pm on Friday April 17th. Tickets are limited to the first 225 people.
Because we are facing a global ecological crisis, the Indigenous wisdom of the Natural World is needed now more than ever. Re-establishing a harmonious relationship to the Earth is the only way humanity can move into the future in a sustainable way. Indigenous cultures throughout the Americas –– and the world –– have maintained a reciprocal relationship with the Earth, have protected the sacred sites and ancestral trade routes, and are now sharing that wisdom with the modern world in preparation for a new planetary era; an era where modern technology and ancestral wisdom are synthesized to create a thriving world for the entire Earth Community.
While there are over 50 Indigenous Elders planning on attending the gathering, there are select Elders and global Wisdom Keepers who will be doing formal presentations. Presenters include: Grandmother Margarita Nuñez Garcia (Jalisco, Mexico), Cristobal Cojti Gacia (Mayan Elder, Guatemala), Juan Gabriel (Peruvian Elder), Uqualla (Havasupi Tribe), Ruben Saufkie (Hopi Tribe), Grandmother Laura Espinoza Cuadras (Mexicali, Baja Mx), Carl Johan Calleman, PhD (Scholar and Author), Sensei Rendo Sugimoto (Japanese Elder), Alokananda (Tribal Alliance), and more…
This conference will also focus on environmental awareness in alignment with Earth Day. There will be two environmental films that address solutions to climate change. The first is Cowspiracy and the second is The Future of Energy. The two films compliment each other and together cover the two largest areas of society that need to be transformed in order to solve the climate crisis; animal agriculture and energy consumption.
There will be lively musical performances on Saturday and Sunday night by Wilkasara (Cusco, Peru), Ryan Whitewolf (Australia) and Bhushan Stone (Alaskan folk music) to bring all the people together to celebrate life. There will also be the great healing benefit of Yoga classes by Mally Pasquette (Traditional and Classical Yoga), and Tim Teh (Shaman’s Heart Yoga). In addition, Generation Wake Up will host a powerful young led workshop that focuses on youth empowerment and sustainability.
This event is hosted by ICSAW (International Center of Spiritual and Ancestral Wisdom) and co-hosted by ICCS (International Center of Cultural Studies)
Sponsors of Event: World Healing, Planetary Advocates, Suns of the Earth, All Nations Native American Church, Okleuueha Native American Church, Reviveolution, Oneness Community of New Mexico, Sedona Red Rock Adventures, Tribal Alliance, and Star Bear.
Opposition to new religious movements 489
"Jonestown" was the informal name for the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project formed by the Peoples Temple, an American religious organization under the leadership of Jim Jones, in northwestern Guyana. It became internationally notorious when on November 18, 1978, over 900 people died in the remote commune, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and in Georgetown, Guyana's capital city. The name of the settlement became synonymous with the incidents at those locations.
A total of 909 Americans[1] died in Jonestown, all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning, in an event termed "revolutionary suicide" by Jones and some members on an audio tape of the event and in prior discussions. The poisonings in Jonestown followed the murder of five others by Temple members at Port Kaituma, including United States Congressman Leo Ryan. Four other Temple members died in Georgetown at Jones' command.
The actions in Jonestown have been commonly viewed as mass suicide, although some sources, including Jonestown survivors, regard them as mass murder instead.[2][3] It was the largest such event in modern history and resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11, 2001.[4] In recent years, the Jonestown massacre has been the subject of several conspiracy theories.
Jonestown Death Tape: mass suicide, 48:24
The Jonestown Death Tape (FBI No. Q 042) (November 18, 1978)
Branch Davidian siege
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and US military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4] The Branch Davidians, a sect that separated in 1955 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was led by David Koresh and lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[5][6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco. The group was suspected of weapons violations, causing a search and arrest warrant to be obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four government agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the standoff lasting 51 days. Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the ranch. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center. 76 people died,[8][9] including David Koresh.
Much dispute remains as to the actual events of the siege. A particular controversy ensued over the origin of the fire; a government investigation concluded in 2000 that sect members themselves had started the fire. The events near Waco, and the siege at Ruby Ridge less than 12 months earlier were both cited as the primary motivations behind the Oklahoma City bombing that took place exactly two years later.
