The presentation may contain content that is deemed objectionable to a particular viewer because of the view expressed or the conduct depicted. The views expressed are provided for learning purposes only, and do not necessarily express the views, or opinions, of Strayer University, your professor, or those participating in videos or other media.
We will have two ten-minute breaks: at 7:30 - 7:40; and, at 9:00 pm - 9:10 pm. I will take roll early, we have our Discussion at the appointed time, before you are dismissed at 10:15 pm.
- Read:
- Chapter 5: Buddhism
- View the Other Preparation Materials
- View the lectures contained in the course shell
- Participate in the Discussion titled "Noble Action, Sacred Call, or Desire"
- Complete and submit the World View Chart Assignment
David R. Loy
Daoism - Confucianism
Poly - many gods
Panentheistic - divine presence
Pantheist - Nature itself is divine
Non-theist - personal God is irrelevant
Deistic - Creator God but uninvolved with creation
Monotheistic - One Supreme God
Good & evil, yin and yang
Free will - ability to choose
Lecture 1
Join Strayer professor Dr. Meg Rinck as she discusses the second column of the World View Chart: What a religion states are the characteristics of their God/Ultimate Reality.
The Nature of God
Lecture 2
Old, sick, dead
4 Laws of Buddhism
Eight-fold path
Please watch this video describing the history of the Buddha.
Buddhism, Week 3
Group Activities
A. Keep in mind your definition of religion.
Review Activities for Week 3
C. What examples can you find of the music you listen to that reflects various perceptions of the sacred, or ultimacy. I can play a few examples and discuss how they reflect religion. You may also bring a few of your favorite songs that are not so obviously religious, but which raise religious issues.
D. "Beyond the Sound Bites:"
Bring to class at least one article from a recent newspaper, magazine, or Internet story that reflects the roles of religion in modern society. A few students may present their articles to the class. The task will also serve as the basis for a preliminary discussion of the coverage of religion by the popular media.
Seattle mayor offers plan to help followers of Sharia law buy houses
New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric
Erdogan, Turkey
Fethullah Gulen
1857 Mt. Eaton Road, Saylorsburg, PA
Hospital Refuses to Release Medical Records of Five-Year-Old Idaho Victim Raped By Muslim Migrants
28 Pages: Saudis Killed Americans on 9/11
Baton Rouge Shooter
p. 18
Absolutist and liberal responses to modernity
Is religion violent, or, at least, conflict-ridden?
Why do some people resist "the Other," or reject those of another faith?
Those who resist contemporary influences and affirm what they perceive as the historical core of their religion could be called absolutists. . . . They may encourage antipathy or even violence against people of other religious traditions (p. 18)."
Key Terms
Intelligent design
Scientific materialism
Comparative religion
Buddha/Buddhism References:
The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha by E. A. Burtt, NAL Trade (2000).
Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Harper Torchbooks (1964).
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, Other authors: Hilda Rosner (Translator), New Directions Publishing Corporation (1951).
Buddhism: Its Essence & Development by Edward Conze, Harper (1975).
For Theravada:
Buddhism in Translations by Henry Clarke Warren, Atheneum Publishers (1970).
4. The Birth of the Buddha, pp. 46-47
Here is the story of how the Buddha, at birth, announced himself.
13. Questions Which Tend Not for Edification, pp. 120-121
This relates how the Buddha answered questions when he did not always provide the answers.
For Mahayana:
Selected Writings of Nichiren by Philip Yampolsky, Columbia University Press (1990).
The Lotus Sutra in Japanese Culture by George Joji Tanabe, Other authors: Willa Jane Tanabe, University of Hawaii Press (1989).
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch by Hui-neng, Other authors: Philip Yampolsky (Translator), Columbia University Press (1978).
And, obviously, for Nagarjuna (below).
Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way (SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies) by David J. Kalupahana, State Univ of New York Pr (1986).
Zen Buddhism by Daisetz T. Suzuki, Other authors: William Barrett, Three Leaves (1996).
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma: The Lotus Sutra (Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies) by Leon Hurvitz, Columbia University Press (1976).
Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction (Religious Life in History) by Richard H. Robinson, Other authors: Willard L. Johnson, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Wadsworth Publishing (2004).
Dhammapada by P. Lal, Farrar Straus Giroux (1967).
Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-zen Writings by Paul Reps, Other authors: Nyogen Senzaki, Tuttle Publishing (1998).
p. 18, #14
Muddy Road
This is an interesting tale about monks and females and how to treat them.
