Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
World History I: Chapter 6 Section 1: The Rise of Islam
For centuries the Arabian Peninsula was inhabited by loosely connected tribes. The tribes were polytheistic, but they placed special emphasis on a supreme god named Allah. Muhammad, who grew up in Makkah, believed that he received revelations from god. Out of these revelations came the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion with an ethical code based in part on the Five Pillars of Islam. Muhammad started preaching and forming the first communities of Muslims. He and his followers were persecuted in Makkah and moved north to Madinah. There Muhammad became both a religious and a political leader. After eight years in Madinah, he led a military force that easily conquered Makkah.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
World History I: Chapter 4: Ancient Greece
Early Greek civilization consisted of many small, independent city-states. Trade led to Greek colonies, and Greek civilization gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean world.
Section 1 Early Civilizations in Greece
The Minoan civilization flourished on the island of Crete from 2700 B.C. to 1450 B.C. Most historians believe it was destroyed by the Mycenaeans from the Greek mainland. The Mycenaean civilization consisted of powerful monarchies that flourished between 1600 B.C. and 1100 B.C. After the collapse of this civilization, Greece entered a period known as the Dark Age. Food production decreased, and the population declined. At the same time, Greeks sailed extensively on the Aegean Sea and settled on islands and in Asia Minor. Iron replaced bronze in the making of tools and weapons. During the eighth century, the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet, and Homer wrote his famous epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, chronicling the Trojan War.
Section 2 The Greek City-States
By 750 B.C. independent city-states became the focus of Greek life. Trade and the search for new farmland led to colonies throughout the western Mediterranean and the spread of Greek culture. Trade also produced a new group of wealthy individuals who resented the power of the aristocrats. The new rich, along with many peasants, supported the rise of tyrants who seized power from the aristocrats. When the rule of tyrants declined, some city-states became oligarchies. In Sparta, a military state, a small group of men decided what issues to place before adult male voters. In Athens, aristocratic rule dissolved into political strife between peasants and aristocrats. Leadership shifted between reform-minded aristocrats and tyrants, until land reform and an assembly served as the foundations of Athenian democracy.
Section 3 Classical Greece
As the Greeks spread throughout the Mediterranean, they came into conflict with the Persians. Although Athens itself was partly destroyed in a war, Greece emerged victorious, and Athens became the center of power of a Greek empire. Pericles was the dominant figure in Athens and undertook the rebuilding of the city. During the Age of Pericles, the Greek empire expanded. At home, a direct democracy flourished, in which all adult male citizens could vote. A woman's primary role was to be a good wife, mother, and manager of the household. Distrust between Athens and Sparta led to the Great Peloponnesian War. After Athens was badly defeated, Sparta, Athens, and Thebes struggled to dominate Greek affairs.
Section 4 The Culture of Classical Greece
Religion was central to daily life in Greece. The Greek religion focused on performing rituals to gain the favor of the Greek gods. To learn the will of the gods, Greeks made use of oracles. Greek drama developed during this period. Classical Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, devoted themselves to rational thought as a means of understanding the nature of the universe. Aristotle also created the foundations of Western science. Herodotus and Thucydides wrote the first histories in Western civilization with their lengthy works on the Persian and Peloponnesian wars respectively. Classical Greek art, which sought to express eternal ideals, is reflected in temples and sculptures.
Section 5 Alexander and the Hellenistic Era
In 359 B.C., Philip II came to the throne in Macedonia and built a powerful army. He longed to unite Greece and Macedonia. Fearful of Philip's intentions, the Greeks formed a defensive alliance, but they were defeated. Philip's son Alexander, who became known as Alexander the Great, within a few years defeated the Persian Empire and expanded his empire as far east as modern Pakistan. Although Alexander's empire was short-lived, it was successful in spreading Greek culture in the region. During the Hellenistic Era, Greek colonies thrived in Southwest Asia, and important works of science, philosophy, art, and architecture were produced throughout the Hellenistic world.
