Thursday, February 28, 2008
Book Cover Project: 7 March 2008
Due: 7 March 2008
This project will demand creativity and self-expression. You will cover your WH textbook in a manner that shows who you are and what you think WH is. Wouldn't it be more pleasant to see a well designed book cover when doing those long nights of HW? Of course it would, so design a book cover that will brighten and enlighten yourself and those around you. This project will be distinctively you. This is your first small project and if you listen and follow directions, you will score easy points.
The textbook must be covered in a way that is protected from wear and tear.
The cover can be made out of anything that you want, but it must be funcitonal (i.e., the book must open, the book must still fit in your locker).
Please no edible covers or glitter that will fall off over time.
The cover must be durable enought to survive the semester without any major casualities.
So that our World does not become History, at least one item on the book covere must be recycled. (5 bonus points if it is all recycled).
Your name, the name of the class, and class period must be clearly displayed somewhere on the cover.
On the due date 7 March 2008, you will present your textbook to the class and briefly explain what you did.
Grading Rubric:
Project: 60 Points
Clear World History elements 10 points
Clear personality elements 10 points
One recycled item 10 points
Clear Name, Subject, Period, Room 10 points
Overall Appearance (neat and creative) 10 points
Presentation to the class 10 points
Total 60 Points
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Chapter 3 Ancient India and China
Chapter Preview
Chapter Focus Question
In what ways did the civilizations and empires of ancient India and China lay long-lasting social and political foundations?
Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan
Hinduism and Buddhism
Powerful Empires of India
Rise of Civilization in China
Strong Rulers Unite China
Section 1 Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan
Describe the Indian subcontinent’s geography.
Understand the clues archaeology has provided about the rise and fall of the Indus civilization.
Analyze the main characteristics of the Aryan civilization and the Vedic Age.
Explain what ancient Indian epics reveal about Aryan life.
Terms, People, and Places
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How has geography affected where people live in the Indian subcontinent?
What evidence shows that Indus civilization included a well-organized government?
How were Aryan society and government structured?
What types of values are revealed in Indian epics?
Map Skills
The earliest civilization in the Indian subcontinent developed in the Indus Valley.
1. Locate
(a) Himalayas (b) Deccan (c) Indus River (d) Ganges River (e) Harappa
2. Place
What natural features did people benefit from by living in the Indus River valley?
3. Make Comparisons
How do you think the Narmada River valley would have compared to the Indus River valley as a site for a civilization to develop?
Mortimer Wheeler
Much of what we know about Indus civilization comes from the work of Sir Mortimer Wheeler (1890–1976), who directed the excavations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the 1940s. Previously, Wheeler had led one of England’s first university archaeology departments, run a museum, and headed the first archaeological excavation to use trained volunteers rather than untrained laborers.
As well, through publications and frequent appearances on popular radio and television shows, Wheeler inspired thousands of people to visit his research sites. Indeed, Wheeler succeeded in fascinating the public with the work of archaeologists.
What did Wheeler contribute to archaeology?
Primary Source
Primary Source (2nd one in this section)
The gods’ creation of the universe is described in the Rig Veda. It says they divided the body of Purusha, the first man, into four parts to create the four social groups of ancient India. Which parts of the body became the warriors?
SECTION 1 Assessment
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How have scholars learned about India’s first two civilizations, the Indus and the Aryan?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Analyze Information
3. Describe two ways in which geography and climate have influenced the people of the Indian subcontinent.
Recognize Sufficient Evidence
4. What types of evidence do you think archaeologists should look for to explain how the Indus civilization declined and became unknown to the world for 4,000 years?
Draw Conclusions
5. How reliably do you think epic literature tells us about Aryan life?
Writing About History
Section 2 Hinduism and Buddhism
Outline the essential beliefs of Hinduism.
Analyze how the caste system shaped India.
Understand the key teachings of the Buddha.
Explore how Buddhism grew and changed as it spread beyond India.
Terms, People, and Places
Siddhartha Gautama
Four Noble Truths
Eightfold Path
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How do the Hindu gods relate to brahman?
How did caste provide a sense of order in society?
What did Gautama hope to learn when he left home?
How do you think the collecting of the Buddha’s teachings helped the religion to spread beyond India?
Map Skills
Missionaries and merchants spread Buddhism to many parts of Asia. It still thrives there today—though it is not practiced much in India.