The Buddhist Tradition: In India, China and Japan by William Theodore De Bary, Vintage (1972).
Buddhist Texts Through the Ages (Oneworld Classics in Religious Studies) by Edward Conze, Oneworld Publications (1995).
Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way (SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies) by David J. Kalupahana, State Univ of New York Pr (1986).
Buddhism FisherBriefPPT_Ch5_JAT.ppt
Key Terms in Buddhism:
Buddhism Overview
Brief History, Contemporary Situation, Geographical History, Basic Tenets & Practices, and Sacred Texts.
Buddhism A Separate Peace: Basic Principles
Bodhi Tree, :47
Lord Buddha Stories - The Life of Buddha - Beginning of the Journey - Animated Stories for Kids, 6:45
Buddha stories, stories for children, the life of buddha, kids stories, stories for kids, short stories for kids, animation cartoon, moral stories,animation stories, animated cartoon stories, bedtime stories..
Lord Buddha Stories - Beginning of Journey -
The calm and compassionate face of the Buddha is known all over the world. Buddha was a spiritual teacher of ancient India whose ideas on freeing mankind from sorrow and suffering form the basis of Buddhism. Buddha was born in the sixth century BC., into a royal family. Known as Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of sadness. He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. He was then known as the Buddha,which means "Enlightened One". For the rest of his life, the Buddha travelled great distances teaching people about the "MIDDLE PATH", the way to end to suffering. He taught the four Noble Truths of suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering, and the Path to do that. Buddhism offers hope and access to spiritual understanding and satisfaction to everybody. Throughout the world today, people still follow the teaching of the Buddha.
Siddhartha encounters four unexpected sights which make him think of a way out of the sorrowful world.
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Masterpiece: The Buddha Triumphing over Mara
The main figure in this stone sculpture from the 900s shows many characteristic features of images of the Buddha. Here we see elements that tell us we're in the presence of the Buddha as he was on the threshold of achieving enlightenment. Above his head are branches of heart-shaped leaves. They indicate the sacred bodhi tree, under which he is said to have attained enlightenment some 2,500 years ago, 3:05
View the Other Preparation Materials
View the lectures contained in the course shell
Participate in the Discussion titled "Noble Action, Sacred Call, or Desire"
Complete and submit the World View Chart Assignment

Standing Buddha statue at the Tokyo National Museum. One of the earliest known representations of the Buddha, 1st–2nd century CE.
Buddhism A Separate Peace: Beginnings of Buddhism, :34
Brief introduction to the origin of Buddhism and its expansion into many countries.
A short documentary on the stupa, a hemispherical mound that represents the burial mound of the Buddha, 4:29
Theravada, :56
Tamil Muslims (Tamil: தமிழ் முஸ்லிம்கள், tamiḻ muslimgal) are Tamil-speaking people with Islam as their faith. There are about 3 to 4 million Tamil Muslims in India mostly in Tamil Nadu state and also in neighbouring Kerala. A significant Tamil-speaking Muslim population numbering 1.8 million or more live in the Northern, Eastern provinces and Colombo in Sri Lanka and many other pockets across central, southwest provinces; however they are listed as a separate ethnic group in official statistics. There are around 500,000 in Malaysia and 20,000 in Singapore. Tamil Muslims are largely urban traders rather than farmers. There is a substantial diaspora of Tamil Muslims, particularly in South East Asia, which has seen their presence as early as the 13th century. In the late 20th century, the diaspora expanded to the North America and Western Europe. They are called Cholias in Myanmar, Mamak in Malaysia and Rathas in South Africa.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil: தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகள், Sinhala: දෙමළ ඊළාම් විමුක්ති කොටි Tamiḻīḻa viṭutalaip pulikaḷ, commonly known as the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers) is a now defunct organisation that was based in northern Sri Lanka. Founded in May 1976 by Velupillai Prabhakaran, it waged a secessionist nationalist campaign to create an independent state in the north and east of Sri Lanka for Tamil people. This campaign evolved into the Sri Lankan Civil War, which ran from 1983 until 2009, when the LTTE was decisively defeated by the Sri Lankan Military under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
At the height of its power, the LTTE possessed a well-developed militia and carried out many high-profile attacks, including the assassinations of several high-ranking Sri Lankan and Indian politicians. The LTTE was the only militant group to assassinate two world leaders: former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 and Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1993.