Student Web Activity Lesson Plans Alexander the Great
Alexander conquered a large amount of territory in a remarkably short time. Despite his many invasions and conquests, he gained the respect of many of those he conquered by showing respect for local cultures and rulers. Although his empire was short-lived, it left an enduring Greek cultural imprint on the civilizations that had been conquered. In this activity students will learn more about Alexander's life and conquests.
Lesson Description Students will explore a Web site about Alexander the Great to read about Alexander's conquests of Persia and India. They will answer four questions about what they have read and will then write a fictional Indian or Persian newspaper article reporting on local reactions to Alexander's conquest.
Instructional Objectives
The learner will be able to sequence Alexander’s conquests and successes in Persia and Egypt.
The learner will be able to analyze the complexities of Alexander's motivations as a leader.
Alexander the Great
Alexander conquered a large amount of territory in a remarkably short time. Despite his many invasions and conquests, he gained the respect of many of those he conquered by showing respect for local cultures. Although his empire was short-lived, it left an enduring Greek influence on the civilizations he conquered. In this activity you will learn more about Alexander's life and conquests.
Destination Title: Alexander the Great
Scroll through the Website and read the information.
Take notes as you scan the text.
Use the information you found to answer the following questions.
1. What is the legend of the Gordian knot?
2. Give an example of Alexander's attempts to blend Greek and Persian cultures.
3. What did Alexander do when he found the Persian King Darius, his main opponent, dead? Analyze the reasons for his actions.
4. How did Alexander treat important local rulers, such as Porus, a powerful Indian leader?
5. Write a short newspaper article from an Indian or Persian perspective reporting on local reactions to Alexander's conquest. As you "report," take into account as many consequences of the invasion as you can identify from your reading.
Suggested Answers
Student Web Activity Answers
1. Legend had it that the person who could untie the Gordian Knot would rule the world. Alexander is said to have slashed the Gordian Knot, unraveling it.
2. Alexander married a Persian woman. He also established programs to teach the Persians about Greek and Macedonian cultures, and he encouraged marriage between his officers and Persian women.
3. When the emperor Darius was killed by his own men, Alexander executed the men and gave Darius a royal funeral. Alexander’s actions show respect toward the Persian ruler, but they also suggest that Alexander wanted to win over the support of the Persians.
4. Alexander treated many of his defeated enemies with great respect. Following the capture of Porus, Alexander allowed Porus to continue to govern. Alexander even granted Porus an additional province.
5. Students' newspaper articles will vary but should include details on Alexander's conquests mentioned on the Web site.
Reading Strategy
Compare and Contrast
Use the diagram to help you study for the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.
Section Spotlight Video
Early Civilizations in Greece
Section Spotlight Video Transcript
Early Civilizations in Greece
Male Speaker: Now if there was a Trojan war, we would look to the layer six, which is the fortification wall which you can see over there. Narrator: A very different Troy emerged from that layer. With physical features that seem to match some of Homer’s descriptions. Here seemed to be his fine towers…his wide streets and lofty gates. The city was indeed well walled, as the myth described. The city that emerged seemed to be drawn from the pages of Homer. Here was a royal citadel, robustly defended, with imposing watch towers dominating the land as Homer described, but there was one feature that just didn’t fit the myth. The city of legend had been mighty enough to withstand a siege for 10 years. Male Speaker: The city is probably too small, that it doesn’t fit what Homer describes. Yes, it is wealthy, yes may be powerful, may be some trade, but there aren’t enough people there. It is simply too small. Narrator: Once again, doubters suggested that there might be nothing to the myth at all, that perhaps Homer’s Troy never existed. *****
Ancient Greece : 1750 B.C.–133 B.C.
Witness History
The Highest Good
The independent sovereignty of the city-state was the basic political structure of ancient Greece. Although the governments that ruled the city-states were varied and numerous, the goals these communities strived to attain were similar as described in Politics by the great philosopher Aristotle.
“Every State is a community of some kind, and every community is established with a view to some good; for mankind always act in order to obtain that which they think good. But, if all communities aim at some good, the state or political community, which is the highest of all, and which embraces all the rest, aims at good in a greater degree than any other, and at the highest good.”