1. Locate
(a) India (b) China (c) Sri Lanka (d) Korea
2. Movement
How did Buddhism spread to Japan?
3. Synthesize Information
Looking at both maps, which arrows on the large map do you think represent the spread of Theravada Buddhism?
SECTION 2 Assessment
Note Taking
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
2. Use your completed flowchart to answer the Focus Question: In what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. Explain the roles of karma, dharma, and reincarnation in the process of achieving moksha. Hint
Analyze Information
4. What aspects of the caste system relate to basic Hindu beliefs?
Recognize Ideologies
5. According to the Buddha, how can people escape worldly suffering?
Draw Conclusions
6. What about Mahayana teachings do you think appealed to many people?
Writing About History
Section 3 Powerful Empires of India
Analyze how Maurya rulers created a strong central government for their empire.
Explore the kingdoms that arose across the Deccan.
Explain why the period of Gupta rule in India is considered a golden age.
Understand how family and village life shaped Indian society.
Terms, People, and Places
Chandragupta Maurya
golden age
decimal system
joint family
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How did Chandragupta organize Maurya government?
How do you think trade helped link the separate kingdoms of the Deccan?
How did religion influence learning and the arts in Gupta India?
Describe the structure of a typical Indian family.
Map Skills
Maurya and Gupta emperors were able to unite much of India under their rule.
1. Locate
(a) Ganges River (b) Indus River (c) Tamil Kingdoms (d) Hindu Kush (e) Nalanda
2. Movement
How did geography limit the northward expansion of both empires?
3. Analyze Information
What region of the Indian subcontinent remained separate from both the Maurya and the Gupta empires?
SECTION 3 Assessment
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
2. Use your completed timeline to answer the Focus Question: In what ways did Maurya and Gupta rulers achieve peace and order for ancient India?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Make Comparisons
3. Compare the approaches of Chandragupta and Asoka to ruling the Maurya empire.
Analyze Information
4. Describe three achievements of the Gupta period that made it a golden age.
Recognize Ideologies
5. How did the roles played by family and village in Indian life reveal the value of placing the needs of the community or group above those of the individual?
Writing About History
Section 4 Rise of Civilization in China
Understand how geography influenced early Chinese civilization.
Analyze how Chinese culture took shape under the Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Describe the religions and belief systems that developed in early China.
List some achievements made in early China.
Terms, People, and Places
dynastic cycle
filial piety
oracle bone
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
In what different ways did people live in ancient China?
How was China governed during the Shang dynasty?
Explain three ways that China expanded during the Zhou dynasty.
What did early Chinese communities do to ensure good harvests?
Explain the different ways in which Confucianism and Daoism taught that people should live their lives.
For what purpose did writing begin in China?
Shang and Zhou Civilizations
Map Skills
Today, China extends west from the Pacific Ocean deep into central Asia. Its first civilizations existed in the eastern part of the modern-day country.
1. Locate
(a) Chang River (b) Gobi (c) Huang River (d) Anyang
2. Place
What physical features acted as obstacles to contact outside China?
3. Draw Inferences
In which directions from China do you think it was easiest for the Chinese to make contact with other people? Why?
Confucius (551 B.C.–479 B.C.) decided at an early age to dedicate himself to education and public service. He felt that educated people had a responsibility to serve in government so that they could translate their good ideas into action.
As a teacher, Confucius spread education to both rich and poor. He inspired thousands of followers with his guidelines about the proper way to live. As a public servant, he did not fare so well, however. His high standards of conduct often brought him into conflict with corrupt officials. According to Confucius, “The superior man understands righteousness. The inferior man understands profit.”
Why do you think people were inspired by Confucius’ teachings?
SECTION 4 Assessment
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: What characteristics defined the civilization that developed in China under its early rulers?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. What geographic challenges did China’s early rulers face when trying to unite China or make alliances with peoples outside of China?
Synthesize Information
4. What were the characteristics of the Shang and Zhou government and social structure?
Analyze Information
5. What aspects of Confucianism and Daoism do you think contributed to their long-lasting influence?
Draw Inferences
6. How do the various cultural developments of early China still affect the lives of people today?
Writing About History
Section 5 Strong Rulers Unite China
Understand how Shi Huangdi unified China and established a Legalist government.
Describe how Han rulers strengthened the economy and government of China.
Outline why the Han period is considered a golden age of Chinese civilization.
Analyze why many Chinese people accepted Buddhist ideas.