Waco Faith, Fear and Fire CNN David Koresh Branch Davidian, 6:13
Combat Engineer Vehicle
The documentary RELIGULOUS follows political humorist and author Bill Maher ("Real Time With Bill Maher," "Politically Incorrect") as he travels around the globe interviewing people about God and religion. Known for his astute analytical skills, irreverent wit and commitment to never pulling a punch, Maher brings his characteristic honesty to an unusual spiritual journey. Directed by Larry Charles (BORAT: CULTURAL LEARNINGS OF AMERICA FOR MAKE BENEFIT GLORIOUS NATION OF KAZAKHSTAN, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"), RELIGULOUS will mark Charles' first feature project since the critically acclaimed, wildly successful BORAT. Jonah Smith and Palmer West of Thousand Words (A SCANNER DARKLY, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM) are producing.
Dawkins of God's Existence
How do religions deal with modern science, religious pluralism, gender issues, or slavery?
Religiosity of 9/11 Islamists
Counter terrorism expert Steven Emerson testified:
"A special Hollywood broadcast after 9/11 noted that the attack of 9/11 was simply "pure evil" and had nothing to do with religion. In fact, the 9/11 attack had everything to do with religion."
last-night-document in Arabic Released by the FBI
The document was released by the F.B.I. and translated for The New York Times by Capital Communications Group, a Washington-based international consulting firm and by Imad Musa, a translator for the firm.
A former student of mine (as in a mujahideen (Arabic: المجاهدين is the plural form, a mujahid (Arabic: مجاهد), the term for one engaged in Jihad drew a picture of Mohammed and gave it to me as a present.
In English usage, it mostly referred to the guerrilla type military outfits led by the Muslim Afghan warriors in the Soviet war in Afghanistan, but now it often refers to other jihadist outfits in various countries.
UK Islamist School and Dawkins, 6:57
Richard Dawkins: "Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science" | Talks at Google, 46:00
Richard Dawkins visited Google’s office in Kirkland, WA to discuss his book “Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science”.
From 1995 to 2008 Richard Dawkins was the Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He is an internationally best-selling author. Among his books are The Ancestor’s Tale, The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, Climbing Mount Improbable, Unweaving the Rainbow, A Devil’s Chaplain, The God Delusion, The Greatest Show on Earth and The Magic of Reality. His most recent books are his two-part autobiography. Part 1, An Appetite for Wonder, released in 2013 and A Brief Candle in the Dark released in 2015.
To learn more about the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, the mission of which is to promote scientific literacy and a secular worldview, please visit
Yet a fourth meaning of secularism applies to countries such as the United States, India, and Turkey, where the modern constitutional separation of religion and state may be referred to as “secularism,” even though individuals may have strong belief structures. The United States has the largest percentage of church-going people in the industrialized countries of the world, yet its constitution insists on a wall of separation between the state and religion. In a secular democracy, the government is supposed to respect the rights of individuals to their own religious beliefs, thus protecting minority religions from oppression.
In all four senses, secularism is now under siege or waning. Many religions are undergoing a resurgence, either in their home regions or elsewhere, and political secularism is being threatened by politicized religious pressure groups.
Religious pluralism 499
Religion in politics 503
Obama’s Historic Cairo Speech
There is only one mention of the Constitution, in regards to Jefferson, and no reference to liberty, the American Republic, or the Bill of Rights. Rights, when mentioned, are coupled with human rights, as in the international or U.N. mandated variety, or, as in when governments determine which things are allowed for people.
In a previous Democratic administration it was stated:
Obama Editorial Promotes Islam
Promote Islam
Obama on Islam
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama.....H/T BlueSky
Muslim Woman Beaten in Public Experiment
Muslim Hate in Australia: Social Experiment
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome. Winston Churchill
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
Winston Churchill
Simon Deng: Slave of Islam, 5:57
Simon Deng
0:00 / 5:56 Simon Deng, Sudanese Activist, Enslaved at Nine Years Old
Islam and Slavery
Jihadi Islamist Orphanage
Lilies of the Field Official Trailer #1 - Sidney Poitier Movie (1963), 3:14
Lilies of the Field Trailer - Directed by Ralph Nelson and starring Sidney Poitier, Stanley Adams, Dan Frazer, Ralph Nelson, Pamela Branch. An unemployed construction worker (Homer Smith) heading out west stops at a remote farm in the desert to get water when his car overheats. The farm is being worked by a group of East European Catholic nuns, headed by the strict mother superior (Mother Maria), who believes that Homer has been sent by God to build a much needed church in the desert.
