Term in Office: April 1st, 1844 - March 10th, 1845
Succeeded by: James Buchanan
* Born at “the Long Canes settlement”, in what became Abbeville County, South Carolina, March 18, 1782;
* Graduated from Yale College in 1804 and from Litchfield Law School in 1806;
* Admitted to the bar in 1807 and practiced law in Abbeville, South Carolina;
* Married Floride Bonneau Colhoun in 1811;
* Gave up the practice of law and established himself as a planter;
* Member of the State House of Representatives, 1808-1809;
* Representative from South Carolina, 1811-1817;
* Secretary of War in President Monroe’s Cabinet, 1817-1825;
* Vice President of the United States 1825-1832, when he resigned; was a Senator from South Carolina 1832-1843;
* Secretary of State in President Tyler’s Cabinet from April 1, 1844 until March 10, 1845;
* As Secretary of State, signed an abortive treaty for the annexation of Texas and aided in accomplishing annexation by joint resolution of Congress;
* Delegate of South Carolina to, and presiding officer of, a railroad-and-waterway convention held in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1845;
* Again a Senator from South Carolina 1845-1850;
* Author of voluminous writings and speeches;
* Died in Washington, DC, March 31, 1850.