Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mario Savio & Kent State

This is a clip of Mario Savio from 1964.

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

Mario Savio

In addition, there is a contemporary application based on the inspiration of Savio.

Chris Goodman is a young man who states he is willing to get arrested in his push for quality education. He reads his acceptance speech for the Mario Savio Youth Activist Award at the Algebra Project's 25 year anniversary forum. Chris won this award for his work with the Algebra Project.

Likewise, this is a short summary of the events that occurred at Kent State.

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

What's the Difference Between Them?

Primary Sources Secondary Sources
Definition: Main text or work that you are discussing, actual data or research results, or historical documents, or first-hand testimony

Diaries, journals, speeches, interviews, letters, memos, manuscripts, memoirs, autobiographies, government records, records of organizations (e.g., minutes, reports, correspondence).

Published materials (books and journal/newspaper articles) written at the time of a particular event.

Documentary: photographs, audio recordings, movies, or videos.

Public opinion polls, field notes, scientific experiments, artifacts.

Reprinted primary sources (often in reference books).

Maps, oral histories, postcards, court records, paintings, sculptures, consumer surveys, patents, schematic drawing, technical reports, personal accounts, jewelry, private papers, deeds, wills, proceedings, census data.

Secondary Sources

Records generated by an event but generally written by non-participants in the event. Based on or derived from primary sources--but the most important point is that they have been interpreted, or analyzed.

Encyclopedias, chronologies, fact books.

Biographies, monographs, dissertations.

General histories.

Most journal articles (except those discussed under primary sources).

Most published books (except those discussed under primary sources) such as textbooks.

Neanderthals On Trial, Video Vocabulary

Neanderthals on Trial
Video Vocabulary
Dr. Smith

Name: __________________________________________________________
Per: _______________

1. Neanderthals
2. Neander Valley
3. DNA
4. colleagues
5. mitochondria
6. lineage
7. mutation
8. paleoanthropology
9. excavation
10. exquisite
11. symbolic
12. self-awareness
13. salvage
14. mosaic
15. adaptation
16. anthropology
17. anatomy
18. kin
19. clan
20. genetic
21. hominid
22. interbreed
23. polarization
24. occipital
25. Tayacian
26. flint
27. hearth
28. prey
29. archaic
30. digital
31. laser
32. statistics
33. perpendicular
34. illusion