Listen to the Witness History audio to hear more about Greek government and philosophy.
Men voting under the watchful eye of the Greek goddess Athena
Chapter Preview
Chapter Focus Question
What enduring traditions and institutions did Greek culture extend to most of the Western world?
Early People of the Aegean
The Rise of Greek City-States
Conflict in the Greek World
The Glory That Was Greece
Alexander and the Hellenistic Age
The Greek philosopher Aristotle
Sixth century B.C. bronze helmet
Relief tile depicting Plato and his student Aristotle
For: Note Taking and Concept Connector worksheets
Web Code: nad-0401
Interactive Maps
Classical Greece and the Mediterranean basin, 800-500 B.C.E.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
World History I: The Roman Republic Grows
The Roman Republic Grows
Cf. http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/products/0-13-133374-7/audio.html?fname=audio/audio_WH_C05S1e.mov
As Rome’s political and social systems evolved at home, its armies expanded Roman power across Italy. Roman armies conquered first the Etruscans and then the Greek city-states in the south. By about 270 B.C., Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula.
Citizen-Soldiers Make Up the Roman Army
Rome’s success was due to skillful diplomacy and to its loyal, well-trained army. The basic military unit was the legion, each of which included about 5,000 men. As in Greece, Roman armies consisted of citizen-soldiers who originally fought without being paid and had to supply their own weapons. Eventually, they received a small stipend, or payment, but their main compensation was always a share of the spoils of victory. Roman citizens often made good soldiers because they were brought up to value loyalty, courage, and respect for authority.
To ensure success, Roman commanders mixed rewards with harsh punishment. Young soldiers who showed courage in action won praise and gifts. If a unit fled from battle, however, one out of every ten men from the disgraced unit was put to death.
During the time of the late republic, praetorians (above), or bodyguards, began protecting army generals. Later, they would become an elite guard for Roman emperors.
Rome Is Just With Conquered Lands
Rome generally treated its defeated enemies with justice. Conquered peoples had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes, and supply soldiers for the Roman army. In return, Rome let them keep their own customs, money, and local government.
To a few privileged groups among the conquered people, Rome gave the highly prized right of full citizenship. Others became partial citizens, who were allowed to marry Romans and carry on trade in Rome. As a result of such generous policies, most conquered lands remained loyal to Rome even in troubled times.
Maintaining the State
To protect its conquests, Rome posted soldiers throughout the land. It also built a network of all-weather military roads to link distant territories to Rome. As trade and travel increased, local peoples incorporated Latin into their languages and adopted many Roman customs and beliefs. Slowly, Italy began to unite under Roman rule.
How did the Romans treat the people they conquered?
World History I: Characterizing Roman Society
Characterizing Roman Society
Cf. http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/products/0-13-133374-7/audio.html?fname=audio/audio_WH_C05S1d.mov
The family was the basic unit of Roman society. Under Roman law, the male head of the household—usually the father—had absolute power in the family. He enforced strict discipline and demanded total respect for his authority. His wife was subject to his authority and was not allowed to administer her own affairs. The ideal Roman woman was loving, dutiful, dignified, and strong.
The Role of Women Changes Over Time
Roman women played a larger role in society than did Greek women. They could own property, and, in later Roman times, women from all classes ran a variety of businesses, from small shops to major shipyards. Those who made their fortunes earned respect by supporting the arts or paying for public festivals. However, most women worked at home, raising their families, spinning, and weaving.
Over the centuries, Roman women gained greater freedom and influence. Patrician women went to the public baths, dined out, and attended the theater or other forms of public entertainment with their husbands. Some women, such as Livia and Agrippina the Younger, had highly visible public roles and exercised significant political influence.
Romans Educate all Children
Both girls and boys from the upper and lower classes, all learned to read and write. By the later years of the republic, many wealthy Romans would hire private tutors, often Greeks, to supervise the education of their children. Under their guidance, children memorized major events and developments in Roman history. Rhetoric was an important subject for boys who wanted to pursue political careers.