Life of Brian (1979) Trailer, 2:38
Directed by Terry Jones
Written by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin
Brian is born in a stable on Christmas, right next to You Know Who. The wise men appear and begin to distribute gifts. The star moves further, so they take it all back and move on. This is how Brian's life goes. The Jews are looking for a release from the Romans, Spiritual and political decay, keep looking for signs and a group decides Brian is the Messiah. He cannot convince them he is not. He joins the Peoples' Front of Judea, one of several dozen separatist groups who actually do nothing, but really hate the Romans. While not about Jesus, it is about those who hadn't time, or interest to listen to his message. Many Political and Social comments.
Life of Brian - Original 1979 Trailer, 2:38
Jewish Hospitals Becoming Extinct
Compare: Islam and Mormonism Islam_and_Mormonism
Accomplishments: Jews vs. Muslims
UK Islamist School and Dawkins
Septembers of Shiraz
Septembers of Shiraz is a 2015 American drama film directed by Wayne Blair and written by Hanna Weg. It is based on Dalia Sofer's 2007 novel The Septembers of Shiraz. The film stars Adrien Brody, Salma Hayek, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Anthony Azizi, Bashar Rahal and Alon Aboutboul. The film was released on June 24, 2016, by Momentum Pictures.
The film is based on the novel by Dalia Sofer.
Question 1: Multiple Choice
Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing?
Given Answer: Yom KippurCorrect Answer: Yom Kippur
Question 2: Multiple Choice
The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________.
Given Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over againCorrect Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again
Question 3: Multiple Choice
Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname
Given Answer: KaurCorrect Answer: Kaur
Question 4: Multiple Choice
The label “new religious movement” is __________.
Given Answer: more neutral than cult or sectCorrect Answer: more neutral than cult or sect
Question 5: Multiple Choice
In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________.
Given Answer: ZakatCorrect Answer: Zakat
Question 6: Multiple Choice
A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________.
Given Answer: Infallibility of the PopeCorrect Answer: The Inquisition
Question 7: Multiple Choice
Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________.
Given Answer: purificationCorrect Answer: purification
Question 8: Multiple Choice
Jesus died by __________.
Given Answer: crucifixionCorrect Answer: crucifixion
Question 9: Multiple Choice
The name for God in Islam is __________.
Given Answer: AllahCorrect Answer: Allah
Question 10: Multiple Choice
The word kamikaze means __________.
Given Answer: War PilotCorrect Answer: Divine Wind
Question 11: Multiple Choice
Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________.
Given Answer: parablesCorrect Answer: parables
Question 12: Multiple Choice
The covenant is a __________.
Given Answer: contract between God and God’s peopleCorrect Answer: contract between God and God’s people
Question 13: Multiple Choice
Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak?
Given Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaintCorrect Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint
Question 14: Multiple Choice
The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in
Given Answer: All religionsCorrect Answer: All religions
Question 15: Multiple Choice
The goal of religious pluralism is __________.
Given Answer: uniformity and agreement among all religionsCorrect Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good
Question 16: Multiple Choice
The Pentateuch refers to the __________.
Given Answer: Five books of MosesCorrect Answer: Five books of Moses
Question 17: Multiple Choice
Who founded Sikhism?
Given Answer: Guru NanakCorrect Answer: Guru Nanak
Question 18: Multiple Choice
Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________.
Given Answer: Unification MovementCorrect Answer: Unification Movement
Question 19: Multiple Choice
The sacred book of Islam is called the __________.
Given Answer: Qur’anCorrect Answer: Qur’an
Question 20: Multiple Choice
Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________.
Given Answer: AbrahamCorrect Answer: Abraham
Question 21: Multiple Choice
The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________.
Given Answer: DiasporaCorrect Answer: Diaspora
Question 22: Multiple Choice
The Rastafari religious group originated in __________.
Given Answer: JamaicaCorrect Answer: Jamaica
Question 23: Multiple Choice
The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________.
Given Answer: New YearCorrect Answer: New Year
Question 24: Multiple Choice
Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell?
Given Answer: Jehovah’s WitnessesCorrect Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Question 25: Multiple Choice
In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________.
Given Answer: Protestants and CatholicsCorrect Answer: Protestants and Catholics
Question 26: Multiple Choice
The god of rice is known as __________.
Given Answer: InariCorrect Answer: Inari
Question 27: Multiple Choice
Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami?
Given Answer: SpiritsCorrect Answer: Spirits
Question 28: Multiple Choice
Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels?
Given Answer: JohnCorrect Answer: John
Question 29: Multiple Choice
Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________.
