Sunday, September 30, 2007
Chapter 20 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
Universal manhood suffrage
1. Lesson Plan Focus
After 1815, conservatives called for a return to the political and social structure that existed before 1789. Liberals embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and wanted to limit the power of monarchs. Nationalists, by urging national independence, threatened the powerful empires of Europe. Conflicts emerged as conservative leaders opposed liberal and nationalist demands.
Section 2 To the Barricades!
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Charles X’s attempt to restore absolutism in France resulted in the July revolution of 1830. An economic slump, coupled with discontent over social and political issues, sparked revolution again in 1848. These French uprising inspired revolts in other parts of Europe. Many of the revolutions failed because they were put down by military force and because they did not have mass support.
Section 3 Latin American Wars of Independence
1. Lesson Plan Focus
Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in other lands, and dissatisfaction with European rule caused revolutions in Latin America. In Haiti, an army of former slaves ended French rule in a struggle that cost more lives than any other Latin American revolution. As a result of revolutions in Mexico, Central America, and South America, independent Latin American nations emerged.
Chapter 20 this week
EC, Review this article with a short written summary, report to the class about it in an oral summary, and turn in at least 3 defined vocabulary words
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration said in a new report Monday that Social Security is facing a $13.6 trillion shortfall and that delaying reforms is not fair to younger workers.
A report issued by the Treasury Department said that some combination of benefit cuts and tax increases will need to be considered to permanently fix the funding shortfall. But White House officials stressed that President Bush remains opposed to raising taxes.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said he hoped the new report would help find common ground on the politically divisive issue, but a key Democrat charged that the administration will still try to fix Social Security by imposing sharp benefit reductions.
"The administration's new report is a reminder of President Bush's determination to not only privatize Social Security but to make deep cuts in the benefits that American workers have earned," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "Nobody should be fooled into believing that the only way to save Social Security is to destroy it with privatization or deep benefit cuts."
Bush had hoped to make Social Security reform the top domestic priority of his second term. He put forward a Social Security plan in 2005 that focused on creation of private accounts for younger workers, but that proposal never came up for a vote in Congress with Democrats heavily opposed and few Republicans embracing the idea.
The Treasury report put the cost of the gap between what Social Security is expected to need to pay out in benefits and what it will raise in payroll taxes in coming years at $13.6 trillion.
It said delaying necessary changes reduces the number of people available to share in the burden of those changes and is unfair to younger workers. "Not taking action is thus unfair to future generations. This is a significant cost of delay," the report said.
In another key finding, the report said: "Social Security can be made permanently solvent only by reducing the present value of scheduled benefits and/or increasing the present value of scheduled tax increases."
Copyright © 2007 North Jersey Media Group Inc.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Upcoming Attraction, Ch. 19 Test, Monday, 1 October 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Vocabulary List, "Working Lives," video
Name:___________________________________________________________ Per. ___
1. alter
2. continuity
3. jigsaw
4. labor-intensive
5. inefficient
6. Shropshire
7. crop rotation
8. fodder
9. breed
10. fertile
11. enclosure
12. uneven
13. crooked
14. inquiry
15. Parliament
16. compulsory
17. common land
18. hoeing
19. hedging
20. ditching
21. rural
22. flail
23. laborious
24. thresher
25. Captain Swain
26. curator
27. reenactment
28. piecework
29. mill
30. apprentice
31. crippling
32. degrading
33. "hurrying"
34. Lord Shaftsbury
35. 1833 Act
36. 1842, Factory and Mines Act
37. connived
38. livelihood
39. Ned Lud
40. Luddites
41. trade unions
42. tokens
43. cooperative movement
44. Chartist Movement
45. secret ballot
46. suffrage
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Auction of a Key English Legal Document

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Just blocks from where U.N. diplomats debate their interpretations of tyranny and democracy, what may be the first document to articulate the difference is going up for sale. The version of the Magna Carta up for auction has been on display at the National Archives in Washington.