Terms, People, and Places
Shi Huangdi
civil servant
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
What kind of government did Legalists favor?
How did Han emperors further economic growth?
What sorts of achievements made the Han period a golden age?
Why did Buddhism appeal to many people in China?
Qin and Han Empires
Map Skills
Under the Qin and Han dynasties, Chinese rule expanded significantly, as did the Great Wall (pictured below).
1. Locate
(a) Great Wall (b) Qin empire (c) Han empire (d) Chengdu (e) Takla Makan Desert
2. Place
What natural barriers helped protect China from invaders?
3. Draw Conclusions
How did the Great Wall’s placement relate to the extent of the empires? What does this tell you about where invaders came from?
SECTION 5 Assessment
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How did powerful emperors unite much of China and bring about a golden age of cultural achievements?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. What were three steps Shi Huangdi took to unify China?
Demonstrate Reasoned Judgment
4. What aspects of the civil service system do you think allowed it to last for such a great length of time?
Determine Relevance
5. Select three achievements made during the Han period and describe why you think they were significant advancements.
Writing About History
Definition of Blu-ray
Blu-ray Disc
Blu-ray Disc (also known as Blu-ray or BD) is an optical disc storage media format. Its main uses are high-definition video and data storage. The disc has the same dimensions as a standard DVD or CD.
The name Blu-ray Disc is derived from the blue-violet laser used to read and write this type of disc. Because of its shorter wavelength (405 nm), substantially more data can be stored on a Blu-ray Disc than on the DVD format, which uses a red (650 nm) laser. A Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc can store 50 GB, almost six times the capacity of a dual layer DVD.
Blu-ray was developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association, a group of companies representing consumer electronics, computer hardware, and motion picture production. The standard is covered by several patents belonging to different companies. As of March 2007, a joint licensing agreement for all the relevant patents had not yet been finalized.
As of February 19, 2008, more than 450 Blu-ray Disc titles have been released in the United States, and more than 250 in Japan.
Blu-ray was locked in a format war against HD DVD until the format emerged as the winner on February 19, 2008 when Toshiba — the main driving force behind HD DVD — announced it would no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders. Some analysts believe that Sony's PlayStation 3 video game console played an important role in the format war, believing it acted as a catalyst for Blu-ray Disc, as the PlayStation 3 used a Blu-ray disc drive as its primary source of media-reading technology. They also credited Sony's more thorough and influential marketing campaign. It must also be noted, that Blu-ray players can reproduce AVCHD content, recorded by modern high definition camcorders, while HD DVD could not.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Yorba Linda Public Library 2008 Teen Film Festival
Free DreamSpark Tools from Microsoft

Microsoft has offered its development and design tools to students for free and in a move announced yesterday the company will open these tools to as many as many as 1 billion high school and college students.
The Microsoft tools, in the DreamSpark program, is available to 35 million college students in the U.S., China, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.
The tools are ones that young people can build a career around or they can just build fun software for themselves. The basics of good software architecture and the data structures have been consistent for the last 30 years and therefore the skills of design and recognizing good code, is a valuable skill to have for the 21st Century.
DreamSpark is available to students of technology, design, math science and engineering, and students can access Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition, Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition, and XNA Game Studio 2.0. As a part of the package students are also eligible for a free 12-month academic membership to the XNA Creators Club.
The program will also include Microsoft's Expression Studio design tools, including Expression Web, Expression Blend, Expression Design and Expression Media. Students also can access SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and Windows Server Standard Edition for free.
The timetable for roll-out of the program is six months when Microsoft plans to expand DreamSpark to college students in Australia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, and more countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The program will be extended to high school students by the third quarter of 2008.