Roman Religious Practices
The Romans believed in numerous gods and goddesses, many of whom they adapted from Greek religion. Like the Greek god Zeus, the Roman god Jupiter ruled over the sky and the other gods. His wife Juno, like the Greek goddess Hera, protected marriage. Romans also prayed to Neptune, god of the sea, whose powers were the same as those of the Greek god Poseidon. On the battlefield, they turned to Mars, the god of war.
The Roman calendar was full of feasts and other celebrations to honor the gods and goddesses and to ensure divine favor for the city. As loyal citizens, most Romans joined in these festivals, which inspired a sense of community. Throughout Rome, dozens of temples housed statues of the gods. In front of these temples, Romans took part in ritual activities such as worshipping the gods and asking for divine assistance.
What social rights did Roman women have?
World History I: The Romans Establish a Republic
The Romans Establish a Republic
The Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler in 509 B.C. This date is traditionally considered to mark the founding of the Roman state, which would last for 500 years. The Romans established their state with a form of government called in Latin a res publica, or “that which belongs to the people.” In this form of government, which today we call a republic, the people chose some of the officials. A republic, Romans thought, would prevent any individual from gaining too much power.
The Roman Cursus Honorum
Thinking Critically
Two questions
Structuring the Republic
In the early republic, the most powerful governing body was the senate. Originally, its 300 members were all patricians, or members of the landholding upper class. Senators, who served for life, strongly influenced the republic’s laws.
Each year, the senators nominated two consuls from the patrician class. Their job was to supervise the business of government and command the armies. Consuls, however, could serve only one term. They were also expected to approve each other’s decisions. By limiting their time in office and making them responsible to each other, Rome had a system of checks on the power of government.
In the event of war, the senate might choose a dictator, or ruler who has complete control over a government. Each Roman dictator was granted power to rule for six months. After that time, he had to give up power. Romans particularly admired Cincinnatus as a model dictator. Cincinnatus organized an army, led the Romans to victory over the attacking enemy, attended victory celebrations, and returned to his farmlands—all within 15 days.
Plebeians Fight for Their Rights
At first, all government officials were patricians. Plebeians (plih bee unz), the farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders who made up the bulk of the population, had little influence. The efforts of the plebeians to gain power shaped politics in the early republic.
In time, the plebeians gained the right to elect their own officials, called tribunes, to protect their interests. The tribunes could veto, or block, those laws that they felt were harmful to plebeians. Little by little, plebeians forced the senate to choose plebeians as consuls, appoint plebeians to other high offices, and finally to open the senate itself to plebeians.
Another breakthrough for the plebeians came in 450 B.C., when the government oversaw the inscription of the laws of Rome on 12 tablets, which were set up in the Forum, Rome’s marketplace. Plebeians had protested that citizens could not know what the laws were because they were not written down. The Laws of the Twelve Tables made it possible for the first time for plebeians to appeal a judgment handed down by a patrician judge.
Romans Leave a Lasting Legacy
Although the senate still dominated the government, the common people had gained access to power and won safeguards for their rights without having to resort to war or revolution. More than 2,000 years later, the framers of the United States Constitution would adapt such Roman ideas as the senate, the veto, and checks on political power.
Vocabulary Builder
dominated—(dahm uh nayt id) vt. had authority over
How did the membership of the senate change over time?