Korean Buddhist art
This video documents the creation of a Buddhist painting by the monk artist, Seol-min (formerly known as Jae-u), who has dedicated her life to keeping the tradition of Buddhist painting alive. Learn more about Korean Buddhism on 5:31
Zen Mystical Spirit of the East: Thich Nhat Hahn, 1:09
Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh identifies the goal of mindfulness practice--to be present in the here and now--and the video depicts a scene of meditation at Plum Village monastery in France.
An introduction to Zen, a form of Buddhism that emphasizes seeking one's own Buddha nature through meditation. Learn more about Buddhism in Japan on the 3:21
Mystical Spirit of the East: Dalai Lama, :31
The Dalai Lama states his conviction that all world religions have the same potential to transform humanity for the better
Recommended Readings
Hagen, Steve, Buddhism is Not What You Think. While there are many texts that introduce the basic beliefs and concepts of Buddhism, this reading takes the opposite tack: correcting common misunderstandings and misperceptions of the faith.
Hanh, Thich Nhat, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching. Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most recognized Buddhists in the world, and is widely commended for his ability to apply Buddhist principles to the modern world.
Payutto, Prayudh A., Buddhist Economics. Payutto presents a Buddhist perspective on economics.
Smith, Huston and Novak, Phillip, Buddhism. This reading introduces Vipassana, or Theravadin meditation, and provides a good introduction to one of the unique aspects of Theravada Buddhism.
1. Think about the role that desire plays in your everyday actions and long-term life goals. Then, try to imagine what it would be like to live a life in which one did not make decisions and act on the basis of desires.
2. Spend 10 minutes in class trying a simple meditation exercise. You will sit quietly and simply try to identify everything that goes on in your mind. Then, we will find whether you found you had control over your thoughts, and what it would take to be able to control the mind.
Buddhist Monk - self immolation, 5:18
June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk from Vietnam, burned himself to death at a busy intersection in downtown Saigon to bring attention to the repressive policies of the Diem regime that controlled the South Vietnamese government at the time. Buddhist monks asked the regime to lift its ban on flying the traditional Buddhist flag, to grant Buddhism the same rights as Catholicism, to stop detaining Buddhists and to give Buddhist monks and nuns the right to practice and spread their religion.
As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound.
Buddhism is a nontheistic religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha, meaning "the awakened one". According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving by way of understanding and the seeing of dependent origination and the Four Noble Truths, with the ultimate goal of attainment of the sublime state of Nirvana, by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path (also known as the Middle Way).
Two major extant branches of Buddhism are generally recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar etc.). Mahayana is found throughout East Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan etc.) and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, and Tiantai (Tendai). In some classifications, Vajrayana—practiced mainly in Tibet and Mongolia, and adjacent parts of China and Russia—is recognized as a third branch, with a body of teachings attributed to Indian siddhas, while others classify it as a part of Mahayana.
Buddhist schools vary on the exact nature of the path to liberation, the importance and canonicity of various teachings and scriptures, and especially their respective practices. One consistent belief held by all Buddhist schools is the lack of a Creator deity. The foundations of Buddhist tradition and practice are the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community). Taking "refuge in the triple gem" has traditionally been a declaration and commitment to being on the Buddhist path, and in general distinguishes a Buddhist from a non-Buddhist. Other practices may include following ethical precepts; support of the monastic community; renouncing conventional living and becoming a monastic; the development of mindfulness and practice of meditation; cultivation of higher wisdom and discernment; study of scriptures; devotional practices; ceremonies; and in the Mahayana tradition, invocation of buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Small Group Exercise (hand-out)
Origin of All Things
Nature of God
How does the concept of God figures in Buddhism">How does the concept of God figure in Buddhism? 3:43
Some people say Buddhism is an atheistic religion. Is it true? This clip attempts to discuss this topic on the concept of God in Buddhism. Ven. Dr. H. Gunaratana and Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda gives concise but accurate explanation into this contentious issue. This video production attempts to discuss various questions that Buddhists and non-Buddhists ask about the Teachings of the Enlightened One and how to practise these teachings in the modern world. Although Buddhism is the religion of nearly one fifth of the world's population, there are many misunderstandings about its Doctrine and Practice. The most Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Maha Thera together with Ven. Dr, H. Gunaratana, Ven. K. Wimalajothi and Ven. Wimala answered various questions put to them by a panel of well-known Buddhist leaders.