The version of the Magna Carta up for auction has been on display at the National Archives in Washington.
Sotheby's will auction off one of the earliest versions of the Magna Carta later this year, the auction house announced Tuesday.
This will be the first time any version of the Magna Carta has ever gone up for auction, according to David Redden, vice chairman of Sotheby's.
The Magna Carta is expected to fetch at least $20 million to $30 million, Redden said.
Redden, who has also sold dinosaur bones, space race artifacts and a first printing of the Declaration of Independence, called the Magna Carta "the most important document on earth."
The charter mandated the English king to cede certain basic rights to his citizens, ensuring that no man is above the law.
Many believe the Magna Carta was the first document to recognize the legal right to freedom from tyranny, an influential concept to American political philosophers -- from the founding fathers to the modern presidency.
The version to be auctioned is one of fewer than 20 known copies of the Magna Carta, which means "Great Charter" in Latin. The document was first devised in 1215, but not confirmed into English law until 1297 -- the year this version was issued and sealed by King Edward I.
The document is one of only two copies of the charter that exist outside of England, according to Sotheby's. This Magna Carta and another version in Australia are the only two ever to have been privately sold.
The version up for auction rested for six centuries with the Brundell family in Deene Park, England, until being bought in 1984 by businessman Ross Perot. Since then, the Perot Foundation has kept the copy on display at the National Archives in Washington.
The Perot Foundation plans to distribute the money from the auction to various causes such as medical research and helping wounded soldiers.
The Magna Carta will be coming up for auction during the week of December 10.
Need help with homework and studies?
The Monterey Institute of Technology and Education has launched HippoCampus, a website designed to supplement learning for high school and college students in order to assist with credit recovery and home schooling, as well as AP and general ed use. HippoCampus is an open education resource and is available free of charge to all users.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Back to School Night, 25 September 2007
Dr. G. Mick Smith, Room #267, Contact info: (fastest contact), 215.276.2300 (slower contact)
World History II according to the Social Studies Standards of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be found on my blog:
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This information guide emphasizes that a participating student will be successful by completing assignments and positively interacting in class. Above all, I hope that students will enjoy the class but will also grow in their knowledge level and increase their life skills which apply after graduation. Listed below are expectations for the class.
1. Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings with pencil/pen, notebook, and textbook(s), or any other assigned materials.
2. Obtain permission by raising your hand before speaking, or leaving your seat for any reason once the bell rings.
3. Follow directions and complete all assignments on time.
4. Remain alert, awake, and on task during the entire class period.
5. Above all, respect yourself, your teacher, and others and their possessions.
Grading Calculation: (at least three major grades are in each quarter) a total accumulation of points per grading period based on the following.
Task & Weight: 1. Tests, 2. Homework/Presentations/Projects/Worksheets, 3. Quizzes.
"Straight Point Based
Each assessment is assigned points (ex. 18/22) and the student's score is simply calculated by dividing the total points they earned by the total points possible. (ex. Test 1 - 15/20, Test 2 - 17/18 - Current student score is 32/38 or 84%)."
I adhere to a policy of PDP (Positive Daily Performance) which is based on my understanding that lifetime success arises out of what you do, day in and day out. Being prepared and ready to apply yourself with your school materials everyday is crucial.
Absence on Test or Quiz Day
If you are absent for a test/quiz it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to take it. This is scheduled the day after you return to school. Points will be deducted each day you fail to do make up work.