Friday, July 06, 2012
AP European Unit Lesson Format
2012-13 AP EURO: Unit Lesson Format
1) Textbook- AP Edition- primary source of content
2) Cliffs AP Euro Study Guide Book- Supplement to textbook
3) Handouts (3)
- Chapter Outline given to students comprising brief chapter outline,
10 multiple choice questions, Sample DBQ and Free Response
Essay questions -study tool
- Chapter Review Questions- Free Response Prep tool-HW
- Chapter Overview- Summary of Chapter, guiding questions-study tool
4) Lecture notes
- student notes on moodle
5) Textbook-supplements
- Slides- Visual images of artwork etc. Reviewed in class-HW
- Quizzes- periodic quiz used for review
6) Moodle- numerous study guides, reference sites posted
7) Sample Practice exams- assigned at end of year as Exam preparation
Homework for each Lesson
1) Read entire Textbook chapter and corresponding Cliffs AP book pages
2) Chapter Outline- 6 Pages MINIMUM- Typed or Written
- given back- use as Test Study guide AND for end of year AP Exam studying
3) Chapter Review Questions- MUST BE WRITTEN, assigned in class/handout
4) 5 Multiple Choice Questions created by student, will be used by teacher as lesson
Review. Must be Typed.- handed in for EXTRA CREDIT at EC Test Reviews
5) Study for Tests and Quizzes-Review Visual Images for Chapter (eboard)
ALL written/typed homework is due on DAY 4 (see next page)
AP Euro- Unit Lesson Format
Day 1
1) Assign reading homework
- Chapter to be read in 3 days
- Cliffs book pages all read as well- (Quiz/Test)
- Textbook Chap-Visual Images- posted on eboard (Quiz/Test)
2) Distribute 3 handouts
- Chapter Overview- read to class/discuss (binder)
- Chapter Review Questions- discuss and review -HW
- Textbook Chapter Outline- read/review (binder)
3) Assign written/typed homework
- All three assignments are due on Day 4
- Chapter Review Questions- Must be handwritten
(no 2 sentence responses please)
- Student created Chapter Outline- 6 page MINIMUM
(Typed or Written -study tool for class tests and AP exam)
(Make it your OWN- don’t cheat yourself by copying)
- 5 Multiple Choice Questions- Student created- Must be typed
(Used by teacher as test review material)
Time Remaining- Class Discussion- What do we know about this lesson?
Begin lecture notes (depends upon lesson size)
Day 2
Lecture notes
Day 3
- Remind Students
- 3 Written/Typed HW assignments due tomorrow-Day 4
- Textbook and Cliffs Reading must be finished by Day 4
- Quiz always likely on Day 4 and Day 5…………..
Lecture notes – (potentially finish lecture notes today)
Day 4
- Collection/Review of 3 HW assignments
- Chap outline- Teacher may perform visual/not collect
- Review Chap Review Questions answers- class dialogue
- MC Questions- ask class some questions
Finish lecture notes, if needed
QUIZ -scantron, fill in? The possibilities are…………
Reminder- Study for Upcoming Tests
Powerpoint slides- Chapter Images- Time allowing
Day 5
Test date(s) given to class- MC, DBQ, FR - varies by lesson
Homework handed back
Slides- Chapter Images- time allowing
Conclusion of Lesson
- Questions on lecture notes/class discussion
- Student MC questions used as test review
Depending on Lesson Size, unit length ranges from 6 to 10 maximum school days
- Day’s 6-8 are typically TEST DAYS, schedule permitting
AP European History Lansdale Catholic HS Course Syllabus 2012-13
AP European History Lansdale Catholic HS Course Syllabus 2012-13 Dr. Smith
Required textbook: Kagan, Ozment, Turner, The Western Heritage
(9th ed-Prentice Hall)
Course Description:
The Advanced Placement European History course is considered the equivalent of a full-year, freshman college survey course in Western Civilization. It is designed to prepare students for the AP European History Exam in May. Students who pass the exam (3 or better out of 5) may earn college credits.
In addition to providing a basic narrative of events and movements, the goals of the AP European History program are to develop: (a) an understanding of the principal themes in modern European history, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence, and (c) an ability to analyze and express historical understanding in writing.
What sets this course apart from an “honors” course is extensive reading of college level texts, combined with a heavy emphasis upon analytical skills that include forming and substantiating various historical hypotheses. Major themes of the course include the basic chronology and major events and trends in European history from approximately 1350 to the present, as well as various interpretations of the European past. Significant emphasis is given to political and diplomatic history, intellectual and cultural history, and social and economic history.
Class Expectations:
1) Be prepared to provide your best effort. Your work ethic will determine your success.
2) Be prepared to work outside of class at least 1-2 hours each night. There is a great deal of outside reading assigned and class lecture will not cover every aspect of the class content. You are responsible to keep up with the pace of the course.
