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AlfonZo Rachel updates life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for a more contemporary generation.
Today's lesson plan and HW is available on the blog:
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The online version of the Textbook is available.
LibraryThing has bibliographic resources.
I moved the "Blog Archive" to the top right on the blog page so it should be easier to find the daily lesson, HW, and other class material.
First, go to: (Glencoe World History: Modern Times Chapter 10: Revolution and Enlightenment, 1550–1800, ePuzzles and Games, Crossword Puzzle).
This does not have to be emailed; it is an online puzzle. There is a check built right into the exercise.
Answer the correct words in:
Glencoe World History: Modern Times
Chapter 10: Revolution and Enlightenment, 1550–1800, ePuzzles and Games, Crossword Puzzle. Just click on "Crossword Puzzle."
There are instructions and a Word List follows (words are supposed to be together with no spaces in between them):
Next, we will move on to Web Presenting (Online Presentation Tools)
This portion of the lesson plan will cover web presenting, or online presentation tools, which I will illustrate with material from history. For example, covering the Enlightenment I can avail myself of numerous web presentations on The Enlightenment: The Enlightenment (,
The Enlightenment, Dr. Gerald Lucas (,
So You Say You Want a Revolution? (,
The Enlightenment The Age of Reason (,
Enlightenment Philosophers (, and then transition to The Enlightenment as it relates to the United States,
The Enlightenment and the Founding of America (,
the Enlightenment as it relates to the French Revolution, The Enlightenment and the French Revolution (,
or even one aspect of The Enlightenment, as it relates to governments: The Enlightenment and Governments (
In any case, a plethora of web resources are available for class presentations in slides.
After viewing how Web Presenting works; you will view the Web Presentations on the Enlightenment as a review of the previous section. Your task after you have viewed is to consider the question:
Which is the best "Slideshare" and review of the Enlightenment?
1) Leonard Stern, The Enlightenment;
2) The Enlightenment, Dr. Gerald Lucas;
3) So You Say You Want a Revolution?;
4) The Enlightenment, The Age of Reason; or,
5) Mr. J, Enlightenment Philosophers.
Thus, you have to pick the best from these choices:
The Enlightenment (,
The Enlightenment, Dr. Gerald Lucas (,
So You Say You Want a Revolution? (,
The Enlightenment The Age of Reason (,
Enlightenment Philosophers (, and then transition to The Enlightenment as it relates to the United States,
Once you have picked one of these web presentations as the best review of The Enlightenment, and as preparation for the Test (hint, hint, wink, wink); you need to vote for your favorite.
The poll is located in the upper right hand of the blog (just below our daily post listing). There is a time limit to vote so this is a timed task as well. There are two days left to vote (by 11 pm so you get plenty of sleep and get to bed by a reasonable hour). Also, you can view the "Votes so far" as the poll numbers are tallied. Who do you think will be the favorite?
Chapter 10 Section 4 Colonial Empires and the American Revolution
In the sixteenth century, Portugal came to control Brazil, while Spain established an empire in the Western Hemisphere that included parts of North America and most of Latin America. Portugal and Spain held onto their Latin American colonies for over 300 years. During that time, they profited richly by exporting Latin American gold, silver, and other natural resources and farm products. Spanish and Portuguese officials and Christian missionaries played important roles in Latin American societies. In North America, British control over its colonies began to unravel over issues of taxation. Multiple crises led the Americans to declare their independence in 1776 and to fight Britain until its defeat in 1783. The Articles of Confederation that formed the United States were soon replaced with a Constitution, which created a stronger central government. The Bill of Rights added important freedoms derived from the natural rights expressed by the philosophes.
Main Ideas
The colonies of Latin America and British North America were developing in ways that differed from their European mother countries.
The American colonies revolted against Great Britain and formed a new nation.
*Describe characteristics of Britain and the 13 English colonies in the mid-1700s.
*Outline the events that led to the American Revolution.
*Summarize the events and significance of the American Revolution.
*Analyze how the new Constitution reflected the ideas of the Enlightenment.
Key Terms (per the procedure, first come, first served, posted on our Shanawiki page. ( Bear in mind that these terms are just a starting point since more advanced students, such as in AP US History, learn even more.
federal system
Additional Terms, People, and Places
George III
Stamp Act
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
popular sovereignty
Yorktown, Virginia
Treaty of Paris
James Madison
Benjamin Franklin
federal republic
Pearson Success Net has an interesting note on a "Witness History" feature.
Paine’s Common Sense

Early in 1776, English colonists in North America eagerly read the newly published Common Sense, by Thomas Paine. This pamphlet called on them to declare their independence from Britain and echoed the themes of the Enlightenment.
“Tis repugnant to reason, to the universal order of things, to all examples from former ages, to suppose that this Continent can long remain subject to any external power.”
—Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Britain Becomes a Global Power (Audio)
There are several key reasons for Britain’s rise to global prominence:
*Location placed England in a position to control trade. In the 1500s and 1600s, English merchants sent ships across the world’s oceans and planted outposts in the West Indies, North America, and India. From these tiny settlements, England would build a global empire.
*England offered a climate favorable to business and commerce and put fewer restrictions on trade than some of its neighbors.
*In the 1700s, Britain was generally on the winning side in European conflicts. With the Treaty of Utrecht, France gave Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to Britain. In 1763, the end of the French and Indian War and the Seven Years’ War brought Britain all of French Canada. The British also monopolized the slave trade in Spanish America, which brought enormous wealth to British merchants.
*England’s territory expanded closer to home as well. In 1707, England and Wales were united with Scotland to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Free trade with Scotland created a larger market for farmers and manufacturers. Ireland had come under English control during the 1600s. It was formally united with Great Britain in 1801.
In 1760, George III began a 60-year reign. Unlike his father and grandfather, the new king was born in England. He spoke English and loved Britain. But George was eager to recover the powers the crown had lost. Following his mother’s advice, “George, be a king!” he set out to reassert royal power. He wanted to end Whig domination, choose his own ministers, dissolve the cabinet system, and make Parliament follow his will. Gradually, George found seats in Parliament for “the king’s friends.” Then, with their help, he began to assert his leadership. Many of his policies, however, would prove disastrous.
Checkpoint for our Shanawiki page. (
What led to Britain’s rise to global prominence in the mid-1700s?
Cf. References and exercises on Sec. 4.
As an exercise, we can play the part of an American spy as a Patriot working to free America from England's rule.
We can view an online exhibit about the Revolutionary War.
Also, we can view newspaper accounts of the American Revolution with a time line and quiz.
We might also explore an interactive portrait of George Washington.
HW: email me at
1. You pick one of the web presentations as the best review of The Enlightenment, and as preparation for the Test.
The poll is located in the upper right hand of the blog (just below our daily post listing).
2. If we do not have time in class, play the part of an American spy as a Patriot working to free America from England's rule.
Pick one other activity from the list of "Cf. References and exercises on Sec. 4" (listed above), and follow the directions for that particular activity.