Brief Biography
Dr. Smith earned his PhD in History at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was also awarded a Masters degree in History from UCLA, and he obtained a second Masters in Theology. Smith was a Johannes Quasten Scholar in Patristics at The Catholic University of America and he holds a Distance Learning Administrator’s Certificate from Texas A&M University and the Center for Distance Learning Research. He has published over 110 mostly peer-reviewed publications in history, technology and education, and computing. Dr. Smith has been President of the American Association for History and Computing. Smith has also taught at Northeast Catholic High School, Lansdale Catholic, Villa Maria Academy, Phila Academy, and Hahnemann University. At Cardinal Dougherty Smith is Assistant Chair of the Technology Committee and Moderator of Mock Trial. Dr. Smith is a widower and a full-time single parent; he wrote his first novel about parenting the greatest daughter ever born.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Chapter 19 Section 1 - 4
Section 1
anesthetic: drug that prevents pain during surgery p. 609
enclosure: the process of consolidating and taking over land formerly shared by peasant farmers p. 610
James Watt: looked at Newcomen’s invention in 1764 and set out to make improvements on the engine in order to make it more efficient. Watt’s engine, after several years of work, would become a key power source of the Industrial Revolution. p. 611
Smelt: melt in order to get the pure metal away from its waste matter. p. 611
Checkpoint: Why was the Industrial Revolution a turning point in world history? p. 608
Checkpoint: How did an agricultural revolution contribute to population growth? p. 609
Checkpoint: What new technologies helped trigger the Industrial Revolution? p. 611
Notetaking: Reading Skill: Recognize Multiple Causes several key events led to the Industrial Revolution. As you read the section, create a flowchart of these causes. Add categories as needed. pp. 608 - 611
Graph Skills: according to the graph, between which years was the largest percentage of land enclosured? What was the result of these land enclosures? p. 609
Biography: How might the Industrial Revolution have been different if Watt had not found a business partner? p. 610
Section 2
capital: money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise. p. 613
enterprise: a business organization in such areas as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories. p. 613
entrepreneur: person who assumes financial risks in the hope of making a profit. p. 613
putting-out system: a system developed in the eighteenth century in which tasks were distributed to individuals who completed the work in their own homes; also known as cottage industry. p. 614
Eli Whitney: invented a machine called the cotton gin that separated the seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate. He finished the cotton gin in 1793, and cotton production increased exponentially. p. 614
turnpike: privately built road; owner of road charges a fee to travelers who use it.
p. 614
Liverpool: city and one of largest ports in England; first major rail line linked Liverpool to Manchester in 1830. p. 615
Manchester: city in England; one of leading industrial areas; example of an Industrial Revolution city; first major rail line linked Manchester to Liverpool in 1830. p. 615
Checkpoint: What conditions in Britain paved the way for the Industrial Revolution? p. 613
Checkpoint: What led to the advancement of the British textile industry? p. 614
Checkpoint: Why was the development of railroads important to industrialization? p. 615
Map Skills: 1. Locate: (a) London (b) Manchester (c) Thames River 2. Region Identify the centers of woolen industry in English. 3. Draw Inferences What were the industrial advantages of the rivers during this time? p. 613
British Textile Inventions: How did these inventions change the textile industry? p. 614
Section 3
urbanization: movement of people from rural areas to cities p. 616
Tenement: multistory building divided into crowded apartments p. 618
Labor union: workers’ organization p. 618
Note taking: Reading skill: Understand Effects pp. 616- 617
Graph skills: How many more people were in London in 1900 than in 1750 according to th line graph? p. 617
Checkpoint: What led to the massive migration of people from farms to cities? p. 616
Checkpoint: How did members of the working class react to their new experiences in industrial cities? p. 618
Checkpoint: Why was the Industrial Revolution seen as both a blessing and a curse? p. 620
Checkpoint: How did the Industrial Revolution affect the lives of men, women, and children? p. 619
Primary Source: How was work in factories and mines different from work on the farm? p. 619
Section 4
Thomas Malthus: an English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence (1766-1834). p. 622
Jeremy Bentham: English philosopher and jurist; founder of utilitarianism. p. 623
utilitarianism- idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. p. 623
socialism- system in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses; or a system in which the government controls part of the economy. p. 625
means of production- farms, factories, railways, and other large businesses that produce and distribute goods. p. 625
Robert Owen: Welsh industrialist and social reformer who founded cooperative communities; he campaigned vigorously for laws that limited child labor and encouraged the organization of labor unions. p. 625
Karl Marx: founder of modern communism; wrote The Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848; wrote Das Kapital in 1867. p. 625.
communism: form of socialism advocated by Karl Marx; according to Marx, class struggle was inevitable and would lead to the creation of a classless society in which all wealth and property would be owned by the community as a whole. p. 625
proletariat- working class p. 625.
social democracy: p. 626.
note taking: pp. 622- 626.