3) Be aware that writing is one of the core components of the class. Both Document Based Questions (DBQ’s) and Free Response Essays are included in the AP Euro Exam and will be utilized as assessment tools throughout the entire course.
4) Try to improve your neatness, grammar, completeness, and spelling. Most assignments, assessments (DBQ’s, Free Response) will be written, placing a great importance on the quality of writing. Each student will write on lined, looseleaf paper, standard size.
5) Each student must have a large binder, with multiple sections, marked by tabs. This will ensure that each student has all material needed for class in one location, greatly improving organization.
6) Organization is key to your preparation for class each day.
Section 1 - Course syllabus
Section 2 - unit notes
Section 3 - blank loose leaf paper
Section 4 - Honor code contract
Sections 5-? - Multiple sections for miscellaneous info
Be aware that time management is one of your biggest challenges.
Befriend your syllabus, it is the key to planning.
An AP class environment can bring out your very best. It is a foretaste of college life, an academic heaven.
Grading System
Assessment % of Quarter Grade
Multiple Choice Tests 40%
DBQ’s 20%
Free Response 20%
Quizzes 10%
Homework/Alternate assessment 10%
Units will be comprised of the following
1) TEST- 50-80 questions multiple choice- Typically entire class period
2) DBQ and Free Response Essays- Separate day from TEST
3) Quizzes (at least 4 per quarter) – BOTH MC and Fill in the blank
4) Written homework
Semester Exams - Cumulative Exam in June
-Semester exam format- test questions used throughout the year
All assessments are geared towards preparing students for the AP European History exam format.
The AP European History Exam: Friday, May 11 - 2012
Length: 185 minutes (3 hrs, 5 min)
1) Multiple-choice: 55 minutes 80 questions Weight=50%
2) Document-based question: 15 min read/45 minute write
1 DBQ with up to 12 documents Weight=22.50%
3) Free-response question (FRQ): 70 minutes total
Choose 2 of 6 (1 per 3) 13.75% + 13.75% = Weight=27.50%
Core-Scoring Guide for AP European History DBQ’s
The document-based question (DBQ) in AP European History will be scored using the "core-scoring" method.
1. The core score is the number of points awarded, from 1 to 6, for basic competence in the skills identified in the current rubric - those historical skills that the AP European History Development Committee and the readers deem appropriate.
2. If a core score of 6 is achieved, a student may earn expanded score points - 0 to 3 - from the expanded core area for excelling in any of the skills. A student must earn 6 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area.
(Score Scale 0-9)
1) Has acceptable thesis.
2) Uses a majority of documents.
3) Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from documents.
4) Understands the basic meaning of documents cited in the essay. (May misinterpret one document.)
5) Analyzes bias or point of view in at least two or three documents.
6) Analyzes documents by grouping them in one (or two or three) ways, depending on DBQ question.
Expands beyond basic core of 1 to 6 points. A student must earn 6 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area.
Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.
Uses all or almost all documents.
Uses documents persuasively as evidence.
Shows careful and insightful analysis of the documents. ·
Analyzes bias or point of view in at least four documents cited in the essay.
Analyzes documents in additional ways - additional groupings or other.
Brings in relevant "outside" historical content.