View of Human Nature
Nepal: Buddhism, Humanity and God -- English trailer, 2:21
This documentary depicts the complex relationship among Buddhism, human beings and God. It is produced by faculty members and students in the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong.
What does man and God seek?
View of Good and Evil
Buddhism and the difference between good and evil, 6:55
I follow a kind of Buddhism called "Pure Land", in Japanese 浄土真宗, and we say that everybody is looking for Happiness, nobody wants to suffer. The question is: what is happiness? Where does suffering come from? What should we do to achieve Happiness? What should we not do to avoid suffering?
There is a clear distinction between happiness and suffering, between good and evil, they are not the same thing.
According to Pure Land Buddhism, the very first thing Buddha Siddharta said soon after achieving Enlightenment was 人生は苦なり, "Life is suffering", all people in this world are suffering.
There are 8 kinds of suffering, called 四苦八苦
生苦 suffering of living
病苦 suffering of disease
老苦 suffering of getting old
死苦 suffering of dying
愛別離苦 suffering of losing loved ones
怨憎会苦 suffering of meeting unpleasant ones
求不得苦 suffering of not obtaining things
五陰盛苦 suffering of having a physical body
What should we do to achieve Happiness and avoid suffering?
According to Buddhism we must follow the Principle of Cause and Effect.
The Principle of Cause and Effect says 善因善果, 善因 meaning good cause, 善果 meaning good results. If we do good actions we will receive good results. If we do good actions we will receive Happiness. It also says 悪因悪果, 悪因 meaning bad cause, 悪果 meaning bad results. If we do evil actions we will receive evil results. If we do evil actions we will receive suffering.
What is a good action and what is an evil action?
A good action is unselfish. Its purpose is to make other people happy, to bring Happiness to other people, to give Happiness to other people.
In Japanese this is called 自利利他(jiririta).
An evil action is selfish. Its purpose is to make oneself happy. In Japanese it is called 我利我利亡者(garigari moja).
That is also the difference between Buddhas and humans.
Buddhas, like anyone else, also want Happiness, they don't want to suffer.
According to the Principle of Cause and Effect ,the only way to receive Happiness, is by giving Happiness. If you give Happiness you will receive Happiness. If you give suffering, you will receive suffering, you receive what you give, that is what the Principle of Cause and Effect says.
Buddhas are completely unselfish because they know and follow the Principle of Cause and Effect.
Buddhas will do anything to make other people happy, even sacrificing their own lives. They are not afraid of dying, they are not afraid of anything. Buddhas are completely fearless. The fear of death is the worst of all sufferings, and by overcoming the worst of all sufferings, Buddhas have overcome all kinds of sufferings. By overcoming death, Buddhas have become immortal, never to experience the suffering of death again.
Human beings, on the other hand, are selfish, they think only about themselves, they want things for themselves, they want money, they want fortune, they want family, and they will do anything to "defend" their money, their fortune, their family, their lives.
Human beings are afraid of dying, they will do anything to "defend" their own lives, they will even kill other people .
Because human beings are afraid of death, they are afraid of anything, they live in constant fear. Everything human beings do is to try to avoid death. Human beings pursue money because they are afraid of dying. But all the money in the world cannot stop death, humans don't become immortal just by having money.
The world after death is decided by our own actions.
Selfish people will go to a selfish world. Unselfish people will go to an unselfish world. The future is the continuation of the present. The future is the result of the present.
If you are selfish, after death, you will go to a world of people just like you, selfish, coward, suspicious, afraid of dying, ready to do to anything to "defend" their own lives, even kill other people. This world in Buddhism is called 地獄 (jigoku), translated as hell.
If you are unselfish, after death, you will go to a world of people just like you, unselfish, courageous, fearless, people who think about you, who care about you, who will do anything to make you happy, even sacrificing their own lives. This world in Buddhism is called 極楽(gokuraku), the buddhist paradise.
The very first step in Buddhism is to follow the Principle of Cause and Effect and do 廃悪修善(haiaku shuzen), to stop doing evil deeds, and do good deeds.
View of "Salvation"
Buddhist Path to Salvation.wmv, 4:42
View of After Life
Concept of Heaven and Hell in Buddhism, 4:07
This Q&A is part of a presentation held in 1997 at the Buddhist Missionary Society, KL.