Checkpoint: Explain the response to laissez-faire economics during the nineteenth century. p. 623.
Checkpoint: What did John Stuart Mill see as the proper role of Government? p. 624.
Checkpoint: What did early socialists believe? p. 625.
Checkpoint: What did Marx predict ws the future of the proletariat? p. 625.
Checkpoint: How accurate did Marx's predictions about social classes prove to be? p. 626.
Population Theory: What were the advantages of families with many children? p. 623.
Thinking Critically 1. Make Generalizations: How did life for children at New Lanark differ from those who lived in industrial cities? 2. Do you think Utopianism was an effective solution for the challenges of the Industrial Age? p. 624.
Ian Hunter, "When The World Was Round," Animated Video Release
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Vocabulary, "Napoleon," Due 24 September 2007, hand-in early for Extra Credit
based on: "Napoleon: The End, An Empires Special"
Look up and define these words: the easy way is using the Research Center on PearsonSuccessNet.
1. liberator
2. mentality
3. blockade
4. Iberian Peninsula
5. illiterate
6. resistance
7. retaliate
8. mutilate
9. atrocity
10. guerilla war
11. decisive
12. mobilize
13. Danube
14. Caesar (as a title)
15. Fontenbleu
16. Josephine
17. Marie Louise
18. Minotaur
19. conquer
20. venerable
21. transformed
22. bourgeois
23. repose
24. Czar Alexander
25. Cossacks
26. Borodino
27. strategic
28. subtlety
29. horrific
30. fatigue
31. flank
32. vial
33. coup
34. sublime
35. Talleyrand
36. Leipzig
37. invincibility
38. renounced
39. agitation
40. grieve
41. regimental
42. warship
43. Mediterranean
44. Corsica
45. villa
46. sovereign
47. isle
48. Elba
49. personified
50. meager
51. severed
52. Bourbon
53. Louis XVIII
54. floundering
55. eluded
56. steeple
57. abdication
58. tranquility
59. coalition
60. Waterloo
61. Duke of Wellington
62. disdainful
63. unflinching
64. idolize
65. intercept
66. braced
67. barrage
68. cavalry
69. "squares" (military tactic)
70. disengage
71. Imperial Guard
72. falter
73. catastrophe
74. futility
75. abdicated
76. exile
77. St. Helena
78. entourage
79. incessant
80. vestige
81. etiquette
82. retinue
83. retainers
84. dictated
85. memoirs
86. conveyed
87. delirium
88. martyrdom
89. infinite
90. tyrannical
91. tarnish
92. immortality
93. Ney
Friday, September 14, 2007
Chapter 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon
Ancien regime-p. 572
estate-p. 572
bourgeoisie-p. 573
deficit spending-p. 575
Louis XVI-p. 575
Jacques Necker-p. 575
Estates-General-p. 575
cahiers-p. 576
Tennis court oath-p. 576
faction-p. 579
Marquis de Lafayette-p. 579
Olympe de Gouges-p. 580
Marie Antoinette-p. 580
emigres-p. 582
sams-culottes-p. 583
republic-p. 583
Jacobins-p. 583
suffrage-p. 586
Robespierre-p. 587
Reign of Terror-p. 587
guillotine-p. 588
Napoleon-p. 589
Nationalism-p. 590
Marseilles-p. 590
plebiscite-p. 593
Napoleonic Code-p. 593
annexed-p. 594
Continental System-p. 594
guerrilla warfare-p. 597
scorched-earth policy-p. 597
abdicated-p. 598
Congress of Vienna-p. 599
legitimacy-p. 600
Concert of Europe-p. 600
Note Taking: Recognize Multiple causes- Create a chart to identify causes of the French Revolution. Add as many boxes as you need. pp. 572-573
Analyzing Political Cartoons: 1. how does the cartoonist portray the Third Estate? Explain why. p. 573 2. What were the differences among the social classes in pre-revolutionary France? p. 573
Thinking Critically : Identify Point of View According to the quote by Sieyes, why were the Third Estate ready to revolt? 2. Make Generalizations Why did Sieyes say the Third Estate was "nothing?" p. 574
Primary Source Why did the poor attack the noble's homes? p. 575
The Oath is Taken: What was the significance of the tennis court oath? p. 576
Check point What economic troubles did France face in 1789, and how did they lead to further unrest? p. 575
Checkpoint: What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille? p. 577
Check point: What actions did delegates of the Third Estate take when the Estates- General met in 1789? p. 577
Note Taking: Reading skill: Identify Supporting Details. As you read this section, prepare an outline like the one shown below. Remember to use numbers for supporting details. p. 578-579.