Course Planner-2012-2013
UNIT I- Introduction 8 class days
(1 week) Sept 7-16 Wed-Friday
- syllabus-Class expectations, Format
- AP exam-College Board information
- Collect Summer Assignments-map, outlines
- Summer Reading Quiz and discussion
UNIT 2- Renaissance & Discovery (Chapter 10) 10 days
(2 weeks) Sept 19-Sept 30 Mon-Friday
Kagan, 316-351 MC Test- Tues 9/27
UNIT 3- Age of Reformation & Age of Religious Wars 14 days
(Chapters 11-12)
(2-3 weeks) Oct 3-Oct 24 Mon-Monday
Readings 11- MC Test- Thurs 10/13 12- MC Test- Fri 10/21
Kagan, 352-387 (chapter 11) Kagan, 388-415 (chapter 12)
UNIT 4- European State Consolidation in 17th & 18th centuries 10 days
(Chap 13)
(2 weeks) Oct 25-Nov 9 Tues-Wed
Readings 13- MC Test Mon 11/7
Kagan, 416-451
BEGIN reading CHAP 14- Wed 11/9 - 2 day wrap of 1st Qtr- thur/fri
- Fri 11/11- take practice tests
1st QTR ENDS- Friday- 11/11
2nd QTR
UNIT 5- New Directions in 16th/17th Centuries & Society in 18th century
(Chapter 14 & Chapter 15) 7 days
(1 week) Nov 10-Nov 22 Thur-Tues
Kagan, 452-479 (chapter 14) 480-513 (chapter 15)
UNIT 6- Transatlantic Economy & The Age of Enlightenment
(Chapter 16 & Chapter 17) 8 days
(2 weeks) Nov 23-Dec 9 Wed-Fri
Thanksgiving Break-Homework Assigned- Read/OUTLINE both chap’s
Kagan, 516-534 / 541-547 (chapter 16) 550-591 (chap 17)
UNIT 7- French Revolution & Age of Napoleon and Romanticism
(Chapter 18 & Chapter 19) 18 days
(3-4 weeks) Dec 12-Jan 13 Mon-Fri
* Christmas break- homework assigned *
Kagan, 592-625 (chap 18) 626-655 (chap 19)
UNIT 8- Conservative Order & Reform Challenges (chap 20)
9 days
(1 week) Jan 17-27 Tues-Fri
Kagan, 656-687
2nd QTR ENDS- Fri- 1/27
END of 1st Semester - Practice 1st Sem exam on fri 1/27
3rd QTR
UNIT 9- Economic Advance & Social Unrest (Chap 21) 7 days
(1 week) Jan 30- Feb 7 Mon-Tues
Kagan, 688-727
UNIT 10- Nation-States & Society to WWI & European Thought
(Chapter 22 & Chapter 23 & Chapter 24) 18 days
(2-3 weeks) Feb 8- Mar 2 Wed-Fri
Kagan, 730-759 (chap 22) 760-793 (chap 23) 794-825 (chap 24)
UNIT 11- Imperialism and WWI and Political Experiments of 1920’s
(Chapter 25 and Chapter 26) 10 days
(2 weeks) Mar 5- Mar 16 Mon-Fri
Kagan, 826-875 (chap 25) 876-905 (chap 26)
UNIT 12- Bolsheviks/Fascists & Great Depression & Nazism
(Chapter 27) 10 days
(2 weeks) Mar 19- Mar 30 Mon-Fri
Kagan 906-935 (chap 27)
3rd QTR ENDS- Tues 4/3
- 2 day wrap of 3rd Qtr- mon/tues
4th QTR
EASTER Vacation- Wed 4/4-Mon 4/9
- homework assigned-Read Chap 28-outline
UNIT 13-World War II (Chapter 28) 12 days
(2 weeks) April 10- April 25 Tues-Wed
Kagan, 938-977
UNIT 14- Cold War & The Dawn of the 21st Century 4 days
(Chapter 29 & Chapter 30) (chap 29)
******* Potential reading done on your own *************
(1 week) April 26-May 1 Thur-Tues
Kagan, 978-1023 (Chap 29)-Test 1024-1056 (Chap 30) ??
AP TEST REVIEW- Begin WED 5/2 to Thurs 5/10
7 days of review – Multiple Practice exams given in class
5/10-Thursday-LAST day to review
AP European History Test- FRIDAY 5/11
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit.”
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Honor Code
The purpose of an honor code is to ensure integrity and honesty arising from your academic assessments. In agreeing to the honor code, you pledge that you will be honest in your academic pursuits and you will refrain from the following:
Cheating on tests, quizzes or homework
Allowing others to use your work without authorization from the teacher
Plagiarism—the use of another person’s work, facts or ideas, including computer programs or information from the Internet, without proper acknowledgement
Submitting a copy of a paper or a significant amount of work from a work completed for another class
Any conduct that challenges the academic integrity of the course and your academic achievement
Violations of this code will be dealt with in a fair and thoughtful manner.