Given Answer: ApostlesCorrect Answer: Apostles
Question 30: Multiple Choice
![]() |
Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname
Question 1: Multiple Choice
The label “new religious movement” is __________.
Given Answer: more neutral than cult or sectCorrect Answer: more neutral than cult or sect
Question 2: Multiple Choice
Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________.
Given Answer: purificationCorrect Answer: purification
Question 3: Multiple Choice
The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________.
Given Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over againCorrect Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again
Question 4: Multiple Choice
The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________.
Given Answer: New YearCorrect Answer: New Year
Question 5: Multiple Choice
Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________.
Given Answer: AbrahamCorrect Answer: Abraham
Question 6: Multiple Choice
The name for God in Islam is __________.
Given Answer: AllahCorrect Answer: Allah
Question 7: Multiple Choice
Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami?
Given Answer: SpiritsCorrect Answer: Spirits
Question 8: Multiple Choice
The sacred book of Islam is called the __________.
Given Answer: Qur’anCorrect Answer: Qur’an
Question 9: Multiple Choice
The goal of religious pluralism is __________.
Given Answer: collaboration among religions for the common goodCorrect Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good
Question 10: Multiple Choice
Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell?
Given Answer: Jehovah’s WitnessesCorrect Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Question 11: Multiple Choice
The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in
Given Answer: All religionsCorrect Answer: All religions
Question 12: Multiple Choice
Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak?
Given Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaintCorrect Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint
Question 13: Multiple Choice
Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname
Given Answer: SinghCorrect Answer: Singh
Question 14: Multiple Choice
Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing?
Given Answer: Yom KippurCorrect Answer: Yom Kippur
Question 15: Multiple Choice
A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________.
Given Answer: The InquisitionCorrect Answer: The Inquisition
Question 16: Multiple Choice
Who founded Sikhism?
Given Answer: Guru NanakCorrect Answer: Guru Nanak
Question 17: Multiple Choice
Jesus died by __________.
Given Answer: crucifixionCorrect Answer: crucifixion
Question 18: Multiple Choice
The word kamikaze means __________.
Given Answer: Sacred ShrineCorrect Answer: Divine Wind
Question 19: Multiple Choice
Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname
Given Answer: KaurCorrect Answer: Kaur
Question 20: Multiple Choice
Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________.
Given Answer: parablesCorrect Answer: parables
Question 21: Multiple Choice
The Pentateuch refers to the __________.
Given Answer: Five books of MosesCorrect Answer: Five books of Moses
Question 22: Multiple Choice
Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels?
Given Answer: MatthewCorrect Answer: John
Question 23: Multiple Choice
The god of rice is known as __________.
Given Answer: InariCorrect Answer: Inari
Question 24: Multiple Choice
The Rastafari religious group originated in __________.
Given Answer: JamaicaCorrect Answer: Jamaica
Question 25: Multiple Choice
In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________.
Given Answer: ZakatCorrect Answer: Zakat
Question 26: Multiple Choice
Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________.
Given Answer: ApostlesCorrect Answer: Apostles
Question 27: Multiple Choice
The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________.
Given Answer: DiasporaCorrect Answer: Diaspora
Question 28: Multiple Choice
In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________.
Given Answer: Protestants and CatholicsCorrect Answer: Protestants and Catholics
Question 29: Multiple Choice
Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________.
Given Answer: Unification MovementCorrect Answer: Unification Movement
Question 30: Multiple Choice
![]() |
The covenant is a __________.