Although Buddhism is the religion of nearly one fifth of the world's population, there are many misunderstandings about its Doctrine and Practice. The most Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Maha Thera together with Ven. Dr, H. Gunaratana, Ven. K. Wimalajothi and Ven. Wimala answered various questions put to them by a panel of well-known Buddhist leaders.
What is the concept of Heaven and Hell in Buddhism? Answers are provided here by Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda together with Ven. Dr. H. Gunaratana.
Practices and Rituals
Buddhism Today-Types of Buddhist rituals in Thailand, 4:12
Vajrayana 1:03
Celebrations and Festivals
Buddhism and the Modern World
Buddhist Monk - self immolation, 5:18
June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk from Vietnam, burned himself to death at a busy intersection in downtown Saigon to bring attention to the repressive policies of the Diem regime that controlled the South Vietnamese government at the time. Buddhist monks asked the regime to lift its ban on flying the traditional Buddhist flag, to grant Buddhism the same rights as Catholicism, to stop detaining Buddhists and to give Buddhist monks and nuns the right to practice and spread their religion.
As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound.
Tibetan Buddhist Monks - Relaxing Music, 44:13
Carry On My Wayward Son Kansas Lyrics, 5:28
This was written by Kansas guitarist Kerry Livgren. According to Livgren, the song was not written to express anything specifically religious, though it certainly expresses spiritual searching and other ideas.
Livgren became an evangelical Christian in 1980, and has said that his songwriting to that point was all about "searching." Regarding this song, he explained: "I felt a profound urge to 'Carry On' and continue the search. I saw myself as the 'Wayward Son,' alienated from the ultimate reality, and yet striving to know it or him. The positive note at the end ('Surely heaven waits for you') seemed strange and premature, but I felt impelled to include it in the lyrics. It proved to be prophetic." -
This song can be seen as the continuation of the last song of Kansas' previous album Masque. As stated in the last verse of "The Pinnacle":
"I stood where no man goes/Above the din I rose
Life is amusing though we are losing
Drowned in tears of awe..."
By definition in the Cambridge dictionary, "Din" is a loud unpleasant confused noise which lasts for a long time. The first line of "Carry On Wayward Son" is: "Once I rose above the noise and confusion." (thanks, Rich - Trenton, NJ) -
This was the group's first major hit, and like their next one, "Dust In The Wind," it was a last minute addition to the album. Kerry Livgren wrote the song just two days before they started recording Leftoverture. At that point, the band was polishing the songs they had, not bringing in new ones. "I've got one more song that you might want to hear," he told the band, and when he played "Carry On," they knew it was a hit and made it the lead track on the album.
The a cappella vocals in the beginning of this song gave it a very distinctive intro. This worked well on Rock radio stations where disc jockeys rarely talked over the music.
This song has appeared in several movies, including Heroes (1977), Happy Gilmore (1996) and Anchorman - The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004).
The Oak Ridge Boys recorded this for the album When Pigs Fly: Songs You Never Thought You'd Hear. Cevin Soling, who put the compilation together, said: "The Oak Ridge Boys, I wanted them to do Nine Inch Nails' 'Closer,' and I had this wonderful arrangement worked out... this very 'Elvira' Country version of the Nine Inch Nails' 'Closer,' with all the doo-wops and poppa oom maus and everything. I could not wait to get them in the studio to work on that. I had alternate lyrics, you know, but they were still uncomfortable with doing that. So that kind of went back and forth and somehow "Wayward Son" got thrown out there. I don't remember exactly who picked that one, but generally I'd give the artist a few choices and they sort of pick among them." (Check out our interview with Cevin Soling.)
This song is featured in the South Park episode "Guitar Queer-O." In the episode, Stan and Kyle become obsessed with the video game Guitar Hero and often play to "Carry On Wayward Son." The song is played throughout the episode. (thanks, Matthew - Hawthorne, NJ)
Steely Dan - Bodhisattva (With Lyrics), 5:18
Steely Dan - Bodhisattva
Would you take me by the hand
Would you take me by the hand
Can you show me
The shine of your Japan
The sparkle of your china
Can you show me
I'm gonna sell my house in town
I'm gonna sell my house in town
And I'll be there
To shine in your Japan
To sparkle in your China
Yes I'll be there
Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Buddhist Thai Monks ... ▶ 2:01:28 Dec 11, 2014 - Uploaded by NuMeditationMusic Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Buddhist Thai Monks ... Buddhism is not a religion but a ...
How a Prince Became the Buddha, 10:49
Buddhist Music