Your signature indicates your understanding of the honor code and your pledge to uphold the code.
Student Name (Print) _____________________ Student # _______________
Signature __________________________ Date _________________
The World History I class is designed to consider world history from prehistoric times to the development of modern nations. Topics to be covered include the rise, development, and fall of civilizations, e.g., the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Reformation, and the progress towards the modern nations of England and France.
Major Goals and Objectives
To develop the skills necessary to analyze information, appreciate historical context, and to apply knowledge of the past with an understanding of contemporary events
To develop research skills and historical knowledge to understand problems of civilization and how various peoples have settled, or failed to solve societal issues
Methods of Evaluation Percent of Grade
Tests – 3 major assessments per quarter 60 Percent
In-class work/Homework 20 Percent
Quizzes 15 Percent
A student will be penalized for all assessments not completed and will lose points for assignments not turned in on time.
Home assessments will be assigned on a weekly basis.
Grade Connect and Moodle
I will update grades on a timely basis so parents can follow the progress of their child throughout the quarter.
Homework, a calendar (unofficial), and all class content will be posted on Moodle.
World History I: Roman Civilization Arises in Italy
Roman Civilization Arises in Italy
The Italian peninsula is centrally located in the Mediterranean Sea, and the city of Rome sits toward the center of Italy. This location would benefit the Romans as they expanded—first within Italy and then into the lands bordering the Mediterranean.
Unifying the Lands of Italy
Because of its geography, Italy proved much easier to unify than Greece. Unlike Greece, Italy is not broken up into small, isolated valleys. In addition, the Apennine Mountains, which run down the length of the Italian peninsula, are less rugged than the mountains of Greece. Finally, Italy has broad, fertile plains in the north and the west. These plains supported the growing population.
Early Peoples Settle Italy
By about 800 B.C., the ancestors of the Romans, called the Latins, migrated into Italy. The Latins settled along the Tiber River in small villages scattered over seven low-lying hills. There, they herded and farmed. Their villages would in time grow together into Rome, the city on seven hills. Legend held that twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, had founded the city. Romans regarded this tale highly because the twins were said to be sons of a Latin woman and the war god Mars, lending the Romans a divine origin.
Ancient Italy About 500 B.C.
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Map Skills
At the time the state of Rome was founded, the Romans’ many neighbors on the Italian peninsula included other speakers of Italic languages such as Latin.
(a) Rome (b) Apennine Mountains (c) Mediterranean Sea (d) Carthage (e) Tiber River
Based on this map, which group would you think most influenced the Romans? Explain.
Make Generalizations
What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages of living near a variety of different peoples?
The Roman god Jupiter, whose traits resembled those of Tinia, an important Etruscan god
The Romans shared the Italian peninsula with other peoples. Among them were Greek colonists whose city-states dotted southern Italy and the Etruscans, who lived mostly north of Rome. The origins of the Etruscan civilization are uncertain. One theory says they migrated from Asia Minor, while another suggests they came from the Alps. What is certain is that, for a time, the Etruscans ruled much of central Italy, including Rome itself.
The Romans learned much from Etruscan civilization. They adapted the alphabet that the Etruscans had earlier acquired from the Greeks. The Romans also learned from the Etruscans to use the arch in construction, and they adapted Etruscan engineering techniques to drain the marshy lands along the Tiber. As well, the Romans adopted some Etruscan gods and goddesses and merged them with Roman deities.
How did geography influence the origins and expansion of Rome?
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
World History I Section 1 The Roman World Takes Shape
Section 1 | The Roman World Takes Shape |
- Describe the physical and cultural settings in which Roman civilization arose.
- Outline how the Roman republic was structured and governed.
- Understand the rights and religious practices that characterized Roman society.
- Explain how the Roman republic grew and maintained its conquests.
Terms, People, and Places
Cf. http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/products/0-13-133374-7/audio.html?fname=audio/audio_WH07Y04015.mov
Rome began as a small city in Italy and became a ruler of the Mediterranean and beyond. The story of the Romans and how they built a world empire begins with the land in which they lived.