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect
Question 1: Multiple Choice Incorrect The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Incorrect more positive than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Incorrect Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Incorrect Luke Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Incorrect The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Incorrect War Pilot Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Incorrect The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Incorrect more positive than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Incorrect Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Incorrect Mark Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Incorrect The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Incorrect Christianity Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Incorrect Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Incorrect manifestation Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Incorrect The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Incorrect War Pilot Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Incorrect The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Incorrect more religious freedom Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Incorrect The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Incorrect more negative than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Incorrect In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Incorrect Muslims and Christians Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Incorrect A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Incorrect The Reformation Correct Answer: The Inquisition
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Incorrect The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Incorrect stronger alliances with the West Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Incorrect Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Incorrect Singh Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah
Question 1: Multiple Choice Correct A good example of an eccliesiastical court would be __________. Given Answer: Correct The Inquisition Correct Answer: The Inquisition out of 5 points Question 2: Multiple Choice Correct The covenant is a __________. Given Answer: Correct contract between God and God’s people Correct Answer: contract between God and God’s people out of 5 points Question 3: Multiple Choice Correct Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called __________. Given Answer: Correct Apostles Correct Answer: Apostles out of 5 points Question 4: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus died by __________. Given Answer: Correct crucifixion Correct Answer: crucifixion out of 5 points Question 5: Multiple Choice Correct Which word most closely translates the Japanese word kami? Given Answer: Correct Spirits Correct Answer: Spirits out of 5 points Question 6: Multiple Choice Correct Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the __________. Given Answer: Correct Unification Movement Correct Answer: Unification Movement out of 5 points Question 7: Multiple Choice Correct Which apocalyptic religious movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell? Given Answer: Correct Jehovah’s Witnesses Correct Answer: Jehovah’s Witnesses out of 5 points Question 8: Multiple Choice Correct The god of rice is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Inari Correct Answer: Inari out of 5 points Question 9: Multiple Choice Correct The Pentateuch refers to the __________. Given Answer: Correct Five books of Moses Correct Answer: Five books of Moses out of 5 points Question 10: Multiple Choice Correct The word kamikaze means __________. Given Answer: Correct Divine Wind Correct Answer: Divine Wind out of 5 points Question 11: Multiple Choice Correct Which of the following is not one of the synoptic gospels? Given Answer: Correct John Correct Answer: John out of 5 points Question 12: Multiple Choice Correct The biggest annual Shinto festival celebrates the __________. Given Answer: Correct New Year Correct Answer: New Year out of 5 points Question 13: Multiple Choice Correct In Northern Ireland, interfaith efforts have attempted to directly address conflict between __________. Given Answer: Correct Protestants and Catholics Correct Answer: Protestants and Catholics out of 5 points Question 14: Multiple Choice Correct Male initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Singh Correct Answer: Singh out of 5 points Question 15: Multiple Choice Correct In Islam, charity or almsgiving is known as __________. Given Answer: Correct Zakat Correct Answer: Zakat out of 5 points Question 16: Multiple Choice Correct The ethical principle of the Golden Rule is found in Given Answer: Correct All religions Correct Answer: All religions out of 5 points Question 17: Multiple Choice Correct The name for God in Islam is __________. Given Answer: Correct Allah Correct Answer: Allah out of 5 points Question 18: Multiple Choice Correct The sacred book of Islam is called the __________. Given Answer: Correct Qur’an Correct Answer: Qur’an out of 5 points Question 19: Multiple Choice Correct Which was not among the three central teachings of Guru Nanak? Given Answer: Correct Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint Correct Answer: Accept one’s caste distinctions without complaint out of 5 points Question 20: Multiple Choice Correct The goal of religious pluralism is __________. Given Answer: Correct collaboration among religions for the common good Correct Answer: collaboration among religions for the common good out of 5 points Question 21: Multiple Choice Correct The scattering of Jews outside of the land of Israel is known as the __________. Given Answer: Correct Diaspora Correct Answer: Diaspora out of 5 points Question 22: Multiple Choice Correct Islam traces its ancestry to the patriarch __________. Given Answer: Correct Abraham Correct Answer: Abraham out of 5 points Question 23: Multiple Choice Correct The label “new religious movement” is __________. Given Answer: Correct more neutral than cult or sect Correct Answer: more neutral than cult or sect out of 5 points Question 24: Multiple Choice Correct Many religious require repentance from sinfulness, but Shinto requires __________. Given Answer: Correct purification Correct Answer: purification out of 5 points Question 25: Multiple Choice Correct Jesus taught spiritual lessons by telling stories called __________. Given Answer: Correct parables Correct Answer: parables out of 5 points Question 26: Multiple Choice Correct The new “Arab Spring” resulted in __________. Given Answer: Correct more confusion as governments change over and over again Correct Answer: more confusion as governments change over and over again out of 5 points Question 27: Multiple Choice Correct The Rastafari religious group originated in __________. Given Answer: Correct Jamaica Correct Answer: Jamaica out of 5 points Question 28: Multiple Choice Correct Female initiates into the Khalsa take the surname Given Answer: Correct Kaur Correct Answer: Kaur out of 5 points Question 29: Multiple Choice Correct Who founded Sikhism? Given Answer: Correct Guru Nanak Correct Answer: Guru Nanak out of 5 points Question 30: Multiple Choice Correct Which is the Jewish holy day of atonement and cleansing? Given Answer: Correct Yom Kippur Correct Answer: Yom Kippur