Microsoft works with academic institutions, governments, and student organizations, such as the International Student Identity Card Association, to ensure the necessary local student identity-verification technology infrastructure exists to provide access to DreamSpark.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Birth of Civilization, Video Vocabulary
Birth of Civilization
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Per.: ___________
1. civilization
2. city
3. metropolis
4. monuments
5. transportation
6. urban
7. artifacts
8. scholarship
9. levy
10. amenities
11. origins
12. agriculture
13. peasant
14. Near East
15. Mesopotamia
16. alluvial
17. torrents
18. Sumerian
19. city-state
20. hegemony
21. Sargon
22. Syria
23. Mediterranean
24. centralized
25. Ur
26. ziggarat
27. Persian
28. Nineveh
29. Amorites
30. Hammurabi
31. cultivation
32. Tigris/Euphrates
33. Menes
34. dynasty
35. rural
36. Aswan
37. Indus
38. Pakistan
39. Indo-European
40. Harappa
41. Mohenjodaro (Larkana District, Sindh, Pakistan)
42. Huang
43. steppes
44. Shang
45. ritual
46. scribes
47. Babylon
48. Nebuchadnezzar
49. Hanging Gardens
50. Cheops
51. hierarchy
52. differentiation
53. bureaucrats
54. specialization
55. craftsmen
56. utilitarian
57. diadem
58. priests
59. Lagash
60. pictographs
61. cuneiform
62. script
63. Linear A & B
64. calendar
65. formulae
66. equations
67. Crete
68. Minoan
69. Mesomerican
70. metallurgy
71. oligarchy
72. democracy
73. dichotomy
Sunday, February 17, 2008
1950 Original airing of Defense film, "Duck and Cover"
Duck and Cover was a suggested method of personal protection against the effects of a nuclear detonation which the United States government taught to generations of United States school children from the late 1940s into the 1980s. This was supposed to protect them in the event of an unexpected nuclear attack which, they were told, could come at any time without warning. Immediately after they saw a flash they had to stop what they were doing and get on the ground under some cover—such as a table, or at least next to a wall—and assume the fetal position, lying face-down and covering their heads with their hands. Similar instructions were given in 1964 in the United Kingdom by Civil Defence Information Bulletin No. 5. and, in the 1980s, by the Protect and Survive series.
Critics have said that this training would be of little, if any, help in the event of thermonuclear war, and had little effect other than promoting a state of unease and paranoia.
The United States' monopoly on nuclear weapons was broken in 1949 when the Soviet Union tested its first nuclear device, and many in the government and public perceived that the United States was more vulnerable than it ever had been before. Duck-and-cover exercises had quickly become a part of Civil Defense drills that every American citizen, from kids to the elderly, practiced so as to be ready in the event of nuclear war. In 1950, during the first big Civil Defense push of the Cold War; the movie Duck and Cover was produced (by the Federal Civil Defense Administration) for school showings in 1951. At the time, it was believed the main dangers of a Hiroshima-type nuclear blast were from heat and blast damage: radioactive fallout itself was not clearly identified until 1954, after the Castle Bravo nuclear-weapon test in the Marshall Islands caused sickness and death in Japanese fishermen on the Lucky Dragon fishing vessel.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chapter 2 Sections 2-5
Terms, People, and Places
civil law
criminal law
barter economy
money economy
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How do civil law and criminal law differ?
Name a significant contribution made by the Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians after each group’s conquest in the Middle East.
What are two steps that Darius took to unite the Persian Empire?
How has the Phoenician development of an alphabet been a lasting contribution to civilization?
Map Skills
Money and Economics
SECTION 2 Assessment
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
2. Use your completed table to answer the Focus Question: How did various strong rulers unite the lands of the Fertile Crescent into well-organized empires?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Demonstrate Reasoned Judgment
3. What do you think was the most important achievement of Sargon? Of Hammurabi? Why?
Draw Inferences
4. How do you think the Persian policy of tolerance helped the empire grow so large?
Draw Conclusions
5. One effect of warfare and conquest was that knowledge and beliefs spread among different peoples. How else did people of the ancient Middle East spread their ideas?
Writing About History
Section 3 Kingdom on the Nile
Terms, People, and Places
Thutmose III
Ramses II
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How did the yearly floods of the Nile influence life in ancient Egypt?
How was Egyptian government structured during the Old Kingdom?
In what ways was the Middle Kingdom turbulent?
What role did Egyptian conquest of others play during Egypt’s New Kingdom?
Map Skills
For what reasons do you think Hatshepsut wanted to leave a record of her accomplishments?
SECTION 3 Assessment
Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details
2. Use your completed outline to answer the Focus Question: How did the Nile influence the rise of the powerful civilization of Egypt?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. How did the Nile play a crucial role in uniting Egypt?
Analyze Information
4. What knowledge did Egyptians gain from their conquerors the Hyksos? How do you think this helped them later on?
Draw Conclusions
5. What types of information about ancient Egypt can we learn from colossal monuments such as the Great Pyramids or the building projects of Hatshepsut and Ramses II?
Writing About History
Section 4 Egyptian Civilization
Terms, People, and Places
Rosetta Stone
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
Which details about the Egyptian gods show the importance of agriculture to Egyptian society?