Checkpoint: What caused French peasants to revolt against nobles? p. 578-579.
Checkpoint How did the National Assembly react to peasant uprisings? p. 581.
Checkpoint What were the provisions of the Constitution of 1791? p. 582.
Checkpoint: How did the rest of Europe react to the French Revolution? p. 583.
French Reaction to the American Revolution: how did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution? p. 579.
Playing Dress-up Why did the French common people resent Marie Antoinette? p. 580.
Analyzing Visuals Why was Paris the revolutionary center in France? Why was Paris the revolutionary center in France? p. 581.
Analyzing Political Cartoons- 1. Why were European rulers against revolutionary ideas coming into their countries? 2. How does the cartoonist portray the "plagues?" p. 582.
Primary Source: Thinking critically-1. Summarize article Why is this article especially significant? 2. Identify Central Issues What central ideas does this Declaration share with the American Declaration of Independence? p. 584.
Note Taking Reading skill: Recognize Sequence Make a time line like the one shown here. Add dates and important events as you read this section. p. 585-586.
Comparing Viewpoints: Which of the two viewpoints makes a better case for or against the execution of King Louis XVI? Cite examples from both statements to support your argument.
Biography: How do you think Robespierre's early life might have influenced his political ideas? p. 587.
Thinking Critically 1. Identify Point of View What were the goals of the Committee of Public Safety? 2. Predict Consequences How do you think life in France changed after the Terror came to an end? p. 588-589.
Thinking Critically 1. Compare Points of View What elements in each painting express the view point of the artist? How are the elements different? 2. How do you think the ideology of the French Revolution led to the scene Goya portrays here? p. 591.
Checkpoint: What occurred after radicals took control of the Assembly? p. 586.
Checkpoint: Why did Robespierre think the Terror was necessary to achieve the goals of the revolution? p. 588.
Checkpoint: What changes occurred after the Reign of Terror came to an end? p. 589.
Checkpoint: What changes occurred in France because of the French Revolution? p. 590.
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas as you read the section, use a flowchart to list the important events that led from Napoleon's rise to power to his defeat. Add boxes as you need them. pp. 592-59.
The Egyptian Campaign: The battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798, painted by Luis-Francois Lejeune. How did Napoleon hide the fact that the Egyptian campaign was a disaster? p. 593.
Map skills: 1. Locate: (a) French empire, (b) Russian empire, (c) Germany 2. Region locate the Confederation of the Rhine. What is this area called today? 3. Make Comparisons Compare Europe of Napoleon's empire to Europe of today on the maps above. How has Europe changed? p. 595.
Primary Source: What were the effects of this disaster in Russia? p. 596.
Biography: Why did Metternich's policies toward France change? p. 598.
Map Skills: 1. Locate (a) German Confederation, (b) Netherlands, (c) Vienna 2. Region Name three states that were in the German Confederation. 3. Recognize Cause and Effects Why did the Congress enlarge some of the countries around France? p. 599.
