Friday, October 21, 2005

Chapter 15 Assessment #1-20

Chapter 15 Assessment #1-20

Terms & Names

melting pot, p. 442
Gentlemen’s Agreement, p. 443
urbanization, p. 446
Jane Addams, p. 451
graft, p. 452
political machine, p. 452
Thomas Nast, p. 454
patronage, p. 455
Chester A. Arthur, p. 456
Pendleton Act, p. 456

Main Ideas
Poverty, famine, shortage of land, lack of jobs, religious or political persecution, and a spirit of rebellion and independence.
Culture, shock, the negative effects of nativism, and the struggle to make a living.
Industrialization, new technology, and an influx or workers.
The need to provide adequate housing, transportation, water, and sanitation, and to fight fire and crime.
Efforts to help alleviate poverty of immigrants and other city dwellers; building churches in poor neighborhoods.
The growing need for city services and the large number of immigrants required a new power structure.
Tweed took the corruption practiced by many other city bosses to unprecedented heights.
Inefficiency, fraud, and incompetence.
Increased efficiency, decreased fraud, and closer ties between government and big business.
Cleveland wanted to reduce tariffs; Harrison wanted to keep them high.

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