How did mummification reflect Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife?
Which social class grew in size as a result of trade and warfare?
Describe three advances in learning made by the ancient Egyptians.
What art forms were common in ancient Egypt?
Primary Source
SECTION 4 Assessment
Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How did religion and learning play important roles in ancient Egyptian civilization?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Predict Consequences
3. Egyptians believed that their pharaohs received the right to rule from Amon-Re. How do you think replacing him with the god Aton would have affected the authority of the pharaohs?
Make Comparisons
4. How do the Book of the Dead and the tomb of Tutankhamen offer different types of information about Egyptian views of the afterlife?
5. What jobs were Egyptian women allowed to hold? What jobs were they not allowed to hold?
Analyze Information
6. Considering the materials that ancient Egyptians used to create their writing and art, what do you think are the challenges of locating examples of them today?
Writing About History
Section 5 Roots of Judaism
Terms, People, and Places
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
How did the beliefs of ancient Israelites differ from those of other nearby peoples?
According to the Torah, where did the Israelites go once they left Egypt? What was special to them about this place?
How did the prophets help Jews uphold the law?
SECTION 5 Assessment
Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How did the worship of only one god shape Judaism?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Recognize Ideologies
3. Which events recorded in the Torah reflect the Israelite belief that God had a plan for the people of Israel?
4. At which points in its early history was Israel unified, divided, or ruled by outsiders?
5. What types of laws does Judaism uphold?
Writing About History
Friday, February 08, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Chapter 2 Section 1 City-States of Ancient Sumer
Terms, People, and Places
Fertile Crescent
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Note Taking
Checkpoint (s)
What geographic characteristics made the Fertile Crescent a good place for civilization to develop?
How was Sumerian society structured?
What advances did the Sumerians make in mathematics and astronomy?
Map Skills
The Story of the Stars
HW, SECTION 1 Assessment
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
2. Use your completed concept web to answer the Focus Question: What were the characteristics of the world’s first civilization?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Draw Inferences
3. Sumerians faced significant geographic challenges, such as floods. How do you think facing these challenges played a role in the formation of a strong government?
Determine Relevance
4. How might the invention of cuneiform writing have strengthened Sumerian government and religious practices?
Analyze Information
5. Describe ways in which later peoples built on Sumerian learning. Would this have been possible without the invention of writing?
Writing About History
Friday, February 01, 2008
Freeciv Illustrates Chapter 1, Section 3

Graphic source: Wikimedia Commons.
Freeciv is a multiplayer, turn-based strategy game for workstations and personal computers inspired by the commercial proprietary Sid Meier's Civilization series. The latest stable version of Freeciv is 2.1.3, released on January 23, 2008. The game's default settings are closest to Civilization 2, both in gameplay and graphics (including the units and the isometric grid).
Freeciv is included with most desktop Linux distributions, and continually rated as one of the best available free/open source games. Released under the GNU General Public License, Freeciv is free software.
Players take the role of a tribe leader in 4000 BC and have to guide their people through the centuries. Over time, new technologies are discovered, which allow the construction of new city buildings and the deployment of new units. Players can wage war on one another or form diplomatic relationships.
The game ends when one civilization has eradicated all others, accomplished the goal of space colonization, or at a certain deadline. If more than one civilization remains at the deadline, the player with the highest score wins. Points are awarded for the size of a civilization, its wealth, and cultural and scientific advances.
Freeciv can be downloaded for free here.
Agenda Chapter 1 Section 3 Beginnings of Civilization
Analyze the conditions under which the first cities and civilizations arose.
Outline the basic features that define civilization.
Understand the ways in which civilizations have changed over time.
Terms, People, and Places
traditional economy
cultural diffusion
Note Taking
Checkpoint (3) in section.
In what ways were river valleys ideal locations for civilizations to develop?
What roles did governments play in early civilizations?
How have different types of challenges encouraged peoples and civilizations to change over time?
SECTION 3 Assessment
Reading Skill: Summarize
2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How did the world’s first civilizations arise and develop?
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Make Comparisons
3. How were the conditions under which early civilizations developed in Asia and Africa different from those of the Americas?
Synthesize Information
4. In early civilizations, how did religion influence government and social classes?
Identify Central Issues
5. (a) Give three examples of cultural change in early civilizations. Hint(b) Give two examples of cultural diffusion today.
Writing About History
Quick Write: Make an Outline