Checkpoint: How did Napoleon rise to power so quickly in France? p. 593.
Checkpoint What reforms did Napoleon introduce during his rise to power? p. 594.
Checkpoint How did Napoleon come to dominate most of Europe by 1812? p. 596.
Checkpoint: What challenges threatened Napoleon's empire and what led to the disaster in Russia? p. 597.
Checkpoint: How did Napoleon impact Europe and the rest of the world? p. 599.
Checkpoint: Explain the chief goal and outcome of the congress of Vienna. p. 600.
Thinking Critically 1. How have landforms and climate affected where people live? Explain your answer. 2. Connections to today Research online to find information on the tsunami that occurred in South Asia in 2004. Summarize the impact of geography. p. 601.
Answer these on the "wiki" site for Extra Credit.
Arab moderates interviewed and speak about geo-political conditions.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ch. 17, Sec. 3 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution
George III-p. 558
Stamp Act-p. 560
George Washington-p. 560
Thomas Jefferson-p. 560
Popular sovereignty-p. 560
Yorktown, Virginia-p. 561
Treaty of Paris-p. 561
James Madison-p. 562
Benjamin Franklin-p. 562
Federal republic-p. 562
Map Skills, p. 558
Cities in the English colonies were busy centers of trade and important to Britain's economy.
Locate (a) Find on the map (b) Massachusetts (c) Boston
Region: Which colony had two separate pieces of land?
Analyze Information: What do almost all the colonial cities have in common based on the map? Why was this important?
p. 559 Checkpoint: In what ways were the colonies already developing independence from Britain?
p. 560 checkpoint: What Enlightenment ideas are reflected in the Declaration of Independence?
p. 561 Checkpoint: What advantages did the colonists have in battling Britain for their independence?
p. 562 Checkpoint: Explain the influence of Enlightenment ideas on the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Biography p. 560: how did Washington hold the army together through difficult times? What did the Framers of the Constitution have in common? Why was Franklin admired in France?
p. 560 Primary Source: Drafting the Declaration Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson
Thinking Critically (two questions)
WH, Study Guide: "Marie Antoinette"
Define and/or identify the following items.
1. deficit
2. consumate
3. abdicate
4. manifesto
5. Versailles
6. bastille
7. liberte, egalite, fraternite
8. Charles I
9. guillotine
10. Necker, Jacques
11. Marat, Jean Paul
12. coup d'etat
13. placate
14. propaganda
15. tricolor
16. chemise
17. Dauphin
18. condescension
19. ostensible
20. muslin
21. extravagance
22. ingratiate
23. debauchery
24. cortege
25. veto
26. treason
27. tactful
28. farce
29. despotic
30. emasculate
31. oblivion
32. wretched
33. indulgence
34. reprieve
35. propitiate
36. dauntless
37. The Estates General and the Legislative Assembly
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Agenda, Ch. 17 Sec. 2
salons-p. 551
Baroque-p. 552
Rococo-p. 552
enlightened despot-p. 553
Frederick the Great-p. 553
Catherine the Great-p. 553
Joseph II-p. 553
Taking Notes p. 550
Reading Skills: Categorize on a sheet of paper, draw a concept web to help you record information from his section.
Focus Question: p. 550
As Enlightenment ideas spread across Europe, what cultural and political changes took place?
Satire by Swift p. 551
Why did writers hide their feelings about society?
p. 550 Checkpoint: What did those opposed to Enlightenment ideas do to stop the spread of information?
Checkpoint p. 552
How did the arts and literature change as Enlightnment ideas spread?
p. 553 Checkpoint: Why were the philosophes interested in sharing their beliefs with European rulers?
p. 555 Checkpoint: During this time, why did change occur slowly for most Europeans?
Thinking Critically p. 556
Draw Inference: how do you think composing an opera is different form composing a symphony?
Determine Relevance: Why did operas appeal to composers and musicians during the Enlightenment?
Map Skills p. 553
Although the center of the Enlightenment was in France, the ideas of reform spread to the rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.
Locate: (a) Paris (b) Prussia (c) Austria
Location: Which enlightened despot ruled farthest from Paris?
Draw Conclusions: According to the map, approximately how much of Europe was affected by the Enlightenment?
p. 553 Note Taking Reading Skill: Summarize
Fill in a concept web like the one below with information about the enlightened despots and their contributions.
Friday, September 07, 2007
"Shift Happens," Globalization Video Report facts in this video for Extra Credit
Thursday, September 06, 2007
WH Agenda, 7 September 2007
Background reading:
You may begin as background with Chapter 16 The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800), however, this will not be on any tests but I'm assuming your WH I class surveyed this chapter.
During the 1500s and 1600s, several European monarchs became absolute rulers. In England, Parliament gained control. After the Thirty Years' War, Prussia emerged as a strong Protestant state. In Austria, the Hapsburgs expanded their territory. Peter the Great gained land and brought reforms to Russia but worsened the condition of the serfs.
Background: About the Pictures
Section 2 France Under Louis XIV
Bell Ringer
I draw your attention to the quotation from Louis XIV ('L'etat, c'est moi.) on p. 417. For Extra Credit, what kind of government do you think France had at this time? How do you feel the French people felt about such a government?
Lesson Plan Focus
Violent warfare between Catholics and Protestants divided France for a time. Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin increased royal power at the expense of nobles and Huguenots, or French Protestants. Under the absolutist rule of Louis XIV, France became the leading state of Europe. But costly wars and religious persecution undermined French power.
p. 419, You Are There. . .
Living at Versailles
Section 3 Triumph of Parliament in England, p. 421.
Lesson Plan Focus
The Stuart kings clashed with Parliament over money, foreign policy, and religion. A civil war erupted when Charles I tried to arrest the radical leaders in the House of Commons. Parliament's triumph led to the execution of the kin
g, the abolition of the monarchy, and the creation of a republic headed by Oliver Cromwell. After the monarchy was restored, the Glorious Revolution limited royal power and protected the rights of English citizens.
Synthesizing Information
The Struggle Between King and Parliament, p. 425.
The material for World History II actually begins here:
This is the material where WH II actually begins; this is where we officially start.
Unit 4
Enlightenment and Revolution (1700-1850)
Ch. 17 The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800)
The Enlightenment, sometimes called the Age of Reason, sought to shine the "light" of reason on traditional ideas about government and society. Enlightenment thinkers promoted goals of material well-being, social justice, and worldly happiness. Their ideas about government and society stood in sharp contrast to the old principles of divine-right rule, a rigid social hierarchy, and the promise of a better life in heaven. Since the 1700s, Enlightenment ideas have spread, creating upheaval as they challenge established traditions around the world.
Section 1 Philosophy in the Age of Reason
Lesson Plan Focus
Enlightenment thinkers tried to apply the laws of nature to human society. Their political ideas included the concepts of natural rights, separation of power, checks and balances, and freedom of thought. Their economic ideas included the policies of laissez faire and a free market.
Define the Terms, etc.
Chapter 17
Natural law-p. 545
social contract-p. 546
natural right-p. 546
philosophe-p. 547
laissez faire-p. 548
Thomas Hobbes-p. 546
John Locke-p. 546
Montesquieu-p. 547
Voltaire-p. 547
Diderot-p. 547
Rousseau-p. 547
Adam Smith-p. 548
pg.544 Reading Skills: draw a table like the one shown here. As you read the section, summarize each thinker's work and ideas.
pg. 544 Focus Question: What effects did Enlightenment philosophers have on government and society?
pg. 545 Check point: What convinced educated Europeans to accept the powers of reason?
pg. 546 Check point: How did Hobbes and Locke differ in their views on the role of government?
pg. 547 Check point: What topics were addressed by the philosophes in their Encyclopedia articles?
pg. 548 Check point: Why did Adam Smith support laissez faire?
Thinking Critically: 1. Draw Inferences-According to Locke, how should a land be governed? Why do you think this is the case?
2. Identify Central Issues: What does Locke say can happen if a government fails to protect the rights of its people?
pg. 547 Biography:
What did Voltaire attacked in his writings?
What did Montesquieu think was necessary to protect liberty?
pg. 547 Heated Debate: Compare the Beliefs of Rousseau and Voltaire.
Homework (hereafter HW)
p. 450 1, 3-5.
EC, Writing About History
Course Guidelines and Information
Dr. G. Mick Smith,, Cardinal Dougherty High School, World History II
Lesson Plans, Homework, course information can always be found on my blogsite:
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Dear Parents/Guardians, and Students:
Welcome! This information guide emphasizes that a participating student will be successful by completing assignments and positively interacting in class. Above all, I hope that students will enjoy the class but will also grow in their knowledge level and increase their life skills which apply after graduation. Listed below are expectations for the class.
Please review these and sign below.
1. Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings with pencil/pen, notebook, and textbook(s), or any other assigned materials.
2. Obtain permission by raising your hand before speaking, or leaving your seat for any reason once the bell rings.
3. Follow directions and complete all assignments on time.
4. Remain alert, awake, and on task during the entire class period.
5. Above all, respect yourself, your teacher, and others and their possessions.
Grading Calculation: (at least three major grades are in each quarter) a total accumulation of points per grading period based on the following.
Task & Weight
1. Tests, 2. Homework/Presentations/Projects/Worksheets, 3. Quizzes
I adhere to a policy of PDP (Positive Daily Performance) which is based on my understanding that lifetime success arises out of what you do, day in and day out. Being prepared and ready to apply yourself with your school materials everyday is crucial.
Absence on Test or Quiz Day
If you are absent for a test/quiz it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to take it. This is scheduled the day after you return to school. Points will be deducted each day you fail to do make up work.
Signing this form acknowledges receipt of the information. I ask that this form is signed and returned by the following school day. Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns regarding your child. I will return the email (quick response) or call ASAP.
Thank you for your assistance in making the class a positive learning experience.
Parent/Guardian (Please print name): ______________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date: ____________________
Student: (Please print) ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Mock Trial
The Harvard Mock Trial Association is currently recognized as one of the most competitive mock trial programs in the country. This spring, the HMTA performed better than any school in college mock trial history. After months of training and competition, our A-team and B-team outranked over 500 teams in the country to win first and second place in their division at the National College Championship Tournament. The Harvard team currently has the most college mock trial "All-Americans" in the country, with five attorneys and eight witnesses winning this prestigious award at the national competition.
We continue to excel in competition despite the fact that every year, we bring new members onto our team, many of whom have no prior experience in mock trial. Every year, we watch as our new members consistently outperform and outrank even the most experienced competition. We know that this success is a result of the training techniques that we use to teach our new members, and last year we decided that it was time to start sharing some of our training methods, which is why we organized this seminar. By working directly with students, teaching them the very process that has allowed our witnesses and attorneys to excel in national competition, the members of Harvard Mock Trial are confident that they can teach absolutely anyone how to be better, teaching new skills and refining technique for even the most successful mock trialer. Many of the members of the Harvard Mock Trial Team competed at the national level in high school, and after joining our program have excelled at the national level in college. We believe our collective experience competing in countless rounds of mock trial can provide a wealth of benefits to even the most successful high school program. We were thrilled with the positive response our seminar got from all 100 participants last year, and this year we plan to make it even better.
Attached is a document with more information regarding our program, including dates, a sample weekend schedule, and costs. You can also find more information on our website, Online registration is also available on our website.
Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions you may have. From all of us on the team, we hope to see you at Harvard this December!
Carolina Lescano
Co-Director, Harvard Mock Trial Training Seminars
Cell: 203.253.1265
Harvard Mock Trial
Harvard Mock Trial